
Friday, January 27, 2017

The Newest Hero--Austin

The year is 2074, many advancements in technology have come and gone, but the newest advancement was just about to come to one unsuspecting person. James, a high school senior, who is only months away from graduation, stumbles upon a device on his way home from school one day. What he finds is only something that he can describe as a large belt that has four different slots that use different shapes, that look as they can hold different things. James hides the device in his backpack until he gets home, to try and figure out what the device could even be. Once James arrives home, he takes the device out of is backpack and begins to inspect it closer. He sees that the four shaped holes resemble a circle, an X, triangle and square, as he's looking at each hole he flips the switch in front of each hole but to his dismay nothing happened when the switches did nothing, he then tries the lever on the end of the belt but still nothing happens, so he decides to put it away for the night.
The next morning on his way to school, James backpack begins to rattle and glow and remembers the belt from the night before and believes it wants him to follow it. He decides to follow where the device wants him to go, the device leads him to a small riverbed. The device then left James hands as it flew to the middle of the riverbed and as if out of nowhere four, what looked to be switches, flew to the device, and each switch had a different design and number corresponding to each of the four shapes in the belt. The four different designs shown were a rocket, launcher, drill, and radar each numbered respectively. These four switches went into each of the slots as if they were always meant to be there. The belt then flew back to James as if it had chosen James as its true owner, he then puts it back into his backpack then rushes the rest of the way to school.
Once James arrives to school he sees that there is a giant commotion going on in the middle of the campus. He begins to investigate, discovering that there is a monster that is terrorizing people on the campus. James then felt his backpack begin to rumble again and figures this is what this belt is for. James goes to a corner hidden away from peers and takes the belt out of his backpack and it puts itself around his waist. He switches on the switches and a count down begins. once the countdown reached 1 he pulled the lever on the left side and he transforms into a suit that gave him immense power. Little did James know that this power would lead him to become the new hero for the school and would become known as the masked ranger of monsters.


  1. Cool story! This hero should definitely be part of the marvel movies :p. I thought it was interesting how the superhero gained its power from technology. Times have really changed and they're beginning to have less "natural" abilities and more "superhuman" abilities gained from research and development.

  2. I see a sequel coming soon. Great story, especially with how the hero got this new technology. It was less of him finding it and more of the technology finding him which was really cool! I love super hero movies so I especially liked this.

  3. This would be cool if this were to become a movie. The story was interesting, considering it was building up from a regular student who stumbled upon a device never knowing it would one day help him become “The Newest Hero.”

  4. Wow interesting story! Personally, I always loved those parts of superhero movies when the common individual is presented with a task and reason to become the superhero that everyone knows them for. This piece reminded me of that exactly! Overall, great piece; it captivated me from the beginning!

  5. I really like the description of the anxiety and excitement James felt when he realized that he had found such a powerful device. My only piece of advice would be to describe how James is treated in school by his peers; he could potentially be the nerd archetype who finally gets acknowledged by others with his powers or maybe he is already the coolest guy in school and with the belt he becomes the villain... Great job nonetheless!

  6. I really love how this shows a guy that gets a power through technology and not inheriting it naturally. It makes me think that maybe once technology evolves so much that everybody could basically become like superheroes regardless of if they had any actual ~powers~. Great job!!

  7. I liked how you used a different time frame for the story. I am really into super heroes and I think this belt is a pretty cool gadget for a hero. Great description and details of the belt! Goodjob!

  8. This shows how anyone can be a superhero in their own respect. In this story James found a belt and he needed nothing else but himself. We all have our own hero in us like James, we just need to find it.
    -Ruben Becerra

  9. This story can set the roots for what i think could be a very successful story later. The acquisition of power through technology does make the story more modern and plausible and overall more enjoyable then just reading about someone who gained their abilities from some higher power or was just born with them

  10. I loved reading your story as I have always had a slight obsession with superheroes! I love how we all can find something to relate ourselves to James. I hope the sequel comes out soon! :)
    -Tyler Kniss
