
Monday, October 23, 2017

How To be a Failure--Mia

In order to achieve the status of being a failure all you have to do is follow these simple steps IN ORDER and you shall succeed. Please keep in mind that being a failure does not mean you are worth any less than any other person, it means you have failed and you have learned from your mistake. Failure is the best way any person can learn from their mistakes. A person that achieves at becoming a failure learns to succeed in life. There is a saying goes that once you hit rock bottom the only direction to go is up. With all this being said there are side effects of becoming a failure which include simping, getting the munchies , crying, feeling emotionally drained and lastly feeling independent and fierce which will help to boost your self-esteem and confidence. 

Step One - You fall in love. Thats right you meet the so-called “one”. Make sure they have an unforgettable smile that you see as the most beautiful thing ever, that they give you butterflies when you see them and in their eyes holds the joy of all the world. They should make you nervous when you speak to them only because you’re worried about appearing stupid or worried about having bad breath.They should accept you for who you are, support you in all your goals and dreams that you have set for yourself etc. you get the picture. You fall in love to learn to do everything with love, to spread kindness which teaches you to become a compassionate person, a trustworthy individual, someone who is understanding, all these characteristics help you to become a positive functioning person in society and essentially in the world.Since you are in love you learn to act with love. When receiving love one should share their love as well. 

Step Two - You fall out of love. This step requires for either you and your partner to end things or life decides to give you a reality check and show you that all good things come to an end. This does not mean that love doesn’t exist, it means your time with being in love with someone has come to an end. The one suddenly turns to a no one. Your life goes from having a companion 24/7 to being alone. You lost the person that you shared everything with, laughed the most with,had the best time with, and now all that are memories. However this does not mean you should turn into a heartless beast, rather you learn to appreciate the moments and memories you shared with this person. At first you will be heartbroken and think that there is no such thing as love. There is though, love does exist and through it you learn to cherish things in life, appreciate the moments you shared with a person and learn there is more to life. You will want to find out what more life has to offer. WARNING: this step may take weeks to months and latest years to get over. Love is excruciatingly painful as it is beautiful. You have failed at love. 

Step Three - Now that you have gone through the hardship of love there is one last thing to do. In order to accomplish this you need a friend. You have grown as a person and now need to move on with your life. Through love you learned how to care, to understand, to be patient, to love, to appreciate to be grateful. All these positive aspects come from the suffering pain that you have
gone through. For me I learned these aspects because I don’t want people to feel unloved, not cared for, misunderstood, taken advantage of feeling as tho they don’t deserve to be loved. This is why being a failure is important, if you have failed at something amazing such as love then people don’t have to feel ashamed and disappointed in themselves because they didn’t succeed. Failing in love doesn’t make you the biggest loser of the century. We are young and there will be worse things to come or perhaps they have already came. Learning how to fail and accept your failure helps you to be grateful for the things you succeed in. 

In the end, I’m sure this isn’t what you expected. Expect the unexpected is what I always say. Being a failure now only shows you what you need to work on now so that you may conquer anything in the future. Don’t let failure discourage you in going after your dreams and goals. Instead use failure to motivate yourself to be someone greater in life than you think of yourself to be, grow and mature as a human. After all succeeding all the time doesn’t motivate you to work hard for the things you want in life. I’m also a proud failure but, I will be someone successful in the future watch.


  1. I enjoyed how you took a different approach to the meaning of failure and showed how failing means more than the negative connotations people tend to associate it with. It made your piece intriguing. -Taylor Clayton

  2. This "how to" is an interesting take on the whole genre of this style of piece. Instead of placing one in a place straight to success, you tell them to fail and learn it their own way. This makes the piece deeper in meaning as it teaches them a life lesson about love, in your case. It was a good read nonetheless.
    -Edmund Yim

  3. When I read the title of the "How to", I surprised in the sense of an individual doubting themselves and someone who creates problems. But you took the turn in saying that the sense of failure is to learn from the mistakes created which i liked. - Amy Lau

  4. I really admired how you shined a different light on the definition of a failure, and taught the reader that failing is an essential experience for everyone to go through. You gave your audience a whole new perspective on how to grow into the best individual they can be in such a unique way. Overall, your writing was very enjoyable. Good work! -Hannah Espejo

  5. Mia! At first, I was surprised with the title but also I really like and enjoy this! I like how you began by saying that "failure doesn't mean that you are worth any less than any other person, it means you have failed and you have learned from your mistake" This is very true and I admire that a lot. Good job!

  6. I'm having trouble with step one, I'm failing at failing, all whilst failing to learn from failing. So...I'm succeeding??? Wow, it really works!

  7. This was such a great piece and something that i definitely would not have expected by just reading the title. I really liked that you took a different approach to a typical "How To" and made it to something that would be really useful to many in real life. -Kayla Leonard

  8. Your point of view on failure is really enlightening. I had never thought about failures as not making you worth any less than any other person, but rather as a means of improving and learning from that failure to grow stronger as a person. This piece gave me a whole new perspective which you can view failure and I'm going to incorporate what I've learned from this piece onto my future and even present failures. -Kenneth Chen

  9. Mia,
    I loved the message that this piece conveyed. I also loved how you placed a positive connotation to the word failure as you explained that it's not a bad thing, it's only bad if you make it seem bad. I especially think that this can relate to what we see nowadays, where people just give up if they've failed, rather than picking themselves back up and turning that failure into a success. Overall, this was an interesting piece that was well-written, so great job! :)
    -Lynelle Elhajjmoussa

  10. I enjoyed your enterpretation of what it means to be a failure and how it does not define you or limit you in any way and how it makes room for you to grow and become better and more educated in life. Although I do not personally agree with your interpretation of what it means to become a failure I do respect your opinion and see the connections you make. I must say though that I really do love that at the beginning you say that failure doesn’t define you and it opens up the door to learn from your mistakes. That I really do strongly agree with. I feel that your piece was well written and I applaud you. -Charis Webber

  11. I think everyone can agree that the title of your piece catches the eye right away. No one would expect it. Your approach, with some dry humor but also heartfelt care, is really nice and enjoyable. The piece is insightful and original; definitely nothing I would've thought of. In the end, it's a really good read and it definitely makes you think. -Fatima J.

  12. This is a really interesting and mature take on what it is to fail. I think more people need this mindset, especially when it comes to failing in love. Love is such a delicate subject for vulnerable, inexperienced, and insecure people. More people should learn that we need the failed relationships to succeed in better ones, and I like how you emphasized that above something like failing in school.

  13. This was not what I expected when I read the title and it was a good surprise. I enjoyed this interesting take on the word "failure." A job well done

  14. I enjoyed your take on this "how to" piece. It is hopeful, yet realistic. It is awesome that you shared your positive take on love. It's nice to know that failure doesn't make us jaded.

  15. Overall best piece that I read so far. Firstly it starts with the title because that's not something that is usually used for a title. Also I love your interpretation of how to be a failure. Being a failure is not something bad because we get to learn from our mistakes and to become stronger in a way. I just love everything about this piece. Great, great job.
    -Briana Santana

  16. The positive route you took with learning from mistakes was good because you emphasized that its okay as long as you can take something from it.

  17. I must say when I first read the title, as I was looking for what to read, I was a little caught off guard and instantly intrigued. Your message is positive, even though your talking about failure, something I never would have thought of. Also while reading I couldn't help thinking of that expression of giving one the honey and the ax. Ax being the blunt reality that you're a failure and the honey being that you learn from your mistakes and failures make you a better stronger person at the end. In a sense this piece was the harsh reality and was executed very well. - Brendan Sweeney

  18. You're right, failure is a way to gain success. I'm not sure if the steps are cohesive with that, but it is a good point to be made.

  19. The title was great and really attracted me to your work. I loved your optimistic and positive tone you used to portray a great lesson.

  20. I really enjoyed reading this "How To" and how you took something thats considered negative and gave it to a more positive perspective. As we make mistakes it can be a bad thing, but learning from them is what's most important. -Jesse Jauregui

  21. This passage was very different from the others I have read so far, I gotta say I really enjoyed the positive perceptive on the idea of being a failure. You really showed another side of being a failure and how you can learn from mistakes. It's not always negative like every one thinks because like you said your can really grow and become wise.

  22. As you said in your closing statement, this piece is definitely not what I expected it to be. It helped open my eyes that failure helps you grow as a person and can also help you empathize with others who are going through the same thing. Thank you for this piece. -Caitlin Fanning

  23. Mia, I love the whole "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" vibe I get from your "How To." I've truly never experienced falling in love and heartbreak, but when I do I will now be able to continue to strive, thanks to your steps. This is very encouraging to those who are going through struggles in their relationships and in life in general, especially teenagers.
    -Unity Montalvo period 4

  24. I think this is piece that everyone who has ever gone through heartbreak has been "in love" needs to read because reading this gave me a new perspective on the best things that will come out of a breakup which qualify as the things that may have been sacraficed or missing for the relationship -Sasha Hodder

  25. The bits of humor within the title played well with the seriousness of the piece. In a way, even though it read "failure" throughout the piece, it was kind of empowering knowing others have also felt this way. Great job.

  26. The presentation of love as a process really brought me into the piece. A simple list, yet it speaks volumes as to the nature of love and the hardships associated with such a beautiful thing. - Gianni Castro

  27. I would suggest this piece to anyone who is going through heartbreak because it is so relatable and truly helpful. The unpredictability and frankness of this is what can help uplift someone and let them know they are not alone. Truly amazing piece!

  28. This was a really interesting perspective on failure. The fact that you wrote about how failure is not a means of giving up but a means of rising gave me inspiration. Excellent writing and great job! -Behrouz Khokhar

  29. I loved the whole concept of the this piece. Despite the title this work was very optimistic and I could imagine this article really helping someone someday. The conclusion seemed a bit rushed though. -Garett Flores

  30. Great piece, Mia. You struck a perfect balance between pragmatism and humor. The flow of the three steps was captivating and well composed. I will certainly be applying your common sense, out of the box philosophy more often.

  31. I love how you described different types of leading directions to failure and it was a good point you made and even a life lesson because many don't want to end up to the direction of failure but to success so I really like this piece because it shows more than the title! :)
    -Ian Mendoza

  32. So insightful to the vices of being human. These steps are so easy to follow but we wish to never be seen as failures so this was almost like a hot to not be something.

  33. I absolutely love this piece. It says a lot about your character that you are able to turn something usually perceived as negative into something positive. This piece is even more enjoyable because it's something that most everyone can relate to, which is heartbreak.
    -Arianna Perez

  34. when reading this title it was an unexpected surprise that you were actually explaining how to fail, but I enjoyed the realness of it and how it showed a little of your emotions but still not all of them.
