
Friday, January 27, 2017

The Moment I Lost My Dad --Safa

 It was Wednesday October 12, 2016 - two days after my parents had just come back from a two week trip to Turkey. Without a doubt my parents are the two most important individuals in my life and so their return was incredibly comforting for me. Thrilled and filled with a feeling of content, I rushed out of school racing to my house as fast as my legs could take me, enthusiastic to greet my parents with hugs and kisses the second they walk into the front door. I was certainly delighted that I would no longer be left alone with my brother who wasn’t as helpful around the house when my parents were gone. That Wednesday I went to school just like all the other days, the everlasting routine of my stressful student life. I fell asleep halfway through my last period of the day and once the bell rang at 2:55, I left the classroom walking to the front of the school. I then, slowly realized that I had forgotten that I was obliged to tutor in the library that day. Fatigued and completely lethargic I called my mother to pick me up, having no intention or desire to tutor that day. Shortly after calling my mother, she picked me up and in the car. I asked her the daily repetitive questions of what she had done that day and what would be for dinner, and in return she responded with the same usual answers. Arriving home I hurriedly left the car and joyously opened the door connecting the garage to the laundry room, and ran up the stairs to my room realizing how quiet and peaceful the house was while both my dad and brother were in their rooms sleeping. Opening the door to my room, I glanced at my cozy, soft, and neat bed, excited for my daily after school nap. I quickly changed into my pajamas, washed up, and then prayed my daily prayers. After I had performed my prayers, I jumped into my bed, burying myself under my snuggly, flower scented blanket. Placing my head on my tempurpedic pillow was my dream come true that I’d been daydreaming all day about at school, and within a instant I fell into a deep sleep. After a while, I suddenly heard a loud BANG! BANG! BANG! in the distance, being abruptly woken up from my loving nap by the harsh noise. Someone was brutally and vigorously pounding on the front door, and being in a deep sleep I wasn’t responsive in action to the reality happening downstairs, so instead I speculated it to be only a part of my dreams. BANG! BANG! BANG! The harsh pounding continued and slowly I started to unravel the covers from above my head, enraged by the idiot who was stupidly disturbing the silence of the house. Moments later I heard footsteps in the house stomping and scurrying down the stairs as they finally opened the front door and the pounding came to an end. Within a matter of seconds my eyes shot open staring at the ceiling of my room and before I could take my next breath I heard the strongest most powerful crash/thud on the floor. While undergoing excessive tachycardia my brother started yelling…OH MY GOD! BABAAA! BABAAA! BABAAA! I lunged out of bed thinking it was either gunfire or someone had kidnapped my Dad. Yanking my room door open, a panic attack overtook me as I observed my brother running down the main staircase and my mother running down the other staircase. I understood something bad happened yet, not knowing what had exactly occurred, I ran to the edge of the stairs, bending down to observe the scene. Chills ran up my spine and the pulse in my head started throbbing. This was the moment I lost it a ll! Witnessing the worst scene of my life, was the sight of my beloved father laid faced downward on the tile with blood gushing from his head at the foot of the sharp edged granite counsel. Promptly my mind shut down, and a feeling of numbness took over my entire body, rendering me motionless at the very top of the stairs. Eyes blurry, throat clogged, breathing being difficult, time had stopped for me and I could barely process the weeping noises in the background. The only question that I kept asking myself while everything transpired quickly was “HOW AM I GOING TO LIVE MY LIFE FROM THIS DAY ON WITHOUT MY FATHER?” Everything suddenly fell into place and I snapped back to reality, as I shot down the stairs screaming from the top of my lungs, crying “DAD, DAD WHAT’S WRONG, DON’T LEAVE US!” While my mother and brother were around him on the floor, I sprinted to the front door that was left wide open, relentlessly weeping while insanely believing that someone had killed my father and ran away. “CALL THE AMBULANCE!” my brother yelled out multiple times. Then I noticed a large, heavy box on the floor. I was then able to process and understand what had occurred: that no one had hurt my dad, and that actually the man at the door had been a delivery guy. Yet I couldn’t stop screaming, and turning around I recognized my dad’s eyes rolling while slowly muttering “Why is Safa screaming, What happened, There’s nothing wrong with me, I’m OK?” Immediately, I felt a vast sensation of relief as I walked over and started to wipe the blood from his forehead, knowing that my father hadn’t left me, and that after all I haven’t lost it all. And upon hearing the loud sirens and ambulance provided me with even greater relief knowing that my Dad was going to be saved. Opening the door, four men ran in and began their operations on my Dad, as I observed in the background waiting to help them out with anything possible. Being told to go get my Dad’s medications, my eyes were filled with tears as I thought of the terrifying things that could happen next. As the men rolled my Dad to the ambulance, my brother followed behind. I ran to my mom as she was still frightened and told her to hurry up and get dressed to follow them to the hospital. She hugged me tightly and comforted me by saying, “your father is fine we need to stay here and wait for your brother to call.” After that incident, I was absolutely sure that nothing is far more valuable in my life than my parents, because I had found out that my life can change so rapidly and so unexpectedly within a blink of an eye. I thank God everyday and night for showering me with unexpected blessings and protecting my Dad from any real harm. Clearly, I never knew how much I honor and love him until the very day I witnessed the shocking scene that will always be engraved in my memory for the rest of my life. I love you Dad!!!


  1. Wow! The way you wrote this piece is amazing Safa. The description in the passage of every occurring event made the readers feel the way you feel and it's just amazing. I would also like to thank you for reminding me to never be mad at my parents because I do not know what I will do without them.
    -Matthew Jimenez

  2. The passion and details you used to describe your love for your parents and the shocking incident really allowed me to connect to how you felt. I don't know what I would do if I lost any of my family members and admire you for being so strong. great job!!!

  3. Seeing the title, grief washed over me. A heavy pit formed in the bottom of my stomach, fearing that your father could have suffered a great deal. Your story telling is so genuine and captivating that I completely felt like I was living a day in your life. I'm so very glad that your father is alright and God has protected him!

  4. Oh Safa, I love how you were able to make the reader feel like they were a part of the story too, since it was relatable from the aspect of just a normal high school teenager's life. I felt terrified when you were terrified. Great use of imagery as well. Hope all is well with your family now :) --Megan T

  5. WOW SAFA! this is so crazy! I remember you calling me and panicking when this happened. Your piece is so descriptive as if I was actually there witnessing it. It really makes me value my parents and everyone special I have in my life(yes even you bestie)and to not take things for granted. I dont know what I would do without you in my life. Overall, your piece is very impacting and shows your love for your parents. Good JOB SAFAAAAA! Love you bestie<3

    1. Hey bestie, ya I remember too, when I called you right after that incident happened and I was in utter and complete shock. It was really hard for me to convey my feelings at that time, because I was just speechless, especially since my dad was still in the hospital. And this incident didn't only make me realize how important my parents are, but how important my brothers and sister are to me along with all those who I love and cherish in my life. Everyone that I know shapes my life in one way or the other, and if it is someone in my life that I witness losing than I honestly don't even know what would happen to me. I concluded that life is after all short and we better make the best of it sooner before it becomes too late. Thank you for supporting me and always being there with me during my good and bad times. This is who I call my bestie and I'm proud too have such an amazing, kind, and honest person like you in my life.

    2. awww! This is so sweet! Im glad i met someone like you in my life best friend. You helped me through so much in the past two years and I dont know what I would do without you. Love yoooouuuu<3

      Your favorite/coolest best friend forever and ever and ever,
      Aysha (:

  6. I enjoyed how personal this peice was and thought your attention to detail was incredible. When reading this peice I could only imagine the fear and shock you felt, which you conveyed greatly. The realization that this can happen to anyone was very impactful. In all, the truth in your emotion is really what makes it amazing. Thank you for sharing this with us!

  7. WOWEE!! This gave me chills. All of the little details and descriptive words really made me feel like I was there with you. I have no clue what i would do if i lost someone in my family, especially my mom or dad. Thank you for the reminder to always spread love to your ma and pa!!

  8. Woah! All this description had me engaged the entire time I was reading this piece. I enjoyed reading the vivid details and imagery. It also warms my heart that you care so deeply about your parents and I thank you for sharing your experience because it opened my eyes. Sometimes I take my parents for granted but I know they are only here to protect and love me at all costs. Great job Safa.

  9. This piece was definitely centered around strong family values, and, I loved it! I could feel the the concern for your father's health, and, i really enjoyed how you included human nature and always assuming the worst.

  10. I could really feel for you through all the details you included in this piece. I could tell you have a caring heart and this reminded me that I need to start appreciating the people in my life more. Great piece!

  11. This was such a well written story! I loved all the details that you used and all the emotion that you had and put in! Such a great job

    -Melanie Salazar

  12. Wow, the words you used to describe what had happened create such an image in my head. Good job this was a good piece.
    -Justin Huggins P.5 Solano

  13. I enjoyed this story a lot and what really caught my attention was the title of your piece. I enjoyed your word choice and the imagery you used made me feel apart of this incident. Great job!
    -Kaaria B.

  14. That's such a scary moment that no one wants would ever want to wish for. Stories like this make me regret arguing with my parents and makes me thankful for them. I'm glad to hear that your dad is ok! Experiences like the one you had really change one's perspective for the better.

    1. Yes indeed Anthony this is a scary moment and far beyond scary, when you actually go trough such a moment it feels like you are weak and you have lost everything and the only thing that you think about is death and only death. Especially if that person in your life is so important. And I agree with you about the part where you mentioned that you regret. arguing with you parents, because at time we really don't realize that we are hurting the most important people around us. Most importantly the fact that they are our parents who are the reason for our existence, it is part of human nature to have your bad times, but self control is something that we have to always keep in check. Anger, regret, and fear took over me once I saw my dad in such a situation.

  15. WOW, AMAZING INCREDIBLE! Everything about this is just breath taking. In the beginning, I related with the whole falling asleep in class and wanting to return home to take my nap. However, you took the whole story to a whole new level. With all the vocab and imagery, I was about to fall off my seat. Nicely done.

    -Vivian Chiang

  16. I COULD NOT STOP READING THIS! You described the whole image so clearly I felt like I was there with you from you being at school to you at home. I was not expecting the ending at all or even the middle, it was crazy amazing! I'm so sorry that you had to endure that moment of fear but I'm glad your father ended up okay, and thank you for reminding me to always cherish my parents.

    1. Writing this story what extremely hard for me, especially the fact that I had to sit and type out all the details as the flashes of the incident passed through my mind. It took me back to the incident and to a whole new start. I did realize a majority of the comments had mentioned that the imagery described was so real, and thats the reality....this was all real. The harder part about it is that no one can expect what they will suffer or endure in their life, because everything happens to quickly and within the blink of an eye that we end up getting lost in our emotions. Thank you for taking the time to read my personal narrative, and I am more than happy that this blog helped you open your eyes to how important your parents are in your life.

  17. Safa, your attention to detail is absolutely amazing. I felt as if I was right there with you. I relieved to know that your father is okay. Once again this is an amazing piece.

  18. My heart was pounding as I was reading this. Its as if I was there with you feeling all the emotions you were going through. Great Job.

  19. This is very heartfelt and shocking. I loved the way you wrote it and emphasized your thoughts, good job.
    - Leezeth De Los Reyes

  20. Whoa the story was very intense and filled with rich imagery that exemplified the plot. According to the title, I thought that you actually lost your father, but I'm glad that he's fine. Great job!

  21. Whoa, this sounds like an insane experience! I loved how you chose to share this with us because it helped you realize how much you appreciate your dad. It's crazy how it takes crazy things like this to give us a new perspective. Great job Safa!

  22. The way you to this story had me in suspense the entire time. You wrote with such passion and love it was really engaging and drew me in emotionally. This is so sweet and endearing the way you describe the love you have for your father Safa!

  23. just by looking at the title, i could feel the emotion that was pouring out behind it. I know exactly how it feels to lose a loved one, quite recently actually. But, i cannot imagine what it is like to have lost a father. the whole time i was reading this, i was on edge! you really kept us in suspense. And with your use of imagery and word choice, i felt as if i was truly there. Great job!

  24. Wow!This story was so crazy and it really touched me because of the way i am with my father and all of his health problems. I loved how you wrote the story and i am so glad your father is okay. Great Job Safa! I loved this piece.

    -Victoria Heredia

  25. Safa this is so descriptive and so well detailed, I feel like I was there with you in your house, through every step that happened that day. I'm so glad that your dad is okay because I can really understand how much you care about your dad and both of your parents. Great Job!

  26. This piece was great and very emotional, I felt my heart dropping when you were talking about the fall. I appreciate the detail that you used to described this eye opening scene , I can tell this was very scary for you.

    -Sereenah Soare

  27. I really liked the details and the imagery which built the suspense. I actually had to stop reading as the suspense increased, but the emotions that you described were very vivid in your story.

  28. I love your word choice in the story it really describes everything perfectly. You kept me hooked till the last sentence. I'm glad your dad is okay! Good job Safa :)

  29. I'm really glad that you dad is okay now. This is so scary and through your writing your fear and love for your dead is obvious. I remember you telling me this before but reading it with so much description gave me even more chills. Amazing job Safa!

  30. My heart was pounding and i felt chills while reading this. I felt like i was there with you because of your use of detail.I really thought you lost your father, but thank god hes not. Alhamdulillaah! Great job with this writing!

  31. Glad to hear your dad is okay! Great piece very exciting

  32. You really made the reader watch the events through the speakers eyes. It was suspenseful and made me more and more interested at the same time. I will always cherish my parents, thank you for reminding me.

  33. You really made it so that the reader was watching every event unfold as it occurred. It was suspenseful and interesting at the same time. Thank you for reminding me to cherish my parents. The unbreakable bond between parents and child is amazing.

  34. Wow, this is a very intense and traumatic event! It's weird how people only realize how much they love someone when they feel as if they are going to lose them. This work is written with great detail and passion and captures perfectly the intensity and emotional aspect of the experience. Thank you for sharing this frightening but enlightening piece!
    -Christopher Kerwin

  35. Wow, wasn't expecting that, very suspenseful and a little scary. Don't really know what to say right now because I'm tired, but this piece did wake me up temporarily, good job, and thank you, also, really enjoyed your piece.
    -Francis Talla

  36. This story had me on the edge throughout the whole thing. It was so emotional and really made me think about the things we take for granted. Great gob Safa!

    -Keala Naipo

  37. My heart was beating fast the entire time I was reading this! The love have for your parents is amazing and I'm glad that your father is okay.

  38. I never knew the amount of trauma and force of emotion that occurs at times like these. But it's good to know that events like this have opened your eyes to how much you love and cherish your dad

  39. oh. my. god. Safa, you scared me to death! i'm glad your Dad is okay, and inshallah he stays okay for a long time. This piece made me just appreciate my dad so much more, great piece!

  40. This story was really engaging and passionate. This really highlights the love we have for our paarents and how important they are to our lives. Thank you for sharing your very powerful piece!

    -Nwojo Abba

  41. This story was very emotional and details really drew me in and kind of gave me a new perspective on things. Good Job!

  42. Wow this story was so good! I really felt impact of the story, it was really well written. Good job.

  43. I loved your piece and I'm so sorry about what happened and I remember you telling me this happened to him awhile ago but your piece still had be in shock. The details you provided really made me feel like I was there and honestly really gave me a panicky feeling, it was incredibly well-written. Amazing job!
    -Bryanna Torres

  44. I commend you for opening up about something so personal and frightening too. After reading this, I appreciate my father a lot more. Nice work on this

  45. I'm completely at a loss for words. This was for sure one of the best pieces i've read. I felt like i was there. It even brought a tear to my eye because i could only imagine all the pain you would feel if that would've been your dad. Thank god it wasn't i wouldn't know how to go on about my life with out either one of my parents either! -karina l.
