
Monday, January 7, 2019

December Writers!!!!!!

Welcome Back!!!!!

Happy 2019---

It is time to get back into the swing of things :)  We have eight submissions from our December Writers.  Please read all of the pieces and comment on three of them.  You know the drill.  Leave helpful, constructive comments.  State what you like about the piece and/or what you find intriguing.  Be respectful, kind and courteous.  Your comments are due by Sunday, January 20.

Happy Reading and I'll see you in class,

Mrs. Solano


To E, ______________________________________________________________________________
“That will be seventy-five cents.” she said. Her long blonde bang nearly covered her eyes. Her light blue eyes looking down at the title of the book. A Raisin in the Sun : a used copy, a tear in the right hand corner of the cover. Her eyes slowly transitioned from the cover to our matching clothes, his and mine.
“So what is the occasion tonight?” she asked.
“We have a school dance in a couple of hours” I replied.
“What dance is in December?”
“Kingsball. It is the same thing as the Sadie Hawkins dance. You know, the one where

the girls ask the guys?”
“Oh, how great! Who asked you two?” she said with curiosity. Boy, was she in for a

“Well you see, it is a little complicated with two guys in a relationship.” I said, waiting

eagerly for her response. A pause proceeded.
“So you two like the same girl?” she said and I nearly lost my shit.
“No, we like each other.”
Her ocean blue eyes looked down, not at the book, but down. Her face was
expressionless. The ocean in her eyes longed for a splash from a paddle, a wave from a family submerging themselves in the ocean for the first time, a swell from a storm in the middle of the vast ocean.
“My brother lived in a time where he had to hide it. He turned to drinking. The alcohol killed him.”
The alcohol killed him. I looked at E. He looked at me. We looked at her. Her eyes still down. The alcohol killed him.
The idle ocean finally started to swell. A salty wave formed at the corner of her eye. This wave would travel oceans away only to never to come return to hug the shore one last time.
E briskly ran around the counter and hugged her with his sweet hug. Me: I just stood there. I stood there with an ache in my heart. I made my way around the counter and put my arms around E. His arms around her. Three strangers in a used book store with their arms around each other.
I felt E’s breathe start to give a little tremble: something he’d done when he was about to cry. I held his shoulder. I didn’t try to keep his tears in because I knew he was thinking the exact same thing that I was. Me. The alcohol. Him. The alcohol. Her brother could have loved another. Her brother could have felt the happiness that E gives me with his every laugh, every “I love you”, every narrowed eye from his smile. He could have fell for another rich, tenor voice. He could have basked in the greatest of symphonies and concertos like my E and me.
E’s eyes now had motion to them. Gentle waves. Waves that immediately rushed back to the shore after departing. These gentle waves put motion into my eyes. “My love.” I thought.
I slowly let go of him and he gently let go of her. She wiped those sea salt tears from her eyes. Her eyes looked up at us so now.
“His birthday was in December and I always get sad during this time of year. I miss him. It’s been about four years since he died.”
I looked over at E whose breathe was no longer trembling, but whose arms were longing a warm embrace as mine were.
“I am so happy that things are changing for the youth.” she continued.
She handed me the book. I placed the remainder twenty five cents from the dollar in the tip jar. Twenty five cents was all I gave her.
I left the used book store with my book in one hand and E’s hand in the other. Walking through the doorway, I took one last peek at her. Thank you , I thought.
I looked at him; I looked at the boy whose “I love you” turns my cheeks red, I looked at the boy who made the Christmas lights so much brighter, I looked at the boy whose smile is the reason for mine. I sent a little prayer to God that a hand rested in mine instead of a liquor bottle.


Music is meaningful, beautiful, and entertaining. The artists who dedicate themselves to their art(music), continuously share who they are through their lyrics. These artists are constantly in the limelight. Fans support, care, and cheer on their idols(artists). We as fans tend to forget that our idols are humans too. They also have their inner demons, that torment them every single day of their lives. The artists who are open about their struggles with depression, anxiety, ect, to their fans, are brave and view their fans and group members as their family. What you don’t expect is for that family to suffer a loss, so out the blue.
It was December 18, 2017. Finals week was here and I was overly stressing. As usual after waking up, I checked my instagram to help me wake up more. Just casually scrolling through my feed I saw fan accounts posting about Kim Jonghyun, a member of my ultimate k-pop bias group SHINee, in the hospital due to a suicide attempt. “This can’t be true,” was my first thought. As I continued to scroll down, news articles were confirming his death. That is when I completely lost it, the entire time I was getting ready for school, I cried. The company he was signed under, confirmed his death in an official statement. “It’s real and I hate this,” was the thought that kept resurfacing throughout the entire day and week. Upon arriving to my first final, Spanish AP Literature, I felt numb and disoriented. I sat down with my final in front of me, feeling jittery because I was afraid of reality and the fact that I had to take my final as I was struggling to hold my tears in. I was nervous about not being able to hold it together and if I was going to pass my final. After my first final, we had fifteen minutes of break until we had to go to our second final of the day. I was cold and hugged myself to feel comfort. I went to the restroom before my math final started and allowed myself to cry. I needed that to allow me to move on to the next

challenge, passing my math final. Once I got home, I started to study for my next finals. I constantly broke down and thankfully my friend texted me throughout the entire day. She helped me through my thoughts and emotions, reassuring me that it was okay to cry and let it all out. I couldn’t fathom the thought that one the most talented, wonderful, and courageous artist I had ever known committed suicide and was gone with the blink of an eye. The entire fandom was aware of his depression because he was very open about it and composed many songs depicting his struggle. Never did it occur to me that he was in too deep. Kim Jonghyun was a man who smiled, laughed, had an ugly cry and loved his livelihood. I ask myself , what could’ve we done as fans for him to not believe that the only way out of his torment was taking his life. Another is, what will it take for the society in South Korea to realize that depression is not a weakness but something that is serious and those who happen to be its prisoners, need the utmost attention and help.
This event demonstrated to me that I should cherish those who I love because I may not have them in my tomorrow, for whatever reason. That it doesn’t matter if you have everything or nothing, your inner demons will always torment you. It’s going to be a year in less than two weeks, since he passed away. I still cry and am unable to listen to his solo music and his music with his group members. His voice brings back beautiful memories but those memories seem to be the most painful to reminisce. I’m hoping that by me writing about this event it will allow my heart to heal more. I tend to hold back on listening to any music that is related to him because I have not written a farewell letter, expressing my thoughts and feeling about the event to him. I now know that it does not matter if whether or not you know the person you cared about so much, in person or not. It doesn’t matter if you’re just a fan and that person an idol. They hold a

special place in your heart and nothing can change that. Losing someone to suicide will never be easy and it’ll be hard to cope with. The unexpected happened in my life....Rest In Peace Kim Jonghyun.


i generally don’t like writing about my personal life when people know it’s about me, but i couldn’t really think of anything else to write about that i’d be happy with.
            before i moved out here to california, my dad kinda had some hint that i didn’t like girls and we sorta hit a bump in the road. he actually outed me to my mom, who genuinely didn’t care. it bothered me so much that i was really panicking the entire month before i got to california. i was shaking, i couldn’t breathe, i was having major doubts, i thought my dad would’ve beaten the crap out of me. however, my dad gave the impression that he wasn’t angry, he just didn’t want me to be gay at the house. that’s where i had a problem, i don’t think being gay is anything to be overly prideful about to flash it every five seconds in someone’s face. it’s my business as to who i want to be with, that’s like if i were to go up to a straight person and celebrate them for being straight. so of course i wasn’t going to be walking around the house talking about guys, and pride, and rainbows and crap like that. when i moved out here, my dad actually confirmed for himself that i didn’t like girls, that’s when i felt like i’d go through the same things as i did in new york.
i had to hide that from my mom and it hurt because i knew that religion would be used against me and i’d just be left alone. it made me feel drained and tired because i always had to hide. my grades suffered, as well as my health. the same thing began to happen last year and at the time i had thought that the reason that my dad was so tough on me and grounded me for everything that i did was because i was just a bad kid that hid everything from him. i was pulled out of a play a week before, i didn’t really do anything for my birthday, i couldn’t even play my uke, i mean seriously.  however, second semester i was piecing together that i was only doing what a teenager does, especially as a teen who isn’t accepted for who they are. my grades were actually not as bad as they were in new york, i didn’t do anything outlandish. But i hid things about my lovelife and who i was involved because of my dad’s rule. i was following his rule and he was getting mad at me for it. i wasn’t acting out, i wasn’t commiting a crime, i didn’t do any wrong against him. apparently he didn’t want me to be gay in the house, period. as if that’s something that can easily be done, nor can it be easily seen anyways. gay isn’t a character trait…
i slowly felt myself falling into the same state of mind that i tried so hard to recover from. i began to blame myself for who i was. in all honesty, even now, i wouldn’t choose to be gay, not because it’s the ‘wrong choice’, but because there are instances like these that really make it all the more difficult to really be happy.
over this past summer i had come to the conclusion that my dad is who he is, and i didn’t want his acceptance in the first place. i just wanted him to see me as me, because i’d still be the person that i am if i were straight. yet again, i got no luck and i discovered that the root of all the problems with my dad and i, is my sexual orientation. we had gotten into more arguments and fallouts, with me ‘lifestyle’, being the nucleus of the discussion. my dad even challenged me to prove that the bible backs up homosexuality, and i was motivated to really do it, i even researched the things necessary to write a full on essay. i haven’t finished it because i later on realized nothing would change that man’s mind; although i feel as if i should to help others with more understanding parents. up until a month ago, i’ve always been scared of that small part of me because of the whiplash i’d get back. i was so scared to even say the word for the fear of my mentality and my person. now, i know that it is a part of me that i shouldn’t hide just as much as i shouldn’t flaunt.

March 2017--Roman

March 2017 where to start, this was the worst month of my life. I thought my life was going great until this month of the year had hit. It all started off with me becoming very ill and being in and out of urgent cares all around town. When this point of my life was happening I have never have felt like complete crap before in my life. Throughout this stressful week being sick I really thought my body was shutting down and I was physically and mentally not going to make it to the next day. I have all the side effects that you can think of when having the common flu.I remember my mom telling me that I would have conversation with myself and would been to cry out of nowhere. During this time my mom felt so sorry for me and wish this would have never had happened to me. But all I was thinking and worrying about was all the homework that I would be needing to make up when I returned to school. It would come to the point where even if I did not feel good I would still force myself to attend school not to have all this makeup work to complete.Once all this madness was over I finally returned to school and about a few days later I was sent home with an allergic reaction. With another visit to the doctor it was that I had the allergic reaction to the medicine I was taking for when I had the flu. So hell begins again being off for another week of school and this being the week before spring break I wanted to get all my work so that I can make it all up over my break. At this point in time I really wanted school to end and not have to go back ever again. So when I was time for spring break I thought I was going to be able to enjoy myself and have a relaxing vacation but that changed very quickly. The first Monday of spring break my life was completely changed this is when my father had passed away. I thought this was no true and this could not be happening to me. With my mom breaking the news to all the family which was very difficult for her to do being that my mom and my dad were together since high school. I was speechless and was like what is going to go wrong in my life next. During this week I was the rock for my little brother and my mother. This is going to be a life lesson that I will never forget in my life. Due to this happening I have become a stronger person and a better role model for my little brother also by becoming more of a father figure for him over these past two years. I have gained from this experience and still continue to gain as time progresses. I have learned to cherish every moment I have with my family and friends. And did I mention this happened over the course of one month??

Justice vs. Revenge--Ethan

If you’ve ever watched or read The Walking Dead , you’ll know that all of the
characters, especially Rick, constantly have to deal with deciding what the “morally correct” way to deal with an issue is. Being caught up with the show, I started to read the comic while waiting until February for the show to come back, and I realized how often Rick changes his view on how he should deal with other survivors. One thing that changes is his view of justice, and how that sometimes strays into something that’s more on the lines of revenge. Where I’m at right now, I would gladly say I agree with his sense of justice. He and I both believe that justice comes in the form of punishment for those who do something deserving of it, such as stealing, murder, and other crime. In a modern society, justice usually ranges from disciplinary action to help the person fix themselves for small issues, to prison for huge crimes such as murder. Without getting the law involved, justice dealt by an individual person to another individual person may seem justifiable to the person, but outside eyes might be a little more skeptical. An example of this would be if someone’s friend was at their house one time, and they stole something from their house, the value being besides the point. Already feeling betrayed, that person is likely to do something they would see as dealing justice. They may do this by going to their house and talking it out, or even simply stealing it back, which most
people would deem is fair. Or they may take it a step further, and maybe steal some of their stuff, or even make a mess and damage their house or property. Once they cross a certain line, they shift from bringing justice to the person who wronged them to getting revenge on them, which is fueled by more angry emotions and is less morally acceptable. In The Walking Dead comic, after someone Rick’s group found had killed two of their friends, everyone is outraged and Rick declares “You kill. You die.”(Issue 18) as a rule for killing any other fellow survivor. Of course he couldn’t say this without getting some form of objection from the others, but he believed that it was the right thing to do. The reason for this disagreement was that Rick was fueled by anger and hatred for the man’s actions, and he wanted to deal with that by hurting the person who hurt him and his friends. The people he was trying to protect bring up how I feel about it, which is that it is hypocritical to seek revenge on someone because it makes you no greater than them, even if YOU are convinced they deserve it, and it discredits your character. By definition, I think that both justice and revenge have relatively similar meaning, but different motivations. Both are methods of righting the wrongs done by other people by way of punishing them for their actions. However, justice is done to protect others or oneself by preventing someone from commiting more wrongs against others while thinking about the “greater good”, and people seek revenge with the idea of making other people suffer for harming them, which proves they are driven by the same evil emotions that cause people to do immoral acts in the first place, so they are on the same moral level. After Rick brings justice to a selfish, cheating and thieving murderer,
he lets him live and sums up that “He lives because we’re better than that, Better than him.”(Issue 126). Be better, bring justice, not revenge.

Definition of Success--Madison

There are various ways to describe how someone has become “successful”. Everyone has their own ideas of how they want their lives to be and the things they have to do to get there. Whatever those may be, it most likely means that a person has reached a sense of fulfillment and is happy with their accomplishments. Society has made success seem as though achieving it will be the same for everyone because specific requirements have been met, when in reality an individual sets the standard for the goals they deem important. If someone is content where they are despite not having a high-paying job or their dream car, they can still consider themselves successful even though they don’t necessarily have everything they want. This doesn’t mean that a person’s definition of success can’t be to have everything that they’ve dreamed of, but it still has to do with what we put our minds toward. Success has less to do with what we have, but the state of mind we put ourselves in to feel comfortable and confident about our own actions and beliefs.

How to Make Floral Wire Mouse Ears--Mikaela

Today I’ll be showing you how to make Wire mouse ears! These are super cute and fun to wear around the park. Everytime my friends or I wear our ears, we get tons of compliments and people asking where we got them. Another cool thing about these ears, each pair is unique! You can make them whatever colors of style you want, and you can even base them off a certain character if you please. I love making myself pairs for the different holiday seasons and festivites. Below is a picture of my friend kayla wearing a pair I made her!
What you’ll need- 

  • -  12 Gauge Floral Wire (Any color)
  • -  Faux Flowers (Any kind)
  • -  Headband (I recommend getting a thick headband)
  • -  Hot Glue Gun
  • -  Hot Glue
  • -  Wire Cutters
  • -  Pliers
  • -  Ribbon (Optional)
  • -  22 Gauge Wire (Optional)
    Step 1-
- Wrap your floral wire around a mug, candle, or anything round to get a perfect circle. I personally like to use a Yankee candle to size my ears. It’s very important that they are perfect circles, otherwise the ears will look wonky. Make sure you leave an end on both sides so you can wrap it around the headband. Make two of these circles! 

Step 2- (Optional)
- If you would like, take the 22 gauge wire and wrap it around the 12 gauge circles. Not only does this add a extra level of protection, but it adds a little more sparkle. Make sure you wrap it tightly. When you reach the end, cramp it down with the pliers. 

Step 3-
- Position the circles where you want them on the headband, then take the end of the wire and wrap them around. Make sure they aren’t too close together or far apart. Press the wires down with the pliers as you go. If you don’t press them down, the could move around on the headband. To make sure no ends are stabbing you, take the wire cutters and trim the wire. Repeat the same with the other side. If you want a little extra support, put some hot glue where the wire wraps the headband. 

Step 4- (Optional)
  • -  If you don’t like the color of your headband, you can get any color and style of ribbon you please. Make sure the ribbon isn’t too thick, otherwise it will wrap wonky. Next, you need to wrap the ribbon around the headband. To do this, put a dollop of hot glue on the end of the headband and stick the ribbon on it. Then wrap it around the headband (and the wire that connects to the headband) tightly. When you get to the end of the headband, put another dollop of hot glue down and stick the end of the ribbon on it.
    Step 5-
  • -  Trim the flowers off their stems with the wire cutters. Make sure they aren’t too long or too short otherwise they might hang over the headband, or there won’t be enough stem to stick in the hot glue. Leave a little nub on the back so that you can stick them on the headband with hot glue.
Step 6-
  • -  Place flowers where you want them on the headband. Don’t be afraid to get creative! You can place them in whatever order or fashion you please. I recommend using some big and some small flowers, just to have some contrast. You can choose whatever colors or types of flowers you want! 

    Step 7-
  • -  To glue the flowers down, place a dollop of hot glue on the headband and press the stem of the flower onto it. While being careful not to burn yourself, hold the stem on the headband for at least 15 seconds. Then, put another dollop on top of the stem for extra support. Don’t be afraid to use a lot of hot glue, it’ll be covered up by the flowers in the end. Repeat the same for the next flowers. Do this on both sides of the headband, so it doesn’t look ugly from the back. Or, if you don’t have enough flowers to finish the back..... 

Step 8- (Optional)
- You can cover the back with the leaves left on your flower stems! To do this, cut the leaves off their stems with wire cutters. Then, fold the leaf in half. Put a dollop of hot glue in the stem of the leaf, and fold it in on itself. Then, take the leaf and position it sideways on the back of the ear, covering up the wire and hot glue. Repeat this with as many leaves as you need to cover the back.
That’s all to making Mickey Ears! DIY’ing these can not only save you money, but allow you to personalize your own set as well! Below are a couple finished pairs I’ve made recently, so enjoy! 

There Is No Beauty Without Pain --Ruth

Well there was a flower that blossomed. Not sure where or how but it did and with it thornes rose. Even so, people come to it due to the beauty it holds, like a Rose. Still the flower is not sure why the thorns are there, to keep people away on purpose maybe? It didn’t ask for the thornes to exist yet...they do. Many people come to wonder at its beauty, a beautiful fragrance of a heart that spreads care and understanding to others around it. It has petals that blossom out like a hug but no one dare get too close? Or is the flower not allowing them, keeping its thorns atop? There is always one person who breaks and cuts down said thorns to cherish that beautiful flower that others just adored from afar. After awhile that one person-believing they have taken all of the thorns away-prick themselves on another causing the grip on the flower to loosen just the slightest from surprise. Thinking nothing of it they pass it on as a mere accident, continuing to tare the thorns down they grip the flower once more. They run into more thorns. The flower doesn’t understand why the thorns still exist, it wants them gone, forever. At this point the person's grip completely lossens letting the flower go from the sting it scared onto them. “Why?” the flower thinks to itself. “Why am I like this, have these thorns? Why do they let me go so easily after holding on for so long?” the flower can’t figure out who to blame. Well, is there really anyone to blame? After sometime the person returns to the flower but doesn’t pick it up like before, their touch hesitant as their fingers twitch back each time they reach out. Too afraid...afraid of what exactly? Afraid of being pricked yet again by another unwanted thorn? Or making the commitment of suffering or helping the scared flower lose its painful thorns? Selfish reasons? The flower was suffering on its own with these unwanted confusing sharp spikes. Does the person need to find a pretty flower without thorns to satisfy them until they are ‘strong’ enough, ‘mature’ enough to handle the BEAUTIFUL flowers thorns? The flower can’t help but think. “Why, why do I exist. Just for show, to make others feel better about themselves with no room left to make myself feel...good or have someone make me feel good, special, loved...happy but not temporary happiness but eternal..?” the flowers thoughts cut deep, feelings it wasn't even aware of. “If I didn’t exist I wouldn’t be hurt everytime I become ‘happy’ or ‘secure’. I wouldn’t have to suffer in exchange for someone else’s well being...every time...but no! I can’t think like that. Those are selfish thoughts, you pathetic drama queen. ...But then again, if I didn’t exist I wouldn’t prick people. Cause the person I grew to trust, love and care completely about pain, sadness, worry, or heartache.” Its thoughts tumbled.
“Why do I exist exactly...?”
Instead of a thorn this time the person unconsciously ripped off a petal...a gorgeous petal.