
Wednesday, January 31, 2018

The Familiarity of Music--Tommy

Music is a central part of life today that everyone can enjoy. From the first listen of a new song
to the classics that we all love, there's something to be desired. Something you can learn from. It can inspire you, it can make you question yourself. Music can tell a story, sometimes telling a story you can relate to.

At a very young age, I knew that I would hold a great appreciation for music throughout my life. I couldn't describe the feeling it evoked in my mind and body. In my early childhood, many of my friends didn't understand my feelings or myself, and neither did I, so when I found out that other people in the world did, and when they communicated that through music, my world was rocked. Music seemed like it was my only true friend. The relatable friend that knew exactly how I felt at the right time. I would sit in my room for hours listening to artists and it seemed as if someone could put into better words the feelings I felt. The sense of comfort at times overwhelmed me. 

It wasn't until I matured and grew a little older that I understood exactly what all that meant. My likening of music was developed from a sense of being misunderstood and alone growing up. My enjoyment of music has always ranged throughout all kinds, but I was always particularly drawn to sad, sometimes even depressing music. I now understand that I related to a lot of it because I was experiencing the emotion evoked through the lyrics and composition of the song. I felt sad and I enjoyed knowing I wasn't alone. There was almost a sense of pleasure knowing that the song was crafted towards someone like me. The tempo, instruments, and the register of the voice cohesively bonded to correctly evoke the emotion. It all made sense to me. This is when the relationship truly peaked and I knew that one day I would want to fill people with the
same feeling of comfort and inspiration. Maybe not necessarily through music, but somehow I would touch people and tell them that what they are feeling is okay and that it's common to feel misunderstood.
Music, to me, embodies much more than just a fun song or something to pass time with. Each song represents a connection. A connection between the artist and listener. The connection is crucial because it could possibly heal someone. Music can heal someone, anyone, if you allow yourself to feel it and let it heal you. 

To this day, you can know how I'm feeling inside by what music I am listening to on that given day. When I'm happy, you can find me listening to anyone from Prince, Janet Jackson, Britney Spears, or the rap collective Brockhampton. If I'm angry or sad, I play The Cure, Lana Del Rey, or The Smiths. No matter what the artist or genre, music is universal. It all has one intent – to reach the intended audience and touch them. Touch them and inform them that they aren't alone whether the feel joyful, saddened, or confused. “When you sit down to write something, there should be no guidelines. The main idea is not supposed to be, 'How many different ways can we sell it?' That's so far away from the true spirit of what music is.” (Prince)


  1. Great piece! I loved how you described your own experience with music and how it helped you to realize who you truly were.
    -Alanah Arteaga

  2. I believe that your interpretation of how music has become such a regular part of our lives is very thought-provoking. I never once thought about music in this way that you presented it. I always felt that music was just there for a completely different reason. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Holy crap!!!! I can relate to this writing so much! Every song does talk the feelings of how one feels. I love how you mentioned how music is universal and open. I myself have been touched and brightened by songs that I have listened too from all kinds of genres. This is by far one of my most favorite writings! Keep up the amazing work and rock on!

  4. This is truly amazing because I can relate to this so much. Music brings me comfort and just I can escape from the world in a way. I really like how you described music being a connection to the artist and listener because it really does. Also, I too was drawn to sad songs because it's just something that the lyrics expressed how I felt when I didn't know how to put it in words. This is one of my favorite piece, it just talks to me. Keep it up and thanks for sharing your experience!!

  5. I really love this piece because as person who literally can't go on through the day without listening music, I can relate with how you are able to interpret and connect the components of a song with a meaningful message.

  6. I loved how you described your emotions and experiences with music and the impact it has had on your life. It is very relatable and shows how music can change someone's life and be something that is always there when you need it. Good job! -Daniel Recinos Per. 4

  7. Music is such a great part of my life. The different moods I feel are truly felt through the music I listen to. On my off days I find myself listening to more emotional music. Regardless, music is really just an escape that helps me to feel relatable in a way. Really relatable work, good job! - Jon-Vincent Castro Period 5

  8. Throughout your piece, I found myself relating to your experiences and perspective on how music plays a big role in our lives. I love how you highlight what music can teach us, and open up about how you connect with music. Overall, I found your piece very intriguing and enjoyable. Great job! -Hannah Espejo

  9. Very inspirational and touching. I loved how you brought in your own experience and feeling towards music and its importance. I can really relate to this piece and appreciate your openness about it. -charis webber

  10. I really enjoyed this piece because this was very relatable being a pianist. As a musician I can't go a day without listening to music. You really showed how music can change someone's life.

  11. This is a great piece. This is exactly what music is supposed to be -- a powerful experience. I love your personal account for what music means to YOU and how it has helped you grow and push forward in any situation. Nice work!

  12. I love how relatable this is and how music can be a very big part of all our lives and can be in such a way to describe how we are feeling but sometimes dont know how to put it into words and thats how you can express how you feel but in a song because you can do anything with music and the possibilities are endless

  13. As someone who has looked to music for comfort when I was feeling isolated, I really relate to your feelings in this piece. I really like how you interpreted the situation as music being able to build people back up because I agree with that completely. Great job!
    -Arianna Perez

  14. I can totally relate to this piece. I'm always listening to music or playing music in my head so reading this abstract idea I totally understood what you were saying. I really enjoy too how you portrayed how much music just was a constant in your life; it really shows what music means to you. Overall, great job.

  15. Great job! I enjoy music myself and I enjoyed hearing and connecting your perspective of music with my own! - Altierre Paris

  16. I like how you used 'the relatable friend' as a symbol for music, as they both offer solace. I loved how you emphasized that music connects people, it heals, it inspires, and, when nobody else does, it understands.
    -Lauren Whightsil

  17. This is a great piece! I can definitely relate to this as i cannot go a day without listening to music and do share the same views as you. Great job! --Kayla Leonard
