
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Amanda--The Fan

"Get up Ava! You're not going to sit around all day doing nothing. I know its hard dealing with this, but my duty as your best friend is to get you back up". It's a beautiful day out in LA, Ava and her friend Aria are out just shopping around after finally getting Ava up. Annoyed and hungry, Ava slumps around after Aria because she just wants to go back home to sleep away the heartbreak she recently felt. Suddenly as they're walking around the crowded streets they hear loud screams saying, "OH MY GOD ITS REALLY HIM!" Curious as ever they wander down the street passing each beautifully decorated window for the upcoming holidays to see what was happening. Abruptly Aria stops, pulls Ava to the side freaking out in a panic as the crowd rushes towards them. Up ahead is a narrow, hole in the wall store that they run into to avoid being trampled by the hundreds of people running. As they run in, they hear a loud screech outside and turn to see an all-black, shiny escalade with dark tinted windows pull to a sudden halt. Squinting from the glare of the sun, the girls turn back around to see a tall man around 6'1 with curly hair and hazel eyes walking quickly and ducking behind 2 other men. When Ava catches a glimpse of the 2 men she automatically knows who it is and starts freaking out, hitting aria's arm on the verge of passing out. Her green eyes lock with his as one of the men with him rushes towards her and covers her mouth to keep her from screaming and blowing his cover. Standing there, right in front of her, is the one and only Drake, Ava's longtime idol/celebrity crush. Once they calm her down, they all begin talking soon being well acquainted with him and end up going on a ride with him. He eventually catches on to the glances the girls share and realizes how excited Ava really is. Hours later, the blue skies turn to vibrant shades of pink, red, orange and darker shades of blue as the sun sets and the girls prepare to leave. Before leaving, someone comes from behind Ava, grabbing her arm and dragging her behind them. Drake pulls her outside and offers her floor seats to his next concert and invites her to hang out with him again. Ecstatic and giddy Ava accepts and leaves. On the way home, Ava thanks aria again for forcing her to go along with her, "Honestly Aria, you're the best. Thank you for helping get over things and pulling me out the house against my will. This has truly been the best day ever."


  1. I wish that every girl/guy was able to experience a day like Ava was able too! what a dream come true, I can see your personality in the story love it!

    Sienna Carbajal

  2. Ah, every teenage girl's dream haha. I feel like this story is relatable to some of your readers and that's what makes this such a nice piece. Good job!

  3. I wish one day this would happen to me too :(. But this piece was quite fun to read, and you're detail and imagery made it rather lifelike. The dialogue between the characters seems pretty accurate to what would actually occur.

  4. This is very relatable to the teen girl crowd. Good job!-Kayla mcgriff

  5. By the time I finished reading I truly believed this happened. I felt happy for you because I felt like this was a real memory which is amazing. Great job! -Luke Riddington

  6. This piece was really fun and light to read! It kind of made me laugh because we all have that one celebrity or person we'd completely gush over given the opportunity. I loved the light feeling of this piece and you did a really great job!

  7. You are so cute oh my goodness I couldn't stop laughing. I kept thinkng of our tiny story project and how you told me about your love for drake. Great job
    -Kayla salas

  8. Very cute piece! I wish Drake would come into my life like that! Great job!
    -Maddie Alegria
