
Monday, October 26, 2015

Tariq--Essence of Existence

   Prosperity attempts to flee eternal rest not knowing longevity only lies within the grave  Chasing the unchaseable as a shackle­less slave  three stages are found  rooting from the womb expanding as a branch to the tomb  And through an enlightened birth we begin Crawling to   walk upon the right path seeking a  glorious life before the inevitable doom     But maybe just maybe through the return to the universal black one will enter an essence  renewed ­Tariq Ali          The most important of phrases one may reflect upon tend to begin with the word what. So in  contemplation of what the ultimate of questions stemming from "What" it is incumbent upon the  soul  that it be directly related to the expansiveness of its being. So I pose the rhetorical  question what does it mean to exist? What is it to breathe, to feel ,to have thought, to live and to  die. My question is rhetorical for three simple reasons. Firstly  I wish for those whose minds are  firmly touched by the question to challenge their brains and answer it for there own well being.  Secondly because I don't truly desire another's explanation; I must have my own answer being  that I'm my own individual and live in my body in solitude. The greatest of reasons for the  rhetorical nature of my questions though  is that in spite of my wishes when it comes to a clear  definitive answer to "what is it to exist"there is none. We are similar beings yet we differentiate in  process of thought to the preciseness of the fingerprint. Myself nor any other being holds the  cookie cutter answer to  existence package. Whether someone one wants to attribute existence  to a creator or a non­causal evolutionary theory neither is befitting of such limitations.  Irregardless of our narrow understanding of existence as humans there is that which we can  remain certain of , and that is that our existence is ever changing and is composed of three  levels. The past we must draw from to maximize the present and in turn bettering the potential  of the future however it may come into fruition, while not wasting fear upon that which is  inevitable.             The universe possesses millions of niches known and unknown to mankind and for them to  be filled it requires a deep self focus and maintenance of those who fill the gap. It may be  applicable and of great benefit for one to draw from another source of existence  but it need not  be mirrored for one to formulate their definition of existence. My definition changes every day  from experience and discovery but it is constant in its basis that I've formed it upon. Basis may  vary but they need to be roots of power and high significance to individual be it God ,family, or  success. It must be remembered that no one has the right or the ability to form another's  meaning for what it is to exist. A higher level of overall existence may be found in the plumber  than in the CEO and satisfaction can be found as a nomad in opposition to an owner of land.  What is of quintessence in our defining of existence is that wherever we lie as humans we are  determined to strive.          It is commonplace that in our existence as a coping mechanism we pretend that our situation  is constant. That things will not change and that we must avoid everything that can disrupt the  pleasant status quo which we belong to. This mindset cuts us off from so many internal  resources we have due to fear of harm, pain and death knowing deep down that these events  are necessary to growth and ostensibly impossible to avoid. We must not love mediocrity and  fear discomfort so much that we deny ourselves of an increased existence. The discomfort we  are linked to throughout our lives whether it be the daily pains the higher pains or even death  are simply trials or pathways making us worthy of the positions which are greater than what we  we hold. There is so much nobility we can pull from our past but many of times we are afraid to  do so because of pain and we , are complacent when it comes to maximizing the present  because of current comfort and we are so unsure of the future we neglect it. Whatever it means  to exist that is clearly the antithesis of it and does not allow us to do as we must to find and  complete this definition as it applies in our own lives.         The human capacity is nearly infinite being that a new discovery is made every week. We  can not put a cap or limit on anything in understanding, for understanding and phenomenon are  continuously expanding. Our existence covers who we completely are. So when asking the  question what does it mean to exist? What's really being asked is who are we and what's our  purpose. These questions seem like abstract ideas on type of abstract ideas but from these  abstract ideas we can draw very practical applicable and agreeable concepts. So in spite of  their being no specific definition of what it means to exist we can form some fundamental  principles of existence. Existence occurs and evolves in stages, existence is growing and  defining yourself while discovering the concept of your existence, it is seizing the day, and it is  not fearing that which is inevitable and  may possibly bring forward a better existence than we  previously ever knew 


  1. This piece really shows your advanced thought, and the topic is very interesting to consider. Your arguments are clear and easy to follow and your opinion's are very strong. You've done a fantastic job at making the reader think, and I commend you for that. Scattered throughout were some grammatical errors, but your piece still managed to convey a really fantastic opinion. Great Job!

  2. The intellect blows me away. I completely agree that existence is in many ways defined by what we ourselves as individuals believe our purpose is. Coming of age and maturity are a common theme in the books we've read in high school, rightfully so as it applies to us the most, and this is definitely a piece that applies to us students. Pretty cool

  3. I enjoy the complexity of this piece. It really shows your in depth thought and strong development of your opinions and arguments. Well done with this piece.

  4. I really enjoyed reading this because it made me step back and think about what you're saying. Also, your style of writing was really eloquent and added a layer to the piece. Great job, Tariq!

  5. The complexity of the piece and the question that are asked allow us to questions 'who we are?' and 'what are we doing here?'. Great Work!

  6. Interesting approach to a complex topic. I enjoyed the intellectual nature of your writing and am intrigued by your view of existence.

  7. This work is so beautiful in its poetic feel and deeper analysis in what it really means "to be". I think I read this piece at least 3 times; I love this! Really really good job! :^)

  8. This piece is amazing. I definitely agree with the fact that nothing is ever meant to be stagnant. We are constantly changing and growing as individuals and the world around us is doing the exact same thing. There will never be a time where new discoveries are never made just as long as there are people with the drive to pursue adventure and make the unknown known. I'm glad you brought up the point regarding fear because we all know exactly what it feels like to be held back by doubts, anxiety, and insecurities. I definitely agree that many of us are scared of change because it brings uncertainty and we as humans don't like feeling vulnerable. You're pretty poetic with your phrasing and I think it really helps with the flow of the piece along with the over all tone. I really enjoyed reading your work.

    - Sam Nugroho

  9. I've read many other pieces you've shown me over the course of the time we've been friends, and i have to say that this is probably my favorite piece that you have created. This piece had a very thought provoking topic which keeps the reader hooked onto the question of existence. Your diction adds onto the elegance of this piece, and i really expected your piece to be exactly like this. Great job Tariq, LIKE ALWAYS!!

  10. Always the one to make me questions things i had thought i put to rest lol. But as usual great job, you went beyond the stereotypical pondering of this question and as a reader guided me through ur thought process without losing me. Overall awesome job.
    -reymie morris

  11. I find myself very connected to the sentiments of this piece It's important to analyze what your position in the world and the satisfaction you find in yourself. This piece has a high maturity level however has the possibility to connect with all of us as a we prepare to move on into the next chapter in our lives. I have personally come to associate our lives as based around perception of happiness that we find within ourselves, this piece was a wonderful perspective. Thank you for your submission

  12. Every time I get the opportunity to read or listen to a piece of your work it never fails to disappoint me! Excellent job
    -Sienna Carbajal

  13. I really enjoyed how this piece allowed me to reflect and provoke my thoughts on the meaning of existence. I love how you have took a common topic closely related to what I think is important in the lives of many youth still figuring out their purpose in life, and made it your own through your strong opinions as well as your amazing intellect.

  14. This piece really blew me away! I loved the fact that it wasn't just a simple piece but you actually went into depth on explaining everything. Keep up the good work! -Aylin Veloz

  15. I really enjoyed reading this story. Really made me think

  16. This piece was very well thought out and insightful. The intellect you have applied to the idea of the "Three levels of existence" definitely deserves kudos. Excellent way to convey your abstract idea!
    -Brittany Hackney p.3

  17. Man, from the very beginning you had me hooked, this was deep. Really encourages the reader to think and reflect on their own life and what it means to be alive. You are too good at forcing others to look at things from a different perspective, great piece!

  18. Well your ideas have blown me away. I had to read most of it three or four times to fully take in what is being stated and each time the meaning became deeper and deeper. I however do not understand what you mean when you said "A higher level of overall existence may be found in the plumber than in the CEO...". Is this because the two different people value existence differently or understand existence differently? Anyway really good! -Luke Riddington

  19. a truly breath taking piece. magnificent job

  20. It was a lot to read but I got through it all. It was very thought provoking and showed in intelligence and opinion on how you view the world around you. It took a lot of effort too to grasp and fully understand all the complex thoughts you wrote but it is an excellent piece that helps me understand more about who you are.
