
Tuesday, January 10, 2017

How to make Chilaquiles--Matthew

Chilaquiles is a fried tortilla dish with a spicy sauce that usually have sides of eggs and beans. Chilaquiles is a popular dish for Mexicans that has been passed down for generations and it is usually eaten for breakfast and it is cheap to make. Many families have different ways to make Chilaquiles due to personal preferences, for example, some families like to have avocado on their Chilaquiles once they are done cooking it and others like to cook the eggs with the tortilla and the sauce. Since, some of you guys do not know what Chilaquiles is, I am just going to teach you how to make the basics and maybe, if you like the dish, you can change up the recipe a bit. The tools you are going to need is a blender to blend the sauce you are going to make, a knife to cut the onion into pieces and to cut the garlic in half, a big pot to boil tomatoes and chilies, and a frying pan to make Chilaquiles.
1.     Canola oil
2.     Corn tortillas
3.     Onion                                        
4.     sour cream (optional)
5.     Chilies
6.     Salt
7.     Queso Fresco (optional)
8.     Garlic
Steps to making Chilaquiles:
1.     Cut 20 tortillas into small bite squares
a.      Make sure you cut them to the point where you can eat them comfortably
2.     Fry the cut tortillas on canola oil until they are covered in oil and they are crispy
a.      Make sure the tortillas are fried enough so they will not get soggy when you add the sauce you make.
3.     Drain the tortillas and set them aside so we can use it for later once we make the sauce.
4.     Boil 5 green chilies and 2 tomatoes until it is soft and a fork is easily able to go through
a.     Boiling the chilies and tomatoes is just to give the sauce extra flavor
5.     Blend the tomatoes and chilies with 1/3 of a spoon of salt, half a garlic, two boiled tomatoes, and the chilies to make the sauce.
6.      On the pan cook one diced onion to give the Chilaquiles more flavor.
7.     Once the onion is cooked add tortillas chips and chili sauce until it simmers.
8.     Serve everything on a plate then add shredded queso fresco (optional), and sour cream (optional) on top.
The Queso Fresco and the sour cream is optional because that is only if you like cheese or sour cream. I personally do not use sour cream on my Chilaquiles because it takes away the spiciness from the sauce that is made but if I can’t handle the spiciness (which is extremely rare because I love spicy food) then I would add sour cream. If you would like to add extra ingredients to the Chilaquiles, I would recommend adding cilantro, avocado, chicken or jalapeƱos, and if you would like to have some sides for, I would recommend eating Chilaquiles with beans and eggs.
How it should look depending on what added ingredients you used:


  1. Matthew you know I love food, you should really make these for me sometime. I'm to lazy to make it for my self
    - Kailah O'Brien

  2. Oh my gosh I love Chilaquiles!!! Your instructions were super clear and I cannot believe you make the sauce by hand! I have never done that, so I will definitely give that a try. This is an awesome how to, it was easy to read and i love how you told us the way you eat them and then gave us different ways that we could possibly eat them. I am definitely going to try chicken and the sauce recipe you gave the next time I make them!! Awesome Job :)

    1. Thanks for reading my recipe. Trust me, you'll love the chicken recipe. If you thought Chilaquiles couldn't get any better, you're wrong.

  3. I love chilaquiles! It is interesting to see how other families make this dish because my family makes ours just a tad different. But, it is special because each family puts a unique twist. I was interested in reading this simply because I wanted to compare and contrast different recipes lol. I am glad I read this well written piece, good job!

  4. OH MY GOSH! I saw this and it made me soooo hungry right now! I love chilaquiles! Last summer I went to Mexico for my cousins wedding and almost every breakfast this is what I would have. I look forward to trying this recipe! Good job, I love how simple your instructions were!

  5. Chilaquiles are my favorite, my mom makes them every Sunday!! I liked how you explained how to make it totally from scratch (I usually buy the salsa and the tortilla chips already made but they're so much better if made from scratch).

  6. After reading this I felt like I was back in Mexico cooking chilaquiles with my abuela like it was just yesterday, I enjoyed how simple and straightforward your instructions were. Great instructions, I might even attempt to try to give the sauce an attempt.

    1. Thanks, also remember to put the lid on the blender, the first time I made the sauce, I forgot to put the lid on the blender and the sauce went everywhere. It's also nice to know that I triggered some childhood with your grandma.

  7. This dish looks really good! The way you explained the process is easy to follow. I can't wait to try this!!

    1. Thanks Mereva, it feels nice to know that someone likes your recipe and can't wait to try it.

  8. I definitely got hungry reading this. I love Chilaquiles so much! Your directions were so clear and I just might have to try to make them myself, thanks for sharing!- Sophia Cordura

  9. My mom always makes chilaquiles, therefore while I was reading this, I was thinking about her! The way you stated the steps was super easy to follow, which is great! Good job!! -Lauren J.

  10. This looks so good. My parents used to get this at Mexican restaurants and I remember loving them. I totally forgot about it! I'll have to give it a shot.

  11. Never have I heard of such a dish like this before. Thanks for sharing this recipe! When and if I don't feel lazy, I will for sure try and make this.

  12. Oh yes I love this dish, I am salivating as I type. This was very instructional and I personally love it with eggs and beans, it makes a nice breakfast combo. Great job!

  13. I have never had Chilaquiles sadly... But after reading this, i am practically salivating and running to the kitchen to make it! Your instructions were very clear and I am so impressed that you made the sauce by hand! I cannot wait to give this a try. Thanks for the recipe!

  14. I've never had Chilaquiles but the way you described it made it sound really good. I'm always interested in trying new foods and this is definitely one that I will try making. Great job at describing the dish and how to make it.

  15. Wow, not only does the picture of the dish look amazing, but your description of it is mouthwatering. As I read your instructions, I felt as if I were watching the Food Network! But anyways, I don't usually eat Mexican food, but I must try this because it seems very delicious. Great job on the instructions and thank you for informing me of this wonderful dish.

  16. This "how to" was really informative and those chilaquiles look soo good! I'm definitely going to try this soon :)

  17. It's always great to see new cultural foods out there and the steps to making it. I'm very open to try new things and learn the ways how other people from different cultures create their food.

  18. This recipe looks very easy to follow. The food also looks amazing. I need to try new food and this recipe makes it really easy for me. Great job on this recipe.
    -Benjamin Chong

  19. I freaked out when I read the title and knew I had to read your piece because my grandma makes these every time she comes to visit from Mexico!! Surprisingly I haven't made these myself but you now provided me with some super straightforward directions and now I can try for myself. I love your addition of sour cream I never thought about it but it should taste amazing! Thank you for making this piece so clear!
    -Bryanna Torres

  20. Ahhh my mouth watered while reading this I loved it! Chilaquiles is my favorite breakfast meal so this was pretty interesting to read, I think I just might go make some for dinner.

  21. I really cannot make things taste good so hopefully when I try this one, that it turns out as yummy as this piece makes it sound. Thank youuuuu!!

  22. The first time I had this dish was at N7 creamery in Victoria Gardens and it didn't taste anywhere as good as it sounded. I can't wait to try this recipe. Good job !

    -J'Noie Parker

  23. I loved this! This is one of my favorite dishes and I always look forward to being able to eat them, but now thanks to your help I don't have to wait anymore!

  24. These sound delicious, your instructions were clear and concise, alas I am too lazy to make them for myself, but if I ever do find the time, I would love them.

  25. This by far is my favorite food when my mom makes it I get so excited and reading your description of how to make them .

  26. Chilaquilies is by far one of my most favorite foods, especially for breakfast! I also agree that sour cream takes away some of the flavor; I prefer lots of queso fresco instead.
    -Austin Gomez

  27. I want to cook this dish so bad! Since my love for food has been my longest relationship thus far, this piece really intrigued me! Good work!

  28. As I read this I imagined my grandma making some chilaquiles and it brought good memories. I want to try making them myself and see if they come out as good as my family makes them. And personally, my favorite thing to add to chilaquiles is sliced avocado. This dish has Mexican culture written all over with the tortillas and salsa. Thank you for sharing this with all of us and those who didn't know what these were.

  29. This is one of my favorite things to eat for breakfast but my mom has never taught me how to make them so my cravings are at her mercy, well, not anymore. Thanks for writing this because I definitely will try this recipe.

  30. This caught my attention because this is my favorite dish in the morning and its interesting to see the different ways different people make them !

    Melanie Salazar

  31. Matthew!!! My mouth watered just reading about this; I love food. Chilaquiles seems like a very delicious dish that I would like to maybe make one day. The picture was a nice touch. Great job!

  32. This was probably my favorite thing I learned today! First off, your instructions are simple, which made your recipe a bit more welcoming for someone like me. I love trying new foods and I will definitely be trying chilaquiles soon.

  33. I love chilaquiles!!! My grandma makes them from scratch too and they taste amazing! I've surprisingly never tried making them myself. Your directions were easy to follow and the visual definitely helps so whenever I decide to make them, I'll definitely try your steps. Good job!

  34. This dish looks so gourmet and delicious that it would be something that I would try if I had the chance too. Great in depth instructions on how to make it so anyone could make it at home
    -Austin Z Gifford

  35. You made something I viewed as challenging seem so simple! Thanks for the idea, you did really well.
