
Friday, January 27, 2017

A Whole New Life--Celeste

      May 15, 2015: It was the day where I, myself was still in shock. I never knew this day would come, but I mean I at least hoped it will, just not so soon. Just waking up in a nicely cooled hotel and seeing your own mom being pampered for her big day was a lot to take on. Just to think that your hero who has been a single mom for sixteen years is finally getting married! I remember walking down the aisle with my sister throwing flower petals and seeing everyone’s eyes on us and how awkward it felt. As we see our mom exchanging vows my sister starts to cry and I laughed because the camera man was pointing the camera towards her. It was a fun day and I thought from then on out, my life was going to get better. Not to mention, I knew all of our lives were going to be different now that there is a man in the household.
      About a month or two later, we move in with him and it was hard too. He always had work some could not help us out and for three girls it is very hard to carry out a refrigerator and a whole couch. His place was small and the room my sister and I shared before was smaller and I did not like that at all. Ever since the move, my mood changed and instead of being happy I was just negative. I always closed my door in my room and would hardly come out of it. The only times I ever came out was when the food was ready. I have moved before like about 2-3 times, so moving to another school has also made me become very sad. The only good thing I thought about the school was the band since I thought they were phenomenal. Each day was the same in my mom and step-dad asking me how my day was and I would always reply “it was whatever”. I did not like my lifestyle and just wanted to move back to how it was, especially since now there were so many rules that I thought were unnecessary. It took me awhile to open up to my step-dad, I mean I have never lived with a man in the house or had a father figure in my life. I also was very picky with the food, he grew up in Texas and I grew up, well let’s just say in a Mexican home. He did not like certain foods that my mom made, while I love it! He also cooked some of the food my mom made in a totally different way and I just missed her cooking so much. Not only was the food changed, but my sister and I had to change the way we act around the house such as her not farting all the time or me with my burping at the table. Sorry! I can’t help myself if the food was good. If a guest came over, I knew they can sense the negativity in the room between the tension of my sister and I with my step-dad. My mom had to always talk to me about opening up to him and to give him a chance since I was more of the “not being opened” type. He is a cool guy for my mom, it just felt weird.
       Fast forward to the summer of 2016, the time where we get a new house and I have my first bedroom ever. The house was way bigger and we actually have a backyard and a recreation center with a pool. I always told my mom, “we don’t look poor anymore,” she would always get upset and said we were not before but I guess I'm not used to the whole “American dream” lifestyle. Two months later, we get our very first puppy and he is the most adorable thing ever! His name is Gunner and I call him our therapy dog since he always cheers us up when we are down. It is also crazy because we all get along now too and are actually looking like a “family.” Living with my step-dad for about a year and a half now has opened me up to talking to him more and being nice. I also started to get in contact with my father. Every now and then my step-dad likes to scare me in the dark which I do not enjoy at all, but i have grown to laugh it up. I also appreciate him more for what he has done and giving us a better lifestyle with this new home and a better school. He has been there most of the time financially and has opened up to me about loving me as his own daughter. Even though I call him by his name, I truly do appreciate everything he has done for my sister and I, it will just take some time to fully open up to him and not be quick to fight back. Each day I am seeing him as a father until I am off to college and I hope my sister will also become closer to him since she has a longer stay with him.


  1. I can relate to not liking one of my mom's boyfriend but the only difference is I still do not like him. I guess after reading this piece and seeing how you did not originally like your mom's boyfriend either, I can give my mom's boyfriend another chance.
    - Matthew Jimenez

    1. Yea, it was always like that with my moms last boyfriends but turns out they may not seem that bad I was just cautious.

  2. This is so sweet Celeste, you are so honest in the way that you felt about your step dad and it is cool to read how your relationship with him has progressed over the years. Its neat to see how your negative attitude that you once had your step dad has begun to diminish. I hope the best for you and your family, great work!!

  3. This was such a good piece, and I am so glad you were able to open up to your step-dad. Your details really showed how much you appreciate you family and your new father. Great job!!!

  4. It's so pleasing to read the progress you have made with your relationship with your step-father! It's heart warming to see that the tone in the first half of your work turned from cold to warm towards the second half. Although change is difficult, you were able to overcome these obstacles and that in itself is remarkable! Thank you for sharing :^)

  5. I loved your piece Celeste. As I read, I pictured you going through every single event, and I can honestly say that I can relate to this in more ways than one. Your honesty is amazing and I love how you're slowly but surely opening up at your own pace. Outstanding Job!!

    1. Thank you so much, I'm really glad you enjoyed the piece and also feel better how we can connect in a way.

  6. I love to hear the development that you went through with your step-dad. This was such a sweet piece. I loved it a lot:)

  7. Aw Celeste, I never knew all the details about your family. I never would have imagined anything mentioned because there was never any awkwardness both times I loitered at your house. I love how you mentioned your puppy (I miss both of them) and I really hope things continue to positively progress. Let me know when I can bother your family again, great job!

  8. This piece was very heartwarming and insightful for you gradually opening up to your stepfather over some time. It shows deep love for the bond that you're family is creating! Very good!!

  9. This was a great story to hear! I always kind of wondered how the kids felt like when their parents have a new significant other in their life because my parents have been together for around 20ish years. It's great to hear that you found a way to open up to a new person in your life! Great piece!

    1. It is pretty interesting because that one person who has been in your life and cares for you, you just get defensive and want someone who you fill will treat them right.

  10. I loved reading this peace! I too have a single mom and know exactly what you are talking about. The imagery is great.

  11. I think it's really hard for people to have to adjust to several different environments, but it seems you really overcame it and found happiness in your life! I hope for that happiness to continue throughout your life. Great job!
    -Lisa Ryu

  12. The way your describe your life from how it was when you originally moved in with him to a few years later really shows the progression that has occurred between you two and it is really relatable for many who have gone through the same thing.

  13. THIS WAS ADORABLE. I loved this piece so much, it was like you know your mom is your best friend. You portrayed that image perfectly right in the beginning with the happy tone. It was also nice seeing the details you put in to express your honest opinion with your family. Nicely done!!

    -Vivian Chiang

  14. I think sometimes we just fail to see the things that other people do for us, and forget to appreciate them for it. I have done it a lot with my parents, and I often feel bad when I look back at it.-Martina Panganiban

  15. This is so sweet, it reminds me to think of the good instead of the bad. I'm happy for you and your family. Great Job.

  16. I really enjoyed this because I can relate so much to how this feels. While I've never had to deal with an incoming step-father, I understand how difficult it is to get used to someone new in the family, but I'm glad you were opened up to the new addition. Thank you for being so open with your feelings and experiences. Great job.

  17. This is a very personal and relatable piece to, im sure, many people. I really love the developement you made describing your progression in not only your life, but your relationships with your family and it's very endearing and sweet! Great job.

  18. I enjoyed reading this. My life style is so different and Ive only ever had one set of parents. I can see how that was hard for you, Im so glad that her life is getting better and that you enjoy our band program. -Rachel Smith

  19. I love hearing about your family relationship and how close you have become with your new member of your family. Seeing how much your parents do for you and that they do everything because they love you makes me really happy. Great piece:)

  20. Great piece. I am happy that you have grown closer to your step dad and good things take time they say, so I give you props for being able to adjust to such a big change.

  21. Your piece definitely relates to a lot of people with having changes in their lives and most people usually just ignore the change and move on but your story was different! You grew from it and that to me is the perfect situation! Great story, very heartwarming!

  22. This piece was so amazing. I'm happy that you have a great relationship with your step dad and I liked how this your story was very personal.

  23. It makes me happy to know that you now have a better relationship with your step dad. I loved how honest you were about it too. Good job :)

  24. Getting to hear how you slowly began to get closer with your step-dad is amazing.It's not always easy to get along with someone right away and change isnt always easy to adapt to either and the way you handled it was pretty great. This piece was very interesting to read and i'm glad i read it :) great job!

  25. This is a really good piece! Especially stepping out of that comfort zone and developing a relationship is so wonderful!

  26. The piece is amazing!! I remember when we became friends and you always talked about the struggle of not being able to adjust and how happy you were with the new dog I'm so happy to be able to read about the way you adjusted to your step dad .

  27. Such a touchable story. I like how you are open to share your past with everyone. I am happy for you, for starting to be more open and giving him a chance. Makes me happy when I hear you talk about your sister because it sounds like you really do love and care for her more than anything. Goodjob!

  28. I love how you opened up to this new family member and that an amazing relationship came out of that! A lot of people don't see what people around them do for them and im glad you did. Great job!

  29. I love this piece i am happy for you and your step-Dad!

  30. This was really heartfelt and honest and thats probably why i enjoyed it so much. This part of your life you shared really shows how giving someone a chance is sometimes all that is needed

  31. This is so sweet how your relationship with your step dad grew and I'm glad you shared your story! this was well written and interesting to read. Good job!

  32. Adjusting is not always easy. But I am glad to hear that you're starting to overcome that barrier between you and your stepdad, and growing more closer to him to this day. I love it, Great Job!
    -Jordan Lee

  33. I am happy to see you open up to your stepfather. It is in these situations we can't control where we find ourselves and grow. Family relationships are never easy, and I so I find it inspiring to see you progess and build with what you have. Great job!

    -Nwojo Abba

  34. My parents give up a lot for me and i don't thank them enough for it. Im really starting to realize how much they do for me and i want to be able to repay them back. Great piece!

  35. I really like this story because I can relate to it a lot. I'm so glad you came out the better way. Well done.

  36. This was very pure and innocent and you could sense the realness in it. I've never had a step-parent before but I understand where you're coming from when moving in with new people and change the way you act to keep tension down

  37. I really enjoyed this piece good job I love how you're being real and good for you for breaking down that barrier with your step dad, most step kids would never be able to do that. -karina l
