
Wednesday, October 4, 2017

An Untitled Story--Genesis

Michael and Emily, started off as a close friendship in which they would talk for hours everyday and one wouldn’t get annoyed nor bugged. In a way, Emily and Michael were different, yet have some similarities like they both enjoyed nature at its best. Endless of conversations about what they would do together despite the long distance that they have been on this journey. Not a lot of people know this, but Michael was such a different person whenever Emily was talking to him in which he was affectionate and would hate this dark side of himself to her. In a way, he was afraid of showing his dark true side to her that Emily could not want to be with Michael anymore, but that wasn't the case instead she fell more in love with him. To Emily, she finally felt that she got to know Michael as in a strong and more powerful connection than ever and accept every flaw that he had. She remembers every little detail about him and how Michael came from a broken family and a dysfunctional type of love like Joker and Harley Quinn. The funny thing is that Michael told Emily that he likes Joker and how in some ways, he saw himself like that. Emily was shocked yet didn’t leave him as she felt that they could overcome anything as long as there was
communication, trust and love between them. Despite that, Michael still had his own demons to fight and Emily never gave up on him and still to this day. He had a way of words, you see, this was his one way of showing how he truly felt about Emily from miles and miles away. He would write her this, “As we lay here, Lovers entwined, Hearts tangled, You raise your head, And look into your eyes And I see our love..” At this moment, she knew that Michael was about to share those three words of “I love you” and without a doubt, she knew that throughout the hardships and everything that Emily could picture herself being with him forever, despite the conflicting comments between the two families and was ready to say it to Michael that as well. Without a doubt, Emily knew that something was off about Michael but couldn’t know what to do except to tell what is going with him. Lastly, Michael has been dealing with his own personal issues in which she couldn’t necessarily help himself as he told her that “You can’t fix everyone, even though I know you want to fix me, but you can’t.” Emily sadly knew that Michael was right but wanted to help him and at least do anything to help. At least she knew that Michael needed to do this on his own and that she could be supporting and being there for him. It was hard to say the least that not only did Emily choose to stay with Michael but gave him everything of herself. Although their relationship was different from others, somehow Emily and Michael always found each other and kept discovering something new and adventurous about one or another.


  1. When you compared their relationship to Harley and the Jokers relationship I for sure thought that Michael and Emily would have a toxic relationship however, you surprised me with a bit of hope that everyone can fight their demons and if someone needs time for themselves it's good. The fact that Emily would stay with Michael even though he may be flawed showed hope.

    Sarah Skibby

  2. Wow that's deep, great story!

  3. I really enjoyed reading your piece, how you talked about these 2 people who seemed lost but ending up finding each other at the end and finding new things about each other. I enjoyed reading your piece because it felt heartfelt and true.

  4. I really enjoyed this flash fiction. I feel as if I could relate to Michael. I love the way the story was written.

  5. The way this writing is written is great with the amount of detail and emotion that was put into it. Each character in this writing show they're personal hardships but fought them with love which is something was greatly captured. This is a great inspiration for couples going through hard times in there relationships. Great Job!

  6. The amount of characterization and detail really drew me in. I really enjoyed this short story, I felt an emotional connection to the piece.

    -Candice v

  7. “As we lay here, Lovers entwined, Hearts tangled, You raise your head, And look into your eyes And I see our love..” That is such a beautiful line to accompany such a beautiful piece. This story really highlights the struggles everyone faces in relationships. It can't be all sunshine and happiness but that's often what is portrayed. We almost never seen a story from a perspective like this, one that proves love can overcome. The narrative was relatable and had a really good message. Great job, I enjoyed reading!!
    -Breann Lee

  8. It's a very cute story. I love the theme of acceptance and how Emily loved Micheal even more for showing his true self.
    -Genesis Mendoza

  9. This was a deep story that really forces you to think about what love can be versus what it's expected to be. Your delivery of this idea is effective in that it enables readers to feel enlightened and is if they understand more about love, what is and what isn't. Your analogies were on point and really added to the story's ability to be comprehended. Nice job :D
    - Andre Perez
    - Andre Perez

  10. The story gives a non-stereotypical type of relationship that Emily and Michael had. Although they were not able to be together, they still love and care about each other, showing that relationships are not by the book. Amazing! Thank you for sharing!- Tiffany Soetojo

  11. The story was so detailed and also relatable. How they came together at the end was beautiful.
    -Tommy LeMelle

  12. I love this story. I love love story's. Haha so i was hooked and I expect a sequel. I love the perspective you took on this! Great!!!
    -Mercedes Bradford

  13. I loved reading this, it's very pure and innocent and you made it evident that Emily loved him more despite the darkness he belived he had, which is very cute.

  14. A truly unconventional love story. I appreciate that no matter their differences and how harmful this relationship seemed in the beginning, the two were alluded to being the perfect fit as they would be the ones to help each other through it all.

  15. This piece was heartwarming and hopeful as the two found love even in the most unlike of characteristics. The part where he had told Emily that she couldn't fix him, he had to fix himself despite how much she wanted to really touched me because I could relate and made that connection. Very sweet story. - Savannah Diaz

  16. The comparisons to Harley and the joker were great and the story was very good, I could relate to a lot of what the passage talked about.

  17. Why do we attract people that need fixing before we can ever fix ourselves? Question to the writer, who's piece made me ponder on this.

    With Respect, Connor
