
Wednesday, October 4, 2017


What is conservatism? According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, conservatism is “ a political philosophy based on tradition and social stability, stressing established institutions, and preferring gradual development to abrupt change; specifically :such a philosophy calling for lower taxes, limited government regulation of business and investing, a strong national defense, and individual financial responsibility for personal needs (such as retirement income or health-care coverage),” While this definition is somewhat true, several Americans do not totally believe this to be correct.

The true meaning of conservatism is based upon each individual person. Many people hold both conservative and liberal values which overall causes the definition to waver. In the mind of most Americans, the common everyday conservative is usually an insidious white male who is out to steal most everyone’s money, when in reality, it is in most cases a middle class worker that is trying to reach the top of the economic food chain but is held back by government regulations. As for the topic of taxes, many right-wingers want to lower the cost of taxes because they believe that they have a right to the money that they have legally earned. The U.S. government is currently spending far greater amounts of money than what they have received from citizens due to taxes which happens to explain the enormous amount of debt the U.S. has gotten itself into.

Many conservatives believe that lowering the cost of taxes will lower the amount of government spending which in turn, lowers the national debt.

Also, several conservatists believe that the U.S. government should intervene less when it comes to the regulations of all American businesses. With less regulations, thousands of Americans across the nation would be allowed to work more hours which would allow them to make more money overall. A study by the Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis found that government regulations prevent businesses from growing and exploiting new markets. They also found that the regulations prevent companies from advancing themselves technologically and also high compliance costs for both the companies and the government. If there were simply less government regulations on the economy, conservatives believe the public would be far happier.

With both of these points in mind, it is important to remember that “conservatism” differs according to each individual person. While one person may believe in lowering taxes and a stronger national defense, another may believe in higher taxes along with a stronger national defense. This are two different political ideas, yet they still fall under the name of “conservatism.” The difference in political views within the band of any ideology, liberalism or conservatism, occurs all across the nation simply because when it comes to politics, especially American politics, many are vague and inconclusive. This causes fluctuation in the definition in either political viewpoint. In reality, for one to define the word conservatism, there would be dozens of different definitions. The answer to to the age old question of the definition of conservatism is ambiguous.


  1. This is a very original idea, which makes it also a very intriguing read. The citations and definitions described, along with the readers' personal biases and differences can help lead to a new view on the subject matter, so mission accomplished (although there is still no one concrete answer). -Fatima J.

  2. It was nice to hear your insight on politics. I feel like you should have used republican and democrat instead of conservative and liberal because the former is used more strictly towards moral issues, like you can be a liberal republican, they are rare but they are out there. I know you just said the meaning is up to each person, just wanted to say that, nonetheless good work.
    -Ramsey Perez

  3. Luke, I enjoyed how you discussed multiple meanings of the word, conservatism, rather than using the definition simply as your hook. This helps the readers obtain a more rich understanding of the word and its applications, allowing them to reevaluate their own preconceptions of conservatism.
    -Lauren Whightsil

  4. I enjoyed how you showed that there can be various definitions to a certain topic yet they are all appropriate in their own way. - Taylor Clayton

  5. I like how you started by properly citing the definition. I also liked how you went further in depth about how everyone will have their own definitions and resolutions to any specific matter. - Ayo Latinwo

  6. I liked the way you presented different interpretations and definitions of the word. It looks like you brought together many different ideas and interpretations into this piece and that is very representative of today. -Daniel Recinos Per. 4

  7. I really enjoy how you made a controversial and subjective topic into a more objective and transparent way to view this. No one ever really thinks about the definitive meanings behind out everyday terminology and it was very insightful to learn the different views on conservatism.

  8. I really enjoyed hearing your explanation of the concept, as it is something many people are afraid of approaching. I love how it all connects with the connotation and denotation of the word. This explanation serves as a beautiful way of gaining insight on the subject, as it comprehensively explains many different interpretations and perspectives on it.
    -Andre Perez

  9. I really enjoyed reading this as it shined some light on a topic that people probably make many assumptions about. I feel that this is a topic that students are often afraid to admit to agreeing with. However, with your post I think people will have a better understanding of what some of their peers are siding with.

  10. I like how you gave both the denotative meaning of the word as well as what conservatism means to you. As someone who has the exact opposite views of a conservative, this was really interesting and informative to read and it did shed me of some of my preconceived ideas about people who are conservative. Good job.

  11. I enjoyed how you took a topic that is a very touchy topic and formulated it into a conversation between you and the reader, allowing them to understand all aspects of conservatism, not just the biased side.

  12. This was an interesting read because it highlighted parts of conservatism that most people overlook today. It was nice to read an article about conservatism that did not stress upon politics. This does help to educate readers the fiscal side to conservatism rather than just the socio-political philosophies the average American has associated with the term "conservatism".-Bilal Noori

  13. This piece was excellent. You thoroughly explained aspects of conservatism that some people overlook or simply do not know. It was evenly explained, not explaining one side more than the other. You did a great job of remaining on topic and keeping your own personal opinion of conservatism out of the piece.

  14. Though I have the exact opposite views of a conservative, it was nice to read this piece to gain a better understanding of why conservatives believe what they do. Also, by giving the reader multiple definitions of the word conservative, it helped better explain your point. Excellent piece! - Caitlin Fanning

  15. Great piece that argued for conservatism and explains how conservatism is essentially based off the individual.
