
Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Frost, Snow and Cuddles


January 2023!!!!!

Welcome Back!!!!

It seems like forever since we've communicated on our Blog. It is the start of a new year and we have  A LOT of original submissions this month.  I combined our December and January Writers into one collection for this month.  There is a total of 16 pieces with a lot of variety and I know you will enjoy taking the time to read and comment on your favorites.

Choose 3 or more for your comments!!!!!

Remember to write HELPFUL, KIND AND CONSTRUCTIVE feedback for our writers. You are always welcome to include your insight and connections to the pieces.  Be mindful of your CONTENT  and TONE.  This Blog is a safe space for ALL writers in our class.  Be COURTEOUS AND ENCOURAGING. Give reason(s) and explanation as to WHY you have chosen the selected piece.  Why is this a fave?  What did you find intriguing? Suspenseful? Silly? Horrifying?  Explain YOUR WHY.

Your comments are due Monday, February 6th by 8:30AM.  The Canvas Discussion Board is open, too for those of you who have trouble commenting here on the Blog.

If you are a writer for the month, you DO NOT have to leave comments and feedback on the other pieces, only if you want.

Don't forget that you have a SONNET/VILLANELLE   due this week!!

Hope you are having a great week and start to your Spring Semester. The months will go by fast, but my wish is that you will find some comfort and relaxation when you read your peers creative submissions. 

 So grab your coffee, cha, or cocoa, and a cozy blanket.  Cuddle up and enjoy your reading.


Mrs. Solano




The meeting was supposed to be scheduled in Quito. But circumstances didn’t allow it, and now

it was the newly captured Guayaquil that served as the host. Jose de San Martin was looking

forward to it. Escape from his recent and complicated promotion to liberator of Peru proved to

be a diplomatic nightmare. He was king of half a country, where the enemy in greater numbers

and murdering ability lay ready to martyr him. To encapsulate him as a true defender of Peru,

who died too soon.

This imminent danger and his desire to escape from it, brought him to this very place. Guayaqui

Where he now waited for the liberator of Gran Colombia to liberate him. He knew both sides

would frown upon his meeting with him. Each man had his own war to fight, and to beg to

another for freedom of his own. Was characteristic of cowards and fools. But he saw no other

option, as his own patrimony turned its back on one of it’s most blindly feverish constructors. He

resolved to join forces with a force much greater than him. More than ready to give up absolute

command if necessary. Of course, he saw a reason for (the man) to turn him away. After all, it

felt like asking Atlas to also balance Mars on top of Earth. But he had some hope in his chest

that whatever came of this meeting, would give him a faint glimpse of the path to his desired


He sat back in his chair, and glanced around the surprisingly regal room. A subtle shade of

hypocrisy, when you think of their shared antithesis and common enemy. They fight for the

downtrodden people of their country.

He walked in with what can be described as a slight tropical breeze. And fixed his eyes on san

martin. His lips formed a crooked but courteous smile. He looked down as he shook his hand.

Eager to learn as much about the man before he said a single word. He made a motion for San

Martin to sit down again, to which he promptly obeyed. He wanted no tension to present itself in

the room. A childish notion considering the two men most responsible for leading the Southern

portion of the Americas into war, were now congregated in the same (room).

San Martin observed the man as he paced slowly around the room. His hands grasped tightly

behind his back. And his head turned away from him, as if he was looking at paintings on the


“You have 3 days to get out of Guayaquil. After that my men will hunt you…….You’ll have a

month to set things straight and get out of Peru……..I wouldn’t plan on staying in Argentina for

long either…”

At this San Martin laughed, for up to this point he still thought of him as a man. Of flesh and

bone, and capable of routine humor. And he took this as an attempt to lighten the mood.

But when he saw him close his eyes and take his head into his hands and run his hands

through his hair with a half pained and ecstatic look on his countenance. San Martin’s heart

started on a downward descent. Which brought a terrible feeling in his stomach. Despair.

The liberator of the better part of the Western South Americas was before him. And the first

thing out of his mouth was a morbidly indelicate comment. He was either serious, or unwilling to

help him. Both possibilities deeply bothered San Martin.

After this brief moment of transparency shown by his host. He kept on his slow orbital stroll

around the room.

“Do you know why I fight?”

Unable to quickly find a satisfactory concept to reply, San Martin stayed quiet. Until he managed

to utter a single but pathetic word: “freedom”.


“Freedom is a lie, no one will ever be truly free; try again”


“The people”

“The people here aren’t worth fighting for. If anything they're the reason for their own suffering.

As well as mine.”



“Justice never existed, nor is it in the best interest of man for it to exist. If true justice ever

manifests itself in a human-led government, it’ll be the end of man. You can only repress a man

for so long. It goes against human nature you see”

At this point, San Martin was neither disappointed or scared. If anything, he was drawn in by the

speech of this man. And instead of feeling alienated by his cynical remarks. He felt the kind of

comfort that old colleagues would have. After a lifetime of arduous joint-work. In this state of

drunken confidence he responded in a louder tone than he intended”

“I know why I fight and for who I fight, why do you fight…For who do you fight?”

Bolivar, seemingly unfazed by his question and his display of teeth, showed no changes in his

composure. And kept on strolling around the room. He began:

“I was once in your position. A desperate man, clinging onto his morals thinking them to be of

some higher enlightenment. I didn't understand why I felt that way. I thought it was right, I

thought it was beautiful. The human ideal in both its physical and metaphysical form.

You know I’m quite familiar with Europe. I know France and Italy intimately. I traveled both

extensively in search of the same thing you look for. Society. I grew to love it. Both it’s pretty

face and the salacious mask it wore at night. So you can understand why it hurt me, to find it a

plague on the face of God’s Earth.”

At this Bolivar turned his head, and upon eyeing the two remaining unoccupied seats in the

room. One in front of San Martin, and one to his right. Took the one alongside his guest. San

Martin didn’t turn his head to look at him. You couldn’t tell what he was feeling by looking at his

face. But by his tight grasp of both the armrests on the chair. You could get the sense that he no

longer felt intimidated by the man. But as his respect for his comrade slipped, he found in

himself the desire to go back to Peru, and fight with the Spanish Royalists till either of their

demise. He got up, with no intention of saying either a retort nor farewell to the man sitting

beside him. And as he proceeded.He felt a hand clamp his arm.

“Don’t you understand that they do not need you. It does not need you. The land, the country. It

alone decides what will happen. The people bow to its commands without knowing it,and think

they’ve dreamt up their own plans. It thinks for the masses. And those fine men who break free

are cursed. Condemned for fighting against nature. Their vices flower within them, as their own

country shuns them. The land need not do anything to them, because it knows they’ll devour

themselves. Run while you still can.”

San Martin shook off the firm grip, and turned to face (the man). He leaned forward and put his

nose in his collar. The bitter smell of alcohol quietly lay there, hidden by floral perfumes.

Knowing all he needed to know. He turned around once again and was gone.


He lay in bed on the board that was assigned to him while he stayed in guayaquil. His two

bodyguards. The best pick of his Andean army, where fast asleep. At the behest of San Martin,

who urged them to rest claiming they had a long day tomorrow. He felt no need for bodyguards

anymore. He was safe.

A knock on the door interrupted his dozing off. A noise to which neither of his guards woke to.

He got out of bed and opened the door.

“An urgent letter for Jose de San Martin”

“Thank you”

He sat back in bed, and ceremoniously sliced the head off the correspondence. A piece of paper

was folded inside.

He opened it and examined the beautiful calligraphy. Fancy but done swiftly, as is characteristic

of lawyers.

It read..

My Fellow Compatriot,

I wish to apologize for our meeting earlier. I was not in my best state, and am sorry for any

discomfort caused to you. I am told I become emotional and nonsensical when not in sobriety.

And hope I did not offend you deeply.

However, I hope you understand that at my core I share the same sentiment as I believe I

expressed to you. You are not needed here. It would be in your best interest to take your family

with you and flee this wretched nation.

God knows the only reason I’m still here is because I’m bound by oath. Not to anybody, or

anything. I don’t fight for this nation. I’m only here until I pay off my debt to this continent.

Whether I’ll be liberated from her claws, or destined to die for South America. I do not know.

But I can tell you this: Although other men died around Jesus. It was only his blood that was


I see no reason for this to happen again. Let me fight alone.

For the people

-Simon Bolivar

How to--Emma


I have always loved doing crafts and anything that lets me be creative. When on a trip to Florida about five years ago, my older sister had begun learning how to crochet. I instantly was intrigued. I then convinced her to attempt to teach me how to crochet as I was instantly interested. Through the remainder of the trip, I practiced every moment of free time I had to continue to improve and grow my skills. By the end of the trip I had improved enough to crochet half of a small tank top on the flight home. My love and dedication for crocheting just grew from there. Now, I have taken on projects that range from something as small and simple as a keychain to a small shirt to even something as large and time consuming as a blanket. Although each of these projects came with their own set of challenges, each allowed me to grow and learn new things to continue to improve multiple skills regarding crocheting as well as skills that helped me grow as a person. My favorite item I have made, however, was a small crocheted octopus. Not only is the creating process of the octopus simple, but the meaning and story behind it is what has my heart. At first, I made the octopus as a little decoration for my car, but after my mom saw it she asked me to make her one, and after my older sister saw it she also asked for one. So, this octopus has sort of become a symbol of our love for each other and a reminder to drive and come home safely. Also, the octopus is really cute! If you follow my step by step very carefully you can create your own cute little octopus for you and your loved ones to share! 

Tools Needed:
 - Any colored medium weight yarn (about 7g)
 - A 3.5mm (E/4) crochet hook 
 - Two 6 mm safety eyes 
 - Polyester stuffing
 - A pair of scissors
 - A yarn needle 
 - Stitch marker (to keep track of the correct number of rounds) 

 (To make it easier for you to follow along, the correct number of stitches will be provided at the end of each step in parentheses) 

1. Make a magic ring of six single crochets. To make a magic ring, loop the yarn over your fingers and make an X. Then, put your hook under the top string of the X and pull the bottom string so that it is on your hook and under the top string. Then loop the yarn through that small hole the string has formed. After your magic ring is made, put six single crochets inside of the ring. Lastly, once done with the single crochets, pull the string to close the ring so that it forms a circle. (6) 

Before we start step two. Make sure to put your stitch marker in the last stitch of the first round. Make sure to start every new round in the stitch AFTER the stitch marker as that marks your last stitch for the previous round. 

 2. Now, increase in each stitch. To increase in each stitch, simply put two single crochets in each stitch. (12)

3. To make round 3, make one single crochet in the first stitch, then in the next stitch do an increase (two single crochets) and repeat this process with the remainder of the stitches. (18) 

4. For the round 4-6, just single crochet in every stitch around the whole round. You should keep a stitch count of 18 after every round. When finished, this is a good time to turn your project inside out. (18)

 5. In round seven, you will begin to decrease. For this round, put one single crochet in the first stitch then a decrease and repeat the process. To decrease, put your hook in the front loops of the next two stitches. (12)

6. Next, place the safety eyes between the fifth and sixth rounds, about three stitches apart. To make sure they stay, it is recommended to put the washers that come with the eyes on the inside of the octopus. 

7. For round eight, do the same process as round seven; one single crochet then a decrease around the whole round. 

 8. Now, to make the tentacles, using the front loops only, do a slip stitch, chain six, then start in the second chain and increase in each chain. Then slip stitch in the next stitch and repeat the process eight times for eight tentacles. 

9. After completing all eight tentacles, take the polyester stuffing and stuff the inside of the octopus to your desired look. 

10. Lastly, cut the yarn from the yarn ball to where you have about 6-8 inches of yarn to be safe. With this leftover yarn, simply close the small hole using the back loops of round nine (the tentacles). Go around the circle looping the yarn in all of the back loops and after you’ve done so to all eight loops, if done correctly, pulling in the string should close the hole. Congratulations! You now have your own octopus! 

Basket of Bread--Lucy S.


    The wolf watches the little girl skip through the woods, her red hood, bright

against the darkness. Her basket bounces on her arm with each step. A breeze carries

the scent of the girl's basket to the wolf's nose: freshly baked


The girl skips along the path to her grandmother's house,

armed with fresh bread and butter, a feeble attempt to fight

the sickness her grandmother had contracted. She hasn't

visited her grandmother in a while, not since her mother

passed. Following the path, she stops to pick some flowers.

The wolf tracks the girl as she follows the path to the

woodland hag's house. The wolf loathes the witch, greedy

with her surplus of food, hunting his woodland neighbors for

fun. She'll get hers, the wolf thinks as he hurries ahead of the


    The girl has always been intimidated by her grandma. Her grandmother's idea of

decor is having her walls adorned with heads of innocent woodland creatures: deer,

foxes, and even little bunnies. The gun used to kill each animal hangs above her

grandmother's bed. "So I can easily reach it if I hear one of those damned animals

making a racket", her granny always tells her. However, she had never heard any animals

outside before. Maybe they are too afraid to go near her house, the little girl assumes. No

matter the girl's negative feelings towards her gran, her father forced her to take this

bread and help her grandmother through her sickness. The girl decided that she would

go into this with a positive attitude. Perhaps Granny has changed. It has been a while, she

hopes, continuing down the path.

    The wolf approaches the door to the hag's cabin. He hears a crude cough come

from inside. He peers into the window. The crone looks more horrible than the wolf

remembers. She dons a ratty, old bonnet and an ugly, long-sleeved nightgown as she

wastes away in bed. He spots the gun hanging above her bed, the one that killed

countless of his woodland brethren. Seeing the gun reminds the wolf to be very careful,

so the old cow won't end his life early. He goes around the side of the shack and tries

the doorknob. It opens. Of course it would be unlocked, the

hag always was arrogant, the wolf thinks as he slinks in. The

cabin opens into the kitchen, or, as the wolf thinks, a

torture chamber. The kitchen is filled with innumerable

horrors, such as, mallots, meat cleavers, and a meat

tenderizer. This does nothing to quell the anger the wolf

feels, instead, it feeds it. The hag deserves this, the wolf

reasons. With newfound vigor, the wolf searches for two

supplies in the kitchen, a rope and a rag. Remembering

that the red-cloaked girl is not that far off, the wolf moves

quicker. He bounds into the old cow's room, holding the

rope, preparing to tie her up. "What in God's name," the

witch says, startled, reaching for her gun. Before she can grab it, the wolf pounces on

the crone and begins to tie her up, incapacitating her. Once she's tied, he stuffs the rag

into her mouth and pushes her into a closet. The wolf grabs

one of her many nightgowns off a hanger and snatches the

bonnet off the old bat's head. Putting them on, the wolf

jumps into the bed.

The girl knocks on the door to her grandmother's cottage

before grabbing the doorknob and pulling it open. "Good

morning, Grandma!," she announces. She hangs her red cloak

up on the coat rack. Feeling nervous but still hopeful, the

little girl tentatively makes her way to Granny's room. She

still hasn't acknowledged the girl's presence. "Granny, I have

bread and butter for you. Father told me to come take it to

you. I can also help you with anything else you need around

the house since you are not feeling well," the little girl says as she pushes open the door

to Grandma's room.

    The wolf hurriedly covers himself with blankets, grabbing a book of myths off the

old hag's bedside table. He hears the girl calling to her grandmother. He quickly covers

his face with the book as the girl enters the room.

    "Grandma?," the little girl asks, seeing her grandmother in bed, holding a book

of myths in front of her face. "Is something the matter?," she questions, nervous over

her grandmother's bizarre behavior.

    "Oh nothing, dearie, just enraptured by these myths. The Greek gods were very

interesting," the wolf says, imitating the old bat's voice.

    "Your sickness must be really bad. Your voice is so deep, Granny!" the little girl

exclaims, startled by the depth. "Here," the girl says, holding up her picnic basket, "my

dad baked fresh bread for you, along with your favorite,

sweet butter."

    The wolf smells the delightful aroma again, his

mouth watering as the girl removes the cloth that was

covering it. He sets the book down, licking his lips.

    The little girl looks up from her basket to see her

grandmother, but she looks very different. "Granny, what

big ears you have! They are much bigger than they were

the last time I had seen you," the little girl remarks.

    "All the better to hear you with, my darling," the

wolf responds.

    "And what big eyes you have," the girl inquires.

    "The better to see you with, dearie," the wolf answers.

    "An-and what big teeth you have, Granny," the girl stammers.

    "All the better to eat your delicious bread with, little pumpkin," the wolf says, his

stomach growling.

    The girl smiles as she breaks off a piece of the bread, stathers some butter on it

and passes it to her granny.

    The wolf takes the piece from the girl, hungrily scarfing it down. Just as he is

about to ask for another piece, the door to the closet bursts open, the witch falling out

onto the floor. She stands up quickly, much faster than is expected of someone as

ancient as her, grabbing a hanger and bashing the wolf with it. The wolf hurries off the

bed to avoid getting struck again. "Get away from her, you cursed wolf!," the hag


    The little girl is overwhelmed, unable to comprehend what is happening. The

bonnet and nightgown fall off the person she thought was her granny, revealing a wolf.

Her real Granny quickly reaches for her gun, loading it and aiming it at the wolf.

Without thinking, the girl jumps in front of the wolf. "Grandmother, stop!," she

exclaims. "Oh, blasted child, get out of the way before I blow that wolf to smithereens!,"

her grandmother threatens.

    "He didn't hurt me, Granny! He's a good wolf," she pleads.

    "Good?! He locked me in the closet and stole my bread!,"she


The wolf, cowering behind the girl, feels something he has never

felt before, love. He doesn't even know this little girl's name, yet

she feels compelled to protect him. His heart warms, vowing to

protect her, especially from the old kook pointing a gun at her.

    "See, Grandma, he didn't hurt you either. He is not evil!," the girl


    "It doesn't matter. His head will look very good over my

fireplace," she sneers, "Now move out of my way before I pull this

trigger, with or without you out of the way!"

    The girl quits her pleading, realizing her naivety, her innocence and trust

shattered, believing that her grandmother could change. She looks to the wolf behind

her, perplexed that the wolf is not scared. Where she thought there would be fear, there

is anger. She smiles at the wolf. Her grandmother would never change, she would go on

killing innocent woodland creatures. The girl now understands that this forest will be a

much better place without her grandmother.

    The wolf sees that the crone is about to pull the trigger. He leaps out from behind

the safety of the girl, tackling the hag. He grabs the gun from her and hits the butt of it

onto her head. The hag collapses, unconscious. The wolf turns back to the little girl.

    The little girl, seeing her grandmother, looking almost dead, feels a sense of

relief. The wolf is safe and so are hundreds of other animals in the woods. She takes the

gun from the wolf, aims it at her granny, and pulls the

trigger. Blood splatters all over the room. The little girl

drops the gun and stares at her now dead grandmother.

    The wolf grabs the little girl's hand, so small

compared to his. The wolf will keep the girl safe.

    The little girl and the wolf, holding hands, walk

out of the cabin, covered in the woodland hag's blood.

No one will kill anymore woodland creatures while the

little girl and the wolf are part of it. A little ways down

the path, into the woods and out of the clearing of the

cottage, a huntsman is hunting.

Tales of the Bozo Brigade Humble Beginnings and Amphibian Extortion--Brandon


Do you seek adventure and whimsy? An escape from the bleak, boring reality we live in? Then,

can it be my pleasure to regale you with a tale of trials and tribulations? Of heroes and villains?

Of wizards and wyverns? And most importantly, of dungeons and dragons? First off, we must

begin with two adventurers and a sentient cat walking along a dirt road.

    We begin with our first traveler, Trigger Mendeleev, an alchemist with a brilliant mind

with a couple of screws loose. He is sadly a victim of a spell gone wrong, causing him to mutter

to himself and snatch the shiniest object within his vision. The potions expert is adorned with a

tattered cloak, singed at the ends, while also wearing a distinct belt with bottled potions attached

to it, each one glistening with vibrant color. Our next hero is a gunslinger renowned for their

dungeon-breaking prowess. His name, is Indo Wolfe, a skilled fighter, distinguished by his

signature flintlock and rapier at his side. Lastly, walking with them is a black cat adorned with a

pointed hat, just tiny enough to fit on his little head. His name is Chicket, a highly intelligent

feline, capable of power conjurations and illusions as well as understanding human speech. They

walk to Forg, a small village with a vibrant community for a lead on their quest, to find the last



TRAVELING! Oh I’m sorry about that, did I scare you? My apologies, I do tend to get

sidetracked. Now, where was I? Ah yes, the last wish. You see, the region of Forspeak was

prosperous long ago, led by five legendary heroes. These heroes were an orc woman with

incredible strength and a vicious rage, a hunter with a knack for tracking and eliminating his

target, an elf musician that captivated anyone with her siren song, and a dwarf who vowed to

avenge his fallen brethren. Lastly, they were led by an almighty wizard, capable of bringing

meteors down from the heavens. Although his name was lost to time, his legacy was not. He

constructed a castle, only known now as The Keep. It stands there, guarded by a fierce dragon,

surrounded by the Icoran Mountains. This castle is locked by four locks, one for each element,

water, fire, earth, and wind. The elemental keys are held hostage within their corresponding

towers across the region. Together, they guard the entrance to the last wish and the ability t to

change reality as we know it.

    So, we come back to our adventurers, walking down this dirt road towards the quant

village of Forg. Forg is a relatively new settlement, only housing a few people and having two

major buildings, Wendy’s Waffles and Weaponry, a weapons store combined with a diner, and an

apothecary, notably distinct with a green cross on the sign. It’s a quiet town accentuated by the

sunset as the entire town dwindles; children say goodbye to their friends and walk into their

homes, and adults come back from their hard labor to rest. Trigger and Indo walk into the town

and head straight to the end of the line. Chicket, on the other hand, decided to cut the line,

because no one pays attention to cats. He was wrong.

    Cricket weaves through the crowd, bobbing and weaving through each leg. He gracefully

slips through the door and is instantly found by the apothecary. “Hey, little buddy, what are you

doing here?” The man picks up Chicket, puts him on a bed, and goes to tend to the patient he was

just looking at. He’s unassuming with brown messy hair, a cross necklace around his neck, and

generally normal attire. He seems to constantly have a smile on his face, always happy to help

the next person without struggle. Despite being caught once for sneaking into the medical haven,

Chicket decided to sneak around. Or at least try. You see, Chicket is generally a stealthy kitty.

Despite this, the floorboards were so creaky that not even a feather could go unnoticed. And so,

Cricket was found by the healer, again and again. And over the next couple of hours, the line

dwindled until Trigger and Indo walk inside.

    The medic has a look of confusion when eyeing the two as he is unfamiliar with the two.

“Hello there, my name is Ralph, and welcome to Forg. How can I help you today?” Trigger goes

up to speak with him, but Indo puts his arm against him and goes up. “You see, my kind sir, we

have been traveling on a quest to obtain the wish spell. We were wondering if you had any

provisions or services you could provide to assist us.” Ralph eyes both of them closely and then

says, “I can provide my services on the field if need be. Although I’m an apothecary by trade, I

am also a cleric. You see, long ago, I was part of a band of adventurers who decided to split up

for efficiency. My partner at the time, a small Goliath named Hugh ventured with me east. We

found this village, rampant with illness and disease. So we took the time to stay here and aid the

village of Forg in any way we can. After some time, he left for the dwarf fortress of Tungstone. I

stayed here to continue to shepherd after the people and haven’t left since. I will join you, as long

as I reunite with my crew. Do we have a deal?” Ralph extends his hand out, his cheery facial

expression instantly changes into a serious look as he locks eyes with Indo. Indo looks to

Trigger, and he gives Indo a slight nod and he shakes his hand. Chicket is slightly peeved by this

event. By having another human onto the team, his plans for animal world domination diminish.

However, he has a plan. That night the crew heads to bed in Ralph’s home and is sleepy ‘til the

next morning.

    The next morning, Ralph, Indo, Trigger, and Chicket walk into Wendy’s, the diner and

weapons store mashup, looking for a job to take on to accumulate some funds. Chicket goes up

to the board and points to one about a lost frog. Indo takes it and reads it. The flyer says, “100


decides to get some waffles to go and venture towards the bridge.

    At the bridge itself, they find several gnolls. Gnolls are hyenas turned into demonic,

humanoid creatures, hellbent on causing destruction wherever they go. They are nomadic

creatures, picking easy targets as their victims. They lack compassion or morals and often have

infighting within themselves. The gnolls snarl and surround the frog, surrounding it, leaving no

space for a possible exit. As the team walks towards the bridge, their scent is noticed by the

gnolls, and they ready their weapons. Indo shoots first, with his trusty flintlock, severely injuring

one of the gnolls in the shoulder. Cricket, the cat, casts Firebolt against another gnoll and causes

2nd degree burns across its arm. Trigger also casts Firebolt against the same gnoll, causing that

one to burn up in flames and perish. The gnolls ready their short bows and fire against the squad,

scraping Indo’s side and shooting Trigger in the leg. However, the shots fired against Chicket all

missed due to Chicket’s maneuverability. After the death of the last gnoll, Ralph heals the party

through his magic and the team recovers the frog. Chicket talks to the frog to see if he’s okay.

“Well, I’ll say, I never thought I would see the day that a cat could cast spells.” Well, you can

achieve the same power if you follow my plan.” “Well, what is this… plan of yours anyways?”

“Animal world domination. People have treated us too harshly for too long, the time for

retaliation is now! Your owner couldn’t even protect you, so why not leave her to protect

yourself?” “Hmmm, I’ll help you as long as you help me get out again.” “Again?” “You see, my

owner drags me around everywhere with her, the little girl is relentless. I need to be free from

children, from the same small terrarium.” “Then we have a deal” The frog sticks out his tongue

while Chicket takes it with his paws to solidify the deal. The team then returns the frog and

heads off on the road once more, slightly richer, and slightly more powerful.