
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Justin--"Cliff's Revelation"

”I want to go on a nice peaceful walk” he said but he did not fully comprehend what would happen as a consequence of his actions. You see Cliff was always a happy-go-lucky kind of a guy. He was not perfect mind you but he knew how to have a good time. While Cliff went on a walk outside of his suburban home he found himself at a busy intersection. When the signal said to walk, he walked but then suddenly an SUV went roaring down the intersection nearly hitting him. Besides his freighting near death experience Cliff realized something at this moment. There were at least 40 cars in this intersection and this was but one intersection and there are millions of intersections like this one all across the world. He was but one person in this large world. He thought to himself “How many other people have gone on this exact same walk as I and nearly got hit by a car?” He figured it had at least been a dozen for he lived in a lively city. It was then he realized how insignificant he really was in the grand scheme of things and how pointless his life was for he was just doing what everyone else had been doing. It was then Cliff decided to be a superhero. However he quickly realized this would be impossible because superheroes nor radioactive induced superpowers were possible in the world he lived in. He needed to find a way to fill the void in his heart of insignificance. He could temporarily feel better by eating some chocolate cake or watching a good anime but the feeling always returned back to him. Cliff then decided to take ballet classes but no matter how hard he tried, no matter how hard he practiced he realized he would never make it into ballet performer agency. This was of course because Cliff did not have the correct figure for that trade and thus had to seek meaning in his life elsewhere. It was then he discovered a universal truth of the universe. “All the cool things in life aren’t as cool as you might think” he said with unabashed pride. Cliff then set upon a quest to find something worthy of his attention. Cliff was rethinking his entire life and what he had done with it. He realized all of the good times he had did have significance, he had not totally wasted his time because he enjoyed himself and that was enough for him. It was then Cliff discovered another universal truth of the universe. “As long as you’re having fun you can’t go wrong.” So he followed his heart to find himself a worthy goal. He found himself on another walk for Cliff enjoyed walking. This is where Cliff happened upon his local ice cream shop he just had to go in for Cliff loved ice cream. It was then where he found his calling in life, what he was put on this world to do. It was to scoop ice cream for all of the little kids to enjoy. But it was then reality hit Cliff, and it was that he could not survive off of an ice cream scooper kind of a wage. It was getting late and Cliff had become saddened by the prospect that he could not become a professional ice cream scooper. But before Cliff left the Ice cream shop he asked one of the professional ice cream scoopers “What makes a good Ice Cream a great Ice Cream?” The ice cream scooper was shocked at the question but then laughed and said “Why boy that is of course for you to decide, an ice cream is only as great as you make it.” Cliff was astounded at the response and said “What if my ice cream isn’t worthy of greatness in your eyes?” The Ice Cream scooper looked surprised and then said “Boy for as long as you enjoy the ice cream and find it great why should anything else matter?” Cliff hugged the man and wrote him a note before quickly leaving the ice cream shop with a new determination. Cliff’s ginormous void of insignificance had suddenly been filled he knew how he should live now. He went rushing back to his home and began to cross the same intersection as before. The same SUV came screaming across the intersection but this time it did not miss Cliff, for Cliff did not look both ways. Poor Cliff who had just filled the void of his heart of its insignificance, had died. His friends and family had come to his funeral and so did the ice cream scooper man. When the ice cream scooper man presented the note Cliff had wrote to him to the family they were astounded and then read Cliff’s words aloud. “The true folly of feeling insignificant is that it just doesn’t exist, we decide ourselves what we value and how we spend our lives. As long as you are true to your heart and are having a good time you are significant and what others are doing or what you are potentially missing out on shouldn’t matter. I understand now what makes a good ice cream a great ice cream.” The crowd seemed surprised but the the ice cream man knew what he meant by these words.


  1. I really really liked this piece! Even though I am a lover of chocolate cake and ballet class, I understand Cliff's desire to find something to enwrap himself in , in order to make his life worth living. I especially liked how this journey to find this passion ultimately lead him into creating a "great ice cream". Nice job :)

  2. Nihilism is the belief that our lives are completely meaningless. Essentially we gather space and consume resources until that day we die and someone takes our place. This theme is common in young adults because in this great big world we are so small our lives can't mean much. Albert Camus says that this absurdism makes us perpetualy obsessed with finding meaning in life and by accepting how small our lives are we become happier and can finally persue meaning.
    Your piece is a dive into this philosophy that I find very interesting. Thank you for your submission

  3. I love how easily this piece connects with the youth of our time In a fun and silly way. Is youngsters are always trying to find our significance in life and this piece clearly shows at what length we take things but don't accept what we have accomplished. We are so configured to please others and stand out, like a superhero, we ignore the journey ( the walk) life has offered and miss out.
