
Friday, January 27, 2017


Him… It always seemed to be him. Everyone liked him; he was smart, funny, and everything
that you could want someone to be. We were friends, only friends, or at least that's what it
seemed like. But he started to act different, he didn't act like a friend it was something more. It
was in the little things that he did that made me notice it. It was the little things that made me
notice that he slowly became more affectionate with the little things that he did. Instead of just
saying hi, he would grab at my hips when I had my back turned. He would say cute little things
about me when we were talking to other people. He would always ask for a hug when he wasn't
in the best mood and as I would start to pull away he would pull me back in. I started to see him
around more. He was slowly making his presence known. It was all very subtle, but the people
around us had even started to notice. No one ever said anything about it they had just let it be.
As time went on people started ask questions, “are you guys together?” or they would say that
we “looked so cute together” but the answers were always, “no we are just friends” and
“thanks.” But we were still just friends, never anything more or less. It seemed like we would
only ever be friends. I was the one that always put in the effort just to see if it would go
anywhere. But no, nothing changed besides the fact that I had started to like him as more than
just a friend. A little while down the road when I started to let it go, was when he had started to
show that it could be something more. Timing was never right with us. It was the whole “I'm not
ready for something like this” or “I'm to busy to have a relationship.” But if we had really wanted
it we would have made it work. After all it's not like I was asking for much, I had just wanted to
be with him. Then one day he was just gone, literally gone. So like all things I learned to get
over it. At first it was hard to let it go because I would remember the little things he did. All the
times that he had called me his angel and other cute names. Even the way that he would look at
me when he would pass by and the way that his arms tightened when he pulled me back into
his embrace because he wasn't ready to let go. But at some point I forgot about the way that he
would grab at my hips when he walked by and the way he would say my name and the way he
felt when I was wrapped in his arms. At some point I learned to just forget about him completely;
I can't remember exactly when that was but I was at peace with it. Everything was back to
normal for a while. Then one day, he came back... I don't know why he did, but he did anyways.
I didn't want him to come back into my life. I had been so content with the way things were going
without him. But it was out of my control, he was back and there was nothing that I could do
about it. I started to fall all over again. I tried to stop myself so many times, but nothing ever
worked. I asked friends about it and they said to just let it be and see where this all goes. So I
did. It was that simple. I started to see him around more and more, but something felt different.
He wasn't the same guy that I knew from before. He would act different in front of the people
that we were around. He just wasn't the same, I didn't know exactly what it was but I didn't like
it. Everything was different this time around. So now instead of him leaving, I was the one that
decided to leave. But at last I realized that it wasn't always him. Maybe it wasn't supposed to be
him, maybe the timing was just never right, or maybe I liked the thought of him more than us
actually being a thing.
I never said his name, but we all know who our “Him” is.


  1. I know exactly how you feel, I think almost all of us do. There is always going to be that one person it just can't work with even if it seems right. I love how your use of the pronoun "him" makes it so that we can put whatever name we want in its place. Lovely piece.

    1. Thank you so much Armando! Im glad that you liked this and that you were able to relate to this in your own way and put whoever your "she" maybe in place of the "him" in the story. Thank you so much again!

  2. This is such a powerful piece that I feel we can all relate to! Especially when you have such a strong connection with someone and then one day it just all vanishes. Great piece overall, and I hope you find an even better "him" one day!
    -Gabbie B.

  3. WOW! This was an excellent piece, sadly i am sure most of us can relate to how you are feeling. But I am glad you realized he wasn't your "him"!! This was a good way to let these feelings out so good job Rachel!!

    1. Thank you Kam! I'm glad that I was also able to realize that my "him" wasn't the one for me and while writing this it helped me to actually realize that he wasn't what he had been made out to be. As we all know things happen for a reason and people change, so it was time to move on and now we have this piece.

  4. It's scary how much I related to this peace. I too had a "him" who came into my life, left then tried to come back. Everything was out of my control because when you truly care for someone they will always have a special place in your heart.

  5. It's scary how much I related to this peace. I too had a "him" who came into my life, left then tried to come back. Everything was out of my control because when you truly care for someone they will always have a special place in your heart.

  6. I feel as many people can find themselves relating to this situation even if it's just a little. I enjoyed that after everything him did that she was right for leaving because we control our situations and who we let be a part of our lives. Nice piece

  7. The way you describe how you felt and the emotions revolving around this whole scenario makes it seem so relatable that people who may of never gone through this can understand.

  8. The way you kept "him" a secret and not really entitle who the pronoun is makes everything more mysterious. The way you describe how you felt empty and you forgot how it was like for him to put his hands around you was a great lead. After you took the lead, you turned it and realized everything happens for a reason. Nicely done!

    -Vivian Chiang

  9. I really love this piece because it's so relatable. As I first started reading I knew exactly how you feel. It's such an emotional and beautiful piece and I think you did a great job at putting your emotions into your work. Great Job! - Sophia Cordura

  10. I haven't read a piece like this in a while, but I'm glad I did. Being a young person is difficult enough without love. Let alone love where the timing never lines up.

  11. I love how relatable this piece is. You conveyed the emotions so perfectly I felt like I was reading every emotion I have felt before and re-living moments the same situation I have been in before. It kind of makes you realize that a problem so personal can be so broadly relatable. I love this piece its truly amazing!

  12. I really enjoyed your piece because I found it so relatable. I really liked how at the end you had said that we all have our own "him" and that really got to me because as I was reading I was thinking about my own "him". Great Job.

  13. I really really enjoyed this piece. It was so intriguing and well written. It was heartfelt and encouraging and it made me think a lot. I loved your last sentence of this piece because it made the entire thing seem so real. Thank you. and good job!

  14. I find it very nice that you can share such a relatable experience with us. Great job at being raw with your emotions and allowing yourself to feel these things because many of us, including me, tend to shield off our hearts in fear of the worst. While not everything may work out in our favor, it is important to stay positive and make a lesson of each experience. Great job Rachel

  15. I'm sure almost everyone can relate to this piece in one way or another. Throughout the whole piece I wanted to continue to read more and more of it! I love how you put yourself and emotions out there with this piece. Fantastic job!! -Lauren J.

  16. This piece is definitely relevant to many of our peers, especially at our age where we are now discovering what love does feel like. Unrequited love is heartbreaking but sometimes we all have to go through it to help make us stronger so we can have healthier decisions in the future.

    1. Thank you Christina! That's exactly what I had wanted for this piece, just for it to be relatable to those that are our age or going through something like this. I felt that if I was able to get through it and even write about it maybe it could help others to realize that who ever their "him" is, isn't really for them.

  17. Why do I know exactly how this feels, this whole story is relatable ��. I like how you talked about forgetting and how it was never the same after .. that definitely hit home .
    -sereenah soare

  18. I really enjoyed this piece like all the other comments we all have are own "him"
    And I like how the story flows and it connects so well to a lot of people

  19. WOOOWWW!!!! This story is so touching and so true! I love how you used "him" instead of his name to show how you move.
    I can see this being a movie!!!

  20. I really enjoyed reading this piece, especially how you put a face to "Him" without really putting a specific identity. I think that this is applicable to more than just a possible relationship but also towards friendships and stuff. I think that everyone has had that type of person in their life that has hindered them in some ways. I really like the way that you wrote this piece. You did a good job.

  21. I feel like the way you describe the speakers emotions really lets us feel she feels. And also lets me as a reader know exactly what your talking about. This is so well written and I really like your ending because it made me think back and realize a few situations i was in, and this piece probably does the same to many of us. This is really greatly written, and I'm really glad you wrote this, I don't think I know you but, I feel you girl.

  22. I loved this story so much every girl can relate to this and the details you used were so vivid such an amazing job !!

  23. This piece is so relatable. I think we all go through the heartbreak of "Him" and i just love how you put it into words. I absolutely love this piece, Great job Rachel!!

    -Keala Naipo

  24. This situation is very relevant to me especially at this moment. The personal pronoun provides the reader creative freedom of attaching a name in order to provide a sense of empathy and connection. The vivid description and theme of forgetting and moving forward are relevant to many our age.

  25. I've been in situations quite similar to this so I definetly understand where you are coming from. I love that you took a heart breaking experience and turned it into a beautiful story. Also, by never saying his name and constantly referring to him as "him" or "he" was a great way to keep suspense throughout the story. Great job!
