
Wednesday, January 31, 2018

How to Make Scotcheroos!--Bilal

I know what you are thinking. What in the world are SCOTCHEROOS?! That’s why I am here. Scotcheroos are an easy to make dessert that requires no baking at all. Like myself, if you (or your parents) don’t trust you with an oven, then this is the delicious treat for you. I discovered this recipe because I enjoy making food for my family. Last Thanksgiving I wanted to make something sweet that required as little effort as possible. There are very few ingredients necessary to make this masterpiece which include: one and a half cup of creamy peanut butter, one cup of granulated sugar, one cup of light corn syrup, six cups of Rice Krispies, one and two-thirds cups of butterscotch morsels and finally one cup of semi-sweet chocolate morsels.
1.     Step one is to get yourself a 13 by 9 inch pan and coat in cooking spray. This pan is where our final product will be placed to cool.
2.     Step two is to combine the peanut butter, sugar and corn syrup in a large saucepan. Cook over medium-low heat, stirring frequently, until everything has melted. As the heat in the pan increases, the sugar begins to melt. The now liquid sugar plus the light corn syrup combines with the peanut butter to make it much less viscous or more flowy. This step is necessary because it will help it mix with the Rice Krispies really easily.
3.     Next up is step three! In this step, you take your peanut butter mixture off the stove and add the Rice Krispies cereal. Stir the cereal and peanut butter mixture together until the cereal is evenly coated.
Despite what you may think, this process is quite strenuous and can substitute an arm workout. This process took me at least twenty minutes itself. The peanut butter mixture is still extremely hot since it just came off the stove. If you’re not careful, you can burn yourself (much like me the first time I made this).
                  4. Step four is to microwave the butterscotch morsels and semi-sweet chocolate morsels in a large, uncovered, microwave-safe bowl on High (100%) power for one minute. If the chocolate and butterscotch are not completely melted, put it back in the microwave at half heat in short periods of 15 seconds at a time so that it does not burn. Pull up a show on Netlflix while you are doing this so that you can keep yourself entertained. Personally I watch anime but to each their own.
                  5. It’s time to finally put our dessert together! Here in step five we lay our Rice Krispies/peanut butter mixture into our greased 13 by 9 pan. Pack the mixture into the pan real tight. Grab a spatula or something with a smooth end. Firmly push down upon the Rice Krispies to really get it in their nice and packed. The more packed it is, the more dessert you get!
                 6. Step six is where we pour our chocolate and butterscotch mixture on top of the Rice Krispies. Keep smoothing over this layer until it is nice and even. I believe this step to be very important. If layer is not nice and even then some parts of your dessert will have too much chocolate/butterscotch mixture while other parts will not have enough. This can throw off the overall taste of your creation which is not good.
                7. Now it’s time to pop it into the fridge to cool. Once cooled, cut it into nice square bars and serve them to your friends! Cutting them is also difficult. If it proves to be too difficult, wait about fifteen minutes for it too warm up and soften a bit so that it will be easier to cut into. This dessert, though simple, means a lot to me because it symbolizes my love for my family and my drive to make delicious food. I hope you all enjoy!


  1. I love this how to as it teaches me how to make such sugary treats to eat. I also loved how you included your personal experiences and preferences of how to follow through the steps. Your personal input made this how to relatively entertaining to follow. Very good!

  2. This was a great recipe for a treat that I had no idea of! You made the steps easy to follow and made a low effort task, even easier! i'm excited to try this! Great work.

  3. I've never heard of this snack before but now that I know it exists and takes extremely little effort, I will be trying it.

  4. This recipe looks deliciously easy. I enjoyed the personal touches you added to your writing - it made your writing warm and inviting.

  5. Your directions were easy to understand and follow! This piece helps display a new type of dessert to people who have never tried it before, thank you for putting us on something new. - Joshua Dalisay

  6. This recipe was very helpful and it showed me what scotcheroos were. I really enjoyed how you chose a different kind of dessert to make.
    - Andrew Rodriguez

  7. I find it very funny in the beginning statement how you knew that some of the audience wouldn't know what scotcheroos were. I also like how you displayed a recipe that everyone may not know about, which may allow for some of us to stumble upon a favorite dessert.

  8. You did a very good job at explaining what this dessert was and detailing the directions in a way that someone who doesn't know what these are, like myself, could easily recreate this dessert on their own. - Taylor Clayton

  9. You had very clear instructions that makes it easy for anyone to make this. I didn't know what scotcheroos were before, but know I know how to make them. Great job.
    - Kenny Abraham

  10. I really like your author's voice and style. You've thoroughly explained the recipe and you expressed what it means to you and your family. Amazing job!- Tiffany Soetojo

  11. From the whimsical name of your treat, I was already excited to learn how to make your dessert. Your recipe was very detailed and specific, as well as overall simple to follow. Even though I can't make the treat for myself because I am allergic to peanuts, I will definitely suggest this recipe to my family and friends ! -Hannah Espejo

  12. the title caught my attention as i was unaware of what scotcheroos were. This recipe sounds delicious and I love how effortless it is to make this. Great job

  13. I've never wanted to go make something after reading something like this but this "How To'" is the exception. I've never heard of this and after reading the instructions I really want to try it, sounds amazing. Also I liked your little commentary throughout the process, made it much more enjoyable to read.
    - Brendan Sweeney

  14. I really enjoyed this piece. You made the instructions easy to follow and i love how u added personal experiences.

  15. You really explained each step with such great detail and this desert sounds very delicious. As well as easy to make according to the steps. I’ll have to try and make it one day
    Sarah Skibby per. 2

  16. I liked how your recipe included no baking. This desert takes very little time so that it can be enjoyed instantly. I enjoyed how you put little bits of comedy throughout the recipe.

  17. Bilal, these scotcheroos sound delicious! When I get the time, I'm going to make some :) I also like how this dessert means a lot to you emotionally! - Brandon Porter

  18. I loved the whimsical touch you added to your recipe. It made it very entertaining to read and left me wanting to go straight to the oven and make a vegan version ;)

  19. I like how unique this dessert is, yet the ingredients are fairly accessible to the majority of people who would like to try this for themselves. - Timothy Miraflores P2

  20. I admire how you included your personal experiences (being able to get in an arm workout during this recipe and watching anime on Netflix) and the symbolism behind this recipe (your love for your family), rather than strictly running through the steps, since it made the post entertaining. You also did an excellent job at explaining each step with clarity. Overall, I enjoyed reading this 'how-to'!
    -Lauren Whightsil

  21. I loved the commentary you included in your recipe which made it enjoyable to read! The instructions were also very informative, clear, and easy! I plan to make some myself, yum!

    -Tyger Ghodossi

  22. I love this! I love cooking as well and will definitely be trying this recipe. :)

  23. I like your directions of how you stated possible mistakes which can be revised that you mentioned. Hopefully, I have time to make these delicious cookies - Amy Lau

  24. This recipe seemed so simple to follow and for a lazy person like myself who doesn't like to make anything. I'm willing to give these a try. Nice job writing this! --Kayla Leonard

  25. A very well structured and fun to read recipe. If I was into cooking I bet I would have gotten more enjoyment out of this haha. - Garett Flores
