
Friday, September 2, 2016

To Be Continued--J'Noie

I’ve had a lot of pivotal moments in my life: when I lost my first tooth, found out that Santa wasn’t real, and when I finally wasn't afraid of the dark anymore. These moments as small as they may be still have helped shape who I am today. One of my most memorable moments and most life shaping moments is when I found my happiness and decided I wanted to be a musician.
At the beginning of June I made the decision that I was stressing myself out. I cared about the little things and carried everyone's weight on my shoulders. Consequently I decided to take a break from the world. I turned my phone off and decided to start enjoying life. I drove a lot whether it was just to the grocery market or if it was to music I spent a lot of time alone which is what I needed. I learned more about myself and about the people I choose to surround myself with. Specifically speaking the people I call my “bestfriends” really aren't I mean one’s a dancer she's never anywhere to be found and then when I called her it was like I was bothering her. With my parents I learned that they're on the borderline of getting a divorce and they'd be a lot happier apart and with myself I learned that I need to stay focused.
My biggest problem throughout high school and throughout life is that I've always been easily distracted. Now not all distractions are bad distractions but they should be temporary. I let the little shadow in the corner become my main focus in life.  Then i realized that my distraction was my talent. I had always put all of my energy into pointless AP classes and spent all my late nights doing homework and was struggling to focus on what was important to me. My distraction was music.  Music wasn’t just a distraction though, it was my life.  I always chose to ignore it and  that’s where I went wrong. I denied myself the right to be who I actually was.  My biggest mistake was denying me myself.  All the time I spent being unhappy and bitter and resenting people that had hurt me. I hadn’t forgiven others because I hadn’t had time to forgive myself.  These epiphanies had helped me decide that I wanted to be a musician.
My happiness was hard to find due to my recent. I have a very hard time letting things go.  Due to the neglect in my life I've never really felt it necessary to seek an apology from anyone.  I don’t want people’s sympathy at all. I mean when your “bestfriend” gets you dropped from an honors chemistry class what do you say to them ? “Say sorry” no you keep moving.   This isn’t a bitter plea for attention or a want for an apology but the point in saying this is who cares? At the end of the day people don’t care and you shouldn’t either. This doesn’t mean go and be reckless but effort goes both ways why force something or beg someone when you can be happy alone.  I always put myself in positions to be hurt by people who only looked out for themselves.  After all the time I’ve invested in people I decided to invest in myself.  Emotionally I stopped seeking support and gave it to myself “dried my down tears” so to speak and kept moving.  My personal evolution came when I decided I knew what my worth and what I deserved.  After drawing the lines with people who treated me less than I started to see the sunshine and myself in a different light. It’s so important to surround yourself with people that value you and more importantly to value yourself.  It seems like an unspoken virtue to have but most people tend to forget how much value they actually do have.  Imposing yourself worth upon people will help you distinguish the good from the bad and everything else will fall into place.
In short my growth and development came from recognizing who I was and what I deserved.  In the long run it’s worth it to remove people from your life that hold no value. You don’t deserve less than and it’s okay to demand chivalry.  It’s okay to cry as long as you get yourself back together and get up. Lastly, it’s okay to love and not in a romantic sense but just love what you’re around and what you do.  Be happy. Be you.


  1. I like how you recognized the fact that each little thing that happens in our life, even events as trivial as coming to the realization that Santa does not in fact exist to moments in your life that contribute the understanding and recognition of self contributes to our development as a person. It is something that applies to all of us. We need to acknowledge our triumphs and learn from our losses and you kinda expressed that in the lines "I started to see the sunshine and myself in a different light" Overall this is an amazing piece on self reflection.
    - Kailah O'Brien

  2. I really love this writing. Especially because many of the parts are relatable that I experienced just last year. At that moment, I first forgot then learned about self care and how important it was to myself.

    I don't know you, but I just wanted to thank you for writing this. As high school students, we really forget the message you portrayed at the end being happy. Even though there's a lot of things such as the school workload we placed on ourselves, family stress, and friend stress, we can't forget to be happy and take care of ourselves.

    -Andrew Lin

    1. Thank you Andrew!! I think that's why they say Junior year is the hardest, because it's the year that we finally start to establish who we are and stuff! -J'Noie

  3. J'Noie I feel like your writing speaks for a lot of us in the sense that we are easily getting lost between our social lives and pursuing who we are or just being ourselves. I was pretty much relieved when I read this because I could relate to what you are/where going through. I am so happy that you have become so strong to stand up for yourself and not let anything negative bring you down. I also loved how your writing was purposefully not entirely about you, but a call to action for everyone else who will read this. Great piece girl!

    Megan T

    1. Thanks Meggars!! I try to capture everyone's picture and situation and I'm glad you saw that in my writing.

  4. Awww J'Noie your so cute for this. I wish I would've known you alot sooner but God made it this way for a reason. Yours is my 2nd favorite because now I can get a better idea of what to write for my blog and what it needs and all that other good stuff.

  5. Your piece truly hit home with me. I've had similar experiences in which those who you see as friends end up having the sharpest and longest knife to put in your back. I'm so happy that you found yourself, that truly is one of the hardest things in life to do. I am inspired by the fact that you are not afraid to speak your mind, we need more people who are as confident as you in the world. Your piece was not only a story but also life lessons, whether you intended it to be or not it is was motivational and intelligent.

  6. J'Noie, I'm so glad that you wrote something like this because I'm sure that each and every one of us can relate to this piece in someway. I think the main reason why I loved this piece so much is that we can all see that you wrote this from your heart! We need to realize how important every one of us are, and how important it is to make sure that we are all happy at the end of the day.
    - Lauren J.

  7. J'Noie I appreciate how real you were about your journey and even when things got difficult you were able to surpass it even if it meant leaving things or people behind. I can relate to it because it seems as each year I realize something new about "friendships" and even though you guys had a good run sometimes that good isn't suppose to last forever; things change but most importantly people do too. I also enjoyed your incorporation of wise life quotes, I'm a total geek for those ! :)

  8. I completely understand where you're coming from. Our school work is so important and we take challenging classes and it's so easy to let those classes define us

  9. J'Noie this was a great piece and I feel like it really does relate to most people's lives because we do forget who we are, where we come from, and where we are destined to go. I am so glad that you have found your true passion and plan to stick to it. Also how strong you were to let certain people go from your life. Great piece thank you for sharing!

    Kameryn Simkiss

  10. Reading this piece really hit home. I too have struggled in the past with finding out who my real friends were and trying to cut out people in my life who had no significance to me anymore. It's always hard to realize what is best for you sometimes. Thank you for sharing! -Sophia Cordura

  11. I think we all can relate to feeling like this at some point, it's hard to balance everything we're expected to. Losing those we consider friends will always be hard but that's just the way life goes I guess. I really enjoyed this piece, I wish you the best! <3
    - Jade B.

  12. I love this because I can relate as well with music being as a get away from all the negativity or problems I have in my life. I like how you keep it real and you do not let anything get in your way from achieving your dreams and being the best you can be.

  13. I can't tell you how much I relate to this! I love how you are confident and outgoing to what has happened in your life, and realized that you have to focus on yourself more and that's good that you've found something you really love to do, not everyone finds it at this age, you are truly amazing! Great Job - Lyndsey Ortega

  14. Jai, this piece is very well-written with very important details that pertain to your life and your own personal growth. Your piece is very strong, passionate, and ties your whole purpose for this work together wonderfully towards the end!

  15. This is such an inspiring piece J'Noie. It is definitely a reality check that we need here and there. People need to realize that they need to give some time for themselves, love themselves and treat themselves.
    Im so glad you were able to find your true passion, music. Its especially hard to find something you truly love when youre always so busy with school.

  16. I agree with what you said because life is always full of mystery and that we have to learn what our intentions are and how we can put that towards our own happiness.“Whatever you decide to do, just make sure it makes you happy.” I just felt like sharing this quote with you because I believe it’s true. Nothing in life will ever go in our favors! We just need to prepare ourselves for the worse to come. And never think that you’re alone in your struggles. Anyway, thanks for sharing your own personal narrative.

  17. Thank you for sharing these experiences. I can personally relate to a lot of them especially the ones related to academics and friendships. Overall it is a great piece and i'm glad you've found your place as a musician.

  18. Hey J'noie! I really like this piece! I love how I have a better understanding of all that you have gone through! I completely agree that effort goes both way, and I know that we have all had our share of that and can all relate to that one way or another! I am glad that you are happy now, and I am really glad that you are doing what makes you happy, because it is not as easy for others to find their happiness. So I am sincerely glad that you have found yours! Overall great piece!
    -Gabbie Boo

  19. I completely agree with you in that I myself had to tell my self not to stress my over schoolwork too much, as long i do what I need to I think planning to work on yourself is a good idea especially now while were young with the freedom to do so.

  20. Yes J'noie! This is so relatable to everyone because it is so real, I love that you put yourself out there and expressed yourself truly. This is such an eyeopener especially to all of us teenagers because I feel like everyone has such a hard time figuring out who they want to be, I'm glad that you are learning how to cope with everything around you and I hope soon I can too. Good for you, great job!

  21. Thank you for sharing such a personal piece. I feel we can all take something from this and apply to ourselves. It's uplifting and encouraging!! I'm happy you found your happiness so quickly in life and you inspire me to go out and find mine.

  22. This narrative should be titled "The Story of Every AP Student." Throughout our lives parents, teachers, and the world all emphasizes the importance of a good education. Education, no doubt, is crucial, but there is a huge difference between being "smart" and being "enlightened." Enlightenment is being aware of the world around us, and we are nowhere near that stage. The world pushes us on a preset path to be the best that we can be, but how can we when we don't even know what we even are? They encourage us to be the smartest and the consequence of this is our own happiness. This was a lovely narrative. -Ethan To

  23. This is so relatable oh my gosh. I like how you mentioned how loosing a tooth or finding out Santa wasn't real shaped you into who you are today because you realized from those experiences what it's like to grow up. I personally learned over the years some people are not worth keeping in your life and only drag you down rather then bring you up. When you focus too much on what you have to do to please other people you're only bringing yourself down. You're absolutely right on when you are surrounded by positive people that accept you for who you are , then those are ones worth keeping. I also want to thank you for closing this with "Be happy. Be you." (:
    Great job

  24. I absolutely loved this piece, it was so easily relatable not only to me but I'm pretty sure to everyone. I love how you not only talking about realizations and decisions that have helped changed your life, but also how hardships will always be right by the side affecting these decisions, and how you have to learn to cope with it. Truly an inspirational, helpful, and applicable piece to everyone's life changes.

  25. A learning moment. It's great to realize things about your life so young and make changes to grow. It means a lot. My parents often talk about how different things are as you grow up, how you think you'd do one thing but when you grow up you'll likely do something else. I have come to this in a lot of my lately making choices about my education, religious future and my own emotional growth. So, I get it.

  26. This was a well written story. It follows the your passage as a child into an adult, where you learn what you like and what you dislike. The purpose of the story where you have to see what you heart desires and what your talent allows is a good point for everyone in that to be happy, they must find the subject in which they are truly willing to pursue and have the talent to pursue it well.

  27. I can relate to this piece for sure. Life gets hard but there is not much you can do about it. You're just left with no choice but to keep moving. It puts a smile on my face knowing that you are learning to do you and not worry much about others. This piece was very well written.

  28. Girl, this is real and this is raw. This has inspired me to drop the people who are stunt my personal growth. If J'noie won't stand for it then neither will I!!

    -- Joseph Barron

  29. hey j'noie! this is probably the realest piece ive read. great job, you're 100% right, some people go through struggles everyday and as long as they pick themselves back up and keep going they're going to be all right. also i 1000% agree with you on demanding chivalry and doing whats best for YOURSELF.
    -karina lopez

  30. I like how you exposed you're pain and other feelings and I can whole heartedly relate to happiness being hard to find. Realizing that everything in your life counts towards your future. I could feel your emotions through the words that you used and could sympathize.

    - Sereenah Soare

  31. Wow this was amazing! I really connected with this piece that no matter how hard life is you should always push through it. You've inspired me to go find my happiness!

  32. The piece conveys a positive, unyielding tone and the idea that be true is be you. It is inevitable that in process of life many things could be unfair, or even, devastating. The piece suggested that we could adapt by making some changes, but we could never deny ourselves. The purpose of the poem is to encourage the speaker herself and us, her fellows that we should neither feel lost on the road of life nor lose the sense of who we originally are. Everything is yet to be continued.
    -Raymond Chiang

  33. Wow, this piece is really well written and is truly empowering. You're narrative is relatable to many high school students, including me. I am glad that you were able to drop a lot of the negativity in your life and you learned to be true to yourself.

  34. I really like how your story tells what you desire in life and what how your talents can take your far in life.
    -Dominic F.

  35. It takes a lot of courage to realize that you should put yourself before others for a change. School and 'friends' really do add unneeded stress upon the future stress of "college." I, too, find music as my outlet and I'm rooting for you to make othe most beautiful music! Happiness really does come first before anything.
    - Rachel Callejas

  36. AMEN. For many of us we just have to hit rock bottom whether it be in a relationship, friendship, or family to come to realize who we truly are and what we really deserve. It does suck sometimes but if we can understand why those things happen or simply accept it, we can really come out of that particular situation better than we were before. I hope you stay positive!

  37. Relatable, a piece everyone your age will enjoy reading, but predictable. It's not a bad piece, it's an interesting one, but it's just too predictable, similar stories have been told and from the start the story can be told, sure the entire story isn't predictable, but the struggles that are overcome are predictable. It's a good piece, it's just that it's a good piece that many people tend to share.
    -Francis Talla

  38. Your piece of literature is very well written! I made many personal connections to this piece and I thank you for providing me with comfort knowing that I can't allow myself to put someone's perspective of me before I take my own perspective into consideration. I'm happy that you have rid yourself of people who aren't worth your time and happiness.

  39. Wow J'noie on an emotional level I myself feel liberated that a person can relate to impact that the negative mentality of others have a deleterious effect on my life. I commend you for taking the step to better your life and a; consequently, I will better my life by eradicating the ghosts that haunt my life
    -Vincent Santoos

  40. Wow J'noie on an emotional level I myself feel liberated that a person can relate to impact that the negative mentality of others have a deleterious effect on my life. I commend you for taking the step to better your life and a; consequently, I will better my life by eradicating the ghosts that haunt my life
    -Vincent Santoos

  41. Wow J'noie on an emotional level I myself feel liberated that a person can relate to impact that the negative mentality of others have a deleterious effect on my life. I commend you for taking the step to better your life and a; consequently, I will better my life by eradicating the ghosts that haunt my life
    -Vincent Santoos
