
Monday, October 23, 2017


It all started with a girl. I know, I know I fell into the cliché that the guy always goes to the extremes to get the girl, but when I first saw her sitting on the bench that day, looking so absorbed in a book that it seemed that nothing else in the world mattered I felt my heart seize. She just seemed so... magical. So to indulge in the feelings of infatuation, I decided to go sit at that same bench about an hour earlier than I had seen her that day.I waited at that spot for two weeks but eventually she came back. I was anxious at first, but after some time I launched into a number of small talk topics, acting completely on nerves at that point. Eventually, she told me her name was Olive Powell and that she loves the vibe of the area so she tried to read there in her spare time. After about two hours of talking, I managed to work up the courage to ask her for her phone number. Despite my anxious rambling she surprisingly input her number into my phone, making two weeks of waiting feel completely worth it. Later that night, I texted her, and at first it took her a while to reply, but gradually we started to have steady conversations for about a month. In that time period, we “went out” a few times. Although I was never sure whether it was a platonic thing or something more. Still, I was just happy to spend time with her. On one of these “dates”, we went to see a movie at a nearby movie theater. On the drive back from the movie we were discussing one of the best action scenes in the movie where the main character jumps out of a plane. In the middle of the conversation she turns to me with the moon and streetlights illuminating her face in an angelic glow, and says something that would later fill my body with dread: “You know I want to do that.”
want to be an actress?” I ask her, glancing at her before returning my eyes to the road
I want to try skydiving. It looks really fun, I’m just too scared to do it.” She replies still looking over at me. This led me to do one of the stupidest thing in my life. “Oh we should do it some time it’s a breathtaking experience.” It wasn’t exactly a lie. I had gone skydiving once before with a group of my friends, and it did scare me so much that I hyperventilated, literally taking my breath away. Still I just dug myself into an inescapable hole by not only suggesting that I love skydiving, but I made the stupid mistake of offering to go skydiving with her. We talked about it the whole ride to her apartment and a few days later she called to tell me that she was free to go skydiving in three weeks. Of course that would’ve been the perfect opportunity to confess that I lied, but I figured that after skydiving I could just confess my feelings for her.
She’d be so hyped up on adrenaline that she’d agree to anything I said! It seemed foolproof. All I had to do was go skydiving with her, jump from 10,000 feet in the air, and try not to look horrified as I was careening through the air. That sounded easy enough. So I told her I would be free on that day, and I mentally psyched myself up to jump out of a plane and place my life in the hands of a piece of nylon for the next 3 weeks. Eventually, against my best wishes, D-day came. We drove over to the skydiving facility and after about 50 minutes of training and practice jumps, we took it to the air for the main jump. I looked over at Olive and saw that she was looking over to me and the experienced skydiver I was attached. Realizing that she wanted me to go first, I steeled myself with courage, I thought to myself “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself” and I told my instructor that I was ready. Upon hearing that news he threw himself out of the plane with me in tow. If I’m honest, all thoughts of Olive left my mind right after my feet were no longer in contact with anything. I wasn’t sure if I heard screaming off in the distance or if that was just the wind rustling past my ears. The cold air pressed against my body as I plummeted towards the earth, filling my body with dread and terror. After about 30 seconds that seemed to last a lifetime, I reached for my parachute cord and yanked it and braced myself for the sudden decrease in my velocity. Nothing happened. I started to panic and pulled it again and again frantically, feeling the fear swell in my body. This is it” I thought to myself. “This is where fear of rejection and lying get you.. As a red stain on the ground and a headline on a newspaper. Man this sucks.” As I began to come to terms with my death, my reserve parachute kicked in and I felt my body jerk upwards. I met Olive on the ground a few minutes later. I did end up going through with the plan and confessing my feelings to her. She said she’d go out with me, probably because of the adrenaline. We ended up dating for three months. I can’t help but think: Was a mid air panic and a near death experience was really worth dating her?


  1. This story was really captivating! I kept wanting to read more and more. I like how you incorporated the speaker's own thoughts into the story. Great piece!
    -Alanah Arteaga

  2. I really like your story. I like how the story was humorous and gave the reader a good laugh. Being in the mind of the character and feeling his every emotion and seeing the world through his eyes give a unique quality to the story. Really good job!
    - Alana Robinson, P4

  3. Nice usage of a cliche to make your story even more interesting. I took it as a satirical piece mocking love and the things people would do for love. Nice usage of the allusion from FDR's inaugural address. Overall, good read.
    -Edmund Yim

  4. I appreciate the acknowledgement of the cliche at the beginning and comical tone the story carries. The last sentence takes the cake though, its irony is true and funny.
    -Megan Kukwa

  5. I really enjoyed reading your piece and want to read more on what happens next! I also liked the characters and how they played out through the story.

  6. Pierce,
    This piece was filled with detail. When reading this, I felt like I was there. I love how you began this piece with an admirable tone, then shifted to a confessional tone, and ended it with a more humorous tone in the last line. I also really liked the part where you describe jumping out of the plane and the parachute not opening fast enough, it made me laugh quite a bit. The ending though had to have been my favorite part though because often times, we are so admired and infatuated by something, that we will do anything to obtain it, but, once we obtain it, we question whether it was really worth it or not. Overall, great job and thank you for such a well-written piece! :)
    -Lynelle Elhajjmoussa

  7. I absolutely loved your writing Pierce. The way you wrote the piece made me feel as if I was actually there, experiencing this journey with your characters. Your use of vocabulary and imagery was astonishing and it made me want to continue reading! Great job!! - Lexi Gomez, P4

  8. I don't have any complaints about this, because the pun about it being "breathtaking" is my favorite part. Very well written.
    -Logan Westfall

  9. Pierce, such a wonderful piece! You made me want to read more and more.. It would be great if we could get an update. Love the use of details and everything else! You did a great job on drawing the readers attention and making us feel like we are with you throughout this experience.

  10. I loved this piece because it was so real! You drew the attention of your audience by talking about things that are very common in our world!

  11. I didn't see the skydiving part coming at all; I definitely expected this to just be silly love story. I really enjoyed the satirical, comedic tone as I read. You probably weren't going for a whole, deep "commentary on the way society views love and relationships" thing but I can definitely see how that would tie in. Overall, definitely a super enjoyable story. -Fatima J.

  12. I really enjoyed this captivating story. It really brings light to "the guy always goes to the extremes to get the girl" issue.

  13. This story was really intriguing. The use of your details and shifting tone captured my attention.

  14. I really enjoyed your work! It had me thinking "I hope he gets the girl" the entire time. I liked how you incorporated the speakers thoughts and emotions. Great job!

  15. Amazing piece. The story was very captivating and kept me intrigued. I didn't want it to stop. Awesome job.

    -Akunna Chilaka

  16. This was a really enjoyable story. The guy gets the girl which is always a good story. I liked it because i can relate on the guy getting the girl. Keep it up. -Jesse jauregui

  17. I love this story from the beginning until the very end! You know how in the movies and you hope the guy gets the girl he's always been in love with ! That's how I was the whole time reading your story.

  18. This story was actually hilarious. Love really makes you do crazy things that might not seem worth it at all. Good story. - Jonathan Castillo

  19. The way you began... I was lost for a moment and put myself in the shoes of the speaker! Great story!!

  20. I enjoyed every part single part of this! You grabbed my attention from the start and it stayed until the end. I also love how it's relatable to so many people's lives, great job! (:

  21. Pierce, this was an amazing story! Well written and everything your story kept wanting me to read more and more! The way your story transitions into many different events raveled together as one is very neatly and amazingly written. Good job! -Behrouz Khokhar

  22. I love how you wrapped up the piece with that final sentence. It really added to the comedic aspect and allows the audience to laugh a little when they relate to the drastic things they'll go through for a crush.
    -Arianna Perez

  23. Great piece, I loved how intrigued you are with her in the beginning, you take the cliche of seeing a girl for the first time and really make it your own. I also enjoy the comedic side of it throughout all of writing.
    Alessandro Seminario period 5

  24. This story makes me the reader as breathless as you were skydiving! The amount of emotion and dictation made me feel exactly what you were feeling. This is one great example of what love can cause one to do. Very captivating and meaningful!! I love it!
