
Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Music Is Power--Shane

We’ve all heard it at some point in our lives. Some of us have hundreds, even thousands of it at our disposal. Some of us have even forged our own. In one way or another, we have all heard music. However, I believe that someone who has heard is not necessarily someone who has listened. Hearing is nothing more than just our perception of sound, but listening takes a conscious effort -- it’s a decision -- a resolve -- an expression. Music is power. 

So what is music? What is this power that mankind has the ability to wield? Literally, music is defined as “the science or art of ordering tones or sounds in succession, in combination, and in temporal relationships to produce a composition having unity and continuity.” (Merriam-Webster) In other words, a collection of sounds -- a bunch of notes. Sure, from a literal standpoint that makes sense, but it doesn’t make much sense for merely a bunch of notes to have such a strong influence on every culture, every people, and every soul since the dawn of time. 

How can a bunch of notes bring great joy, sadness, anger, confusion, and love to so many? When I began to first learn how to play piano, I was always told by my teachers to play the instrument, and not let the instrument play me. The reason why simply a series of notes can pluck the strings of our hearts has nothing to do with the physical sound, but everything to with who is behind that sound. The power of music lies in one’s identity. When we listen to music, we are taking a glimpse at someone’s walk in life. We witness someone’s struggle, or success, or pride, or misfortune, or joy, all in a matter of minutes. For some of us, it's the only way we know how to express ourselves -- myself included. 

I grew up playing music pretty much my whole life. I’ve been playing piano for about ten years now. I’ve been playing piano for my church for the last five years. I’m what some would call a church boy. One thing I’ve learned about music is how much it can affect people emotionally and spiritually. Playing the piano in church, I had the responsibility of allowing people to connect with God through worship; I’ve personally seen how music can move people and set an atmosphere. Music provides healing. Often times, we take for granted how powerful music is in our lives. Many people use music merely as a stepping stool for success without any
real substance. Sometimes the atmosphere people set is one of no value; people sacrifice being
genuine for short-lived success. Negativity and false perceptions have been pushed to the front lines of our playlists, all over a catchy beat. You know what I’m talking about. 

So what is my point? Why should you care? My point is that music is a power that can bring both light and darkness into our world. As a musician myself, I try to do whatever I can to push out positivity in every scale that I play, every chord that I strum, every drum that I hit, and every note that I sing. Music is one of the few ways we can express ourselves without any filter. It’s an outlet for listeners and creators alike to confide in. Music has the power to bring people together from all walks of life. We can’t let this power be abused any longer. We should protect this power at all costs, not for our own satisfaction, but because music can be used to heal others. Let’s express ourselves unapologetically. Let’s put the power into our hands. Let’s heal the world.


  1. I like that you shared a personal story about your life and your diction ,overall story is great!

  2. Your piece is very inspiring and I loved how you shared how music has played such an important part in your life. Your word choice is great and very convincing for this piece and I loved how you incorporated the various stories behind music. Great job! -Lexi Gomez, Period 4

  3. I enjoyed how you defined music and how it effects people differently. I also liked that you gave a perspective of how a musician sees music and what goes through their head when they create music.

  4. This is my favorite one yet. I love music myself. I like how you talked about it is more than just a couple of notes together. That it something that bring people together which is so true. Keep up the good work!!-Jesse Jauregui

  5. This piece really spoke to me. Personally I work for a entertainment company where being a DJ is one of my task. Day after day I hear the power of music and what it can do to you, more importantly, what it can do to others. Music, as you said in your post, has let us develop emotionally and allow us to have compassion for others in situations.

  6. I love how you express the power of music and how it has an effect it has. Music does have a voice of its on and the artist speak through their music and you clearly express this through your piece. This was a great piece which I enjoyed very much.

  7. I have heard your music before and personally know how much talent you have. You have a great thing going and I hope you continue to empower and influence others with your music.
    - Kenny A.

  8. I nearly wanted to cry just from reading this. Not only is the attention to detail there, but just the message and the passion behind music is so prominent it is absolutely perfect. From someone who is so deeply connected to music whether it be listening to it or preforming what i wish that people understood is how much heart and soul goes into the art. It so exciting to see others that have the same view on music. Amazing job!
    -Marycristy Garcia

  9. Excellent piece. It was very inspiring and I enjoyed that you shared how music has been such an important part in your life. Great diction as well.

    -Akunna Chilaka

  10. The way music holds a special place in your heart is really cool, great piece and fantastic writing!!!
    ~Krystal Adodo

  11. I love how you use your own personal experiences to express the true power of music.

  12. Music really resonates in a lot of people. This means we will have some sort of correlation or similarity and I think you expressed the true power of music and how it affects people emotionally and physically beautifully.

    Sarah Skibby
    Per. 2

  13. Music really is so powerful. It has influenced whole generations and can really change someone's mood, make people feel certain emotions, and trigger old memories.

  14. I loved your abstract idea. I loved how music was a great passion to you, as it is to me. I really enjoyed reading this with emotions, because you put a lot of true meaning and love to this abstract. Keep up the good writing.

  15. I love how you expressed what music is to you and compared it to what it is literally. I also liked how you put in a personal experience about how you have seen that music affects you and the people listening. Great work! - Tatiana Nunez per. 3

  16. Excellent piece and I never figured how much of an impact music has on people. Yet your example of when you play at your church perfectly captures the feeling music has on people. I also loved how you cited that music has power which is 100% true. -Behrouz Khokhar P.5

  17. The beginning of your piece was well configured. I like how you incorporated your personal perspective into the piece in order to express a relatable connection with music

  18. What makes music so powerful is that it's universal. Many individuals from across the globe get to experience a variety of sounds that pertain to their culture or taste, which is demonstrated and elaborated well in this piece. Great job Shane.

    - Timothy Miraflores

  19. I completely agreed with you when you said music can make a person feel a certain way and that is the main reason why i listen to music. It makes me feel good. I can feel down or be upset but when I listen to music I love it totally changes my mood and makes me feel great. Music can also have the opposite affect on me if I listen to a sad or emotional song It moves me and I feel the pain expressed in the song. -Genesis Mendoza

  20. This was a great piece. As someone who is also passionate about music and enjoys expressing it in any way possible, I totally agree that music is a language of its own with immense power behind it. Your analogies and metaphors were thought-provoking and really resonated. Pun totally intended. Nice job!
    -Andre Perez

  21. I LOVE this piece! Your deep love and attachment to music is so clear and evident with such detail and is truly wonderful. I think it is so beautiful that you've found what makes you tick and have fallen truly in love to make such an impact on the lives of others and the world. Truly amazing and inspiring!- Taren Thomas

  22. I believe the idea you put forward for others to see us very unique. It allows others to understand music beyond the literal and think about the message within. Nice job.
    -Edmund Yim

  23. The way you described what music meant to you and the personal connected you made to it. I agree with music being powerful, and having its certain effects on you. this piece is inspiring.

  24. Shane,
    I love how beautifully written this piece was. It gave off a natural, raw and organic vibe. I love how you established a form of credibility with your readers when relating back to your personal experiences with music. This showed even more support for your argument. In addition, I strongly agree with your point that while we hear, we don't take the time to actually listen and understand what we are hearing. Music is a form of expression and expression is a form of communication which is why it is so important for us to listen rather than just hear because it will help us understand different perspectives in the long run. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful piece with a beautiful message. Well done!
    Lynelle Elhajjmoussa

  25. This was so well written. Your understanding and knowledge of music show how passionate you are about it. This has definitely change the way I think about music. Thank you and great job!

  26. This piece really dissects such a simple concept like music and turns it into something profound. The diction brings out your passion for the art and your share of personal experience really helps solidify the message.

    Angela Orias

  27. Well said, well said! I couldn't have said it more beautifully myself. The way you described the sheer power and force of music was spot on. I especially liked how you brought up the current situation of music, of it being used as a tool for quick success, of it being created without much thought or overall positive/meaningful message.
    - Brendan Sweeney

  28. I love this a lot! Music is also very inspirational and important to me. To see the way to express the value of music is breathtaking! Great to see how impactful music ca be to people -Mercedes Bradford

  29. Music really affects people's lives. Whether it be rock, hip hop, etc. it affects everyone personally. Great story, a lot of detail and continue the good work.
    - Michael Hernandez

  30. I really enjoyed the way you described what music meant to you in your life. The message in this writing was very powerful and I enjoyed it very much. Great job!!

  31. This is a very powerful piece because music is very beautiful and inspirational. I liked how you used your own life as example!

  32. As a musician myself, I immediately related to your perspective on how powerful music can really be. Your story shows definitely shows the reader how music affects people's emotions and how it can even change the world. I loved every part of your piece so well done! -Hannah Espejo

  33. Music is really a true, unique way to how one would be able to express themselves. I very much enjoyed this piece as it shows the perspective of how Music has influenced a major part of your life and how it has become your own way of expressionism.
    - Alex Thao Period 4

  34. Shane!! love how you described the term Music and how it has made a huge impact in your life and describing it as your passion is amazing!! Continue this passion of yours and keep doing big things!! :)
    -Ian Mendoza

  35. I really enjoy how you share our passion for music with us but also you perspective in it and how it affects peoples lives.

  36. When you said, "People sacrifice being genuine for short-lived success. Negativity and false perceptions have been pushed to the front lines of our playlists, all over a catchy beat," I couldn't imagine a statement with more truth. I'm glad that you explained music must contain identity because without it, there is only physical sound. I found this piece insightful.
    -Lauren Whightsil

  37. This is a very powerful piece because music is very beautiful and inspirational. I liked how you used your own life as an example!

  38. Before I start, much love to you Shane. The way that you compared hearing to listening really hit me. To read it the way you wrote it made me second guess myself almost if I listened or just heard music and the way that you implemented the concept of power behind it made it a fantastic read, great stuff my man and keep it up. YOU GOT IT!!!

    -Oved Renteria

  39. I really enjoyed reading this piece and it is something that I strongly agree with. The words chosen to write this piece were perfect to really get your point across and even open peoples minds about what music truly is and can do for others. --Kayla Leonard

  40. I love how you expressed what music is to you and the word choice you used really got your point across! - lexy m

  41. I love your thoughtful perspective on music and its power, and especially how you equated music with power itself. I think it was a really unique outlook that is justifiable and meaningful.

    Naomi Friedland

  42. the love you have for music is great good job
