
Wednesday, October 4, 2017

The Forest--Arianna

When I was sixteen years old, I moved houses. It wasn't anything too drastic. I didn't have to change schools or say goodbye to my friends or anything. All I had to do was go towards a more nature dominated area of the town. Needless to say, it was one of the most exciting things I've ever experienced in my life. The reason for that was due to the fact that my new backyard was a forest! Can you imagine that? A huge forest that everyone wanted a piece of, and I had it all to myself. Luckily for me, my new house was fairly close to the school. In fact, it was only about five blocks away, so it was within walking distance. I loved being there so much that I would often pay it a visit during lunch. No one would really notice that I left campus since the staff and students were all busy with their own endeavors, so it was the perfect time for me to go. I would run down the street in order to get there as quickly as possible. Then, I’d enjoy my food in peace and tranquility until it was time for me to head back over to school. From that point on, I’d impatiently count down the time it took for the final bell to ring so that I could have an everlasting visitation with the forest. 

My favorite tree would always be waiting for me a little ways from my back door. It was about twenty-five feet tall, and it was full of branches sticking out every which way, making it incredibly easy to climb. Near the top of it, there’s this net-like formation of the tree’s limbs. It allowed me to lie directly in the center of it without having to worry about plummeting to the bottom. Whenever I was at the top, I was able to get this beautiful, double-sided view of my surroundings. On one side, I would be able to see a majority of the greenland I lived by since it was sloped downward and I was at the top of the hill. On the other side, I got a perfect view of the whole town. I’d enjoy the forest perspective during the day as I admired its everlasting colors of spring. Then, I’d enjoy the city perspective at night since that’s when all the lights would shy away from concealment. During the night, the city lights glistened much like a starry
sky that was on the ground. The view I enjoyed the most would definitely be the one of the actual sky. Different constellations and shooting stars would make their presence clearly visible to me once I lied back on my net formation of branches on my favorite tree. Whenever I looked up at the sky, I felt so small because I found myself looking at the bigger picture of the universe I lived in. I always came to the realization that most problems we face are trivial, and we shouldn’t worry so much about things that can be easily forgotten. It would be much easier to forgive, forget, and move on. 

The forest was my personal space to have these moments of introspection. That’s why I enjoyed being there so often. I practically lived in one of the trees. There were some broken branch nubs that I used as hooks to hold onto either my backpack or one of my sweaters. I would frequently refill my backpack’s supply of food and drinks. Usually, there’d be some snacks like crackers with cheese, grapes, and juice boxes. I’d also have my sketchbook and notebook with me so I could practice drawing or write down whatever was on my mind at the time. There are no words to describe the extent of contentment that this forest brought me. I was able to enjoy the nature around me and forget about all of my troubles as I wandered around my green wonderland. I felt more at home in my backyard than in my own bedroom. 

Eventually, my overthinking and excessive worrying directed itself back onto my path, despite me being satisfied with my new environment. A thought occurred to me that nothing lasts forever. Then I thought to myself, “What if I lose the forest?” After that, I began to question everything about the recent lifestyle I’ve created for myself. I imagined worst case scenarios in which I moved again and would have to bid farewell to my one and only safeplace. The forest had served as my escape from the reality of the world. While I was in there, the only thing I had to worry about was restocking my snack supply in my backpack. Could I be content without the forest? After asking myself this, I came to the realization that I have allowed myself to be completely dependent on my backyard for happiness. Now, I have no recollection of how I managed to get through the days beforehand. I don’t believe that I can go on in my life without the forest because it is always present to give me a break from my real life. With that being said, I now live in a constant fear. I’m afraid that one day my greatest treasure will be taken from me and I will be left with nothing.


  1. I really like this flash fiction piece. The way you wrote the story made it seem like you really connected with the main character, making the story feel like a mix of flash fiction and personal narrative which was really cool. Overall, you did a great job.

  2. I really enjoyed your story , you included a lot of nice diction and the tone made it sound personal to you. Great piece for the blog!
    -Kaitlynn K.

    1. Diction and tone is what really draws the reader to understand a deeper meaning, good job!

  3. This is really good! I really enjoyed how you connected with the main character and how it felt so real and deep in thought :)
    -Sahara Santana

  4. This is really good! I really enjoyed how you connected with the thoughts of the main character and how you made it feel so real :)
    -Sahara Santana

  5. I absolutely love the imagery and details in this. I felt like I was in the forest myself, going through the same emotions, from joy to fear. I'm impressed with how well such a short piece pulled me in.

  6. This is suuupper cool. It got my attention from the beginning and i really liked it. GREAT JOB!!!
    -Krystal A

  7. I enjoyed reading the forest as an escape for the character. I found it shocking how towards the end the character feels too dependent on the forest, making it be a real eye opener for the character.

  8. I really enjoyed this writing and appreciate the way you incorporated many details of imagery. As a whole, this flash fiction was really good.

  9. This story was so good! I loved how you began by describing the backyard and the forest as a whole and then you went to describing the tree in depth. It was very well written and I could clearly see everything you were explaining.
    -Jenna Jensen

  10. I really appreciate how you used such descriptive details and vivid imagery throughout the story. These details, how tall the tree was, what the view looked like, how the speaker felt when they were up in the tree, all helped to create an extremely real sense of peace and serenity. As someone who also finds immense pleasure in nature, I can honestly say that your story gave me that same sense of peace and happiness, so thank you and good job!

  11. I really enjoyed reading your piece! When I was reading I wanted to read more about the forest and what will happen next. I also liked the last sentence on the second paragraph, I agree to that and I felt a connection.

  12. I really enjoyed your story! The way you presented the top of your tree as an escape route and place where you could let things go was well done because we all have those places. - Caleb Leyva P.2

  13. This piece is amazing. The tone of the overall story is connecting you and this tree as one unit but then that twist at the end of you being completely dependent on it really threw me off! Great writing and amazing storytelling. -Behrouz Khokhar P.5

  14. The way you wrote this piece made it seem as if these events were actually happening to you and that the main character was representative of your feelings.

  15. I like how detailed you were with your story and I thought it was interesting on how connected you were with your backyard and how it made you happy every time you were there.
    -Andrew Rodriguez

  16. The story was really interesting to read, gives it a bit of a wow factor thinking of how things can be that heavily relied upon or connecting it to anything that may be your "Forest" in your life.
    -Ramsey Perez

  17. This was a very interesting and amazing story. Very well done, and it definitely kept me thinking throughout the poem about where the story could go next and kept my attention. You are a great writer. -Daniel Recinos per 4

  18. Your piece was very descriptive. I felt that it conveyed emotion, and loved how the mood changed towards the end.

  19. This is a story I can really relate too because my backyard is actually a place i personally use to block myself from reality and enter into y own world. A much more peaceful and non-stressful place. I loved this piece of writing because the amount of detail of your inner thoughts and emotions you put into it was just spot on. Truly inspired.

  20. I enjoyed this piece because you explain that you moved houses and instead of talking negative about it, you talked positive and found your escape which is the forest!! The little things always make a difference in your life and you always have to think positive which is why I love this piece! Good Job!! :)

  21. I liked how the story shifts from admiring the exquisite forest to having a fear of losing that forest. I liked how you contradicted happiness and safety to fear in your story and it reflects into real life luxuries of how nothing truly lasts forever.

  22. I enjoyed your story very much! Great use of diction, one, and details. The piece was very descriptive, and made me feel like I was actually in the forest!
    -Raaghav Wadhawan

  23. The message behind this story is fascinating in which how you found comfort in the forest. Even though, some individuals would see the forest as dark and scary but you found the beauty in it. Great Job c: - Amy Lau

  24. I really liked your use of imagery throughout the writing. It is very well-written. Good job!

    -Ezinne Abba

  25. I really enjoyed reading your piece. There was so much imagery and captivating details. When I read the part about the character being dependent on the forest and fearing losing it, it made me reflect on the things in my life i fear of losing.

  26. The shift in tone was unexpected but it was cool. Usually it would be the other way around but I liked how you switched it up and went from a peaceful tone to an anxious one. Good Job. - Jonathan Castillo

  27. I really enjoyed this piece because of its subject of nature! I personally love what nature has to offer and the beauty of it all. I feel the pain when the narrator said that they feared their source of happiness disappearing. It was really intriguing the way your character submersed themselves into nature so intimately. Overall, this was a refreshing piece to me as it reminded me of my appreciation of nature. -Kenneth Chen

  28. I liked this piece a lot and I feel that a lot of people can relate because after all, everyone has their safe place whether it be somewhere in your home or a person you lean on. I like how the tone shifts towards the end and reveals the fears that come along with loving something so much.

  29. I enjoyed reading this piece and the use of imagery helps convey the connection of the forest with ones life very well.

  30. I love how this story is so relatable. Almost everyone has their safe spot that they depend on. I also like how the shift in attitude explains the negative that comes with loving something so much. - Tatiana Nunez Per. 3

  31. The premise of the story was very relatable, especially the inclusion of a personal 'safe haven'. I really liked that the beginning was nostalgic and charming but transitioned at the end toward the realistic fear of the future and uncertainty of what is to come.
    -Megan Kukwa

  32. This story was very nice and peaceful, and it placed me in a huge tree, like the ones of my childhood, very well written.

  33. This is great! The tone shift in the last paragraph was completely unexpected but it also stresses the importance of nature and having our own sanctuary. Solitude is important sometimes.

  34. I really enjoy how the last part of the story shifts to a darker tone. Your story is very intriguing and it seems like you relate to the character on a deeper level.
    -Kassandra Carlson, period 5

  35. I really enjoyed this piece, I thought you brought up a great concept that a lot of people can relate to, being loosing the things that your close to. And that generally fear of the character haunts all of us in a way. Also I thought your imagery was great, the description of the trees and general environment was very powerful, making me truly imagine what this town would have looked like.
    -Brendan Sweeney

  36. This piece gave off a tranquil type of approach which caught my attention since I prefer reading pieces with descriptive language, accompanied with a mellow pace of writing. I really liked how you constantly connected the main character with the forest, portraying how that bond that she made when first moving in is clearly unbreakable. Great piece!

  37. I really enjoyed your piece it was very well written and it had my interest when i first started reading. The diction, imagery and details really help to bring your story together. Great Job - Lexy magana

  38. I really enjoyed all the visual imagery you included in setting the scene for your piece. It really immersed me in the story!

  39. Nice story that's very relatable. The imagery and details you used for the backyard, forest and tree were superb.

    -Akunna Chilaka

  40. The imagery is very detailed from this first person point of view. I really liked your flash fiction because your use of words made it very easy for your audience to relate and connect with the speaker. I also admire how the speaker deeply cares about nature and finds their sanctuary in the forest.

  41. I thought the piece was very intriguing, especially because of your use of imagery when describing the forest. I also love the epiphany that the protagonist has at the end of their own fear.
    -Brandon Porter, Period 4

  42. Your use of imagery really brings the story to life and I enjoyed the tone shifts! Great job!

  43. I was not expecting that tone shift. Interesting look into the human psyche and how just like that, we could see a good thing as a bad thing. Also love the setting; The description of the forest made a very vivid image of what could be considered a piece of heaven on Earth.

  44. I absolutely love this entire story. I feel like I can relate to this whole thing mainly because forests make me feel happy and safe too but also due to your extensive use of detailed imagery. It was all so descriptive that I truly was able to feel the beauty on comfort you felt in that forest.

  45. I really enjoyed this poem, the detail helped me envision the story and get whats going on. The connection with you and the tree is something that relates to many, most look for a safe haven when in trouble. - Anthony Morales Period 3

  46. I love the vivid imagery and detail that was out into this. It's such an amazing story and very relatable. I love how the character starts to depend on the forest Towards the end. It was a great story with amazing contrast! Great Job!! -Mercedes Bradford

  47. I enjoyed reading this story so much! I love detail and imagery throughout the whole story. Then towards the end, the character starts to depend on the forest which was such a turn that I was not expecting. It was great!!

  48. This piece was very intriguing. Although a flash fiction piece, I was able to connect with the main character at a deeper level. Their escape from the world was this magnificent tree in the woods that they held so dear. Everyone has their own "tree" that they would be lost without. This piece has made me realize that I may not rely so heavily on this escape for things really don't last forever

  49. I love this piece. The way you make me think about my own life is equally frustrating and cunning, making me ask myself if there's something I'm to dependent on to make me happy. Your style of diction is impeccable, nice job.
    -Oscar Bustamante

  50. Great piece, the tone shift was amazing, I like to see when writers show the "other side". I liked how I could not tell where the story was going which kept me engaged as a reader.

  51. Wow, i loved all of the detail in this and your description is so amazing it made me really feel like i was there with you. I loved all of the imagery because you had many different kinds like sensory imagery, and tactical. It was an amazing experience to be able to see what the speakers sees.
    -Sasha Hodder

  52. I like the overall description of imagery represented in this piece. It creates this very descriptive visual that can easily be implemented into my mind.
    - Alex Thao

  53. I love this piece so much! I love the use of descriptive language and vivid imagery. You developed such an amazing and riveting plot in only a few words. I love the message. Truly truly amazing. Job well done. - Taren Thomas

  54. GREAT JOB WITH THE DETAIL! A lot of imagery i could imagined the forest for a backyard as i read it . i felt the excitement for the speaker . i really enjoyed the piece.

  55. Didn't expect the story to change suddenly to something dark, I loved it. This can also relate to many people because everyone has their safe place they go to. Great story, keep it up.

  56. I loved your flash fiction piece. It is very well structured and well written and very descriptive. I enjoyed reading it very much!- Jada Cruz period 3

  57. I really loved all the images that I had in my head because of all the scenery that you provided with detail, I felt like I escaped from this world and wet into that world.
    -Briana Santana

  58. I really enjoyed the way you associated the forests with peace and tranquility. I to see it in the same way

  59. Your descriptions of every little detail from the tree to your excitement and admiration of your backyard is so appealing to read and really made me feel nostalgic and happy.

    Alessandro Seminario, p5

  60. I loved your tone in this story and the diction you chose as well as the imagery really pulled me into the story and let connect with it.

  61. I love your shift in tone that seemed so optimistic then at the end the character is so worried and scared about their future. I felt a connection of yourself and the character in the piece. The piece was so great and I feel like it can connect to all of us in the sense of being scared about change and future since we are all seniors and can relate to being scared of what the future holds.
    -Ricky Gomez

  62. I love your shift in tone that seemed so optimistic then at the end the character is so worried and scared about their future. I felt a connection of yourself and the character in the piece. The piece was so great and I feel like it can connect to all of us in the sense of being scared about change and future since we are all seniors and can relate to being scared of what the future holds.
    -Ricky Gomez

  63. The imagery used throughout the whole passage helps convey to the reader what it is like experiencing the forest in that moment. This is what I love about literature, which is how an author can make the reader envision they were actually there and you successfully achieved that. - Joshua Dalisay

  64. I really admired this piece i think it was very well written and thought out. I also loved your use of imagery, it created a reality, a world that readers believe, keep on believing, and want to keep believing. Great job!

  65. The thoughtful imagery allowed for the reader to delve deep into the speakers mind. The nostalgic tone combined with the your diction creates a serene tone which translates very well to the reader.-Bilal Noori

  66. The amount of detail that was put into this piece was amazing!!! I absolutely loved the description of the forest and to how it was a symbol of sanctuary from the real world. Many of us have our ways of escaping and the way that nature was used in referenced to this kept me interested in what was happening throughout the whole piece. Well done!!!
    -Oved Renteria

  67. This piece of flash fiction is very well written. When I read this story, I felt what I believe you felt when you talked about the forest. The feel of nature, being in genuine peace. You have successfully transmitted your ideas and fear to the audience.

  68. I truly am in awe with your piece, as you detailed your emotions giving the reader an insight, and the choice of words you placed in this piece. The description and symbolizing of the forest and nature truly brought into light of the speakers mind.

  69. Putting so much detail and making the story amazing was great you did an amazing job keep it up
