
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Matthew--The Lone Wanderer

“On the road again, huh boy?” said the man to his canine companion. The dog barks with enthusiasm as the two press forward. Across the great spans of the world in front of them, the man sees only a decayed wasteland. Destroyed buildings where great cities used to be, dried ground formally full of green and life. Dust builds and the winds blow upon the man and his faithful companion. The man stands, dawning an old duster coat upon his old tailored suit. On his back lays an old, bolt-action sniper rifle with his trusty revolver on his hip. On an old broken highway, the man and dog wander briskly down the road. While following the old road, the two stumble upon an old house. The house has been coated with a fresh coat of dust and grime, broken windows cover up the simple interior of the house. The man sees smoke coming from the house’s chimney and decides to investigate. As the two approach the door of the house, a small pift of sand straight up at the man’s feet since the sound of a gunshot ringing out to the sky. “That’s far enough, now what do you think you’re doing out in these parts?!” said a voice coming from inside the house. The dog started to growl but the man pets his friend to let him know to calm down. The main raises both of his hands. “I’m sorry to intrude, but I’m just looking for a quick rest from my travels, and I think my friend is getting mighty exhausted. I don’t mean you and yours no harm.” “Alright fine, give me a second.” Said the voice. The door opens and out walks an old man, holding a simple rifle. The old man sports a rugged beard with white hair while dressed in some tan overalls. “Feel free to come inside, sorry scaring your pet there.” Said the old man “Appreciated, c’mon boy.” Said the man. Both the man and old farmer step inside the home, with the dog in tow. They both sit down at a dinner table as the old farmer gathers some food, cooking from his stove. He offers the man and his pet a plate and they all sit to eat. “Nice to see another friendly face around here, things weren’t always this lonely around here.” Says the old farmer. “Really, and why is that?” says the man as he sets a bowl of water for his companion. “See the thing is, raiders came to our homestead and attacked us. I was able to hold them for a bit, but they ended up taking my girl. Not the first time they’ve harassed us, but damn if they aren’t persistent.” “Wait, they took your daughter? Do you know where they are now?” said the man. “I think they’re hold up at the old gas station down the road. Now, I don’t want yourself and your friend to get hurt now. I’ve been meaning to gather some friends to help me bring my daughter back home, but I’m not as young as I’ve used to be…” sorrowly said the old man. “Don’t worry, I can get her back for you.” “Really? Are you sure? I don’t have much to give in return…” “No need for that, I know what it’s like to have something taken from me.” “Thank you, good sir, please make sure she’s safe.” “Of course.” The man gathered his belongings together and the two went back on the road. After a little while, the man and dog found themselves at the gas station. Out front were two raiders, sitting by a makeshift camp. The man grabs his sniper rifle from his back. “Stand back boy, I’ve got this” The man bends down on one knee and chambers in a round into his rifle. He looks down the scope and focuses on one of the bandits. He steadies himself and holds his breath. Locked in on his head, the man pulls the trigger. Dead. The bandit sitting beside his now-deceased friend jumps, reaches for his gun and gets behind an old, broken down car. The man loads the ammo shell out of the gun and chambers in a new round. He re-positions himself. He sits waiting for the bandit to pop his head back out. He does. The man holds his breath again and aims down his scope. Dead. The man and his dog quickly get up and make their way towards the gas station. He approaches the two dead raiders and searches around any other raiders nearby. It was just those two. After quickly scanning the area, the man and dog enter the gas station building. The building is dimly lit by small rays of light, shining through the small holes in the wall. Also by small hanging lights upon the ceiling. The building is quiet, and the man slowly walks forward through the building. They enter a rather spacious room, dimly illuminated by a small bonfire. A raider sits near the fire with a tied up girl laying on the ground nearby. “So I see heard you took care of my two friends outside, guess they were never good watchmen. Well I’m guessing that you’re here for the girl. See now I can’t let you take her. I hear young ladies make for a fine price on the slave market.” Said the raider. “Yeah, well guess there’s only one way that someone’s gonna walk out of here then.” Said the man. The raider then pulled out his pistol and fired, but missed. Both got into cover. Both the man and the raider attempt firing back at each other from behind cover. One shot is able to graze the man’s arm and he takes time to heal himself behind cover. As he tends to his wound, his dog rushes the raider and is able to bite his arm. “Aghhh! Get off me, you damn dog!” screamed the raider as the dog hangs onto the raider by his teeth. This gives the man time to take a painkiller and quickly cover his wound. The raider throws the dog to the side and grabs him arm in pain. “Damn dog, I’ll eat you next.” Said the raider, suddenly he hears the sound of a revolver being cocked. “Hi.” Says the man. Dead. The man rushes over to his dog to see if his faithful friend is okay. Afterwards, they both head over to the young woman tied up on the ground. The man slowly takes off the bindings around her eyes and mouth. “Oh my god, thank you so much! I thought I’d become a slave for sure! Oh wait….please don’t tell me you’re here to enslave me too.” Said the woman “Oh god no, your father sent me. Let’s get you home.” They all head on out back onto the road, back to the farmer’s house. As they approach the home, the old man runs out and embraces his daughter. “Oh Raime, I thought I’d never see you again!” “Don’t worry dad, I don’t go down without a fight.” “You mean without me doing the fighting.” Said the man. “Hahaha don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about you, thank you so much stranger! Why don’t you and you and your dog stay the night?” said the farmer “Well don’t mind if we do.” Said the man. So they all decide to stay the night at the homestead and enjoy each other’s company. The man and old farmer share a refreshing beer as Raime shares funny stories of the raiders doing stupid stuff as she was with them. Finally, they all decide to go to bed. Early in the morning, the man and his companion awake. The old man and his daughter are still asleep. Dawn is barely cracking, but the man and his companion decide to head out. They leave as quietly as possible, hoping not to wake the two up. The two exit the house and make their way into the wasteland. As they’re leaving, the man looks back towards the house and sighs. His canine companion looks up towards his master, panting ever so happily. The man looks forward on towards the road and pets his companion. “Let’s go, pal.”

1 comment:

  1. This really reminded me of Fallout 4 which I'm not sure you were intending or not, nevertheless it was really fantastic and fun to read. Having played the game it makes this really fun to read because it's like doing a quest in the game. Great details, and loved the dog companion and you did great at depicting the details of the setting around them. If I had any constructive criticism to give is that maybe you should work on describing the characters physical characteristics like the raider or the daughter to give even more detail to this great piece. Fantastic job.
