
Wednesday, October 4, 2017

How To: Potty Train a Dog-- Briana

Does your home reek of pee and poo? Do your pets do their business anywhere they please? If you wish to put an end to such an unruly behavior and rancid smell,or simply just want to know how to prevent this from happening to you, follow these simple instructions:
  1. In order to complete this task, you will first need a puppy. If you need a puppy or dog, you can find one at your local shelter. This is one of the most important steps of this process, if you do not have a dog or puppy, you can not complete this. For demonstration purposes a dog is shown below.
  1. Next, we will be using a crate to make this potty training task easier.  This will be the area where your new furry pal will be sleeping and eating.  Be sure the crate is the right size, it should big enough for your dog to stand up and turn around.  The size of the crate is essential, it is essential to ensure that your dog is potty trained quickly and efficiently.   
A dog will not go to the bathroom in the same place where he or she eats/sleeps.
If the crate is too big your new friend may use the bathroom there, if it is too small, your new furry friend will be uncomfortable.
  1. When potty training make sure to stick to a strict schedule.  This schedule will be an important step in ensuring your success. A puppy can only hold their bladder for one hour for every month of age.  Your puppy’s potty schedule should be according to this.  You should take your new dog out about every two hours or whenever they ask to use the bathroom. In some cases, the hour for each month can not be used because your puppy may have a medical condition or simply they are young and can not control their bladder well.  Be sure to stick to the schedule and pay attention to signs of when your dog is trying to tell you that they have to ‘go’.
  2. When your puppy is ready to go potty take them to their designated pee corner, outside on grass, or wherever you wish for them to go.  Once you have both reached this designated spot and your puppy squats to ‘go’ say the following, “Go potty” and once they are done be sure to have a treat on hand and congratulate them with pets and a “Good boy!”  This reward and positive attention reassures your new dog that what they are doing is good and right. Dogs aim to please.
  3. After doing so, do not bring your dog back in right away. This step is pertinent, just in case they got excited for doing such a good job and got distracted and did not get to finish completely it is good to keep them outside for a little longer so when they enter the house they do not finish their business.
  4. Be sure to keep to a strict schedule with your puppy and with patience and time you will have successfully potty trained your puppy. If this schedule is not kept to, it is more likely that your puppy will have accidents more often. Remember, your puppy is just that, a puppy, and similar to a young child, can neither hold nor control their bladder for long periods of time.
  5. Note: There may be a few bumps in the road, if your puppy has an accident inside remain patient and try to not get too frustrated.  Be sure to clean the spot thoroughly with a pet odor/ carpet cleaner to get rid of any stench to prevent future accidents.  Firmly tell your puppy that it is not okay to go potty in the house, but keep in mind they are learning and this takes time and patience. Eventually, you both will be successful.
            If you follow these steps with patience and attention and have the tools stated above- crate, dog, treats, potty area, carpet/ped odor cleaner- I assure you, you will be successful in potty training your new dog or puppy.   As a dog and fish owner, I speak from personal experience. I have potty trained my three dogs this way and have been successful in doing so and have experienced next to none accidents since then. Happy training!


  1. I love this piece because its descriptive and fun to read it shows the passion the writer has for the dog and for a person like me it intrigues me because I love dogs so this story got me hooked instantly.
    -Krystal Edwards

  2. I really enjoyed these potty training tips I will for sure be using them soon, I enjoyed the humor and how you wrote it in steps...great tips!

  3. I enjoyed this "how to", it feels like if I am actually reading instructions of a paper on how to train your puppy. You expressed your steps in a thorough but short and simple way. I also liked how you did the little sides notes like about how the puppy wont use the bathroom where he/she sleeps. Overall incredible work!

  4. When reading this, the steps are clear and concise. In reality, I wish it was that easy, but some dogs (cough cough mine) are just too dumb. Full offense to my dog, no offense to Briana. But anyway, this was a good piece with a bit of comedy in it that I appreciated, like the mention of being a fish owner and the fact that there's emphasis on needing a dog to train one.

  5. Thanks for this! It's super informative and very detailed. Love it.
    -Krystal A

  6. I like this "How to" guide as it was rather simple and easy to understand as well as rather entertaining. I sadly do not own any pets but I appreciate the guide nontheless.
    -Edmund Yim
    P.S. Why not give the dog a diaper?

  7. I really like the fact that this is actually helpful information while remaining light-hearted and slightly comical. Good use of words to mix it up and make it interesting. Overall, very nice and valuable information.

  8. I enjoyed this because because of how informative it is. Its relatable to anyone because anyone can get a dog and everyone needs to learn how to potty train a dog. If im ever to get a dog I'll surely be prepared.

  9. Your piece was very interesting to read. I love animals and I have three dogs at home and they are well trained. Every step was very informative and simple. I also liked how you claimed that being patient is important.

  10. I genuinely found this interesting because I have 2 dogs and I struggled for so long to potty train them when we first got them. We tried everything to get them to use the bathroom in one place, this just brought back so many fun memories when they were little pups.
    -Cameron Milian

  11. Thanks for the insight i wish i would've had this when my dog was a pup!

  12. These instructions are very useful because I have a dog as well and know it can take a long time to train your dog. The steps you chose seem very efficient and are in a good order. - Caleb Leyva P.2

  13. I liked the direct and informative tone used to inform others how to potty train dogs. The infomercial type intro hooks readers into reading the steps that follow to learn how to train their dogs. Overall, this is very helpful for any new dog/puppy owner.
    - Kenny Abraham

  14. Briana, I like how you made the steps in this "How To" detailed (to prevent confusion), but not excessive. I also admire how you remind the reader to be patient, as it can take time for a person to teach and for a dog to learn a new skill.
    -Lauren Whightsil

  15. Hahahaha...this is so enjoyable! I really like how in the first step you gave an example of concrete evidence, then elaborated on it in the rest of the steps like we've been taught in class. Great work! - Ayo Latinwo

  16. I love how you opened your piece as if it was an advertisement, that caught my attention because I have three dogs and I remember when I was trying to potty train them and it isn't working. I also love how this piece is very descriptive on what to do.

  17. First off I wish you wrote this sooner I could have used it haha anyways I enjoy the upbeat tone and comedic steps you brought into this, definitely a good use of words and closing the rhetorical distance with the audience who own dogs!

  18. I'm considering getting a dog and this is really helpful. The directions are detailed and clear making it very comprehensible and easy to read.

  19. This was so creative and definitely something I'm gonna use in the future. It wasn't like a normal tutorial, when reading I was intrigued and took you tips to heart. Great job!!

  20. I love how this is actually real steps to potty training a dog and that i has a semi-comedic tone. I liked how it was short and descriptive. The questions in the beginning were a good way to hook the reader. Great piece!!

  21. Your guide seems easy to follow and was clear and concise, if I had a dog I would try it. Good job - Jonathan Castillo

  22. Your piece was very informative and interesting to read. The piece and procedures are detailed for dog owners to understand and gain a better insight

  23. I loved how your piece was applicable to me. I feel like many struggle with potty-training their new pets and this how-to really brings everybody's frustration but love for their pets together all for a good smile. I agree with you when you say that pattern and schedule are very important. Fun piece! -Kenneth Chen

  24. I loved how your piece was applicable to me. I feel like many struggle with potty-training their new pets and this how-to really brings everybody's frustration but love for their pets together all for a good smile. I agree with you when you say that pattern and schedule are very important. Fun piece! -Kenneth Chen

  25. I've always wanted a puppy but my main concern was not knowing how to train it since before last year I'd never had a pet. This is so helpful and will definitely be used/referenced when I get a pup.
    -Megan Kukwa

  26. This is a very useful tutorial! I like how you went into great detail and described different important things that are essential for training the puppy. - Tatiana Nunez Per. 3

  27. This is a great tutorial! The steps are thought out really well and easy to understand. I have a puppy now and I will definitely referring to your how-to.
    -Kassandra Carlson, period 5

  28. This piece is amazing and really makes me want to get a puppy so that I can potty train it. I like what you did in the start of the piece and how it gives the vibe of an infomercial. I love that you included an image. It's really adorable.
    -Genesis Mendoza

  29. In addition to being entertaining and witty, I think that great quality writing was present in this tutorial. It flowed very well and having to separate the writing into different numbered steps didn't make it choppy as it normally would - it seemed like one continuous piece of writing. Overall, it was very explanative and memorable and so serves its purpose as a how-to very efficiently.

  30. The topic you chose for your tutorial was very intriguing and smart because who doesn't love dogs! I found your piece very helpful and descriptive, which is exactly what a perfect How-to should be. Good job! -Hannah Espejo

  31. I have scoured the earth in search of precise step by step process on how to do this. Finally, I have found one that actually has assisted me as well as amuse me. Also your dog is adorable.

  32. WOAH! Thanks for the "How To," honestly... I like this because it involves strong detail, yet doesn't come off as confusing to your audience. It is a very common tutorial for people with pets. I have very stubborn dogs that often go to the bathroom inside the house, so I appreciate this and will definitely follow your steps.

  33. I really liked this “How to” because not only where the steps very helpful but the piece as a whole had a lot of humor making it very fun to read!

  34. I really liked your “How to” because not only were all of the steps helpful but the piece was full of humor which made it very fun to read!

  35. Helpful and comical tips! However, while using these two factors you still really thought out each step. Good job!

  36. Such an entertaining and descriptive piece. I really enjoyed reading it and can't wait to try this out some day

  37. This "How To" was not just helpful but very cute as well. The steps in how to potty train your puppy were detailed and informative without being too formal or boring. Using this tutorial, one may learn how to complete this task while being entertained at the same time!

  38. Ok, this is hilarious. If my dog wasn't potty trained already, I would definitely use these steps. I loved how it's a serious writing, but is comedic as well. Bravo!

    -Tommy LeMele

  39. This piece is very descriptive and interesting, I like how you added a picture of a dog, just to make sure someone doesn't buy a raccoon on accident �� - Anthony Morales Period 3

  40. I never potty trained a dog but my mom potty trained our old dog and she said it was a lot of work. I think you really portrayed that in step 6 where you said the keep a strict schedule, because it takes a long time to make sure the training sticks. A lot of your diction in this was really good and you gave many helpful tips that I hope I will remember in the future. Very nice job.

  41. Thank you! Very Informative. I have been trying to convince my Parents to let me get a dog for the longest, but have not been able to sway them, but when and how I do I'll be able to potty train he or she, thanks to you.

  42. I love this so much. The comedy in this made it even better! I love all the steps and they are actually really helpful. I'm actually going to try this!! Thanks

  43. Love this how to piece. There is a perfect balance between humor and information that makes this piece so fun to read. Job well done. -Taren Thomas

  44. This piece made me laugh, i like how you wrote out all the details and important steps, gave me the feeling of an instructional packet. It's very informal and well thought out.
    -Sasha Hodder

  45. I really loved this piece as it can show me a perspective upon a pet owner. This would be very informative to me, as I would love to get a puppy in the future.
    - Alex Thao

  46. I enjoyed this piece and although i don't have a puppy it makes me wish i did and it was easy to follow. I also enjoyed the comic relief throughout the tutorial.

  47. This piece is very informative and instructional. I love your topic choice too! It is so cute. Great job! - Jada Cruz period 3

  48. THIS IS SO CUTE. Cute & informative. Great diction and you elaborated on each step very well.

  49. I love this piece because it is very informative but very fun to read

  50. I found this both informative and humorous. You use great diction and the subject was my favorite thing ever

  51. I love how well phrased and clear the instructions were. I don't have a dog, but this gave a good idea on how to potty train a dog if I did have one.

  52. I very much enjoyed how you used humor to convey the information. This kind of makes me want to buy another dog and potty train it... - Gianni Castro

  53. I think its cool how you highlight how to properly care for a dog and really support the idea behind caring for a dog as if they're a child of your own, its detailed and its evident you know how to potty train a puppy, and now i do too.
    Alessandro Seminario p5

  54. Simple, concise, yet very informative and rather amusing. As a dog-owner myself, I can reminisce on the unruliness of the puppy stage and how it was little frustrating, so this is like a comedic memory for me and my dog.

  55. This piece of literature is very informative, allowing us the reader to clearly process what information you are telling us. This is well put together and I look forward from seeing more from you.

  56. The humor used throughout makes this simple "how to" piece very enjoyable to read, it was very clear and informative! perfect for anyone who is looking to potty train their new pup(:

    -Anngelica Yulo

  57. I found my self consistently smiling while reading this all while learning some very valuable information - Garett Flores

  58. Good advice
    I wish you could potty-train my dog because at four he still manages to do it upstairs..

    With Respect, Connor

  59. I really enjoyed reading your piece, your "how to" was really in depth and detailed and I will use this in the future. Good job, cute puppy! -Jesse Jauregui

  60. I tried using these directions with my fish, but I didn't get the same results. This is understandable due to your informal precaution in the beginning of the piece. Overall, your piece is very concise and easy to comprehend for new pet owners. It was extremely detailed and makes me feel like I can potty train any dog that needs training.
    -Joshua Dalisay
