
Monday, October 26, 2015

Kayla M.--Balance

Keeping everything in your life where its supposed to be and juggling responsibilities while trying to strive for a successful future is a hassle of being well balanced. Balance is an even distribution of weight, enabling someone to remain upright and steady. Without balance all of lives would have no structure or support, like a body without bones to hold it upright. How do we obtain balance? Through experience, mistakes, and knowledge. You may often hear, “Knowledge comes with age,” and its true. Without making mistakes and learning from them, we wouldn’t be able to become balanced. Personally, balance is the most important trait I have because I know I have a balance of confidence with awareness. Which makes me seem wiser and more knowledgeable than the average seventeen year old. This control has given me the opportunities that has contributed to my journey of success and happiness. Once your learn to self control and balance, success is closer than you think.


  1. I love this because maintaining balance is so vital in life. People get so wrapped up in what they're doing sometimes that they lose control and the balance is disrupted. For example, balance between emotions, work, money, and the person in general. When someone is unbalanced it really is like a body with no bones, great work :)
    -Shaniya Trotter

  2. I also feel that balance is one of the key components to life. However, I had never thought about balance in terms of of personality traits like confidence and awareness. I love how you took that new take on it! To me balance has always been about balancing tasks, but your take is so applicable too! Thank you for expanding my perception of the word balance. I appreciate the thought provoking manner of this piece. Nice work!

  3. It was very important for me to me to read your piece because i lack balance in my life. I never thought that balance could help with so many things in life. It was written beautify and made me think about the importance of having balance:)

  4. I feel like i usually dont associate balance with personalities but now that you bring it up, its such a vital thing people have to learn. There is a point where something it too much and too little. Keeping our balance lets us stand up literally but it also keeps us standing throughout all the complications we may get in life.

  5. It addressees something that not many people talk about that is vital to having a successful life and that's why it's an enjoyable read.

  6. This is something you would find if you google personal statement prompt #2. Love the fact that you talked about confidence. I believe that without it you cant really have that balanced life because you'll be filled with self doubt.

  7. I really agree with this concept and you explained it very eloquently. Balance in all things is definitely an important lesson we learn through life (:

  8. I love that you took a simple word and gave your own perception of it based on your life and what you have learned. You took a scientific word and gave it a new meaning. You made the words flow very well and I think it is amazing that you could base an entire paragraph on one word. Great job!
    -Chloe Hopkins

  9. I could not agree more, we most definitely learn from our mistakes and that is how we gain experience. This is a great idea because I believe that balance does hold everything together, you either have too much or too little and throughout life and experiences we are able to find the right amount of what we need.

  10. Balance is a very important concept, because it is seen virtually everywhere and we all must maintain it to live proper lives. Very well written!

  11. I really liked this piece Kayla. You took something that I personally often overlook and don't always have mastered, and turned it into an amazing, deep, thoughtful idea about life and one's one attitude toward it. You have given me a new perspective on life thank you :).

  12. In agreement to you, I believe balance is vital along with discipline. I wish you could have given an example of how you lived a balanced life.

  13. I strongly agree that balance is vital. Ive had a tough time keeping balance lately but when I think back to when I did have balance, I had everything working out for me. Its an important trait that everyone should strive to have. Good job! :)

  14. I enjoyed this read because i strive to keep balance into my crazy, stressful life as a senior in high school. I can see this piece being read aloud at one of those inspirational lectures LOL. But i totally agree with you that a balanced life is truly vital to a person's success and happiness.

  15. I agree also that its important to keep a balance in many things and thats how you will succeed and learn from your mistakes

  16. Beautifully written. I really like how personality traits are included, especially since such factors are often overlooked or not taken into consideration. Great piece!
    -Jerelle Medina

  17. Whether its between our family and friends, academics and extra curricular activities its so difficult to find the midpoint. Through out high school I have seen people fall off into both sides of the spectrum this piece is a good remainder that balance is key. Thank you for your submission.

  18. The topic of choice was really good i do sish u went more in depth with it though. I felt it was very open ended because it is such a broad topic. Otherwise great idea and wanted more.
    -reymie morris

  19. really enjoyed the message of this story. Its very inspiring. I love how you defined balance and also gave an example of how we use it in life.

  20. I think is so relative to the majority of seniors right now, trying to figure out balance between adult life and still being a kid, interesting topic!
    -Sienna Carbajal

  21. You made me realize that balance as a bigger picture and what it does to us personality wise! This made me really think beyond my normal definition of what balance really is! -Aylin Veloz

  22. great concept and a really great story i enjoyed reading it

  23. One thing that stood out to me was your relationship between concrete and abstract ideas in this piece! I feel like you maintained a proper balance, while also supplying readers with your own personal anecdote. Consider writing on this topic for your personal statement lol. Good job! Well thought out.

  24. I actually really enjoyed this piece with the whole idea of balance it shows the importance and how much we need that in our lives

  25. Even though it is a simple concept you give good example and personal experience to make it more complex and more meaningful.

  26. Your piece can be relatable to anyone, especially myself. It's a great reminder for someone who works hard everyday.
    -Diana Godinez

  27. I like how you connect balance first to how it affects daily life like balancing a schedule but then you take it deeper explaining how balancing indivudal traits has kept you on a path of success. Good work! -Luke Riddington
