
Monday, October 23, 2017


One thing I say through my 17 years of life, and only remembering everything from when I was 4 years old was that saying goodbye is the hardest thing you ever have do in life. I’m pretty sure a lot of people had said goodbye to something that they love and I can relate because I was on the same boat on Thursday, October 19, 2017. This date marked my last time playing volleyball with the girls I’ve been playing with since the beginning and just playing in general. 

When I first started playing volleyball I fell in love with the excitement of doing something I didn’t know I could do and just putting in the hard work. I always saw myself playing volleyball throughout my whole volleyball career and working to get full ride scholarships to the colleges of my choice. Remembering all these goal of making volleyball my career, I was fresh and new and a 14 year old girl. As time went on so did the passion with all my injuries, fatigueness, and the stress of being a student athlete. The injuries first came in when I was a sophomore around the beginning of second semester, I had gotten a concussion and as time went on I actually believed that I became a accident prone to this sport with me always getting hit in the head which caused some bad headaches pretty easily, to having tendinitis in my foot, to the alignment of my back not being in line with my spine, to having a swollen calf. From having injuries to having coaches on you pushing you past your limit was also a combination of my lost of passion towards this sport. Don’t get me wrong I still love this sport, I just lost my passion to keep playing, in the sense of practicing and having 5 to 7 hours games, trying to do all my homework, and trying to get enough sleep, everything had because pretty overwhelming and stressed and just had push me to my limit. 

I was on varsity this year and on October 19, 2017 was our last game for the seasons, which means it was our senior night. We had a ceremony where we recognized our seniors with signed volleyballs, flowers, balloons, and a lot of pictures and videos showing off our seniors that very night, and basically the last game of the season was dedicated all the seniors. Throughout the whole game we had all our seniors on the floor playing against St. Lucy’s volleyball team and this was a pretty good game. All our girls came out with a bang, and played for each other and gave it their heart on the court, but sadly we did loose, but it was a good lost and it was a great way to end our season. I believed that we all had fun and played with everything we got, and played as if it was our last game, which it was for many girls. When the game was over everyone was hit with reality, which was this was the last time the varsity that they been playing with since their beginning is now leaving and knowing that this is the last time were playing with them hurts especially for me because I love my underclassmen. Knowing I finish my season strong with these girls I couldn’t ask for anything better. There was just so much emotions between the girls from sadness to happiness because of reminiscing about our memory and just knowing it's all over hurts. I love those girls so much and I couldn’t ask for anything better I’m just glad I was blessed with this bunch of girls. 

This event was so significant because it makes a milestone of leaving and growing. This event just reminded me how hard it was to let something that you love go, and how it is a process of life. This reminded me of everything I’ve been through with all the sweat and tears I had put into everything that had gotten me where I am today. Saying goodbye is hard and heartbreaking because of everything builds up and said through a two syllable word, that only takes 0.1 second to say. The hardest goodbyes are the one that you had put your heart into and the one that reminds you about the hardships and the best of time through the whole journey between everyone you love. This experience had just showed me to appreciate the time with everything I receive and everything that is offered.


  1. Krystal you're making me emotional! I know exactly what you mean and you pretty much summed it all up; all the blood, sweat, and tears that go into playing that dang sport. It was a bittersweet night for me as well and I'm beyond happy I got to spend my last season/night playing with you!
    -Megan Kukwa

    1. I'm glad I got to spend my last season with you Kukwa it was a challenging season but we got through it together. I'm thankful I got to play with someone who encourage and push me through challenge, so thank you! Much love!

    2. Also thank you for replying to my story. :)

  2. I liked how you talked about how much you enjoyed volleyball and the obstacles you had to face while you were playing. Also it was nice to see that even though the team lost you saw it as good and just enjoyed playing your final game.
    -Andrew Rodriguez

    1. Volleyball was a challenge and thank you for reading and commenting because this story did mean a lot to me.

  3. Krystal, I liked how much passion you gave while writing your personal narrative. I know how you feel because everything that you mentioned, I am going through with my dance teacher and family outside of school and i will have to say good-bye to them once I leave for college. I know that I wasn't there personally to see the game, but I know that you gave it all you got because you never give up even if it is impossible.
    -Briana Santana

  4. I liked this a lot, and I feel a sort of love-hate feeling towards this piece, it's pretty bitter-sweet, and it is relatable for all seniors, so each of the readers will understand and be able to connect with the story being told. I enjoyed it a lot!
    -Logan Westfall

  5. From the feelings and your description of volleyball and having to say goodbye to the sport, I could tell this was a very emotional piece for you. I agree with you when you say everyone has had to say goodbye to something in their life. It's never easy when you have so much love and attachment to the thing you're saying goodbye to. This piece reminded me to cherish everything you have in your life while you still have it. -Kenneth Chen

  6. Krystal, it is apparent in the narrative of your love for volleyball. I love how you said it was hard to let something that you love go and that it was extremely difficult for you to. But fortunately, you still have the memories and look back upon it now. Congrats on finishing the season strong. I enjoyed reading this narrative and how you show you admiration for volleyball~Tiffany Soetojo

  7. What really makes this piece is how relatable it is. The detailed personal narration really conveys the universal struggle of letting go of what you truly love.

  8. I love this because i can totally relate being on a varsity team. Being a senior is so rewarding but sad at the same time. You did a good job of connecting with your audience through pathos.

  9. through this personal story I felt your emotion and how much the sport means to you. The detail is great and realy coveys your inner struggles. All together this story is amazing!

  10. Thank you for sharing such a personal moment of your life. Not only was it such a moving narration of finishing your volleyball season, but also the moral lesson tying the whole piece together was great. Thanks for sharing
