
Monday, October 23, 2017


“Everything will be okay...” It woke up earlier than the alarm clock but felt rejuvenated after a good night’s sleep. It decided to peek through the small openings of the blinds to admire the world at dawn. Coming into view was Optimism, who always accompanies It on daily adventures. Upon seeing Optimism, It smiled and became ecstatic for It knew that the day would be filled with laughter and joy. Whenever It was with Optimism, It had nothing to fear and persevered through any hardships that came its way. It always had-.

“ fault... failure...worthless...” It sprang upright, out of breath with its hair disheveled and with sweat covering its forehead. It peeked through the blinds only to see that the world at dawn was still dark. Outside was also Pessimism, who always waits for It in the morning. Pessimism smirked and attempted to lure It out into the world but It was not bothered. After several occassions of going out into the world with Pessimism, It became too fearful of facing the day’s obstacles and had therefore decided to retreat to solitude. All It ever wanted was-.

“Am I...?” Every night, It questions itself and yearns to find the truth about its future. Upon entering the bedroom, It felt a strange presence yet decided to shrug it off. Before It dozed off into bed, It wanted to reassure itself about its future by having a pep talk. So It sat itself down in front of its vanity, closed its eyes, and took a deep breath. Opening its eyes, It looked at its own reflection only to find that It was not itself. Looking at each other in the eyes, They both unknowingly whispered to each other, “Never forget that Idealism and Realism are very well acquainted with each other.” It had finally realized its two personas, Idealism and Realism, yet refused to accept the truth, thus leaving the cycle to only repeat itself.


  1. I found the way you told your story both intriguing and indeed ambiguous. The beginning of each paragraph really hooked me in, and definitely provided more insight on how "It" was feeling. There were moments where I found myself relating to the character and how they felt about them self throughout the day , so overall amazing piece ! - Hannah Espejo

  2. I loved this piece and the title as well, it went along with your flash fiction and helped it give a more deeper meaning. The detailing and descriptions that you placed in your piece really wrapped your blog altogether, and the choice of diction and vocabulary enriched this piece.

  3. I love the way you told your story and the title was good at drawing me in , I really enjoyed the way you expressed yourself through the flash fiction story .

  4. I loved how you focused on feelings and characteristics rather than actually people or characters. Your piece was very well written and I was intrigued from start to finish. A very creative and out of the box piece that was well written and executed. -Charis Webber

  5. The idea behind the story and the style you chose were both really interesting, original, and enjoyable. Through the personification of elements of personalities and life as their own characters, it made it really relatable to struggles that people experience and I really appreciate that. -Fatima J.

  6. This story causes the reader to really think deeply and requires them to relate it to themselves in order to really absorb the message. Another thing I really enjoyed about this piece was the ambiguity of it, which stays true to the title :)

  7. Your personifications of emotions that many people feel and relate to was a very creative touch that kept me interested in the story. To me, the use of personification highlighted the "supernatural-esque" feel that I got from your story. I enjoyed the way you contrasted optimism and pessimism and set up the structure of your story to further emphasize that contrast.

  8. Your personifications of emotions that many people feel and relate to was a very creative touch that kept me interested in the story. To me, the use of personification highlighted the "supernatural-esque" feel that I got from your story. I enjoyed the way you contrasted optimism and pessimism and set up the structure of your story to further emphasize that contrast.

  9. I love this piece. It’s interesting how you used “it” to describe the character instead of “he” or “she”. It makes me feel distant from the character because I don’t know if it’s human or not but I also feel like I can related regardless of that.

  10. This piece was well structured and detailed. I enjoyed reading your creative piece. - Jada Cruz period 3

  11. This was a very interesting piece, and was very intriguing. It definitely made me think about a deeper meaning. The use of "it" really enhanced the ambiguity and made the piece very good. -Daniel Recinos Per.4

  12. Interesting piece. I wish the individual concepts (optimism, pessimism, idealism, realism) were more developed.

  13. Great piece. The personifications of common emotions was creative and kept me intrigued. Overall, very well written and unique.

    -Akunna Chilaka

  14. I really enjoy your personification of Pessimism! The way you use It instead of He or She creates a distance that really shapes the piece. Good job! -Kassandra Carlson, period 5

  15. I really love how you told your story. It was very unique how you personified your feelings and ussed them as characters.

  16. I enjoyed the piece you wrote. I like how you personified the characteristics and there's a shift between each paragraph. How there are contrasting emotions, pessimism and optimism. Good job~Tiffany Soetojo

  17. This was a very interesting piece to read and I found odd ways to correlate it with my own personal emotions, the personification and symbolism was great. Good piece.

  18. Kiara, I like how you structured the contrast between Idealism (paragraph 1) and Realism (paragraph 2) by dedicating each to its own paragraph. Throughout the piece, I wondered, "Who or what is It?" At the conclusion of your story, I learned that It was both Idealism and Realism. This shows how people, similar to It, are both optimistic and pessimistic and that we too blend our expectations with reality. Overall, I loved this piece!
    -Lauren Whightsil

  19. i really enjoyed this piece it got me hooked in the first paragraph also it was very well structured and i love how you used personification throughout the story- lexy m

  20. I really loved the use "it" instead of "he" or "she" in your story. The idea and style of your story was well done!

  21. I loved your story and the way you worded your sentences. It was great piece of work and overall very creative.

  22. Your use of personification of abstract ideas is very intriguing. It's abstract, yet concrete at the same time if that makes any sense. "It" is relatable, having to deal with balancing between optimism and pessimism, and realism and idealism. A struggle that many of us go through.

  23. I love how you used personification to define optimism and made optimism and pessimism feeling like they were a human embodiment in the story. It helped to further understand the implications of both emotions on a human being. Thank you for this very well written piece. -Caitlin Fanning

  24. The story as a whole was amazing. Tou had very good diction and syntax that surprised me throughout the story. It aslos made me really think. Amazing Job!!!-Jesse James

  25. I admire your ability to give qualities, like ambiguity, some emotional connections. The way you personified ambiguity made me feel a connection to the word because we all go through the struggles of finding out who exactly we are.
    -Unity Montalvo period 4

  26. I love the use of your diction and this flash fiction is amazing an so interesting. This was a great piece, the detail really expands the generalization and it's awesome!

  27. This piece was very well written. I thought it was impressive how your diction and word choice encouraged the reader to think deeper and delve into your story's true meaning.

  28. The story was really mystic and powerful. I love the figurative way you presented real things and the literal way you presented figurative things. It serves as an entrancing way of delivering a story that really kept me invested the entire time. Its abstract nature and ambiguous tone added to this effect, as well as serves as a bridge readers can cross to interpret the story however they please.
    -definitely not André Perez

  29. I felt that many people could relate to this story because of its mystery, the ambiguity of it and its openness to different interpretations is what makes it interesting.

    - Omar Abuelhassan

  30. I like how the story took place in someone's mind and how you expressed the idea of how thoughts and emotions could sneak up and get you while you are thinking or doing something. This was very creative get job -Jonathan Castillo

  31. I really enjoyed the personification and various view points. You have a beautiful unique style to your writing that drew me in. The way each paragraph was interrupted and left on a cliff hanger was very enjoying

    -Candice Velasco

  32. I really enjoyed reading this piece. You conveyed the emotions of what ambiguity truly is. This really kept me on edge!

    -Ezinne Abba

  33. This piece is so well written. I loved the use of personification and the complexity it brought to the piece. very clever. Well done. - Taren Thomas

  34. I really enjoyed this story and its description. You used great syntax and diction. For the entire time reading the story I was very interested. great job!

  35. The personification was, for me, the most intriguing part of this story. Portraying the emotions as human, capable of feeling and being allowed for the true meaning of this piece to shine. - Gianni Castro

  36. I loved this piece, it's something I plan to return to again and again. I liked how you told the story using very good diction.

  37. I really enjoyed this piece. I like how you personified the traits and used "it" as if it was a person. Each paragraph interested me more and drew me in. Well written - Caleb Leyva P.2

  38. This story really makes you think. I loved how you made your characters out of feelings and emotions. I was a very deep and thought provoking piece.

  39. I really liked the way this piece was structured with a quote to begin each descriptive, well written paragraphs with attention to detail when describing the assortment of hardships "It" must endure throughout its lifetime. Great job.

  40. From the very beginning, the story had intrigued me and was very curious as to what the story had in store. As I continued to read, it had me drawn in with the figurative meanings of things was overall a wonderful piece !
    -Savannah Diaz

  41. Kiara, I loved your abstract piece. The use of personification was elegant and allowed me to better relate to the ideas you discussed. Your masterful use of diction made this piece a delightful read. Good job!

  42. This piece was a classic sci-fi misdirection, (the original scene being only a dream) and it could not have been told in a greater fashion. This really leaves one to think about their own views such literary elements. -Garett Flores

  43. Your diction was great and overall kept my attention. Good job!!

  44. The way everything felt abstract and ominous did a good job in keeping me hooked. Overall a well written piece and did well in not trying to spoon feed the point to the readers.

  45. Your piece was very good it did appeal to emotion which kept me engaged and entertained and also made me think while reading because of all the figurative language that the story contains. -David Ekelem

  46. Your work had a strange eerie feeling to me through it all and it was actually quite enjoyable and worked well with the topic.
    Alessandro Seminario, period 5

  47. I love how you contrasted the 2 paragraphs. I feel like Many people can relate to this piece because of its mystery. your use of personification and misdirection really helped this piece become intriguing and meaningful.

  48. the descriptive words used in your story allowed me to imagine what exactly was trying to be portrayed through your writing. I also appreciate the unique subject of your stories and how you were able to turn something that doesn't seem like much in to a stories that makes you actually think about the meaning of optimism.
    -Lizzie griffin
