
Wednesday, December 16, 2015


What are dreams? Are they abstract ideas that just randomly flow through or head? Are they our deepest wants and desires? Are they obtainable or are they so radical that they could never be obtained? The literal definition of a dream is “a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep.” but is that all it really is- just a series of thoughts and images? I don’t think that it’s that simple. I believe that every dream has some sort of meaning in our life and that each dream is somehow connected. What we observe in the world and how we process these things add to how we shape our dreams whether it be a literal dream as you sleep or as a metaphor for a life goal. Many times a dream will seem so crazy and just ridiculous that we either think that we’re going insane or that we may be on drugs, but I believe that that dream has some kind of physical connection to our beliefs, thoughts and morals. For instance, a traumatic experience in someone’s life may cause them to dream solely about that because of how it impacted their life. This happens because that is all they think about all the time so when the brain shuts down whilst they sleep the thoughts are trapped and still rolling around in their head so what their subconscious does is it forms the person’s dreams based on the thoughts still in their mind. This also applies to nightmares and how you feel as if you are in actual danger when in reality it’s your mind playing games with you. If you see a scary movie or if something has frightened you and that is constantly buzzing in your mind and you go to sleep, like the person who had a traumatic experience, the thoughts are still embedded in their mind and transfer to when they fall asleep. If this is true, then the same can be said for basically any experience in life that has had some sort of impact on a person. Llana Simons, an expert on dream interpretation and sequence, said “… those poems we tell ourselves at night in order to experience our unconscious wishes as real. Dreams allow us to be what we cannot be, and to say what we do not say, in our more repressed daily lives. For instance, if I dream about burning my workplace down, it's probably because I want to dominate the workplace but am too nervous to admit that aggressive drive when I'm awake and trying to be nice to the people who might give me a raise.” Even our dreams that we have that we wish to achieve in life are based on what we absorb from our experiences and from the world around us. We form what we want to do in life because someone or something persuaded us to pursue that goal. Dreams aren’t just random thoughts or ideas that our subconscious makes up because it’s bored, they are based off of real life experiences and reflect our desires, fears and ambitions. Llana Simons essay: what do dreams do for us


  1. The thought into making an essay as well as questioning what a dream really is is an innovative ides, I like it. Its very relatable in which every who's ever had or panicked about something usually get a nightmare when they begin to sleep. -Brian Rojas

  2. What do you dream about that makes you think you're on drugs? This is interesting. You say our dreams are a reflection of our thoughts and morals, what we see in our daily lives. I dream about things I've never thought of while I'm awake and people I've never seen, are those predictions of my future? I am curious now.

  3. I question why I have the weirdest of dreams, like why the lady at McDonald's won't give me ketchup packets for free with my meal in my dreams maybe subconsciously I have a weird desire for ketchup I really don't know but dreams in general are so random and weird, and it really depends on everything around us. I liked your piece it tried to make sense of something that normally never makes sense.

  4. It is apparent that you have a fascination for dreams and that definitely shows in your work! I can totally relate to this, dreams are something that fascinate me too. I completely agree that dreams aren't just images, but something more. Great piece!
    -Marissa Putrick

  5. This was a very interesting piece that was informative.

  6. This piece was very informative and interesting. It makes you want to analyze every thing you dream about so you can make sense of what's causing you to dream about the beauty or horrors we face while asleep. Amazing job!

  7. I've never thought about dreams being something that our subconscious gives us to reflect on our lives but that's an interesting perspective of it!

  8. This was very informative, now that I know my dreams are based off of my desires, ambitions, and fears, i got to figure out what all these weird dreams truly mean lol
    -Shaniya T.

  9. Ive always wondered much about dreams. some of your points do make sense to me. Good job

  10. Very informational. The concept of dreams and what they mean has baffled humans for centuries, what will be discovered in the future may wipe the table with the current info we possess about dreams. Thank you for your submission

  11. I learned so much from this story and found it so fascinating. I never knew dreams can have this big of an impact on our lives.

  12. I have always been curious about my dreams, especially the ones that make no sense, or that until now, I thought made no sense. After reading this piece, I find myself questioning every dream I have ever had and what it may mean. This piece has me thinking a lot! Great job!

  13. I've always thought the same thing about dreams. I always felt that the reason I dreamt something was because of something I desired, saw or frightened me. I never thought a dream was just meaningless. Good work.
    -Celeste Martinez

  14. Very interesting and thought provoking read!It really made me think about my dreams, and what they mean, great work! ~ Allyssa Flores

  15. Indeed dreams are captivating as to what they mean and what certain ones mean in our lives. It's great to know what our dreams truly mean!
    ~ Gregory Gomez

  16. This piece was very creative and intriguing. Dreams seem to stand for something metaphorical or perhaps a reevaluation of our life.

  17. This piece was very intriguing when reading this I found it very interesting very well written and great information of why we dream what we dream and how it's somehow connected to our daily life's it's crazy if you actually think about it good job !
    -Paige J

  18. After reading this, I can almost completely relate to you and your definition on dreams. I often questioned whether my dreams were a by-product of what my subconscious, and always wanted to know (and always read up on) my dreams and what they symbolized. I'm really happy to read a piece that encapsulates how I have felt about my dreams so well! Sprinkled in are a few punctuation errors that makes some sentences feel like they're running on and on, but besides that, very good job!

  19. Dreams are one of the most interesting topics in my opinion. The way our dreams can correlate with our reality through our subconscious minds is truly astonishing. The different meanings that they can have are endless. For example, if you have a clock in your dream it could mean that you are feeling lost and that you are running out of time to accomplish something. Great peice. Very thought provoking.
    - Karyna G

  20. I like how informative your piece was. It made me think and I really liked that.

  21. I used to want to wrote down my dreams because I would forget them, however as I read this piece I realized I should since technically your dreams are your decisions so i wonder what crazy actions I took during them, maybe you're a completely different person in them. Anyways well done it was very nice to read!
    -Meghan Ustrell

  22. The piece was well substantiated and brings an interesting concept to the table regarding these strange nighttime occurences. It's well evident that the frequent thoughts of the brain contribute to how dreams work. Very great read, well done!

  23. I 100% agree abut your opinion about dreams. Its crazy how we can define our true selves, what we experience, and what we want to experience in our subconscious.

  24. Dreams have always been a weird area for me. Can only ever recall enough, over the course of my life, to count on one hand with fingers left to spare. This is a very insightful work.

  25. It is so incredible to me how something so commonplace and mundane such as dreams is also known so little about. Dreams give us insight to our innermost and most secluded desires and are the result of an active subconscious and resting conscious. What dreams provide is a sense of who our most natural selves are. Impeccable piece!
    -Maddie Alegria

  26. I think the whole idea on dreams are actually crazy, and I love that it is connected to the unique details in our life. This was a well thought out piece.

  27. dreams are always so amazing to talk about. a very interesting piece. good job
