
Wednesday, October 4, 2017

To My Dad--Lexi

My dad is my rock. He is my family’s glue. Sometimes he knows more about me than I do myself. And to imagine a life without him is the hardest thing I could ever do.

My dad has diabetes and I know to some that may not sound so bad as compared to other medical conditions. But seeing the way that this has plagued his life, takes a heavy toll on me.

He’s already been hospitalized twice this year: the first, because he was too stubborn to take his medication and the second because not taking his medication and the cold weather made him easily susceptible to pneumonia compared to others. And every day after school I would go to his hospital room and sit on his bed and we would talk about our days. He was so weak and frail. It became a challenge for him to talk because he was coughing hoarsely every five minutes. After our talks, he’d dose in and out of sleep and sometimes I’d sit and admire him sleeping peacefully, free of pain, and I’d reminisce through all of the wonderful memories we've made over my 16 years, with tears constantly rolling down my face, continuously wiping them as fast as I could just in case he woke up. I didn't want to show him how weak his situation made me, and I knew the presence of my family and I is what kept him going. And I tried to imagine my life without him: similar to that of a blank canvas, empty and boring, with no color or vibrancy to it. I don't think I could ever grasp the fact of losing my dad. He is my world, my source of motivation, my number one supporter. He’s always at every practice, at every game, enduring the long car rides with me, rain or shine. And I told myself that enduring this treacherous journey with him was the least that I could do.

A week passed and it was still the same routine. I didn't see him coming home anytime soon because he just wasn't getting any better. And I started slipping, both mentally and physically, because I just couldn't understand why my dad had to go through this. I couldn't focus in school; I didn't get any homework done. I couldn't go to practice, knowing that he was still suffering in that hospital bed. My mind was plagued by sadness and heartache, and it was eating me alive.

Eventually, the medications starting kicking in and my dad was finally released from the hospital. It was so great to have him home, his presence making me feel safe and comfortable again.

Fast forward to about two weeks ago: my dad was taking me to one of my many doctors appointments. And he turned to me and said, “Lex, I hate to say it but I don’t see that motivation in you anymore. I don't see that spark of light you once had when you talked about your dream schools and aspirations in life. I don't see your excitement for soccer anymore. And I want to be there for you, but you don't talk to me anymore and I don't know what I did to make you shut me out, but I’m so sorry for whatever it was.” And he stopped after that with tears falling from his eyes, unable to speak. And I was incapable of saying anything because there was a bitter truth to what he said. I knew I lost that vibrant light I once had in me; it was as clear as day. But I didn't think he'd notice. The silence continued, and he eventually was able to speak again and said, “You know, this morning I got a little upset with your mom because she told me you were upset with me while I was in the hospital.” My heart dropped. I knew what he was going to say next, and let him say it anyways. “You thought I gave up. You thought I didn't want to fight anymore. You thought I was going to leave everything behind because you and I both thought I wasn't strong enough to handle it.” I looked at him, tears now rolling down my face; yet again, turning to look out the window in attempts to avoid eye contact with him, trying to wipe them so he wouldn't see any weakness. He continued with, “You weren't entirely wrong. I couldn't handle all of the pain I went through. At moments, I did think of throwing in the towel and just giving up. And then I thought about your mom, and all of the things we've overcome together. And then I thought about you and your sister and the bright futures ahead of you two, that I wouldn't dare miss. Just because I wasn't taking care of myself, doesn't mean you get to take the easy way out and use me as an excuse to just give up. Lex, you've worked so hard these past few years to get where you are now and you're not going to throw it away because of me. There's no way I’m letting you do that to yourself. I’m sorry that I wanted to give up and I’m sorry that I let you down. You were my motivation to keep me going while I was sick; now let me be your motivation.”

What an emotional car ride, right? I remember it so vividly because my dad and I have never had a talk that powerful before. He really is my motivation and that spark of light within me. I want to make him proud with everything I do because he’s done so much for me.

Through these two instances, I’ve learned to appreciate my relationship with my dad so much more than I recently had. I’ve also realized that I can overcome nearly any obstacle with my dad motivating me along the way and that a life without him would be unbearable.


  1. Wow I really felt a tug in my heart while reading this. The way you incorporated your own emotions and experiences into your writing was done really well. You wrote it like you were personally telling the story and it really helped convey the emotion and imagery within your writing. You really emphasized the personal part in personal narrative and I think it worked really well. I really felt for you and your dad and the way you understated it all by calling it "an emotional car ride" when it seems more like a tsunami of emotions was really good. I'm glad your dad is okay and great job with your writing.

  2. A extremely riveting piece. The way you wrote made me feel like it was just you and I, and I could hear your voice and see your face, full of tears and emotion. I really felt the connection between you and your dad and how you both look to each other for support. The personal narrative really brought a personal vibe and showed how important family is, and how emotions can really affect the personal life and your physical body in such a major way. Very well written piece.

  3. This really hit me really hard. I can relate because of my mom. My mom is literally the only thing I have and we have had those meaningful, deep, and thoughtful talks. You had a lot of emotion and imagery and your use of tone was a happy but sad hurt. I loved your writing.

  4. This story almost made me cry to be completely honest I love how you can feel the emotions through this story. I felt as if I connected to you through this story and your story showed how you need to appericate what you have so, you deserve major credits. -Krystal Edwards

  5. Ok you're dads words literally brought tears to my eyes, nice writing really had a lot of emotion in it(wonder why, right). It is nice to hear that he is fine though.
    -Ramsey Perez

  6. That was amazing. The way you spoke about your dad made me realize how important dads are in our lives. You truly expressed your deepest feelings into writing and you allowed the reader to feel what you were feeling. The amount of emotion in the post is crazy, you almost feel overwhelmed by the vivid emotions you’re expressing. By the first few sentences I was already hooked and feeling an emotional tie to you and your story, I could feel the tears in my own eyes. I know your dad would love this and be so proud of what you are. Good job, I love your blog post. -Alana Robinson, Period 4

  7. This piece was Amazing. I really like the way your sentences hold emotion and show how this whole situation affected you internally and externally. Great job!

  8. I really commend you for being so open and vulnerable about such a truly sad and despairing topic. Being truly open and vulnerable makes writing much more real and authentic and you proved that. The way that you recalled these events with so much detail and emotion made me feel like I was watching a movie. The tone was good, the pace was good, and the language was good. I really enjoyed this piece and your writing style.

  9. I truly felt every emotion that you were able to put out with your writing. This piece really brought me to tears because of the way you wrote about your personal feelings while watching your dad go through what he was going through while later incorporating how he felt. I thought it was touching how although you were more worried about him, he was worried about you and the spark that had left you, that truly shows the unbreakable bond that you share with your dad and I was wholeheartedly able to relate to it! I'm glad he's better now!

  10. This was a very emotional narrative that brings the reader right into your perspective. It shows a glimpse of your personal and family life that most people may not know about. It's hard to share something as personal as this, and I am happy to hear your dad is better and recovering.
    -Kenny Abraham

  11. This story is very well written. The way you described your personal experiences made me feel if I was in your situation. I could picture the whole story as I read word by word.- Caleb Leyva P.2

  12. This was extremely beautiful. My dad is my rock too and he’s always put me first and made sure that I was ok and makes sure I have everything I need. I honestly don’t know what I would do if I lost my dad. I’m happy that he’s doing well and I really hope you bring that spark back! Great job with your writing!

  13. This was a very emotional piece of writing and I am glad to know that your father is out of the hospital. I really enjoyed the dialogue you and your father had because it kept me engaged and it really shows how much he cares for you.
    -Andrew Rodriguez

  14. Wow Lexi I wanted to cry while reading this. I can tell you wrote your heartfelt emotions. The amount of imagery you used made me feel like I was in the backseat of the car. This is also something I believe many teens go through as they mature and continue to find themeselves. - Ayo Latinwo

  15. I truly enjoyed your writing, it was pure, true, and it gave me more warmth. I loved how you incorporated your emotions and deep felt experiences of your dad and with your dad to your writing, it gave more meaning and more love. This writing truly made me more engaged to what I was reading, and I am so very glad that he is doing well and glad that you have that spark in you again.

  16. Amazing story, very touching and thoughtful. I can feel the connection and immense love you have for your father and gives a great message as well. Very well done! -Daniel Recinos Per. 4

  17. The amount of emotion and love in this writing is indescribable. The words you pit into this perfectly captures the scenery and tone of your writing. This is something that must be read by many others and it really makes me appreciate what I today. The more i read the more engaged and interested i grew!! Thank you i shed a tear

  18. I honestly love this piece!!! I love it because of 2 reasons! The first reason was the use of vocabulary you use for this piece and so well descriptive from beginning to end! The second reason is that I connect to your story because I also had the same problem with my mom. She would go to the hospital every other month because she kept getting sick and weaker every time because of her lungs! I was her motivation to become better but she didn't know that I was getting weaker inside because I lost my passion on everything. The times when she would make me breakfast every morning, would go to all my games, visit all my events, and call me every morning just in case I didn't put my alarm clock was no more. Thank you for sharing this piece and remember to appreciate everything!! And you can overcome any obstacle!! Thank you :)

  19. Thank you for sharing this personal experience with us. Your writing helped us empathize your struggle. The interaction between you and your father was emotional and intimate. I hope your father's health continues to improve.

  20. I love how you incorporated your own emotions and perspective into your writing making it a strong piece. Shows the strong bond between you and your father is overall a great piece

  21. Lexi. Wow. Reading this was not easy. Don't get me wrong it was fantastic but it's hard to read the screen when your tearing up the entire time. This is a piece many people can compare to and I am definitely one of those. This was a beautiful piece and the love you have with your dad is definitely hear warming, I'm glad to hear your dad is doing better. Great job!!!

  22. I love how you put your feelings out, you can feel the emotions through this story i started to cry.

  23. I just want to begin by thanking you for writing this piece and sharing it with us. I was recently talking to a friend about this very same topic. I don't understand how people can handle the death of a parent. In the back of my head I know I will lose them both someday but it's such a hard thing to think about and come to terms with. Although I felt extremely sorry for your dad's condition, I thought the way you described him in that hospital bed was so beautiful. That's an image that is difficult to bear, but instead of seeing him as a victim of circumstance you talked about how peaceful he appeared. I'm very close with my dad as well, and we've gone through rough patches before where I've felt very disconnected from him. Every time this has happened, I find that I'm just sad all the time. It was really nice being able to see that someone feels very similarly to the way I do. Death has a way of making people feel alone, but this reminded me it's something we all go through and can deal with together. Thank you for that.
    -Breann Lee

  24. All right i'm not gonna even lie this was the most emotional,sympathetic shit i have ever read. The amount of effort and will power to write this must have been overwhelming. This story's imagery really put me into the story and made me feel helpless,but really happy towards the end for you. Good job kid. -anthony banales

  25. This piece was ran really deep. I like how your writing made us, as readers, feel as if we were experiencing your story with you and it reminded me of a similar experience that I too once went through. Great job Lexi! - Altierre Paris

  26. This is a really emotional piece. It really explores the raw relationship with a close family member who is sick. Your relationship with your father is so strong and inspirational. Thank you for sharing, your words have a definite impact on those who read your story.
    -Kassandra Carlson, period 5

  27. This was a really amazing piece, the way it was written makes a powerful effect with all the emotion and descriptiveness throughout the story. -lexy magana

  28. There was so much emotion reeled into this piece that it was very touching. I really enjoyed your story.

  29. This story really tugged on my heart while reading, especially when your father opened up. Honestly thank you for sharing such a close and personal story and I'm glad to hear that your Dad is doing better
    -Brendan Sweeney

  30. This is a wonderful, beautiful narrative, it made me so emotional. The close relationship you and your dad have was written flawlessly, expressing the ups and downs, you both had. You successfully expressed the love you and your dad had for each other and that you both were not going to throw it away. Great job!- Tiffany Soetojo

  31. Great piece. This story definitely tugged at my heartstrings. You can feel the emotions throughout the piece. Really shows that you have very a close and strong connection/relationship with your father.

    -Akunna Chilaka

  32. Your story was extremely emotional. My dad also has a lot of similar health issues as yours, though not as drastic, and I completely understand how you felt during that time. The conversation you and your dad was also very bittersweet, yet very heartwarming. You can easily see how much your dad loves you.
    -Brandon Porter, Period 4

  33. I know this had to of taken a lot of courage to be so vulnerable in this as you displayed an emotional experience but you did a really good job through everything from context to vocabulary,
    it is very well written!

  34. Lexi this was such and amazingly emotional piece. You really painted the picture of you and your father’s relationship and how you both constantly motivate each other.

  35. I kind of shed a tear reading this. It was so beautiful, and makes me appreciate the good I have in my life. The connection your father and you have seems wonderful. Great writing :)

  36. This was an extremely heart-wrenching piece. Thank you for sharing this experience with us, for we are truly touched by this story. This piece has made me realize to not take the health of my loved ones for granted and has inspired me to stay strong despite all hardships in life. Your strong relationship with your dad has motivated me to show my gratitude towards my father and for all he's done for my family.

  37. This piece was very interesting an emotional, the way you mixed your emotions with the piece gave it a deeper meaning, really liked it.
    -Anthony Morales Period 3

  38. I don't know if this will be an ongoing occurrence or not but both months have had writings that made me cry. And damn was this one of them. You poured out so much of yourself that it almost made me feel like I was being intrusive, like it was something I shouldn't have been reading. I'm not close to my parent by any means, but I have people in this world that mean everything to me. I've had situations where I've thought about losing them and I can't help but bawl my eyes out. So to read this and know how fragile life can be; seeing the loved ones you think are immortal on the brink of death really really put things into perspective. So I thank you for this, I'm now going to tell those people I love them. Thank you for even sharing this with us Lexi.
    -Oscar Bustamante

  39. It was really interesting and heartwarming to see your emotions and relationship with your father grow. Your words made it very clear how much you care about your dad, and when you would wipe your tears so you wouldn't seem weak, I felt that.

  40. Your story truly made me reflect on my own family relationships and how much I take certain things they do for me for granted. Thank you so much for sharing this heart jerking story and I hope you have that motivation in you once again! - Caitlin Fanning

  41. This piece is amazing at helping others relate and appreciate their parents even more because we all know that we take them for granted. It really made me think about the situation as if it was happening to me and how i would feel the same way you did. That so great how you can transform the readers into your shoes.
    -Sasha Hodder

  42. Your narrative's power is so inspirational and moving. Reading through your pain and struggles was truly sad. You have my empathy and I'm glad you have found your source of inspiration and ended up building a stronger relationship with your father. -Kenneth Chen

  43. This piece is so deep and inspiring. I loved reading it because it was so heart warming the way you described the relationship you have with your father. I hope his health continues to improve and thank you for sharing such a personal experience. - Jada Cruz period 3

  44. I respect you for sharing such a private part of your life and being so open. Though it's a personal narrative, you walked us through your life with your dad so we could greater understand who he is and your appreciation for him. This was great.

  45. This piece really spoke to me and went straight for my heart. I admire the courage that you had to tell us something so personal. Thank you for sharing and I hope your dad keeps getting better and better.
    -Briana Santana

  46. Wow.... this was unbelievable. I too am vvery close to my father and I could tell while reading it all the emotions you had. You were able to say everything in such a way that it all flew together so perfectly

  47. I love your boldness and willingness to share this. It is such a beautiful relationship that you have with your father. I love how you look to each other for strength and I love how you talked about how diabetes is a bad illness’s because people don’t know that. You have a true beautiful relationship with your dad and I am so glad for the both of you for that.
    -Ricky Gomez

  48. i admire your ability to share such a touching subject. Your intro sentence of what your dad is to you is such a great beginning as it really shows the impact of what you seen him conquer and all of your feelings throughout everything that happened for him to get where he now is. Even moreso when you talk about your touching and motivational conversation.
    Alessandro Seminario p5

  49. It takes lots of courage to write a piece as personal as this one. Though there was a depressing tone throughout the narrative, the reader could sense a hopeful or affectionate undertone. The complexity in your writing leads one to have a taste of your thoughts and emotions.-Bilal Noori

  50. Reading this put me on a emotional rollercoaster. The emotion you transferred through your words broke my heart as I heard your story. You have approached a topic that is not commonly spoken in public and allowed us to step in your place and experience the feelings of hope and despair that you have felt.

  51. Your piece made me tear up a bit, I loved how you had enough courage to write something so personal. The diction you used allowed me to feel your emotions of love and care toward your father. This piece was so inspirational and uplifting because of how close you are with your dad.

    -Anngelica Yulo

  52. Lexi,
    Thank you for sharing this story. This was such a beautiful piece. This really touched me because I'm very close with my dad and like yours, he always pushes me to give anything and everything I do, my all. I can tell that you are extremely close with your dad through the loving and passionate tone in which you write this in. I hope all goes well with him and I hope that you continue to make him proud. This relationship between you and him is extremely special and I wish you both nothing but the best to come in the future. Once again, thank you for having the courage to write this and provide your audience with a personal side of you. Well done! :)
