
Monday, October 26, 2015


Sylo written by D.J. MacHale is about love, survival, and mystery. This is a very good and descriptive book, which is also highly recommended by other authors. The book Sylo has an exciting feel of mystery. The book is fast pace and is one of my favorite books. I can’t wait until I finish the series, Sylo, Storm, and Strike. The main characters in the story are five kids named Tucker, Kent, Quinn, Tori and Olivia. In this story an army named Sylo invades the Island of Pemberwick. The Sylo Army was there to contain an unknown and mysterious virus. The main characters in the story believed that the virus was actually a ruby supplement. However, the Sylo Army was very strange and no one knew where this army was coming from. Events transpired and the main goal was now to escape the island, but the Sylo Army was not about to show any mercy. The army would kill anyone that acted suspicious or posed a threat. The main characters had to be quick and sneaky because the Sylo Army had many snitches. The Sylo leader’s name was Granger. Granger was a ruthless man who was always on the lookout for suspicious characters. The main characters were in fear of being shot and killed. The Sylo Army attempted to kill the main characters by burning down the forest. James Dashner the author of the Maze Runner series also commented about the book Sylo. James Dashner highly recommended this book because it leaves you wondering. When I was in the eight grade I met the author D.J. MacHale and he read to us the first sentence from his book. “It was the perfect night for a football game and death” This was to catch our attention and then he proceeded to read to us the rest of the first chapter. That was all it took for me to buy the book that summer and I have no regret doing it. My favorite part of this story took place when the main characters had to escape during a massive dogfight battle between airplanes and ships. The main characters had to find a way to maneuver through the battlefield while being chased by Granger. Also, this story was has many mysteries. This story leaves you in suspense in trying to identify, which characters were lying and which characters were telling the truth. MacHale also wrote the book series Pendragon, the Morphuse Road, and the Monster Princess. However, I believe that Sylo was his best series. In the book, one of the main characters had many important quotes. Tucker said, “Nowhere is safe” and “Marty Wiggins was the first death and wont be the last”. I believe these quotes describe the book perfectly. I highly recommend this book because it has everything you could possibly ask for. It has mystery and suspense. I really enjoyed the twist and turns between the main characters and their fight for survival. This is a must read book and the ending will leave you in suspense.


  1. Sounds like a great book! You did an awesome job of outlining the main events and i feel like i know just enough to make an informed decision on whether the book is for me or not without knowing too much. I would just recommend connecting ideas with more fluidity. I'm so jealous that you got to meet the author!! How cool is that? And with a first sentence like that, who wouldn't want to know more? I would love to meet the authors of some of the books that I've read. Keep up the good work!
    -Kayla Salas

  2. Very informative and descriptive. I appreciate how there weren't any spoilers, I sincerely and utterly appreciate it... Also, when you added the personal effect and experience with the book, it gives another life to it, it gives the book more value, and that shows a lot of intelligence and adds sincerity to how the book is actually a great read. The quotes create the itch or urge to read the novel as they give the reader a small taste of the author's style. On another note, I do believe that your writing could be structured a bit more, or more organized, otherwise, the motive is accomplished and I will see about reading those books when I have time. Excellent work.

  3. Your first sentence is a great hook to get the reader interested in your opinion. This sounds like a book I would enjoy reading because well I love mystery books. Your sentences do look like the could be connected to form more fluid thoughts in some areas, but other than that it was a very well written review. Nice work kiddo!

  4. I wish that I could have met the author of some of my favorite book! And the fact that you did is such an unforgettable experience! As for the review, I felt that you did a great job summarizing the main events without giving too much of the plot away. I find myself with so many questions, like, what is a ruby supplement and what does it do?, who created this virus?, and why must they escape the main island?, all of which make me want to actually read the book in order to find out. Perhaps one of my favorite moments of your piece was the fact that you mentioned other well known author's positive review as well. I thought, "Well, if James Dashner thought the book was good, then it has to be a great read!" However, next time, I would advise you to be a little more organized when it comes to writing the review and keep in mind that your audience has not read the book yet. Also try grabbing the reader with a hook. Otherwise job well done!
    -Pavia Omolewa

  5. Wow this book sounds great! You really made me want to read it when you talked about how other authors recommended this book and when you went on to summarize the book without giving too much away. Your description and the fact that you feel passionate about this book make me interested in purchasing it! My only recommendation for your writing is too make sure you keep your ideas in order and show even more of how the book impacted you and your life.
    -Chloe Hopkins

  6. This seems like a really cool book! Although, I wish you had more commentary of your own thoughts of the book; why you like it so much, what characters you related to, what made you keep reading...Nice job!

  7. O.
    This review is probably one of the finest reviews I will ever have the pleasure of reading. Incorporating the opinion of another author (especially one as accomplished as James Dashner) to complement your own views was an absolutely brilliant move, and demonstrates serious maturity blossoming within yourself to take the opinions of others into account. You rock!
    -Christopher Trevino

  8. Love how descriptive it was. It really reels you in. Good job.

  9. If the first sentence of a book had that kind of indifference towards the subject of death right next to something as common as football, I would be just as intrigued! I think you described the "Sylo" quite well, selling the dystopia-type nature of it and all. Bringing in some of the quotes from book really helps the readers get a little taste of the style of the novel and the characters as well! Great job with really making the readers want to go out and buy this book!

    - Sam Nugroho

  10. The review is interesting and informative! The book description is wonderful and has definitely caught my attention. Well done!
    -Jerelle Medina

  11. Such a nice book review. I can honestly say that this book does have my attention and is something that i will look forward to reading on my free time. I think you especially hit the spot with choosing a genre like this one because its very open and not very prone to having the same old ending, I don't know if its just me but I'm invested because of this book review and it was a great decision to add James Dashner's thoughts because i am a fan of his books and him also giving a good review also gives me more motivation to read this series.
    -Emmanuel Huntspon
