
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Neida--What is mercy?

One may ask does mercy even exist We live in a world where the last thing we even think when we see all the distress, all the pain in the world, Is mercy.The saying goes..."those who are merciful will be shown mercy." If it was that easy, wouldn't we have world peace? The secret to achieve a world of peace, a world of joy, depends on you. We were born with the ability to choose to do good or to do evil. That's just already destined in our books since we were born, but many times we think that going the “good route” is just too difficult rather than easy. No one ever said that being a Saint is possible with a mere snap of the fingers. The truth is we have to strive to do good, and in doing good we receive great things. See, the decision to be a merciful person goes hand and hand with being on the good route, the good path of life. Although it is difficult, in the end it serves a greater purpose, what we do in life is a model to others. Like a a game of Dominoes, one simple action can inspire others to do the same, in hope of a positive reaction. We as humans, we get hurt easily and depending on the circumstance, the hardest thing to do is to forgive those who have hurt us, or has hurt our loved ones. Learning to overcome the hatred or the pain towards the person is the first step in being a merciful person. Huge events such as The San Bernardino shooting which took place earlier this month is a perfect example in how one can show mercy. As we all know, early in December, December second to be precise, a calm busy city, stood silent for one day. Through fear and pain, in waiting for news of who survived or to understand what really happened in that facility, being quite was the only thing the citizens of San Bernardino could do. It wasn’t too long ago, and the memory of the shooting will be forever in our memories. We will remember what we were doing the moment we found out what happened, some of us feeling the sense of relief that our family members were away from that danger or that they reported they were okay. It wasn’t until the second day, that second day, the third day of December was the hardest. Those who were in shock realized what happened. The news came out, we found out about the shooters, we learned about the Victims and their families. It was towards the end of the day, I had an event at church, and I sat down at the pews in the church, the lights went dim and one light illuminated the altar. Pictures were displayed on the screen, unfamiliar faces were displayed until I recognized one. I never had the privilege to meet this man but I knew his wife. His name was Damien Meins, his wife, Trina Meins, was the principal of the Sacred Heart Parish school. As our the pastor of our parish announced the tragedy, he shared a couple of things that impacted me the most. He told us that Trina sent her appreciation to us, as we prayed for her and her family, but she also asked us to pray for those lost souls who committed this crime. Those simple words, are the strongest most powerful words a person can do to be merciful. Putting myself in Trina’s shoes, I could imagine myself filled with pain and hatred towards that couple who killed my husband, the man whom I loved, leaving me alone with two daughters. I don't know how she and her family is at the moment, how they will spend their Christmas. Nevertheless, she is truly an example to us all, her courage is an inspiration. She may or may not be able to truly forgive them at this moment in time but to ask for prayers for them is a start. Mercy, a simple but difficult task, depending on the situation. In Trina’s case, forgiveness is an important step in walking in the righteous path of good. There may be darkness in the world, but one person, the person who chooses to do good can truly make a difference, and with that difference it is a small but huge step in piecing back the disorder of this world. In this upcoming year of 2016, in order for us to build a successful and peaceful future, we are called to be merciful. Religious or not, we are all highly capable of giving a helping hand to others, feeding the needy, being peaceful to your neighbor, and simply showing love to others. You make a difference, and sometimes we all need to be reminded that simple acts, lead to greater things.


  1. I loved this. Mainly because I found it so relatable. You're right it is really easy to hate those who hurt us or the ones we love but we need to be merciful for the good of mankind. I love your call to action at the end, it made it very inspiring and powerful. :D

  2. This is a very inspirational piece! I think many people think too hard about what is needed to fix the world, when really it starts with ourselves. There are many things we can do to help the world, but if individuals are not willing to change, the world never will. I think this piece is so great because you brought in real world examples that many people can relate to and the way you articulated the importance of mercy and the story of the shooting really makes the reader reflect on their own actions. Amazing job at writing such an inspirational piece.
    -Chloe Hopkins

  3. Such a lovely piece that demonstrates the capability each individual has in demonstrating humane actions as the example given of the terrifying event that occurred that led to her husbands death yet represents true humanity and the impact such a person like her could inspire others to do in order to create world peace.
    -Jennifer R.

  4. This is such an inspirational piece. Everyone has good in them, they just need to be encouraged and reminded of how the little stuff have a big impact on things.
    -Shaniya T.

  5. This piece was well thought out and very clearly demonstrates your opinions on how every human has the capabilities to do good things, even when they had already experienced the true form of evil as victims or oppressors. I really enjoyed this piece and the way your opinions were expressed.
    ~Ryan Kang

  6. This is really beautiful Neida. I appreciated your un-biased perspective throughout the piece, it was very refreshing. And when you said "The truth is we have to strive to do good, and in doing good we receive great things", it really got me thinking about how true this. Also you are very right we all need to be reminded that the little things add up to greater ones. Great Idea Girl!

  7. Deep, thoughtful and dark.. Love it!

  8. You managed to relay the ever important message of compassion in a time where the easiest, and likely most common, way to do things would be to react with unbridled hatred. A very touching piece that calls the reader to action, requesting that they do something good to counteract the bad in the world. Good job making things grounded and personal! Stellar.
    -Christopher Trevino

  9. This was a Much needed testimony. When you discussed mercy and seeking the right path it made me realize that while there are false uneversals there are are also universal truths and you spoke from what is true.

  10. Very well-written and inspirational. Much of the world needs to notice the small attributes that make our world beautiful.
    ~Gregory Gomez

  11. This was a great piece it really shows that even when we may find it hard to forgive, we must do so to fight the bad in the world with good no matter how big or small that good is. Keep up the great work! -Damian Echavarria

  12. In theory if everyone were truly merciful we would have world peace and everyone would be happy. However, this is impossible for there will always be those who take advantage of the merciful for their own gain. It is important to note though that it is often harder to be merciful to someone, to forgive someone, then it is to hate and punish them. The true question is to what theory is viable for human society to create the most happiness and well being for all...which remains unclear. Overall great piece to get you thinking about the world! Good job!

  13. True. In order to create a better society or even a better world takes all people acting in love.

  14. I like the whole idea behind the story, and I too find myself thinking of this sometimes. I agree with you that it is like a domino effect and and we all can't be good at he snap of our fingers. Your writing is truly wonderful, and something everyone should consider in the new year.
