
Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Change Your Mind--Sasha

As young adults we are taught to stick with something once we have decided upon it. A
life lesson to teach us that commitment is needed to lead a successful life, but the real truth is change is always necessary. Yes it is important to have stability in your life, but that does not mean you have to be unhappy. If you have already decided on the career you want because of the fast coming pressures of major life decisions or you just happen to know yourself quite well, chances are you will still change your mind about that career in some way. Humans need change and progress to keep going by staying healthy/happy in their minds. Almost every adult changes something in their career or goes to a whole different career in their lifetime of work. As you continue to go through many big events in your life as a senior, try to remember that no matter life will always throw you unexpected curveballs which could change your path, taking you on a different route. It's still okay to change your mind even if you've already put a lot of work into the original decision you made, learning and growing is a part of life. In society, changing your mind is often viewed as deeming someone an unreliable person and incapable of making adult decisions. But in fact, I believe it is the opposite if you can change your mind it helps a person become more self aware and also makes them brave. This person is taking a big chance to evolve and be the best version of them self that they can. 

Do you remember when you were a young child and people who were always older than you already asking what you wanted to be when you grow up? For as long as we were little children who could speak, we were given the question that is supposed to set the tone for our adult lives. Sure, you may know when you are a child and stick with it but we don't start actually thinking about what we want to do with our lives until later on. Whenever young people change their minds they're often faced with shame and regret on if they're making the right decision, but you will never know if you never try at least a little bit of it. As we go through this life it is important to be okay with the idea of changing your mind and going through many different experiences so you know what you actually love doing. You shouldn't commit to something you don't know much about, which is why as you learn and study more about it it's okay to change your mind. You don't want to live a miserable life at a job you don't enjoy, it will be hard to be happy and not let you lead a beautiful fulfilling life. Stay true to yourself and let yourself have as many different experiences as you can. Be willing to try new things, you'll thank yourself later and it will make you a well rounded person.


  1. This mad me sad but happy because its all coming so fast. It also gave me reassurance that everything will be okay no matter what I want to do in my life and the experiences I go through. Amazing!!

  2. As someone who handles change with difficulty I found your piece extremely eye opening! Change is very important in one's growth and progression, whether we expect it, desire it, or need it. I agree with everything you said wholeheartedly and it definitely made me reflect on the way that I think about life. Amazing work!

  3. Your piece was very eye-opening and it allowed me to reflect on my own decisions that I've made in pursuit of a fulfilling and happy life, and if they were genuinely the right ones. Good job! -Lexi Gomez, p4

  4. I enjoyed your piece very much. It put a fresh perspective on change. It was insightful and thought-provoking

  5. I really like this piece especially when thinking about how frequently I change my mind or feel unsure of anything. We have to accept that change really is inevitable and as long as we react the right way, it can help us.
    Alessandro S p. 5

  6. I really loved this piece. It was very true and I love how you made the reader think and reflect on the topic. Great job! - Tatiana Nunez Per. 3

  7. Thank you so much for writing this! With choosing a college and major, there is the constant fear that you are making the wrong choice. How are we suppose to know what the right choice is? But your piece is very reassuring that even if we make the wrong choice, we can always change to better fit what we want. Great job and thanks!

  8. With current responsibilities, choices, and decisions to be made, this piece is so thought-provoking, relevant, and relatable and is truly reassuring.Job well done.- Taren Thomas P.2

  9. Crazy how we can be so sure of something only to change our minds last minute. Very nice to realize how change can be both good and frightening. Not to mention, this work really hits home because just last minute I decided to change my major however, I already applied under another. Great work! - Jon-Vincent Castro Period 5

  10. I really liked the message behind this piece. Especially when for most of us are going to go through a huge transition in just a few months. I also liked the common relatable examples of ones childhood, was really able to grab the audience and make them understand your message.
    - Brendan Sweeney

  11. I really like your piece, it speaks truth of growing up and that no one is really sure what they are going to become. Your piece is illustrates the truth about life and career and uncertainty. Good job!

  12. This was a very insightful piece. I really enjoyed how you not only opened my eyes too reality but also others. Great job and thank you for the reassurance about not always sticking to one thing and that it is okay to change once in a blue moon.
    -Diana Flores

  13. Your advice in this piece is invaluable and timeless. It showed me that change can be an adventure, not just something good or bad that is now different in your life, that ultimately leads to me to who I will be one day. Thank you. -Kenneth Chen

  14. I really agree with what you wrote about the shame associated with changing one's mind. Your piece is really comforting and opened my mind to be content with change and continue to try and life my best life. Great job!

  15. Sasha,
    This was much needed to be written especially for a platform such as this one. This piece was eye-opening in addition to thought-inducing as it allowed me to reflect on the decisions that I have made in the past/present regarding the future. Although stability is great, it's not fulfilling, which is why I agree with your perspective regarding the importance of change to one's life because life was given to us to be an adventure that never ends where we explore our surroundings not just some constant cycle that gets boring after awhile. Overall, great piece and great job!
    -Lynelle Elhajjmoussa

  16. I absolutely love this piece it's so relatable especially since a seniors are graduating this is a very big deal.

  17. I love this piece because it is true, a lot of people are afraid to change their mind because they don't know how other will react. Also we all have set goals in mind when really we should be open to any change. Caleb leyva-P.5

  18. This is a really insightful piece that a lot of us young people relate to a lot. This piece does a great job of conveying the universal struggle of growing up and the fear of making the wrong decisions as you do.

  19. I really like this whole idea because I feel like a lot of teenagers have this same mindset, but they are too afraid to voice their opinion because society will frown upon it. It is important, as you say, to change our minds because without change, there's no growth. Great job!
    -Arianna Perez

  20. A great and relatable piece! I enjoyed the use of the second person to allow myself as the reader to experience this piece personally! - Altierre Paris

  21. I agree with your perspective and especially at this age when we decide to go to college or start our career, we always go back and forth between our options trying to decide our future as if it is the only path we can take. Life is full of oppurtunities and this piece reassures me that even if I don't choose the best one, there's still hope.

  22. Really enjoyed reading this since some much change is even happening in my life at the moment. It is nice to know that it isn't always a bad thing.- Jaden Dawson

  23. Honestly thank you for this. These past weeks I've been so stressed out making college decisions and it is mostly coming from the expectations that people have of me. I feel as if I'm forced to choose one path for my life because it was the path I chose many years ago. Hopefully ill get the courage to change my mind. Great job!

  24. I was very much in love with this piece! I t gave me a whole new perspective on things and really made me think.

  25. I really like this piece because based on a family that runs on family tradition, change to is not highly acceptable to them. But with this piece, it help me ensure that change is okay and I can do things that will make me happy. - Amy Lau
