
Monday, October 26, 2015

October Writers!!!!!

Our Blog has been updated. Check out the twelve October Featured Writers. We have a variety this month with five Flash Fiction, four Abstract, and one each of the Personal Narrative, the How To and the Book Review. There is some great reading for this month, so please, enjoy the selections. I also want to apologize for some of the formatting problems. Some pieces may be hard to read for there were a few problems with margins and paragraph breaks. I am sorry for this and I will try to rectify the pieces if I can. Your assignment: Read ALL twelve pieces. Choose at least five to leave comments. Make an effort to leave comments for each of the genres. Remember, you can always leave comments for ALL pieces if you wish, but you don't have to do so. My October Writers: Keep checking the blog and watch the comments show up for your piece. You, twelve, can choose your three favorite pieces and leave comments for those only. Remember to write helpful feedback for the writers. Tell them what you LOVE, ENJOY or find INTERESTING about their piece and give a reason. Say why you feel that way. ALL comments are due next Monday, November 2. I'm giving you plenty of time to complete this month's assignment. Now, Go Read!!!!!

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