
Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Change Is Good--Francesca

As seasons change, time flies by, and a new day begins; in life we are all susceptible to change. Through many situations in life, we can all relate that what we go through is not always going to be forever. A change can be different for a lot of people, whether it’s shown physically, mentally, or both. It could also be a situational scenario. The meaning of change is to be able to make or become different. The New Year is a brand new start, this could be a major step or a period of time to gain and progress oneself. Life can be a whole challenge; the past can affect the present and the future, like a domino effect. From being a single cell in a mother’s womb, a little kid, to growing as a young adult and becoming old is an evolution of life. Do you ever wonder the times or have vivid images of your childhood? I still do, once in a while and I look back and notice I have developed over the years. A flashback remembering drinking from a small baby blue bottle was the sweetest and warm cherishing moments. Getting to touch and feel certain objects for the first times or hearing soft and loud noises through our ears. We can all agree to the fact that throughout our lives we adjust to things we are usually comfortable with because it is natural to our conscience. Over time as years come and go we are prone to transform and recognize ourselves in every little ways. An example of this is when I moved to the United States when I was 11 years old and it was difficult for me to speak English. I’ve overcome my fears and told myself that if one self is willing to give in to change to turn something negative to a positive, we find a part of who we are.  Having a healthy mindset is key to being successful.  As we start the year of 2018, we should set small or big goals that we can achieve and strive to be a better person. Part of growing up is having the courage and willing to move on to the next chapter in their life. Whether it’s forgiving someone or adjusting, doing this you are creating something new that can trick your brain into deeply analyzing problems. Without modification and having an open mind there will be no understanding. We also have to know that it is okay to mess up once in a while because that is how we grow and learn from our real mistakes. There should not be a doubt to change since there could be room for more improvements right?  Without change there will be nothing much to offer in the world, we would live a pretty boring life if you think about it. One way you can start is letting go of that barrier and ask yourself, what is change to you?


  1. This was an insightful and thought-provoking piece that made me realize that change occurs every second of life. I loved how you added change in the form of growth because it is necessary to reminisce and see our progress from children to our almost adult lives.

  2. This is really good Francesca! I like how you incorporate your own personal experience as it tells something about yourself. You're right about how change is a good thing because one can strive to be a better person and we are humans and we do make mistakes. I really enjoyed this piece! Great Job :))

  3. I enjoy reading this, props to you for accepting change. Your use of imagery when you talk about the baby blue bottle is sweet and adorable. I love how you ended this piece with a question, it was a good change to see.

  4. The meaning of this writing is truly mind opening and really made me think to myself. This motivates me to cause change in my life and inspires me to go all and work my way up to my goals. Love the selection of words too !!

  5. I love the idea of change and you really hit the essence of change on the target. Change is essential to life and it is important to have change in your life. Really good job! :)
    - Alana Robinson, P4

  6. Your interpretation of change is really inspiring as it drives us to better ourselves and to seek the change that is good. A very inspiring peace, Great job.

  7. I really enjoyed reading about a new view on change. Your personal experience with change really makes your piece that much more powerful. -Briana Kiphen

  8. I really love this piece. It gave me a clear description on how you see change and really makes people think about what change means to them. This is a great piece! -Hailey Vazquez pd.2

  9. This piece is very inspiring and I loved how you expressed yourself and your experiences with change. It has a great message about courage, goals, and how change is something that we need sometimes. Great job! -Daniel Recinos per. 4

  10. I loved the positivity behind this Francesca! It’s inspiring to a lot of people who need an eye opener on changes they need to make in life .

  11. This was really deep and thought-provoking. I really liked the amount of examples of change you used from you moving to the U.S. to growing up from a kid to a young adult. Great piece and excellent writing. -Behrouz Khokhar P.5

  12. I think this is an amazing piece! Using your personal experiences to express that the value of change is actually beneficial is great! -Mercedes Bradford

  13. I love this piece. It is truly inspiring and your use of imagery and rhetorical questions really highlighted the importance of change. Well done.-Taren Thomas P.2

  14. Such a thought-provoking and well written piece. Reading this made me really notice how often change occurs in one's life. The use of your own experiences made the story relatable. Overall, great job.

    Akunna Chilaka

  15. I really needed to read the end when you said life would be boring without change. I have a struggle with change and I tend to shut down when too much is happening. As my parents prepare to sell the only house I've ever known, and as I am choosing which college to move off to, I've noticed I am not living like I used to and neglect the majority of my thoughts. It was nice to be reminded that this is the reason my life is interesting, not a reason to quit paying attention. Thanks for that.

  16. I liked your piece because it brought a positive view on a subject that not many people see as a positive thing. Everything is temporary and you just have to enjoy it while it lasts. Great piece! -Jonathan Castillo

  17. This piece was very vivid as you provided a personal perspective on change in a positive manner. Your piece was well structured as it slowly revealed a sense of emotions towards the change you experienced.

  18. Overall this piece was great and the shift in tone and perspective that was perfectly synchronized with the shift in the characters growth was captivating.

  19. I really enjoyed the fact that you incorporated your own personal experiences into the piece and used them as a way to shine light and positivity onto the subject of change. A very well written and thought out piece!

  20. One thing I especially enjoyed about your piece was the use of many colorful examples and references you used throughout. I think they highlighted important aspects and made your message clearer and more relatable. Good job :) -Naomi Friedland

  21. Francesca,
    I love how thought-provoking this piece was. I agree completely with your perspective regarding change as it is necessary in order to progress through life. I also appreciate your use of descriptive language and the fact that every statement within this piece has a meaning behind it. Great job!
    -Lynelle Elhajjmoussa

  22. The way you described change was very eyeopening and inspiring it made me realize that change isn't always a bad thing! I also loved how you expressed your experiences with change. - Lexy M

  23. I love this a lot and if you know me, my life has been full of change or dramatically change. I am glad you were brave to share these experiences !

  24. This is an amazing piece, reflecting on our past and thinking of how much you have grown is such an important thing to do. In fact it is such an amazing thing to share with others your age for we all learn that we have gone through relatively similar things, and confirming that change is such a crazy thing but talking about it makes it a little less frightening.
    -Marycristy Garcia p.2

  25. I really like how you mix a piece of your life to the story to help the reader see the connection to the writer.

  26. Very well written. I like how you proposed a question at the very end to engage the reader. Change is indeed good and without it, we would never move forward. A powerful message.

  27. I really enjoyed this piece it was well written and I appreciated you putting your personal experiences in.

  28. I really liked this piece, it made me think about my past and how things used to be. I loved how you incorporated your past into this story. Caleb Leyva-P.5

  29. This piece was really good. Very motivational thing to write about and I think a lot of people needed it well done.

  30. I loved this piece. My favorite part was the last sentence it really embodied the theme. I also liked how you used your personal experience. Good Job!- Jesse Jauregui

  31. The positive attitude you share is absolutely amazing and inspiring. This is definitely a way to look upon life in the future.

  32. Very interesting take on the subject. I appreciate what you’ve brought to the table with this piece. You’ve made it even more relatable by bringing in your own experiences.

  33. I really liked how you used personal experiences to add to the message of the story. Change is an important part of life that we all must go through and you covered this topic awesomely.

  34. This is very cool and insightful piece that beautifully explains the acceptance of change. I like how you used personal examples to support your argument and it delivers your overall message really well.

  35. I thought that the fact you have such an optimistic point of view on change and the new year is amazing. It's easy to forget all of the good things that come from change. - Brandon Porter

  36. The question at the end was the perfect way to end such a beautiful reflection. A lot of what you said in here I can relate to and it was so easy to relate to because of all the imagery and flashbacks you used to enhance the reading experience. Very well written and also inspirational to me which I appreciate.

  37. Francesca, I thought your piece was phenomenal! I am often wary and uneasy at the though of change. However, your take on this inevitable force in life was refreshing and satisfyingly optimistic, thank you. Your well placed vocabulary gave the piece a wonderful flair of style.

  38. I loved your new view on change. Its something that we both can and cannot control. Many get overwhelmed and saddened by change but this was great to read and uplift my thoughts on the changes within my own life

  39. Your outlook is very inspiring. I really like this piece because it recognizes that change is inevitable but essesntial for growth.

  40. I was inspired by this piece due to the fact that you portrayed change coming with the task of developing into a new person but sticking to what makes that individual content with the path one decides to take. Great piece. - Timothy Miraflores

  41. I love this abstract idea for its realism in change. Your great choice of words really conveys your message to your audience. Great job!
    --Unity Montalvo Period 4

  42. I really enjoyed how you interpreted change, it’s something that we can all relate to and i think you did an amazing job at connecting with the reader.

  43. I loved this piece, it’s inspiring and helped me realize that change is constantly happening and that I need to be open minded to new things.

  44. I really enjoyed reading this. its something everyone can relate to it really connects the reader.- Ladaijah

  45. This piece was written very well and was very inspiring. It has made me realize the good in change and really has made me take a new perspective to various things. Great job! --Kayla Leonard

  46. i Connected to this writing both physically and mentally through key ;oints you brought up in the writing, good use of imagery as well. GoodJob
