
Monday, October 26, 2015

Jeremiah--Sleepless Nights

  It was 11:59 pm on a cool Thursday night. The fan makes a constant inaudible noise and  his bed was soft and comfortable. Despite this pristine sleeping environment, he laid down on his  bed wide awake looking at the emptiness of the his white ceiling. He thought to himself how he  should already be asleep and that every second he misses out on will negatively affect his  performance on his economics presentation just 8 hours later. “Why?” he kept thinking to  himself, why was he awake and what is keeping him up. Shortly after a few more strikes of the  clock, he realized what had been bothering him. He got up and with his pen and paper started to  write in his journal, he wrote out his emotions, thoughts, and whatever popped into his mind.    August 14, 2013   Honestly I don’t understand what I’m feeling right now, my head hurts and I have a  presentation tomorrow and plenty of homework I still haven’t done. All I know is for some  reason I keep feeling like something is wrong, something is robbing me from being happy to a  certain degree. I feel lonely, I feel lost. Maybe it’s because I’m thinking too much. Maybe I’m  wondering what if I spoke up and said what I felt. Maybe I’m still questioning what I did or what  I didn’t do to make you ignore me. We really weren’t that close in actuality but all I know is that  I wished I knew what would've happened if I was able to prevent the event that caused you to  ignore me. Am I just boring? Are you just too busy? Did someone else who’s superior come into  your sight? Am I just in love with the idea that could've been something? Am I just sad because I  feel like I’m not good enough? I don’t even know why I feel this way, is it because of you even  though I barely knew you. I’m probably just mesmerized with the idea of not being alone  anymore and that idea slowly died and crumbled away. Maybe I still like the girl whose smile  makes my heartbeat a little faster. The girl I know I have no chance of being with especially  when better men have tried to gain her affection and failed. Rather than show my true feelings I  just stand beside her and just be a friend, nothing more and nothing less. Should I be content with  that? Do I even still like her past a platonic way? Yet every time I hear that you might start liking  someone my heart aches a bit, and every time I hear someone say they like you I encourage them  to tell you how they feel because it was always something I wanted to do but didn’t. I don’t  know if any of these feelings are truly accurate/current or just a fabrication of mind due to  loneliness and fatigue. Maybe I’m in love with the thought or the idea of being in love...  As he finished writing his thoughts on the piece of paper, he looks up and realizes its 1:42  am. He lost nearly 2 hours of sleep but what he gained was his sanity. Expressing his emotions  that for so long he bottled up gave him a sense of relief, something that sleep would of only  delayed. However, his mind remained jumbled and he realizes that he has to take action and  discover his true feelings.    The very next day he feels horrible and wanted to never get out of his bed. It felt like  gravity was magnified but he forces himself to get up and get ready for school that day. The day  went on smoothly even though his sleep deprivation was evident, but then his thoughts from the  previous night start to pop back into his mind. He realizes that he has to try, he has to find out  what emotions he has. Hesitantly, he turns on his phone and goes to message the first girl in his  journal. “Hey, how have you been?” His heart was palpitating, but shortly after his heart slows  and he collects his thoughts. “What if I never get a reply?” he thought to himself. However. he  realizes he made an effort and even if his effort results in nothing, he was satisfied for now.  


  1. Interesting read that show the inner struggles of an individual who is trying to discover himself.

  2. Aw the piece was adorable. I'm pretty sure we've all felt this type of emotion some moment in time within our lives, or at least will eventually. I'm glad to see that I wasn't the only one who thinks this much when someone keeps running through their mind. Nice piece Miah and is it who I think it's about? Hmm
    - Alyssa Tandoc, Period 4

  3. I really like the extent to which the main character reflects his feelings to. It's interesting to see him consider whether he really is in love or is just entertained with the idea of having someone. I also like how writing out his feelings gives him the confidence to make his attempt at talking to the girl. Nice job :)

  4. Wow Jeremiah. In all my years being one of your closest friends, I never thought you had this much creativity and emotion in you. Made me cry buddy. Great detail and imagery. The structure of the story is very organized and it seems to flow very well. Great job and keep it up! ;)

  5. Oh my god Miah this was amazing I absolutely loved this piece, you almost got me crying keep up the great work!! She'll reply #oneday -Damian Echavarria

  6. Oh my god!!! Jeremiah!!!! This is so good, I loved the detail and imagery you invoked in this piece. The emotions poured into this piece can be really felt. Good job man!!
    -Oyinda Akinnusi

  7. Jeremiah you dog! i enjoyed this piece so much! i really hope she will reply because you unleashed a storm of descriptive words. You didn't drop the turkey on this one!

  8. I loved this piece and how so many people have had these feelings or one day they will and can relate. Good Job!
    - Maite Vano

  9. I know you told me not to read yours, but this was BEAUTIFUL. It's so cute at the same time I feel sorry,my heart goes out to him, but I love his attitude and hopefully she'll reply.

  10. This is such a cute piece, I loved the way you described exactly how he was feeling and just let all out. I feel like many can relate to all those mixed emotions and how it affects us. Great Job!! - Aileen Munoz

  11. fun to read, although I feel like the word usage was not always consistent so it sounded awkward at times.

  12. I really liked this piece because it was very creative and your use of imagery helps you describe the character's feelings in a very emotional way, Nice job, Jeremiah!

  13. This piece was definitely an emotional roller coaster. It's great how the main character can be so relatable. Great work!

  14. Wow Jeremiah, your style of writing portrayed your point across very well. Really liked it!

  15. emotionally relatable. loved the piece.

  16. I was able to relate myself to the main character, and the emotions that were expressed described exactly the way I feel. It was as if I was reading out of a chapter of my life. I admired the piece, but couldn't help but feel some sort of cowardice within myself. I thank you. You inspire me to do what the main character has done to give himself peace-of-mind. Maybe one day.
    -Anthony Giliberto Jr.

  17. This was a really good piece, I liked how the title was relevant to the inner struggle of the character and how the process of trying to find himself caused the sleepless nights. The emotions of the character were evident throughout the piece as he presented the struggle of not knowing if he was truly in love or not as he asked himself questions and wrote his emotions in his journal in order to know what it was that caused the fight in his head
    -Jennifer Rodriguez

  18. I really loved this piece, it was full of emotion and had a great use of imagery. Great job :)
    -Kathlyn Juarez

  19. The inner conflict of the character was very realistic and drew me into the story to find out what was troubling him. Very well written and provides a snowball effect of "what if" emotion that rolls throughout the story.

  20. You're brave! I thought this was really honest, so much emotion in your words. I admire written work like this not everyone admits it but its relatable in many different situations. Thats why you're truly courageous for writing this piece.

  21. Jeremiah this was amazing! I really felt for this character, he feels so real. I love how you had the character text the girl because I think sometimes in life people are always just waiting for the thing that they want to happen, but the person doesn't do anything themselves. Yet your character made a decision and followed through.

  22. This is something very relatable to teenagers because we haven't found out who we are just yet. Great job relaying the overall message

  23. yo Jeremiah this piece is really good. Has a lot of emotion and is relatable. It was really cute and I liked the fact that the character had the courage to do what he wanted. Good job! :)

  24. Love it the friend zone is a zone I think we can all relate to ,but this was quite captivating.

  25. As people say, I now have "the feels". The next John Green? I think so. Thanks for breaking my heart Jeremiah.

  26. I feel as if many of us teenagers can relate to the main character in this piece. It was a fun read and i'm super happy with the description of the emotions the main character was feeling. This was an emotional roller coaster but i feel like THAT'S what gets a reader hooked onto the story. ((-:

  27. Jeremiah! We were literally just talking about what a sweetheart you are today after school. Does this fall under the #oneday?
    The shift in perspective through the use of the journal was great! Going into a first person perspective definitely made the entire piece a lot more relatable. I loved watching the character's mind just unravel as he wrote in his journal!

    -Sam Nugroho

  28. This was such a great piece, so emotional but at the same time so relatable! I absolutely loved this, great job!

  29. Nicely written, the main character is someone i can personally relate to and its such a relatable piece that i commend you with the ability to write what others have gone through whether it was word for word or in a similar way.
    -Emmanuel Huntspon

  30. Wow! It was great how your character could be compared to the lives of all our friend zoned males. I really liked it good job!

  31. This comes dear to my heart, sometimes this is me. I can definitely connect.

  32. I loved it! You did a great job on describing every last detail ! Loved it! Really want to know what happens next . . . -Aylin Veloz

  33. this was a really great story i enjoyed reading it

  34. This was definitely eloquently presented. I genuinely enjoyed your voice, and your development of the character that made him so relevant. Personally, I am a big fan of "breaking the fourth wall", and therefore I was excited to see the thought process of the character and his continuous questioning of life and his situation. You presented very emotional ideas, yet applied them to your audience. Awesome dude!

  35. I really like this piece, probably because I can relate to it all too well. The fact that you were able to create a character that others can relate to makes this a very enjoyable read in my opinion, good job.

  36. Your piece was very relatable and realistic. The ending was left as a cliff hanger but it gave a new hope to the character in the story for taking a step.
