
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Creeah--Bare no Malice on Winters past

It was that rainy night in the dark December about one year and a month or so ago, when I was as usual alone in a place where reality meets insanity. It was a grimace December that year not one of Christmas carolers knocking at my chamber door but one that made me sad and dreary how I missed you mom how this thought left me ever sore. I was remembering the days when we would go to Nana’s house and bake tables full of cookies, laugh, and be merry but my heart broken soul knew it was never more. It was the third Saturday in December when we would normally carry out our Christmas tradition of cookies and cheer but the sad truth was you weren’t here. I woke up expecting you to call me downstairs to begin the journey to Nana’s but no call… then as I began to get frustrated that you weren’t awake, I remembered you were here no more. I began to cry so hard my eyes hit a fog because only god knows what I would give to say “Yes mom I’m coming ” just one more time. To this day I wonder why I woke up expecting to see you there. I asked god to give me a sign symbolizing that you were okay. I went through the next year wondering… I slipped into a depression that carried through seamlessly from season to season thinking about how might I melt away that bitter winter frost. Time continued life went on and about a month ago Dad and I went to the east coast for winter break. We traveled through Maine Laughing and feeling as though we’d never been happy before. I found a pure purple shell unlike any other it held me in comfort and gave me peace at every move. The shell meant more to me than life itself for it symbolized all the wisdom you, mom, had passed onto me it was in very moment I was able to forgive winters past.


  1. Oh man! I really loved this piece, it was very heartfelt and touching. I was able to get to know you, as a reader, and i could truly put myself in your shoes, and to understand your pain. or maybe just a portion of your pain. Honestly, such a beautiful piece!

  2. Wow! Your piece is filled with a lot of imagery that allowed me to see into your joyful past and into the darkness you also experienced. Thank you for sharing this piece and I'm not going to lie, this was a tear jerker. Great Work!

  3. Such a beautifully written piece! Very touching, I loved your writing style and how you described how you felt, as a reader I was able to put myself in your place and experience a bit of what you went through. Loved it.
    -Aileen Munoz

  4. This piece is so touching and filled with wonderful, descriptive imagery. I really feel the emotion and state of thought through out the piece, nice work!

  5. Wow! Such a beautiful piece and it's my favorite piece so far. Keep up the good work! :)

    -Sirikanya Boonyanant

  6. Well written and one of my favorite piece as well. Good job
    -Maite Vano

  7. This is truly beautiful. I think you did a wonderful job at expressing difficult feelings. The imagery was lovely and you are a great writer.

  8. A beautiful piece. The use of imagery is truly wonderful and enhances the emotion that is being conveyed. Great job!
    -Jerelle Medina per. 3

  9. This piece was amazing, this is one of the first writings that i felt as if i was there with you at that time. Great piece of literature and such strong feelings behind it!
    -Emmanuel Huntspon

  10. This honestly very toughing, its a wonderful piece and love your title! :)

  11. Really great piece! I really like how you contrast the usually joyous time of year with the somber world you encounter. -Luke Riddington

  12. This a very relatable piece allowing for us as readers to really connect with it.

  13. I have to say this is an absolutely wonderful piece I feel as if I know you so much better from just a small personal narrative

    -David Tucker

  14. You managed to make me cry a bit; this was wonderful narrative. The raw emotion portrayed can be really felt in both the mourning, and peaceful acceptance. Amazing work!

  15. The imagery and and passion of this piece is amazing! I could tell your writing really comes from your heart, and that you pour your feelings onto the screen. The balance of concrete details and abstract ideas was presented really nicely too.

  16. Wow! I love your piece so much. It is so relatable and I can feel you emotion while I was reading your story. It is so personal and I really like that because you are vulnerable and open with how you feel.

  17. This piece is so touching. It makes you realize you don't know how important something or someone is to until it is gone. This vast details really gets you attached the readers emotions. Beautifully written. Now I have to go give my parents some love after this.

  18. I love the transformation of tone from somberness to acceptance! Your writing incorporates so many emotions that move your audience because it's so relatable.

    -Brandon Lim

  19. The sharp contrast of the dark theme and the usual jolly mood of Christmas works wonders in hooking the reader. However, the well written tonal shift at the East Coast part helps in relieving the tense, gloomy atmosphere. Well written and very emotional! Amazing work!

  20. Fantastic piece, you conveyed so much emotion with your words and made the reader feel as if they too were grieving the same loss. The shells symbolism really added a great tangible aspect to your piece, letting the acceptance and grief feel just as real to the reader as it does the narrator.

  21. This was an amazing piece. It was very touching and I love how you expressed so much emotion in your writing. Great job :)
    -Kathlyn Juarez
