
Tuesday, January 10, 2017

What is “Right” --Ashley

"I have lots of things to prove to myself. One is that I can live my life fearlessly."
-Oprah Winfrey
Recently I’ve decided my opinion is the most important one. It sound simple enough,but
it's taken me up to this point to realize it. Not to say that my parents were close minded, but I do
believe they had an idea about the type of daughter they would have. All of which are not me, to
be small, unassuming, and domestic is the complete opposite of who I am. At sixteen it is
expected of me to clean, it is expected to do my brother’s and father’s laundry, it is expected that
I cook all in preparation for this domestic lifestyle I am assumed to have later on. Since I can
remember I’ve always had to constantly defend my idea of what I want to do with my future and
who I hope to become. At a certain point I realized that it's useless and exhausting to explain
yourself to people who aren’t willing to hear you and have set in their ways for so long. So I
realized that anything I do with my best efforts and best intentions is "right ".The beginning of
my senior year, I promised my self I would do everything thing I could be more successful. Not
only for the grade, but the way I feel about myself knowing I’m doing my best to reach my full
potential. Eventually I saw that I can't rely on other people to support my choices if I feel like
they're right for me. As well as comes to the terms with the fact that my family not exactly agree
with what I want for myself. Being first-generation American comes with a list of cultural
obstacles I have to explain to my parents. While I’m appreciative of everything they’ve done, I
come to realize no one’s plan for yourself is more perfect than your own. Amid all the chaos, I
have learned some extremely important lessons about myself and others, particularly my parents.
In the sense that people will always have their preference of what they want you to do, not that
respecting others opinions aren't important however knowing your own goals in the long role
may be overall more fulfilling.


  1. I can relate to this so much. Having parents that follow stricter cultural things can be a struggle when you're growing up as a teen in America. Both my parents are from a third world country and came here with the same mentality to raise their kids as how they were raised, strict. I realized respecting my own opinion about what i'm capable of is 10x more important than anyone elses opinion. Stay strong, you'll be successful no doubt ! Good job on this piece(:

  2. This is such a strong and powerful piece in which I can strongly relate too. First I was intrigued by the title because I was curious on how we could define what is "right." We clearly have the same views on how we want senior year to play out, and I love how strongly I can relate to this piece! This was very positive and very well written! I loved how you emphasized that as long as you do things to the best of you ability, then what you did was right!! This was a great piece, and something I am going to have to remember when making choices throughout the year! Great job overall Ashley!!
    -Gabbie B.

  3. I think alot of people struggle between what they want and what is expected of them, and I really like how you expressed your own struggle with this. I like how you can empower yourself despite any cultural norms placed upon you. If you ever feel inclined to, our school's feminist club meets every monday in T 27. -Vanessa Lai

  4. This is the first piece that I chose to read purely because of my interest in other's definition of "right" and I was not disappointed. Not only am I glad you realize the arbitrary nature of expectations and how they shape the common idea of what is correct, but I'm also glad that you have the ability to think past other's definition. It's a disservice to hold yourself accountable to other's definition of right and wrong choices.

    - Joey Barron

  5. Many people struggle with these kinds of problems especially during adolescence because we are just figuring out who we are going to become and what we want for ourselves. I'm glad you have the courage to do what you want and not what other people tell you to. Very inspirational piece, great job!

  6. Disagreeing with our parents on issues we feel passionate about is very difficult because we grow up being taught that parents always know what's best for us and when they don't, it's difficult to start out on a new path. You though have shown incredible tenacity and determination to mark your own path for yourself and show that you make your own destiny. Very powerful writing that many people need to hear. Great job Ashley!

  7. This piece is very relatable because I am also a 1st gen and the cultural obstacles are a pain. I know my parents try to be more understanding and this just makes me realize how many of my family members back home don't have the same freedoms that I take for granted. Very influential piece, wonderful job! :)
    -Ishrat Khan

  8. I can relate to this in so many ways. The more I read the more I was able to relate to. In ways that people always give me advice on what to do but in the end it is totally your decision, you gotta do what is most effective for you and your future. This was a very well written piece. Great job!

  9. I was drawn into your writing because of your title and how you had defined and perceived the word "right" but as I continued to read the piece became stronger not only by your own personal struggle but your mature stance on it by knowing the difference to do what is right for yourself instead of constantly trying to please others. I enjoyed your writing because it was very relatable and is just what I needed to hear. Go, Ashley!

  10. I feel as though we are all at that age of trying to discover who we are. I really enjoyed your piece because you sound very confident in your choices. Good job!

  11. Your piece strikes me as a powerful feminist statement as well as a demonstration of your brave independence. Your maturity is clear in your sentiment towards expectations and your personal will. I have immense respect for anyone who tackles such an obstacle in the way you do- staying true to yourself, a lesson we all need.

  12. I was immediately drawn into your piece because I too experience differences with my parents beliefs. Although it is hard at times, I agree that we need to make sure we do what is best for ourselves first and foremost.

  13. This piece is relatable on so many levels and always remember that even though people will try to expect certain things from you, but no matter what you will always determine what you believe is "right". Do what you do for yourself not for anyone else. Great job Ashley.

  14. I'm glad you have the courage to tell your story and stand up to your family, which is not an easy to do. Your account of what you've gone through has further inspired me to never give up on my dreams. This was heartfelt and sincere which made it all the better.

  15. I couldn't have said it any better. I too go through the same struggle as you since I'm also a first generation American. My parents believe that coming to America is the same as living back home through their strict manners so they try to implement the things they went through into my life especially since I'm a female. Overall, this is such a powerful piece. Good Job! and just know if you put your mind into something you're truly passionate about, you can do anything up to your potentials. Guaranteed.

  16. I like how you started this piece off with a quote from Oprah!! It is very relateable for me because I am also the first generation of my family that is in America. There is always secretly a "right" answer and that answer was shown through your passage!! Nicely done!!

    -Vivian Chiang

  17. It is very important that you do what makes you happy because at the end of the day, all we have is who we are. Disagreeing with our parents takes a lot but having your own mindset and doing what is "right" will always have a better outcome. Great job on the piece. I enjoyed reading it!

  18. I can truly relate to this piece because ever since I was born I have been following my parents' footsteps and orders to become their ideal daughter. I eventually realized that respecting and following my own opinion and judgement is better than anyone else's. I can tell how strong and more independent you became. Great job!!

  19. The difference between what is wrong or right isn't always black or white. I enjoyed this piece because it was relatable. I liked how you decided not to use what others deemed as "right" but, what you thought was right. At the end of the day, we and only we have to deal with the consequences of our decisions. So its fitting that we and only we should make our own choices.

  20. I can relate to this so much. disagreeing with and having differing opinions with are parents is a common thing especially at our age. We are used to our parents telling us what to do and telling us what is "right," but we are at that point in life where we should be making our own decisions and all. It made me happy when i read that you wanted to better yourself on your own. Take pride in that and know that you always have people to back you up! Thanks for sharing!

  21. You can be given all the advice you want but in reality theres only one person that can make a decision for you and its yourself which is why this story is so relateable in so many ways and i really enjoyed it.

  22. As a fellow first-generation American, I definitely related to that feeling of knowing that your personal goals don't completely align with your parents'. It's very difficult to express how much you appreciate their sacrifices while also trying to agree to disagree with their expectations. Thank you for articulating all that in your piece.

  23. This piece was very well written, I was intrigued by the title and what "right" is. I enjoyed your piece very much. Great job, Ashley!
    - Jade B.

  24. This was a wonderful, relatable piece for anyone our age. While I do not understand fully of what it is like to be a first generation American myself, it turns out two of my best friends and my brother-in-law is. I am noticing that something in common we all have is this struggle to meet our parent's expectations. That is what I am most struggling with right now, myself. We want to impress them, but we must do what is the "right" thing for ourselves since this is our one life. I really like that you wrote about this topic. -Keala Naipo

  25. I respect you so much for being true to who you are and striving to accomplish your goals. I find this piece really motivational, well done.

  26. I can relate to this peice in many aspects. I feel like people are always going to want to tell you what they think is best for your life, but the only person who really knows that answer is you. I really loved this, Great job!

  27. I relate to this piece purely at the fact that my parents were and still are close minded. I admire your ability to stand up and pursue the things that you thought was right for yourself instead of living "your" life through your parent's approval. Sometimes what your parents think is "right" isn't truly what's right for yourself.

  28. I can definitely relate to not being the daughter her parents dreamed of her being. It can be a lot of weight to carry walking around with the constant feeling and knowledge of the disappointment you see in your parents eyes every time you say or do something they do not agree with. Good for you for standing up for yourself, you are your own person and should never have to go down a path you do not want it. I found your piece very inspiring, great job!

  29. I can relate with this piece so much, because at a young age I was taught to clean the table while my brother was playing XBOX, and I always thought that that was unfair. And it also frustrates me how our generation is always called close minded when our parents and grandparent's mindset is still stuck in the way of thinking during the 50's. To me this piece is very influential, because it is thinking more for yourself rather than others and it could sound a little selfish but I believe that that is how it should be. -Martina Panganiban

  30. The struggle of conveying your motivations is something I face as well. It was truly gratifying as well as empowering to read your submission and I have renewed faith that finding my own path will benefit me in the long run. Thank you!

  31. Defining what is "right" is tough because you do not know the affects of choosing one course of action over another, but you are so very right that your own opinion is much more important than others. Coming from a rather conservative family as well, differentiating between what is right for you can be challenging when there are so many different opinions, but I'm so glad you realized the value of your own opinion more! I really enjoyed your piece because it was so relatable, well-written, and most importantly,because you emphasized the fact that despite what others think is the correct thing for you, you ultimately know yourself more. Good job!
    -Bryanna Torres

  32. you should feel a sense of pride in what is right for you and not for your parents because in the long run your parents won't always be by your side nor they will later accept your views on your future. Amazing job.
    -Nicole Campos

  33. you should feel a sense of pride in what is right for you and not for your parents because in the long run your parents won't always be by your side nor they will later accept your views on your future. Amazing job.
    -Nicole Campos

  34. Great Job!! This piece is really something that others should have access to. Powerful and amazing. Love the title also!!

  35. The title adds so much to this piece. There are multiple roads to take that lead to success.
    -Andy Burgos

  36. I can relate to your piece because my parents don't understand I'm not growing up the same way they did.
    I loved how you explained what is "right" from your own experience. I also loved how you explained it as long as you gave it your best shot, then what you were doing was right!
    -karina l.

  37. This piece is relatable in many ways. As long as we do things the best that we can then it is by our own standard right. This was very positive and very well written.

  38. This was awesome in a sense on how relatable it is to have parents who create an image that they want for you and don't exactly see your side of where you want to see yourself! An excellent piece on a personal Narrative of why might your parents will think the way they do.

  39. I completely agree with you about what is "right". I think especially in this time of our lives as we move on to adulthood we all come to this or should come to this realization as demonstrated in your piece. Thank you for writing about this topic it was very good to read.

  40. I completely agree with you on this. People always try to influence your life whether it be in a positive way or a negative way, but only you know what's best for yourself. People always underestimate the value and importance of self care, and your way of thinking is the perfect way to explain the significance of it. Great job!

  41. There's so much about this piece that I loved. Thank you for making it so personal and genuine. As several others have already stated, it's an extremely relatable piece. I think at this point in our life, most, if not all of us, are learning how to use our own voices as we become our own independent selves. I admire the confidence that you have in yourself, keep doing you girl! Awesome job Ashley!

  42. I really enjoyed this story because i think everyone can relate to having to perfect an idea that someone has for you already and its so hard for someone to realize that what they want is truly correct such a great story.

  43. I'm glad that you've decided to put your opinion first. As children we are told that we can be who we want but as soon as we try, our parents somehow find a way of telling us all the negative aspects of it first. Many of our parents are mentally trapped in the time of their adolescence and due to the fact that they didn't live theirs the way they wanted, they try to hinder ours.

  44. There is such strength and power within this piece. This was such a great and relatable topic to write on and explores an issue that is talked about enough. I enjoyed your passion in this piece greatly! Good job!

  45. I appreciate you sharing your story and I found it so inspirational and it had a meaningful message on how someone should put themselves first!

  46. Disagreeing with my parents is what caused the most arguments between me and my own parents. Sometimes the parents are wrong and we are right. I'm happy you kept going with such amazing determination to create and follow your own path in life. Great writing!

  47. I like the thought provoking title of the piece. The piece itself also was not a disappointment at all either. The piece allowed me to further think of philosophical questions that I wonder since little, and made me ponder upon the standard of right and wrong that might just be built up by society.

  48. Ashley, it truly takes courage to break past your expectations, especially when they're from your parents. Seeking fullfillment and growth is really what's important and your piece demonstrates that. Outstanding work!

    -Nwojo Abba

  49. wow! retweet. lol but in all seriousness you Ashley have laid down some deep serious stuff that I believe the common teenager can relate too, and if anything it made us realize it even more. It's reinforcing to know others are going through the same circumstances

  50. I think this piece was so inspirational and I feel like everyone can relate, well not everyone but teenagers mostly. It takes a lot of courage to do what you did and stick up to your parents about how you feel.

  51. This piece is one I can relate to, with everything you've said. Living with similar parents, which I understand is extremely stressful especially if they choose to ignore the decisions you want to make for yourself, which can sometimes make do something stupid and harmful to yourself. You feel as if there's all these eyes on you watching your every move, which adds to painful stress your parents already give you, yeah, life sucks, but we just learn to deal with it and just have to try getting used to the pain every once in a while.
    - Francis Talla

  52. Doing what is 'right' can range from person to person depending on their morals but the way message of staying true to yourself was very motivational. Many students can relate to this and it was great that you voiced your opinion!
