
Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Bigger Than We Can Imagine--Morgan

Ms. Star had been through it all. She had been through class after class with hopes that there was one that would pass her final assignment and find the meaning she had been trying to teach throughout her career of a U.S. History teacher.
“I have a feeling this will be the year will be the year,” she said hopefully. Little did she know it was the year.

The first day of class had a new aura; hope and optimism filled the room. The students were outgoing and willing to interact with both the teacher and their peers as well. That atmosphere lasted for a majority of the year, keeping Ms. Star’s hope afloat.

Then came the last two weeks before the big final. Everything had been great until a group of students got a little too into a discussion that the class had. From that point on, the group began to bicker about every topic there was in the book: from the legalization of euthanasia to affirmative action. Ms. Star paid close attention to what was going on because this is exactly what she had wished to avoid. “This isn’t supposed to happen like this. They’re supposed to get along until the final and save the passionate argument for then,” she said dejectedly after class.

The arguing lasted in the days leading up to the final, and as the time diminished, so did Ms. Star’s hopes, so much so that by the final day she didn’t even want to come to school. The disappointment she felt was even greater than previous years because she really believed that this year would be different. She still dragged herself into class and masked her attitude with a smile.

“Good morning class. For your final, we will be having a class discussion about what it means to have rights as a citizen.” The whole class groaned, except for the group of students who had spent the final moments of class to debate.

The debate was going well, good points were being made, and all the students were acting respectable. Then, one student mentioned the topic of respecting the flag. Before Ms. Star could catch up to the reality of what was happening, the conversation took off. What she thought was going to happen was the complete opposite of what actually happened: she had managed to find a group of students that would reach the meaning of her class.

Suddenly, the quietest student in the class cleared his throat and finally spoke up and asked, “Respecting the flag is leaps and bounds harder to understand than we think. We look at it from such a closed-minded and one-roaded point of view when there is so much more to it. There’s generations of lives gained and lost, wars, and rights that we can’t just touch upon and forget. We need to embed them within ourselves. So, yes, respecting the flag is important, but we must also see that the flag is more than just that a symbol of our freedom; view it as a symbol of our right to freedom, a freedom to address the flag as how we as individuals feel comfortable to and not as we are expected or forced to.”

The students felt the atmosphere change. No one could believe that he had said that, but it did. One clap began, then two, and so on and so forth until the whole class was standing, including the teacher. “You have managed to single handedly conquer my long awaited goal of finding someone who can open the minds of others and see that what one may feels about a topic, especially one as sensitive as this one, may not match the feelings of another. Thank you. Even if the rest of you don’t see it now, this will be important to keep with you throughout life and teach your kids.”

Ms. Star ignited a flame in the hearts and minds of the children and the children had finally blown out one out within her. The time had finally come where Ms. Star could peacefully move on and stop asking the same question, but expecting a different result.


  1. This piece was really captivating from the beginning, and is so poignant and well-said, with accurate truths about society even in a piece of fiction from a point of view that we don't see often, and I really enjoyed it! -Fatima J.

  2. A creative and intriguing way to portray a topic that has become more and more prevalent as well as more of a debate. Amazing job at depicting both sides respectively while still being able to emphasize the TRUE meaning of what is behind the movement.

  3. Morgan, I loved the third to last paragraph. "...we must also see that the flag is more than just that a symbol of our freedom; view it as a symbol of our right to freedom, a freedom to address the flag as how we as individuals feel comfortable to and not as we are expected or forced to." I admire how you used a fictional character to express your views and emotions, all the while crafting this powerful line to redefine society's one-sided perception of freedom.

  4. I really loved it Morgan! It was well written and your diction was nice as well. It was very relatable it was almost as if I was there experiencing this debate in the class with them. Keep up the good work!

  5. I really enjoyed the meaning of this piece. It is important as high school students we learn how to see situations from others' perspectives. Most are too immature or close minded to realize that not everyone has the same viewpoints, and being able to accept each others' differences helps us grow as people. -Peyton V.

  6. The relevance of the story's topic really adds to the meaning and how significant situations like these can be. It was interesting point of view to think from a teacher's perspective and gives the readers a more deeper understanding of how important it is to educate our youth the right way. The truths written in this story are insightful and really put things in a different light.

  7. This piece really caught my attention it was very creative well written, great job!

  8. I thought this piece was written very well, it captured a topic that is commonly discussed in throughout society today. I liked how you used a U.S history class/teacher to show this point as well, it shows creativity and thought as wel as puttinf things into a different perspective.

  9. a very captivating and intriguing story.really provided a great sense of significant detail and an understanding appreciation towards the topic. good job.

  10. This piece depicts the events and issues that our time is facing. You provided a symbol of the flag, that is normally not said or thought. I really love how the most quiet student goes against everyone's stereotypes. Loving this piece, well done! -Tiffany Soetojo

  11. Your piece certainly discussed a significant and prevalent topic in our world today, and for that I applaud you. The way you presented your message was very different and creative as well. It just shows how important it is for teachers to discuss issues in society to their students. Great work ! -Hannah Espejo

  12. I loved how fluid the narrative was and how it really tied into some real life experiences that many people have had, especially in the political climate we are in today. Overall great job!

  13. I like how you used a U.S history class in your story because it was something that all high school students can relate to and made it easier to connect to the story. Not only that but the debate the students went through reminding me of past history class without the amazing ending unfortunately. Good job on this piece! - Caitlin Fanning

  14. I love the story and how bold you are to write about such a sensitive topic, yet still got the purpose of the movement out. Ms. Star is such an interesting teacher i think my favorite part of her is that she wanted a discussion like that to happen all along when educators are generally not supposed to; it was cool to see that something most teachers shy away from or are too afraid to talk about was openly embracing the subject and talked about by her class.
    Alessandro Seminario p5

  15. Excellent use of diction and imagery. It felt as though I was experiencing the situation alongside Ms. Star.

  16. Morgan,
    First and foremost, thank you for such a beautiful piece. The detail within this piece was image-inducing as it allowed me to easily visualize the setting along with what was happening in the story. I love the message of the importance of having an open-mind in which you convey. Nowadays, especially here in America, many choose ignorance over understanding which is why we haven't achieved unity contrary to popular belief. However, as seen in this piece, through using our heads, we all have to agree that there are things out there that are bigger than we could imagine. Once again, thank you for your creativity and well done! :)
