
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Ashley--The Life of Divorced Parents

It all started back in 2009 when I was only 8 years old and finding out that my parents were splitting apart forever. Just being 8 I really didn't understand what was going on. How I understood it was that daddy was just leaving for a couple of days just to get some space, and the coming right back home. but that's not how it turned out, it turned out that daddy was moving out and going to live with someone else. Mommy then sits my brother Brandon, my sister Miranda,and I down and tried to explain what was going on, but I didn't quite understand. As mommy is trying to explain it my sister Miranda asked my mom as tears run down her face, “Daddy doesn't love you anymore, does he has feelings for someone else?” As I saw the tears running down my sister Miranda’s face I started to cry. My mom wipes the tears off Miranda’s face then mine as my brother sits there in silence and replies sobbing, “ Honey, at this point I really don't know.” As tears continue to rub down down our faces, my mom pulls us into a tight hug and hold us in her warm hug for about 5 minutes. Weeks went by where I didn't see my dad that often plus not getting to get to him on the phone as well. Still not understanding a lot of this divorce, my mommy one day comes home with some empty boxes and starts putting things into these boxes, that seem to be mostly daddy. As she is packing I ask, “ what are you doing with all of daddy's stuff is he coming home to get all of his things?” Mommy then replies, “ yes daddy is coming to pick up his things but we also have to pack all our things because we are moving to Nana and papa's house.” With confusion I ran out of the bedroom and went to go find my brother and sister when I found them I stated, “ Mommy said that we need to start packing we are going to Nana and Papa's house.” My brother and sister seemed to know what was going on because I already saw boxes packed in their room. Months later when we were all settled at my nana and papa's house my dad kept calling my mom asking to see my brother, my sister, and I, and they were making all these arrangements to see him. So when everything was arranged we started seeing him every Wednesday after school to 8 and Saturday from 9 to about 3. It seemed to be fun at first being my brother, my sister, and I were getting all these gifts and getting whatever we wanted at the store. Well this continued for weeks and weeks and my brother and sister caught on but me i grew confused because they started not wanting as many things anymore. My sister then comes home one Wednesday complaining about how daddy had brought a girl to that night's visit and tells my mom, “ This girl named Kristin was at Logans with us the whole time and it turned out to be where she works, who is she mommy?” My mom replies, “ I really don’t know who she is I just know that who your dad is staying with right now.” Years went by and my brother and sister started growing old and getting tired of what my dad was going when we would see him and especially for my sister she was done with it and started to show hatred towards him. I am now 15 years old and I barely get to see him that often and when I do see him I can't even have a nice conversation with him because he don't know me as well as my mom does. I know that my mom would have more answers to my questions then if I went to my dad.


  1. I'm really sorry that you had/ have to go through that. Although personally my parents are not divorced, I have so so many friends that have divorced parents. It isn't easy. In this piece, I really loved the way you told your story, as if you were still little and it was happening before your eyes. You didn't conclude with a "but I've grown and now everything is all better" which really stood out to me, because I was expecting that. That says a lot about you, which all good writing should. You are still confused by what happened and hopeful that things will fall into place. Don't lose that hope! As cliche as it might sound, you actually learn a lot about yourself in high school. Whichever way things settle out, as you learn more about yourself, you'll be able to be more accepting of the outcome. Great Work ! :)

  2. I sorry that had to happen to you at such a young age, but like Felicia said there is so much time for growth and enlightenment in your high school years. It was brave of you to share this personal narrative and hopefully you find that writing down what you are thinking about, whether it be a personal problem or just anything, can be therapeutic and often revealing.

  3. My parent's divorce was way different than yours, but I still understand what you're going through or went through. When you described your dad's not coming home, I recalled my own feelings of shock and trepidation in the moment I found out about my own, I didn't really understand it either and I don't think anyone could've foresaw the way it would turn out till now. Not many things speak to me the way this piece did. I think your flow was really well done and your writing overall, and I hope you find peace and balance with your situation. :)

  4. I'm sorry that you had t go through that not knowing what was happening at the time. I liked your piece very much most of all like Felicia said, how you wrote it as if you were still at that age.
    -Maite Vano

  5. Amazing I honestly so glad I read this because I felt it was one the peronsal narratives I read so far. Keep up the good work!! :)

  6. I am sorry that you had to overcome such hardship. I am positive that like Felicia said, you will grow to be become whatever your heart desires. Stay strong and always have a positive mindset:)

  7. It's very sad to here the struggles that you've went through, but I hope it has made you a stronger person and that it will help with future tests in life. Good Job!

  8. Im sorry for everything you went through just know that you're not alone, I've recently been surrounded with some similar problems in my parents divorce and I'm not saying it was the exact same but its just great to know that you had the strength to express it, i truly commend you for that and the future can only get brighter!
    -Meghan Ustrell

  9. This is a really touching piece I think unfortunately many people can relate too, however that serves just to show how you are not alone in such situations. Loved the point of view in which this was written as it served to really illuminate the innocence of youth and the confusion they face in such painful moments in life.

  10. This story touched my heart, and I'm sorry that you had to go through this. I want to thank you for sharing such an important part of your life, it was very well written.
