
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Josh--February 29th

On the twelfth of April, Isaac’s life would be altered forever. It was a rather peaceful summer day. There was a slight breeze and clear skies overlooking the city of Detroit. Isaac Jones, fifteen at the time, was walking home from the local high school when he heard a loud noise coming not too far from his home. Isaac rushed to see what the commotion was about and saw there had been a car accident. Both cars were in terrible shape as well as the drivers he assumed. Then, Isaac’s compassion turned to fear. He had realized that one of the cars was his father’s. Isaac began to get closer but stopped. He wondered if he really wanted to see what horrendous scene may lie in front of him. It was too late to decide. The EMT’s had begun pulling both drivers out of the car. Unfortunately, it was then clear, his father had passed. Isaac’s father, Daniel Jones, was pronounced dead at the scene. Isaac had never felt such immense sadness but couldn’t even comprehend how his mother will feel. When Mrs. Jones was told of what had happened, she was devastated. She and Daniel had been married for twenty years. How could she go on without him? The answer is, she couldn’t. At least not peacefully. Mrs. Jones turned to an alternative to carry on with life. Drugs. Although, this proved to be a grave mistake. Mrs. Jones became so overwhelmed in drugs that all of other aspects of life ceased to exist. The addiction soon overtook Isaac’s spot on her priority list. Fortunately, Isaac was a very strong young man and did not let his father’s death nor his mother’s addiction impact him negatively. Isaac understood that with his mother now overtaken by drugs, he was alone. Isaac had no other siblings for help nor relatives who cared. Everyday Isaac thought of the stories his father had told him before he passed. Stories of success. His father was a very successful lawyer and knew his practice very well. He too dealt with downfalls early in life, yet overcame them. This gave Isaac hope and determination to succeed. Isaac decided that in order to succeed he must finish high school first. His grades were better than average but not outstanding. Isaac thought many hours about his future and how it will all play out. With grades like his, he would be able to get into a junior college but not much more. Restless nights began to eat away at him but somehow, he knew he wasn’t alone. Sophomore year passed, then his junior year and finally he began his senior year of high school. He had just turned eighteen when something odd had appeared in the mail. It was a letter concerning his father’s death. Isaac did not know why they would send anything since his father’s passing was over three years ago. What the letter entailed would prove to be a true miracle. February 29th was the day everything changed. Isaac’s father had given Isaac a gift from beyond the grave. The letter told of a large sum of money which was to be given to Isaac when he turned eighteen. Isaac now had a wide variety of options for his future. Isaac had decided that he would go to junior college the following fall. He eventually graduated at the top of his class. Although Isaac’s first goal had been achieved, there was many left to conquer. He applied and was accepted to an Ivy League college that excelled in law. Here began part two of his miraculous journey. Isaac struggled some with the difficult classes but was able to obtain a master’s degree in law. Finally, his goal of great success was in reach. Now Isaac could not only match his father’s legend, but surpass it. After the first few weeks of starting up his law firm, it began to prosper. Everyone in the Detroit area came to him when needing legal aid. After nearly twenty years he could expand his business much greater than imaginable, but decided not to. Isaac had decided to give back for the greater good instead. Isaac opened a youth center in his father’s name to help children like him, who are struggling. The youth center offered tutoring, counseling, as well as just a place to stay after school. Isaac’s new hope was that someday, someone from his youth center will surpass him and overcome odds as he once had.


  1. I find it interesting that you used the rare date of February 29th ,that only occurs every four years, to describe an even rarer occurrence of turning tragedy into a miracle. Very well thought out and written, good job! - Alyssa Tandoc, Period 4

  2. This is a very inspirational piece because even if a reader cannot fully relate to every situation discussed, the main character's want to succeed and be a great and successful person is something many of us can relate to. I like that in the end Isaac was not so much concerned with being the best, but he wanted others to be even greater than he was. I would say I would have liked to hear what ended up happening to the mother but other than that, great job!
    -Chloe Hopkins

  3. This is inspiring because despite all the trials this boy faced in life, he didn't let it bring him down and eventually used it for the greater good. -Naeomi R.

  4. It's fascinating how people accomplish their goals after they've dealt with so much agony. Your piece had me hooked, and I had to know what was to come of Isaac !
    - Diana Godinez

  5. This piece is such a great example to anyone. Many people can relate to having setbacks in many forms and your piece really expresses those emotions that come along with it. I love that your character chose to take their setbacks and turn them into advantages. Great job!

  6. An inspiring piece you really had something to say and I think the message in your piece was what anyone can relate to.

  7. The ending really warmed my heart and took a turn I did not expect Issac to actually give back and I think we can use it as a reminder that there are some people who want to help others with something they struggled with deeply.

    Sienna Carbajal

  8. The amount of detail and imagery that you incorporated into the piece made it that much more entertaining! Truly heart-wrenching! Great Job.
    -Maddie Alegria
