
Wednesday, January 10, 2018


Darkness. I can’t seem to see anything. Everything is dulled, my senses especially...
can’t hear. I can’t smell. I can’t touch...I can only feel. I feel a sense of weightlessness, like I’m floating in zero gravity. Everything feels musky and dank, yet it feels so cold...
I begin to come to. I seem to be sitting in a chair within what looks like a dark, enclosed room. I can only see within a small radius of what seems to be like 2 meters. The chair is wooden, worn down so much that it shouldn’t be able to support my weight, yet it does. The floor isn’t floor, more like... the surface of a water source. My bare feet are touching the ground, yet they aren’t getting wet. I look up and see a bright light, but no sight of the source. I stand up and walk around the room. The light follows me where I go giving me sight of what’s in front of me. There seem to be no walls whatsoever. It seems like an endless room, yet when I look back, the chair hasn’t moved any farther back. It’s just there, unmoving, like a beacon.
I look at myself in the reflection of the water. Wait. Is that... me? I have... a... I can’t explain it. My face is an expressionless, white, porcelain mask. The mask has etchings, like symbols and stuff like that, but I can’t understand them. I look at my arms and legs. When did I have metal limbs? Panic and fear cloud my mind. Am I an experiment? What’s going on? I can’t breathe...but.. It’s like... I don’t need to breathe. I am like a robot... but that’s exactly what I am. But why... do I... I can’t remember anything... my memory fades into oblivion. The only thing that I can remember now is the name, “Lilith”. My mind is broken. I collapse to the ground and cry...but I can’t.
Welcome PROJECT: 276.
that voice coming from? I look around the dark room trying to locate the source of the voice.
You have been chosen for a special honor.
chosen from what, for what? What is this special honor?
It is our duty to assess your performance in these upcoming tests. We will determine
based on your ability to finish these tests whether you are fit for our honor.
Tests...I don’t think this is a good thing for me. I don’t think I can handle any tests in my current state of discombobulation. I need to escape.
Keep in mind that you cannot escape this facility. It is heavily guarded by our best warriors and our best tech created by our best scientists. You either finish these tests or you are disposed of.
Well there goes one option. There must be another option... hopefully. I don’t want to find out how I will be disposed of.
Your first test will be to fend yourself off with a weapon of your choice. Your enemies will stop at nothing to kill you. You are able to choose a weapon just by thinking of it. Once you have chosen, you may not change it. Ready, Begin!
The room is illuminated brightly. I can’t see... I’m blinded. I hear a growl... It’s faint but it seems to be getting... closer. I hear... something... coming nearer. My sight is slowly returning and I turn around just in time for a dark shape to bolt towards me. It’s large, but fast; that’s not good. I must run. My legs don’t work... I can’t move! The silhouette is barrelling towards me... I close my eyes... I accept and embrace defeat...
“Don’t forget, you are able to choose one weapon of your choice! Better choose quickly!”
I can’t think! I can’t choose! My mind is too clouded for my brain to work. I wait for imminent impact but nothing happens. I can’t feel anything. I wait. A second passes... another passes... and another. There is no noise and I assume the coast to be clear.
I open my eyes and I find myself in a different room... one more... normal, and realistic. I sit up and observe my surroundings. It seems as if I’m at a hospital. There are nurses all around me, taking my blood pressure, examining my heartbeat. Then I realize that I am, in fact, human once more. I can breathe! I begin to cry as my memories begin flooding back. I remember that I am 19 years old but... that’s strange. I don’t remember who Lilith is. I brush off the idea and I wipe tears from my eyes. I am filled with joy of my newly regained memory.
A different nurse walks up to me. She is wearing a white uniform rather than a pink one. She seems like the one in charge. Her name tag is written in a language that I don’t understand. The only thing I see is the name “Eve”. I ask her what happened to me and how I got into the hospital. She doesn’t answer. I ask the other nurses but they don’t answer either. It’s like they don’t hear me. The other nurses are too busy with their other duties so I assume they just ignored me. THe head nurse just stands there at the foot of my bed. She seems interested in me, like I’m something she hasn’t seen before. She looks at her clipboard which probably has my report on there. I ask her once more but she still doesn’t answer. She only looks at me... into my eyes, like she’s trying to see within my mind. “How are you feeling?” she asks. I don’t feel as if anything is off, but I’m getting drowsy. My eyelids grow heavy and I begin to nod off. The last thing I hear before I drift off into sleep is “276”.


  1. Great piece! I really liked the beginning, so mysterious and unsettling. Also your use of imagery was fantastic and constantly pulled me in. As I read I tried to imagine this bizarre scenario, in some cases I felt like I was in the room with the character. This piece made me feel like I was watching an episode strait out of the Twilight Zone, great work. - Brendan Sweeney

  2. I really love the ending, it gave me chills down my spine. How he dreamt of what was going to happen. You set an emphasis on how the character couldn't feel anything, nor express much as he sees his own face and see it expressionless. Your piece has a strange, perplexing mood, showing the great, incomprehensible unknown. Amazing job!-Tiffany Soetojo

  3. I love your use of vivid imagery. It really drew me into the story as I was able to imagine the character's surrounding and emotions. I wish I could read more!

  4. I absolutely love the imagery you put in the story throughout. It's like I can perfectly imagine the ominous and eerie room you're in as well as your feelings of desperation and helplessness. Great job!
    -Arianna Perez

  5. Exciting! This piece really enveloped me into a whole new world, in which I was able to visualize a futuristic world with the mindset of this character. The ending really gives me an exciting cliffhanger as it leaves me to think about the rest to this piece. - Alex Thao Period 4

  6. I really loved the imagery in this piece. The beginning sparked my curiosity and I was so shocked by the ending.
