
Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Ultimate Betrayal--Garett

Friend 1: “You sick, twisted, unbelievable psychopath! How could you even dare?! We were
supposed to stick together until the end. It was supposed to be you and I against the world! And have just thrown our relationship away without a second damn thought!
Friend 2: “You can’t hold me at fault for this! I had absolutely no other choice and you know that.”
Friend 1: “There’s always another choice”
Friend 2: “DO NOT hit me with that stupid and dopey cliche! This isn’t some innocent movie where the two protagonists are faced with dire consequences and they are somehow magically able to overcome the obstacles because ‘Friendship conquers all’. Not to sound like a cliche myself, but this is real life. And in real life there are difficult choices that need to be made. I did what was in my best interest and I know for an outright fact you would have made the exact same decision.”
Friend 1: “Your wrong. Your absolutely wrong. I would have never put you in the situation you are putting me in. You’ve abandoned me, left me with no other way out. HOW CAN I POSSIBLY COME BACK FROM THIS!......I don’t have the stomach to even think of putting you through the same pain.”
Friend 2: “That’s a damn lie and you know it. You remember last August, when you took away the only advantage I had against those guys? I had to build myself back up from rock-bottom you lowlife scumbag.”
Friend 1 : But I gave you an opportunity to at least have the chance to build yourself back up. I could have just left you to utter defeat, but I wanted to to grow with me. Your a better person now because of it.
Friend 2: Oh yes, I’m sure that was your whole plan. To make me the stronger person in the end right? You were not thinking of my well being back then and now your only playing the victim because your back is against the wall. You never really cared about our friendship, you just used me. And now, Im just simply returning the favor.
Friend 1: Fine. Do what you feel you have too. It was my fault for trusting a snake like you anyways.
Friend 3 : Hey guys, can you shut up and just play the game. I have one card left and I just want to get this over with. You two act like this is life and death or something
Friend 1 & 2 : You just don’t understand
3 : Yeah sure, whatever. Freaks.
2 : Fine, we will get this over with. Draw 4 dummy. 
Friend 1: You jerk


  1. This started off very intense, but soon turned into a funny story. I can definitely relate because games between my friends and I quickly escalate to situations like these. Great piece!

  2. I really loved this and the use of detail that you used. It made me want to continue reading because I really wanted to know why they were fighting. Good job!

  3. This was a refreshing piece to read and I enjoyed the "twist" ending. I think it is funny how we are quick to judge a writing based off the first few sentences and this one definitely surprised me!

  4. When I started to read your piece, It caught my attention and wanted to read more because it was fierce in the beginning, I really liked the outcome and it's relatable playing games with friends.

  5. I like how the beginning of the story made it feel as if the two friends were arguing about something deep. However, later on we figure out that the conflict is between a game. The transition between a serious and tense atmosphere to finding relief that the conflict is only over a game was really smooth.

  6. That game breaks friendships and you had clearly expressed that in your piece. I had been put in that situations with family members and had been betrayed just like Friend 1. This story was great I like how it started, how it was full of emotion and concern, and then the readers were able to breather realizing the cause of the fight.
    -Krystal E.

  7. I love how this represents how intense Uno can be. It incorporates elements of betrayal and friendship, and can cause long lasting resentment, to the point where its not just a game- its life.
    - Kenny A.

  8. I really enjoyed this piece. Great detail and so much antipication. Really made me want to continue reading.

    -Akunna Chilaka

  9. Ok so that was a very intriguing read I wanted to keep going to see what this huge problem was and what they were going through to find out that it was just a card game. This made me laugh, I thought it was hilarious and perfectly executed to keep me reading. You really caught my attention with this. I liked how you didn't put their names and only said "friend 1, friend 2" to keep your focus on the issue and not really their backstory in a way. Great story!

    Sarah Skibby
    Per. 2

  10. That was great. I totally thought this was going to end with a death or signed away soul but it ended with the most classic betrayal in a friendship, a draw four . Well played!

  11. This piece gave a detailed description of how the atmosphere of the situation shifts in the game and the suspense it brought was well written

  12. The beginning of the dialogue is so intense I really believed the friends were in a life or death situation. The ending made me laugh, I can definitely relate.

  13. I liked how this piece started off and seemed to be a life or death situation and then it turn out to be a card game! I like how you didn't include the context of the card game until the end, very suspenseful. -Caleb Leyva P.5

  14. You were very effective of playing with the reader's expectations with the context of the story, for making us believe there was tension to the character's situation, when in reality there was none. Nice storytelling.

  15. Loved this story, at first I thought it was something serious, but in the end as a plot twist was UNO. Loved the comedy, great story and keep up the good work.
    -Michael Hernandez

  16. Absolutely amazing. Great piece of art. I liked how you placed a strong hook in the beginning and it really caught my attention.

  17. Great piece! This piece made me laugh, besides the betrayal.

  18. I like how you captured the reader right in the beginning. With everything happening so suddenly, it really draws the reader in and makes them want to continue reading so they can figure out why and what they’re fighting over. -Cameron Milian

  19. HAHAHAHAH. That ending was hilarious. I really enjoyed the suspense and total plot twist at the end.

    Candice Velasco
