
Tuesday, January 10, 2017


It begins with a pounding. I bring my hands to my hair and pull at the roots. It’s happening again.
Why? Why now? Why me? Why not? The radio goes static beside me and my eyes burn, but I
barely notice. I’m too focused on the beating in my skull. Not again. Never again . A lways. I open
my eyes only to feel the stinging in my hands, similar to my eyes, only with the addition of
crimson drops. This is it… the end. I find my way down the stairs. I take a turn to the kitchen
spotting the front door at the end of the hall. “Hey Ridiculous, you come down for a late night
snack too.” I turn my head in the direction of the sound. “Oh Rid, are you feeling alright?”
Insanity looks me in the eyes. “Oh no..” San moves closer as I flinch away, “No, no stay there. I
just want you to sit down.” I stare down at the wood beneath my feet. “I can’t it's here,” I clutch
my fists tighter. “What's here?” Insanity smiles. “The Inevitable. I feel it.”I’m too late.” San leads
me to the table and I collapse into the wooden chair. It’s too late. “I'm too late.” You’re always
too late. “Rid, give me your hand.” Insanity takes my hand. Slowly my fingers are unfurled one
by one. Late? Late. I can’t be late! Sure. you tel l yourself that. “So,” San pulls out what looks like
a cloud from the corner of my eye, but I know is a cotton ball, out of the kit. “The Inevitable is
back huh?” I grunt in response and let out a hiss as the alcohol touches my raw skin. It's
coming. Its com ing. It's coming! “Do you know why?” Insanity leans in and finishes wrapping my
hand s. Do I? Do you? “How should I?” I stand up slowly, my voice raising along with my body.
“It’s you. You should know!” My head snaps to the mirror in the dimly lit hall and I move towards
it. “It’s you! You’ve caused this all of it!” I’m inches away, staring at the sickly thing in front of me.
“It’s you!” I pull back my fist and I’m inches away from shattering it “Let me go!” It smirks at me.
Pale skin, dark eye s. It mocks me. I do. “Let me go.” I slump back into the chair that San lead
me to. “I can’t” Insanity mocks. I lock onto the dark eyes of Insanity. I’m lost. Of course you are.
You will never be found.
Lightning cracks and the thunder soon follows. The pale white room is illuminated for a split
second, but is soon once again enveloped in darkness. I’ve grown used to it. I look at the small
plastic cup of water. I shakily take it in my hands and drink it, trying not to make a mess. I clear
my throat and glance at the five pills on the s mall table. Y ou won’t win. I can hear it smile. I
place them one by one under the mattress with the others. Flight is no longer an option. I hear
delirious laughter from behind my ears. Good morning sunshine.


  1. As I read this i felt panicked. Good job at describing mental illnesses. Very well done. -Rachel Smith

  2. The imagery is so rich in this piece! The beginning made me want to keep reading till the end! This piece was very complex yet enjoyable to read. All the creepy & suspenseful parts made this so epic! Good job!

  3. Wow this piece was so unique! I loved how you gave insanity and ridiculous human like characteristics, and also how it shows how these things eat away at us and torture us every single day which is a constant battle! I was intrigued by your unique title and lowkey at first glance thought this was a "how to limbo" hahaha! But overall, great piece and great message Hannah!
    -Gabbie B.

  4. The imagery and description in the piece was amazing. I am not going lie at first I read this and was confused, but after closely reading it again it all came together.

  5. I have a special appreciation for personification and using emotions as names. I'm actually super into it and use it in my own writing, so I really enjoyed your unique piece. It's something that can be difficult to understand at first but you nailed it! Really cool way of discussing an important and interesting topic. -Vanessa Lai

    1. Thank you! And I like to use emotions and ideas as names too because I feel like it adds another level to the character. Normally If i were doing a longer piece, I'd find a name with a meaning that I think best reflects the personality or emotion of the character because I have time to really go in depth with the character. But with short stories like these it's hard to really establish a character and their personality or background in so few words so I enjoy using the characters to personify ideas or emotions. Thank you for the kind words and support!

  6. This kept me hooked till the very end.. great job! It actually made me feel a bit scared while reading it because of all the imagery and great details.

  7. This is VERY entrancing. I reread lines over and over in order to make sure I kept along with the story and the personification of the various nonhuman entities. Very well written; I was thoroughly gripped by the sordid plot.

    -Joey Barron

  8. Wow. The personifying the emotions really showed how things go on in someones mind and the feeling i got from reading this was intense. Great Job!! -Ishrat Khan

  9. The descriptiveness and imagery in this piece were sooo good. As I was reading I started to get anxiety because all that was going on. I am a bit lost on what was happening, but towards the end it made more sense. Good job!

  10. Oh my gosh Hannah! I remember loving this the first time I read it and I'm so excited that I got to read it again. Your imagery and details will never fail to leave me wanting to read more, great job!

  11. THe use of imagery is so powerful in this piece and really puts the reader in touch with what the speaker is feeling. As the speaker starts to worry and I feel panicked too! Great job!

  12. This was probably my favorite blog so far, in complete honesty! You have such a unique and interesting way of writing. I was quite intrigued with how much genuine suspense this story sent me in; beautiful imagery and diction.

  13. Good gracious Hannah! Every time I read your story I get sucked in deeper and deeper, especially with your amazing use of imagery. Your diction made me feel like I was Ridiculous and I was starting to feel anxious because I thought someone was coming for me! If you made this into a book, I'll be your first reader and biggest fan. Amazing job!

    -Aliyah Dumas

    1. Awww, thanks Aliyah! I was really nervous with posting it because I'm used to writing stories that are much longer. But, I might actually go back and add more onto it one day if I feel like it and I'll make sure you'll be able to read it. Thanks for the support!

  14. This piece that you’ve wrote was so descriptive and fascinating to read. Your sense of imagery is what made your blog very unique to where only you can make it sound so good. Thanks for this.

  15. I really like you how incorporated such a heavy topic into a descriptive and detailed piece. I think you did a great job of describing how tough it is for some people suffering from mental illnesses to pinpoint what's real and what isn't. Nice work.

  16. Wow, this story is written as if it is from a realistic point of view and for a moment I thought that this was something that I had once dreamed of, as if I was trapped inside with no means of escape. You really made me panicked by your writing because I just wanted to keep reading faster and faster to get to the end of it. Awesome Job!!!!

  17. As I read this piece, that little voice in my head was getting louder and faster and it felt as if I was there witnessing insanity controlling the girl. I love the use of imagery and how you kept the story suspenseful from beginning to end. Nice!

  18. Holy Cow, that detailing and imagery was like a poof in my face, it kept me off my seat throughout the passage. You started off powerful and ended even more powerful!!. Amazing job.

    -Vivian Chiang

  19. This is probably one of my favorite posts. The details, the imagery, and just everything overall was so thrilling. It gave me chills! I could feel myself panicking as the story continued, but yet i absolutely loved it!

  20. The imagery was really well used! And the ending just topped off the piece to be one of the best! Good job!

  21. A very complex story to read but enjoyable as well i found the imagery in this piece to be very well written good job!!

  22. Great story Hannah! the way you personified internal and psycological parts of the mind grabbed the readers attention and it was very relatable!

  23. The first time I read through this I was at a loss. My mind didn't know where to focus and it felt like all these new elements were bombarding it every few lines. When I read it a second time I really appreciated that writing style because I felt like it added to the overall mood where the character was being attacked from all sides by the forces in their mind. Also that part in the second line, "Why? Why now? Why me? Why not?" really got me. I can't pinpoint why exactly, but it was so creepy and was my favorite part of the whole piece. Very well done.

    1. Thank you! I was really on the fence about posting this piece because I was afraid that people might not understand it. Even though it was written confusingly on purpose, I was afraid of how others would interpret it's style. However, I'm glad you were able to catch on, because it does really add to the feeling of the story, I think. Thank you for the support!

  24. I really enjoyed this piece. I especially loved your use of imagery and personification in the emotions. Great job!
    - Jade B.

  25. This was very well written. I like how you really gave each..concept(?) a personality and made each have a part in this story. You had me completely hooked throughout the entire prompt and it was very hard to stop reading. Not that I wanted to though. By the time it came to an end, I really wanted to read more. Good job.

  26. The personification of emotions/states of mind left me feeling entranced by how interesting the story was, I felt so anxious about what was happening and when it ended I sat quietly thinking. It was so unique that if you ever decided to make a continuation of the story or something like that I would definitely read it, really awesome job!

  27. When I was reading this peice I could imagine every aspect as the story progresses which left a powerful image in my mind as to what is occurring in his mind and in reality. This is a wonderful peice!

  28. You did a great job with personification of the abstract and it really draws the reader in.

  29. The suspense in this piece allowed me to continue reading and intently focus on the plot in order to understand everything. The imagery and personification you used to describe the emotions was quite interesting and unique as well. It was a well written piece, good job!

  30. What a wonderful piece. You crafted it so well; I was completely hooked reading it. I could picture each word you said and I loved the darkness to it. -Keala Naipo

  31. The imagery you used and personification of emotions made this piece so powerful. The darkness and creepiness of this story really showed and you did a good job of making the reader feel those emotions.

  32. Although I didn't fully understand the story, that sense of mystery makes this piece feel more terrifying; and as I read it the only thing that was going through my head was what Insanity looked like. -Martina Panganiban

  33. The detail and imagery used in this is amazing. This was also really unique and not at all what I was expecting. It's scary to think that some people are genuinely this terrified of their own minds. Great job!

  34. I loved your story, it really shows a first person perspective on what its like to deal with mental illness. Great Job.
    -Nicole Campos

  35. Your use of imagery is very strong in this piece, my eyes were literally glued wondering what would happen next! This has to be one of my favorites because your style and detail made me feel as if I was apart of this story. Great Job!

  36. I felt so anxious reading this all the way until the end! Loving this piece.. All of this I imagined so vividly in my head.

  37. This was really gripping. The combination of personification and lengthy descriptions made this story great.
    -Andy Burgos

  38. This story has a rocky tone, and I adore it. Because the narrator is so unstable, thus making the audience react to things at almost the same time as our narrator makes for a genuinely interesting story.

  39. Its amazing how you were able to personify these very complex emotions and create this great story. This was Great!
    -Jordan Lee

  40. Whoa, this was sooo intriguing and intense. I felt paranoid and on edge while reading because of your amazing use of imagery. You were able to make me feel multiple emotions which I found extremely awesome. Great job, keep writing! You have a talent. (:

  41. Wow! You did a great job in making me feel really interacted with the piece. I like your use of imagery. I was trying to figure out what exactly you meant throughout the piece but at the end everything clicked. Niiice.

  42. This piece was amazing that its use of imagery and diction made me feel the characters pain.

  43. I loved the personification you gave to Insanity, and how it allowed the reader insight to how anxiety and "Insanity" feels to the one who is suffering.
    -Austin Gomez

  44. This piece is amazing with the use of imagery and diction that I felt the pain of the character.

  45. I started panicking while reading your piece, you did a great job of making the reader build up emotion! I love how you used short clauses throughout the piece, it really intensified everything and the personification of emotions definitely makes it all feel so realistic especially for a description of mental illness. I loved it!

  46. I felt locked into the story from the first couple sentences. It was very captivating and I could stop reading it, very good intro and the rest followed suit. Great Job.

  47. For some reason this reminded me of an upcoming project or AP tests. I am Ridiculous because I procrastinated so hard, Insanity is giving me stress and anxiety because I waited to long, and Inevitable catches me when I show up unprepared and ready to fail miserably. I know this isn't what you wanted it to be, I'm probably just being weird. Still, your piece utilizes great imagery and personification. Terrific job!

  48. This is the most outstanding and one of a kind piece I've read. You have a GREAT sense of imagery. This piece had me hooked until the end. Very well written!!
    -Karina l.

  49. The tone of the piece is very appealing to the mental illness patients. The imagery use in the piece is the bread and butter that made the story come to life and makes the readers want to read more.

  50. This story was very unique coming from the confusing interesting plot line, the character named personification, in the suspenseful imagery. I was really intrigued when reading this and I enjoyed it quite a bit

  51. I love how the beginning automatically grabbed my attention and the imagery and detail provided was amazing.

  52. You are an amazing story teller! Kept me wanting to read more and more. You described everything so well! Great job

  53. Your use of imagery made this such a powerful and interesting piece and it really kept me hooked. Great work!

  54. From the beginning I was dragged in. Very detailed to the point that it was even stressing me out. Loved the human like emotions . Good job.

  55. This story was very interesting in how it illustrates how an insane person has an internal struggle against himself. I enjoy how the tension builds over the course of the story as the insane person conversates with Insanity.
    -Nwojo Abba

  56. Imagery is spot on! Awesome job!

  57. Dang I was hooked since the beginning, well done!

  58. Although I'll be first to admit that I didn't "get" it (but perhaps that's the point - to convey the confusion of the person), I did enjoy all the surreal scenes and the rather lucid depiction of the protagonist's madness.

  59. This piece was amazing! The way you personified emotions and the imagery really ingraved into my mind! This was definitely one of my favorite pieces so far! Great job!

  60. This was incredibly intense. With the personification and demonization of the mental condition, it creates an almost surreal alternate universe that can be explained in only a few hundred characters. Well done!

  61. Great imagery and other stylistic devices
