
Wednesday, January 10, 2018

December Writers!!!!!

Happy 2018!!!!

It is the start of a new year and yes, we are reading December submissions from 2017 for this month. This is the winter season and December is a winter month, so that's my justification :)

We have twelve (12) submissions for December.  Please read ALL of them.  Choose your favorite three and respond with your comments.  Remember to be kind and respectful with your words.  This is a free and safe space for our writers and all participants.  Comments are due Wednesday, January 17.

Writers--You do not have to leave comments for your fellow writers, unless you wish.  

Welcome Back!!!!  Let's start this semester strong.  Consistency is valuable at this time of the year.  It's cold outside!  And rainy, too.  Cozy up with some hot chocolate, fire up your computers, phones, iPads and hearths (if you have one) and start reading the Blog.

See you in class.  I missed you guys.

Warm Hugs,

Mrs. Solano

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