
Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Ginger the ginger gingerbread girl was very excited for Christmas. She was so excited to put up the tree and put up the lights and make everything pretty. She loved picking out the perfect gifts that she knew her friends and family would love even more than she loved receiving gifts. She started to play Christmas music in the car a week before December because she was just so excited. Ginger got pumped for Christmas early, maybe a little too early. See now Ginger was the type of girl who liked to plan out everything and she had planned in her head to have a wonderful holiday season all throughout December, but her plans were interrupted by one little boy. Tobi was had the same exact feelings towards Christmas that Ginger did except he had one more special thing planned. He wanted to pick out a special gingerbread cookie to eat with his hot chocolate. His special day had come, his mom was going to take him to the bakery to pick his special ginger bread cookie and when he got there his eyes went directly to the perfect cookie. Tobi had red hair and when he saw the little gingerbread girl with red frosting for hair he knew that cookie had to be his special Christmas gingerbread cookie. Tobi got home, ripped open the bag, pulled out his cookie, and bit off its leg. He went in for the other leg but was stopped by his mother who called him to go help being the groceries in. Ginger wakes up and freaks out when she realizes that her leg is gone. She gets up and immediately falls back down. She lays there and tries to think of a way to get away. She sees toothpicks on the counter and picks them up and uses them as crutches and limps away as she sobs over the loss of her leg. She makes it back to the bakery and finds her friends and they help her get a new leg and then they attach it with frosting. They couldn't really put it on quite right so Ginger was now a little lopsided. She got up and tried to walk and again fell down. Her friends held her up and she tried to step and fell again, but this time she just stayed there and cried. She cried for about an hour but then she saw something out of the corner of her eye, a Christmas tree. She stopped crying and called her friends to help her up to get closer to it and she took some steps with the help of her friends and then pushed them off and limped herself the rest of the way to the tree and sat under it. She sat under the tree and though about the big change in her life that happened today, she thought about all the plans she had for the Christmas season, and the rest of her life and how her new lopsided leg would affect all those plans. She decided that even though her life plans would change a little bit she wouldn't let it ruin her Christmas spirit and happily went off to her finish her Christmas cookies. She limped around the store and finished her shopping, she wobbled on the ladder and completed her tree, and lastly she plopped down on her seat Christmas morning and happily opened her present. It was sparkly new crutches colored bright red to match her hair.


  1. This is the cutest story ever! I love how the gingerbread girl had something very special and specific planned for Christmas but suddenly changed because of her lost leg! I feel this story makes a good connection to the change that occurs in everyone's lives, especially the one all seniors will go threw at the end of May.
    This is a very good reflection of what is to come in the future because although the end of our potential and legal childhood is soon to be diminished, we will have the comfort of our loved ones to keep us safe and secure down the road.
    And so, the message of your story was a successful reference for all seniors and the current holiday season. Great Work! And Merry Christmas!

  2. I am in love with this! I love how light-hearted this was, even considering the fact that the main character lost her leg. She overcame it and the story ended on such a positive note. This story made me smile, and more excited for Christmas.
    -Marissa Putrick

  3. This put an interesting new twist on the gingerbread cookie

  4. I love this little cute short that embarks on the life of a female gingerbread. This truly brightened my holiday season and you had such creativity!

  5. Super cute and unique! I loved how I could picture every event so perfectly, she reminds me of you aha nice job!
    - Aileen Munoz

  6. This was so adorable! I loved the innocent and joyous tone of the story. Great story and perfect for Christmas!

  7. Poor, Ginger! I could see this being a children's book because it teaches a great lesson! This was a cute story to read.

  8. This was really cute. I totally thought that Tobi would get the best of Ginger but I like the underdog victory you gave the piece. The last few lines held a really deepmessage even though the subject was light.

  9. I'm in love this story, I like that ginger decides that she could let her foot ruin her life, but instead decides to look at the positive and happy rather than the sad and chooses to not let her saddness not get to her or others.
    -Emmanuel Huntspon

  10. Great story! Your piece was well written and contained detailed imagery that made me really picture each event. Really brought a smile to my face!
    -Nahome Woldearegay

  11. This piece was full of yuletide jolliness; it sucks that I'm barely reading it on January 4th! I love how the main character maintains a bright spirit, despite losing her leg! Her headstrong attitude makes the story that much more adorable and heartwarming! Great plot.

    -Brandon Lim

  12. This was quite the adventure. And we definitely all know someone in our lives who's a little too excited for Christmas. The ending was sweet (no pun intended) and had a nice message. Very cute!
    -Kayla salas

  13. This was a very cute story. I really loved the creativity and I love the ending when Ginger decides to look on the bright side and continue on with her Christmas spirit. Great story :)
    -Kathlyn Juarez
