
Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Sly Murder--Savanna

It was Sunday, December 11th, the night was dark and frigid in New York, cold and dark enough for even the busy streets to fall silent. He stumbled into his apartment at precisely 1:21 AM, she was watching the clock carefully, waiting for him to show up. He was drunk to the point where even walking was an impossible task and as he shut the door he fell towards the wall to keep him upright. His olive long sleeve shirt and black jeans drenched in a mixture of sweat and alcohol as he tracked in puddles from the wet ground outside; the sight was disgraceful and almost even pitiful, but she felt no pity for him. 

Before he had time to fully comprehend what was unfolding in front of him, he pushed his body up and off the wall and took slow, crooked steps towards her. With each movement he took he would sway more and more, moving in one direction or the other, until he finally got to her leaning on her for support, not aware of what she was holding at her side. 

“Hey,” he slurred, dragging it out “I wish you went with us, we did the dopest things, it was so much fun, but I mean obviously not too much fun ‘cuz you weren't there and Diana, remember her, she wasn’t even there this time, you know it was just me and the guys, so I don't...”
Before he had time to finish, his pointless justification of his where abouts, she slid the knife into his side, effortlessly guiding it through, ripping through the parts that would soon make him dead, there was no luck in that. 

Shocked and in pain he put his hand on his side “Serena, are you..” interrupting him once again she pushed him off her and onto the floor. “You’re not Serena,” he claimed coughing. 

“And you’re not as slick as you thought you were.” she crouched by him and twisted the knife further into his side, as he let out a strained cry, “My name is irrelevant, but you knew me once, though it doesn't really matter who I am considering you’re just about dead. Oh and by the way,” she twisted the knife once again, “I’m not your girlfriend and even I could tell you were cheating, the disgusting smell of alcohol doesn't cover her perfume as well as you think it does” With that, his eyes shut closed, unable to form proper words in protest as she pulled the knife out of his lifeless body and dropped it to the floor. She left making sure that the only evidence that could be used, would go against his girlfriend, making the entire event look clumsy and frantic. That night she slept unconcerned with what took place, she knew not a single person would know what had happened, she was good at her job and she knew it. 

Later that week a prosecuting attorney walked into her law firm and barely had time to reach her desk before she heard her name being called by her colleague “Alison,” she turned “you have a new case” he said, handing her the files 

“About what” she questioned, reading the heading of the first file “A guy by the name Damien Hills was murdered on Sunday” “Who am I prosecuting?”

“His girlfriend, Serena Alan” 

“How’d she do it?” 

“There’s pictures with the police report, here...” he flipped through the pages, showing her pictures of the scene, “she stabbed him..” 

“Using a kitchen knife, classy” she concluded sarcastically “what do they believe happened?” she looked up at him 

“They brought her in for questioning earlier, apparently he was cheating with some girl, Diana Daine, they think that was her motive. They brought in Diana too but she had a solid alibi, she was visiting family in Canada.” 

“What about the night of the murder?” 

“Apparently they got into a fight the night before and she went to his apartment to apologize but he came home drunk as hell and they got into it about him cheating again, I guess with someone new considering Ms. Daine was out in Canada. The neighbors heard yelling before it went silent, when they assume the murder took place. She was frantic and mad so she stabbed him and ran. They believe it was by mistake, in the spur of the moment, you know because they were arguing and everything.” 

“Is there anything else I should know?” 

“Not other than what’s already in the files and I told you everything they told me before I had to transfer the case over to you” 

“Then I guess I have a case to work on, so if you’ll please” she said gesturing towards the door. 

“Of course”, he stated as he took his leave, allowing Alison to pick apart the entire crime scene, finding any possible loop-holes that could be used against her, and patching them up, so that all the evidence would lead to the framing of his girlfriend.


  1. This post was a roller coaster! From a person apologizing to his to girlfriend to cold-blooded murder back to a desk job in just the write spot to get the case to her. It was very interesting and I had no clue how the plot would develop by the end.

  2. This story was very intriguing. I think that the lawyer being the murderer was very clever and the whole story really lived up to the title. The whole story was different and interesting so I very much enjoyed it.

  3. What a great read. I was invested in the story, curious to know what will happen to the girlfriend that was framed. Alison was a great character, I was truly invested in her after knowing she was a district attorney. I hope the story doesn't end here, keep on writing.

  4. Wow I really love a good plot twist and this story definitely had that. I love the way you built up to that plot twist, I wasn't expecting it. Your writing style is very nice too since it uses some good language but is still feels natural.

  5. This was actually a very good story. It brought me through several different emotions at once. It also leaves so many questions for the reader to ponder, which is a good thing. Great job!

  6. This was so interesting, I wish it was longer. I was hocked from the title and I was not expecting her to be the prosecutor on her own murder case. Great Job!!

  7. I love the plot twist and it was so amazing. So many things were going on and it all connected after! Great job!! I loved it

  8. Wow, the twist of the murderer's occupation makes me question what are her motivations for committing such horrendous and despicable acts. Congrats, you created a character that I detest but am intrigued to know more about.

  9. It feels weird to think a lawyer could take advantage of their position in society but I think that is what makes fiction interesting, twisting reality and dreaming up different situations. Your piece really captured what I like about fiction and the opening ominous atmosphere was very intriguing. -Caitlin Fanning

  10. I do appreciate the underlying message that cheating is wrong. The fact that she knew him before had hooked but I wish you included her motive for the murder since it the story is primarily being told from her point of view. Overall great read that I wish there were more to.

  11. This was a great and intriguing read with strong twists embedded within it. Great piece.

  12. I personally enjoyed how the beginning was incorporated with sharp details that would intrigue such a visual, describing each little action the character would do.

  13. This was so interesting to read, it took a turn that i would have never expected. The vocabulary and perspective used kept the reader right there with you in anticipation of how the story would end. Great piece! --Kayla Leonard

  14. This was written very well and took a turn i would have never expected. The vocabulary used kept the reader in anticipation of what was going to happen next. Great piece! --Kayla Leonard

  15. Great job! This was honestly really intense to read, and by the time I finished I wanted more!! I have so many questions to ask, like how come Alison wanted to frame Serena? Aside that, I really loved your use of description, it really set the tone and atmosphere for the story. I also liked that the story didn't have much backstory on who the characters were as they were introduced, it really added to the mystery and wanting for development of them! :)

    -Tyger Ghodossi
