
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Chris--Rooted Reality

Sweat began to drip from my forehead as I laid still on the hard, weathered oak boards. The sounds of chains and shackles rung throughout my ears, not once ceasing. Screaming – screaming persisted, as if it had the intent to penetrate the deepest extremities of my soul. Only then, was I able to open my eyes. “Where am I? How did I get here? Who are all these people?” I questioned myself. The sweat continued, profusely, and my attention was quickly diverted to a violent burning sensation on my back side. I reached for the area, and squirmed as my finger tips made contact with my skin. I looked at my hand, and froze in awe at the spectacle – blood. My confusion was extinguished when the man revealed himself. He descended from his dwellings above us; his ivory complexion radiated and his tongue produced a sound so unfamiliar. At this point I only feared that I would have to endure a life like those featured in the tales of the new land. The man signaled for all of us to approach him. He conducted a hasty examination to each body that passed, enforcing his leather whip with even the slightest acts on noncompliance. He took his time with me however. I waited in front of him as he stared at me. Minutes later, I found myself struggling to stand up as I absorbed round after round of the ox’s hide. This was the last of my personal account. What followed was blackness, eternal blackness. I awoke and found myself in a different setting. The wood was replaced by asphalt, and the noises by hand gun projectiles. The sweat again dripped from my forehead and the burning sensation returned as I rested on the ground. In the distance, I saw a man – the same man I had seen before, now decorated in uniform. He drew a weapon from his side and aimed it at me. At the sound of the explosion, my eyes fell shut and the blackness reappeared. Seventeen years ago, I awoke for the final time. My third attempt at life would prove to serve as less of a challenge; at least this is what I had hoped. I, like most of my fellows, have been directly affected by acts of racism and prejudice right in the community I thought I could call my home. What troubles me more however, is knowing that I will never be adequate or even good enough to compete with my white counterpart. Being born as a black male has made me subject to lower wages, increased encounters with law enforcement, and a heighten likelihood of being killed. My reality has been defined by the fact that I don't resemble the man who oppressed me; my dark complexion is institutionally and implicitly regarded as inferior to his ivory complexion. This truth remains far less than a threat to me though. I know that while the man may rob me of my societal power, he may never strip me of the greater power that resides in my mind and soul.


  1. Beautifully written, captures your attention and keeps you in suspense. I like the positive ending as well. -Naeomi R.

  2. A powerful and emotional look at racism and the institution of slavery. It serves as a beautiful reminder of the race problem and imperialism that has been introduced/ imposed by certain nations onto the people of this world, as we look to the future. Great Piece.

  3. The attention you put into your words provoked the emotion in me and the heart wrenching struggles our people have endured. I can definitely sense that this piece was very personal to you and well thought out. Thank you for your submission

  4. This is incredibly well-written. You have a way with words that allows people to understand the emotions behind them. This is a very relevant piece and your view is very insightful. I loved how you took a different approach at describing the situation, great job!

  5. Yo Chris this is exceptional. I love the title of "Rooted Reality," and I hope I'm not too far off in my assumption that the title has dual meanings! On one hand, the roots of your ancestry and the nigh-indestructible weed of racism are keeping you tied down to the ground, preventing you from reaching your full potential. But at the same time, these roots represent the strength of all those who came before you and struggled, and it is their indomitable spirit which empowers you to stay strong and hold course. Stellar bro.

  6. This was an amazing picec I think you caught people attention the first few lines. :)

  7. At first I was confused about what was going on but it all clicked when you completely changed style half-way through. Not only was your piece very relevant, it was thought-provoking and inspiring as well. Great job Chris.

  8. To me this is a flawless work of literature. I admire the diction used in describing the surrounding settings. Nicely done my friend

  9. Wow this deserves far more comments, truly a great piece of writing

  10. The beginning was brilliant and kept me interested in the storyline which made the moral all the more real and impactful. -Luke Riddington

  11. This is a really, really powerful piece. I'm almost at a loss for words. On the entirely literary sense, you had amazing imagery, parallelism in the situations provided to relate back to the idea that racism is alive and well, and a compelling self-insert that instills a sense of inspiration. Just wonderful!

  12. Wow Chris loved how you showed that we don't live in a post racism world and that it has simply evolved into a new form to put down those it refuses to accept. Keep up the great work! -Damian Echavarria

  13. You creating a compelling atmosphere of what the world is like for some. It was a good reminder of the injustice and prejudice some still face each and every day.

  14. When I first started reading it, I was confused. But as I read further I began to understand connections that you make to history and implement it wonderfully in this piece.
