
Monday, October 23, 2017

What a Wonderful World--Marycristy

The stiff and wild grass so gracefully caresses my rough calloused skin. The cool and reckless air trashes upon my face and travels throughout my untamed hair. Life is so stagnant at the moment and yet nature keeps its dispute with everything that her fingertips can grasp unto. My eyelids open to the warm inviting sight of the painted red sky, the hue becoming darker the closer that it reaches toward heaven. I slowly lift my aching torso from the cold Earth as I gradually digest the blush colored images that appear before me. 

It's the most wonderful thing to see the life through rose colored glasses. Everything seems to be so lovely and loving towards each other. The world seems perfect in a rose tinted world. I see people who are rattled with rage due to their greatest passion that lies so deeply embedded in their hearts. Those who are completely lost and unaware of what to do next, yet so optimistic that whatever shall come next will be the next step to a joyous life. People that have to easily and terribly fallen in love, aware that it’s all too much and fast to ever last. Children laughing and crying, so unaware that they will all grow up to learn so much of this world through wonderful experiences. The wistful hope from a mother to her child that they grow to be healthy and happy individuals throughout their entire life. The grin on peoples faces when the crisp autumn air smells of cinnamon and vanilla. The feeling that families get when their loved ones get to come home on a holiday. The overwhelming joy of men and women who have won the tremendous battle of cancer and will continue to live their greatest life. As well as humanity coming to the realization that it is just a wonderful world that we live in. 

As much as the rose colored glasses are a wonderful way to view the world, but is so unrealistic. You are able to face cold difficult reality of the world. Cause when you are wearing rose colored glasses all of the red flags just look like normal flags. There are people acting upon rage and fear out of hatred for the unknown. Jealousy out of not acknowledging the small beautiful things that are in their life but focusing negative energy on looking on what others have. Young ones acting out irrationally just because they were never taught how to deal with their emotions in a healthy manner. Men and women actively ignoring the abusive nature in their relationships out of horror of being alone. People misusing various substances to numb whatever is left in their body and soul just to put of actually dealing with their issues. The pure joy of evil when a weak innocent person succumbs to the darkness of the world. The deep strange instinct that humans have to be self destructive and destructive towards all of humanity.The pure evil nature that taints humanity, unwilling to stop injecting poison in human institutions .But most of all i see fear in the eyes of these humans, these people are fully aware of their fate. Yet they stay here so steadfast and stoic. People are fully aware of the negative and horrible things that occur in life, but they continue on. Hopefully marching and looking up at the sky to see the free spirited clouds dancing away and only to be like them and follow the example.

...and they are all right.

Why waste the time that we have on this earth falling into the dark depressive manners of life? 

Why not make the effort to smile even if we are having a bad day and make another persons day wonderful? 

Why not participate in the worlds greatest symphony that we call life? Why not appreciate the beautiful Earth that we grace?

not try to live the best life that we ever can? 

...but what do i know. 

I am simply just an observer of life. I never take the chance to actually experience wonderful things in my life. But the effort it still there, and will continue to be there and that makes all the difference. So for now i will continue to sit back and watch the world go by for now, and maybe one day i will participate in the joyous things in life.


  1. Just by reading the first line, I couldn't help but continue reading. This piece was very beautiful and the choice of diction you used throughout this piece really helped this entire blog come together. I truly enjoyed it!

  2. Your piece was really creative and I really liked your use of diction throughout. Reading your piece definitely made me realize more about life.

  3. This flash fiction gives a holiday feel, with descriptions of the crisp autumn air and the smells of cinnamon and vanilla, you wonderfully added description that paints a picture. Good job!~Tiffany Soetojo

  4. Your use of vivid imagery in the first few lines really captivated me and made me feel like I had to keep reading. I love how the beginning started out so beautifully and peacefully and how the ending was a bit darker and much more realistic!

  5. Your piece is insightful and provocative. It makes one want to rethink their take on life, balancing the harsh realities and the simple joys. I think you did a great job!!

  6. The use of your diction was very well portrayed and really brought out the beauty in life and nature. Overall it was a great story

  7. Your piece is very well written and made me think about life on a deeper level. You used really good diction that brought to the senses like the smells. Great job! - Jada Cruz period 3

  8. I really liked the concept of your piece. You painted a fantastic image of life through a great use of imagery and diction. I loved your message at the end and made me feel like it could really change the perspective people had on life. - Brendan Sweeney

  9. This piece effectively explores the difficult concepts of life. The first paragraph especially drew me with; the imagery creates such a vivid and beautiful scene. Good job! -Kassandra Carlson, period 5

  10. What a creative piece. I really enjoyed your use of diction throughout the story. Reading your piece made me truly ponder about life.

    -Akunna Chilaka

  11. I love this piece mainly because of all your descriptions. I can tell you put so much thought into each word and it’s beautiful.

  12. This is honestly one of the most beautiful pieces I've ever read. You have a very rich and vivid vocabulary, and a rich and vivid sense of the world. You expertly captivated the duality between the wonders and woes that the world has to offer. The overall message is very inspiring -- to LIVE. Experience life for what it is, the good and the bad, not dwelling on either for too long. Whether being an observer or someone who experiences, life still has so much to offer.

  13. Your use of diction was well done and I enjoyed reading your piece! Good job(:

  14. I not only love your use of diction to bring the story together, but also the imagery depicted in your descriptions of nature. Your piece was truly thought provoking. -Caitlin Fanning

  15. Wow! This was such a creative piece. It was so interesting and innovative. -Mercedes Bradford

  16. Wow... You are truly skilled in the imagery department. Your writing was filled with beautiful metaphors and realistic views on the world and humanity itself. I really liked the message you were sending. I admire your thoughts on what we humans should do as we live in a dark and corrupted world, carry on.
    -Unity Montalvo period 4

  17. Your piece was encouraging! I really enjoyed reading it. It helped me to realize that I should appreciate the better things about life, rather than letting the negative completely cloud my view. Stories like this that encourage a positive change in people's lives are the best kinds.

  18. Your ability to transfer the reader into your world is so powerful by the way you write. You make the reader feel completely apart of your view especially with such strong imagery and emotion that you put into it. It's an important reminder that everyone stop and take a moment to think about what you wrote about in their daily lives because it so easy to lose track of the beautiful things in this world. I loved it. -Sasha Hodder

  19. Reading this story just felt so smooth and I love the message behind it. This story shows two very different sides and you did a good job tying it together in the end. This was fun to read good job. - Jonathan Castillo

  20. This is a great piece, your use of diction, the descriptiveness. Overall good piece.

  21. So well-written! Your effortless, yet faultless use of imagery and diction really allowed you to convey your message to the point where the reader can understand with ease. Well done. I loved it. - Taren Thomas

  22. I loved your piece!!! The way that you spoke the truth about the reality of everyday occurrences happening in the real world, especially to the youth and younger children was absolutely amazing. The constant use of vivid colors and imagery throughout the story really added to the overall feeling that I received. I really enjoyed the piece, good job.
    -Oved Renteria

  23. I enjoyed the shift that you presented from the beginning to the end. You really brought attention to the idea that the world is not a wonderful place, but a place filled with hate, anger, and sadness. Beautiful piece. - Gianni Castro

  24. The amount of detail and thought you put into this really shows! This piece is so inspirational and I genuinely loved it, I encourage you to keep writing!

  25. The specific details you use really emphasize the visual imagery of this piece. It's almost as if I'm experiencing it alongside you. Great job on this beautiful writing.
    -Arianna Perez

  26. This piece was amazing!! From the start using the vocabulary and the way you describe each word as its own tone and has its own meaning to it makes the description beautiful because it talks about nature in a way that I can imagine it in my mind! Creative, beautiful, and I appreciate this piece!! Good Job!! :)
    -Ian Mendoza

  27. What a wonderful job Marycristy, your use of diction was phenomenal and you technique with imagery was just as incredible. I can't wait to see get even better, seeing your writing go above and beyond even this. -Oscar B.

  28. You catch every beautiful inch of writing in this piece in the beginning which really puts the reader right in the same position as the speaker. With your great details also comes the story itself; it was very nice and thoughtful and I really see your self reflection in this.
    Alessandro Seminario period 5

  29. Your use of imagery made this piece incredibly descriptive. Your piece shows that there is always a positive in f
    life and that focusing on the positive is very important.

  30. This piece was really deep and i really did enjoy it! I appreciate how you shared your view and stance in life using descriptive and detailed words which turned on my imagination and allowed me to really connect with your message. Life is a crazy thing and people experience it differently. Your piece was very real and eye-opening. Good job :)
    -Rachel Adzaho
