
Wednesday, October 4, 2017


 We all strive to be in love one day or to love something. There are two types of love regular love and a more special one, unconditional love. First let's talk about love, the definition of love is, “ a variety of different emotional and mental states, typically strongly and positively experienced, that ranges from deepest interpersonal affection to simple pleasure.” This word is so powerful. Like stated in the definition it is not just a regular word. There is emotion, feeling, and affection connected with the word. This is what it is so powerful and when someone says it, it creates an immediate impact. Love makes people do things they think they would never do in a million years, it brings happiness and fulfillment. You can have all the money in the world but if you have no love in your life you feel empty inside. Love leads to your life being complete. Not only that but once it said it solidifies someone's feeling towards you and is a moment people always remember. Love is not only between two people, people also love their pets and treat them like another family member.

Now, as said earlier there is not only one type of love. The other one and the more unique type is unconditional love . Unconditional love is something truly special. This is very hard to come by. The definition for unconditional love is affection without any limitations or love without conditions. This is the denotative meaning of unconditional love but the connotative is much deeper. When someone gets on your very last nerve all the time but at the end of the day you love them no matter what. When you accept and love someone for who they are, their flaws, and putting himself before yourself. When they can do you wrong but you still love them. That is unconditional love. A quote that supports this is “ appreciating someone else for who they truly are. It means loving them when they are unlovable, and in spite of their imperfections and mistakes.” As said earlier accepting someone for who they are and this even means their flaws. An example is when someone else's happinesses makes you happy. The truest form of unconditional love is a mother's love for her child. A mother's unconditional love begins the moment they set eyes on their child and she never stops loving her child until the day she dies. A quote that supports this is, “When you look into your mother’s eyes, you know that is the purest love you can find on this earth.” Through the child's life it has its ups and downs, it's good decisions and bad decisions. No matter what happens their mother will always love them. This is what the real definition of unconditional...a mother's love for her child. Unconditional love is something very beautiful. Love is what every person strives for because it is absolutely the most wonderful and fulfilling thing on earth.

Work Cited
Churchill, Alexandra. “These 20 Quotes Explain Why We Need Unconditional Love So DAMN
Much.” YourTango , 12 Feb. 2016, . “Love.” Merriam-Webster , Merriam-Webster,


  1. You showed and explained what love is and what types of love there is, I liked that because in my opinion I would have forgot and would have just talked about love but you talked about all the aspects of what love really is

  2. An eyeopening and endearing take on something that everyone has felt at some point in their lives. I enjoy how you were able to show that there are many different types of love but they overall lead to the same feelings. You were able to take a complicated emotion and explain it to the reader in a way that was relatable in at least one sense.

  3. Great piece! I really liked your use of diction and how you interpreted the meaning of love. I very much agree that unconditional love is a mother's love for her child.

  4. I enjoyed how you explained the different types of love and I also enjoyed the examples you used to explain it.
    -Andrew Rodriguez

  5. Love is a battelfield

  6. This was very well written and I think it’s very relatable to everyone because we all strive to love and fall in love at some point in our lives. Good job Jesse!

  7. This is a really well-done piece. My eyes were glued on my screen from start to finish. Your use of unconditional love and comparing to a mother and child is spot-on. Great writing! -Behrouz Khokhar P.5

  8. I liked your piece!, it was detailed, pure, and warm felt, and it gave a deeper meaning and insight of "love" and "unconditional love." For me personally, i have unconditional love for those who hurt me, but that's just who I am and i wouldn't have changed that because it molded me into the person that i am now. I loved how you incorporated the general idea of love, but importantly involved other kinds of love into your piece, loved it.

  9. The way you explained the two different types of love really helped me understand both types. I loved the examples you used to help us understand the difference between both meanings.

  10. Love can be discussed on many levels, I like how in the end you tied it down to a mother's love for her child, somthing that most people relate to.

  11. this is honesly one of the most diverse topic someone can really write/talk about.Really good topic, with textual support. good job.

  12. Your piece is really heartfelt and emotional. I really love your explaination of unconditional love and the pure love of a mother. Your quotes are perfect!
    - Kassandra Carlson, period 5

  13. Some people don't know exactly what love really is but you were able to define it perfectly.
    -Genesis Mendoza

  14. I really enjoyed your piece due to how you explore the connotations of love and how you explain that love can make people do crazy things, which I'm sure most of us understand to some degree.
    -Brandon Porter, Period 4.

  15. I find it almost ironic that something as profound as love is being described in such an explanatory tone, as if it were being spoken by a college professor giving a lecture. This piece is very well-written and is a nice little reminder of what love really is and what it should be.

  16. You have done a fantastic job explaining what love is. To translate the word love into words can be difficult, yet you were able to do just that. Using the example of a mother's unconditional love or her child allowed me to relate to firsthand experience and better understand what the word love really means.

  17. i couldn't agree with you more, theres two types of love. Love is very strong and very compassionate for someone or something. But when it comes to unconditional love that love will never stop and theres nothing you wouldn't do for that person because you care for them that much to where you put them first. anyways, great job jesses james! i loved the piece !

  18. Great detail and definition of different types of love. Many people can relate especially to the mother's love at the end, really liked your explanations and keep it up.
    -Michael Hernandez

  19. I really liked this piece because for me I was wondering what love really is and how there’s diffeeent types of love and in a way, it really spoke to me and I loved the way you wrote about this and the quotes too!

  20. I have never really thought about all the different ways to interpret love until after reading this. You had a great use of diction and made me think about what love is on a deeper level. Great job! - Jada Cruz period 3

  21. Jesse, the word love is always defined as so many different things but always seems to circle back to one main general idea. Your view of what love is as well as making sure to incorporate the various definitions and examples was beautifully and purely said. As someone who loves unconditionally despite those who have done me wrong, this was touching as I could relate. Especially when elaborating on the mother's unconditional love. - Savannah Diaz

  22. i believe there many different kinds of love in this world with different levels of emotion and passion. i feel like you covered the biggest kinds of love and described them in a really beautiful way
    -Sasha Hodder

  23. Your piece was amazingly written! I enjoyed the fact you contrasted the different types of loves and elaborating what each one consists of. - Joshua Dalisay

  24. What an idea love is. It is probably the basic building block of life, I agree with the fact that love has many but mainly 2 types. The unconditional love between Mother and child is so evident in my life and is understatement if anything. Great definitions!

  25. You have put together this abstract idea together successfully to describe the
    characharacteristics of love. You create a scene where you tell us what and is not the concepts of love.
