
Thursday, October 20, 2016

The Lost Meaning of Life--Melanie

She was born on a beautiful sunny day to amazing parents and a loving welcoming family she knew that the meaning of life was to be. She grew up to be 1 year old as she crawled throughout the house and stood up and began to tumble and take her first steps, she knew that the meaning of life was to walk as much as she could and make mommy and daddy proud. She grew up to be 3 and her greatest fear was the little red toilet in the corner in the room where she spent hours and hours at. One day she walked all the way to the corner sat her little self-down and she knew then that the meaning of life was to do big girl things and stop using diapers. She grew up to be 7 years old watching her mommy’s belly grow an inch every day feeling super important that she was going to be a big sister, she knew then that the meaning of life was to be the greatest example to her baby brother. She grew up to be 11 entering middle school and coming to a closure of no more playgrounds, no more separation from boys, she knew then that the meaning of life was to grow up. She grew up to be 12 the most scariest feeling she had ever felt butterflies that entered her stomach whenever he talked to her, she knew then that the meaning of life to be the prettiest girl. She grew up to be 13 sadness came to her as she saw him with someone else she questioned herself why? Why she couldn’t be her, she knew then that the meaning of life was it’s not always fair.  She grew up to be 14 getting ready to leave her comfort and continue on to high school with the pressure of school, boys, and family she felt that her whole world was coming down, she knew then that the meaning of life was to be stronger then what she already was. She grew up to be 15 years old so many boys everywhere she learned from her friends that having a boyfriend was a must “everyone is dating” the butterflies came back she couldn’t help it no more the boy she crushed on forever was single, months passed by and she was in love dedicated to do anything for the boy she loved. She grew up to be 16 her world froze when she read “pregnant” scared of what could happen she knew that she must have her baby, 9 months passed of bonding in her stomach the love that grew for her baby, little angel born with tiny lungs, the fear she had to lose her she would do anything for her baby to live and call her mommy, 3 little breaths of goodbye, with tears running down her face she knew then that she had lost the meaning of life.


  1. This is amazing, the way you were able to convey each stage of life and the different emotions a girls goes through as she grows up.

  2. Wow, I love this piece so much!! This piece was so well written as each stage shows different emotions that the girl had faced. I love this piece even more because I'm sure everyone has gone through at least one of the events that the girl has... Great piece!!!! -Lauren J.

  3. Priscilla Ramirez Per. 4October 25, 2016 at 6:19 PM

    I enjoyed reading about the girl's loss of innocence due to society and influences on her life. The way you conveyed pressure causing her to conform to be and act a certain way as she got older was brilliant. Anyone reading this has experienced pressure in many ways. I loved how each emotion, those from a little girl to a maturing young woman, had a different meaning and co-related to her actions. I once heard "when reason meets emotion, emotion usually wins". This story was well written and a great read.

    1. Thank you my intention was for people to relate to the pressure girls have to go through im glad you enjoyed my story (:

      -Meanie Salazar

  4. DANG! This made me shed a tear. She had the meaning of life before her baby had died, and it got snatched away from her like nothing. Really nice job Melanie :)

  5. All i can say is woww. This piece was so heartfelt and I loved how you went through the different ages of a teenage girls life. Also how ones life or "meaning of life" can be altered so hugely. Love it!!

  6. woah. This story in simple words depicted the stages of girls in a very powerful way. Especially when you hit us with "pregnant." Made us sympathize for this girl and when she lost the meaning of life. Hit very powerfully Good Job

  7. This piece is tragically beautiful. From growing up and not being what the boy she loves wants to losing her baby. This piece was amazing and extremely powerful. Great writing and conveying emotions!!

  8. The organization of this story while going through each stages in her life was well thought out. It made me think that at each stage of life, our meaning and interpretation of life is going to change as we learn and experience new things. Great job!

  9. I love this peice! The ending was so unexpected that I was left awestruck to read the last few sentences. This piece is simply amazing and creative.

  10. WOW! This piece is emotionally heartfelt. The way you built up the story and used a timeline really made the piece flow beautifully. I love how you made this so deep and showed the importance of life.

  11. WOW, your piece really made me think about life, the growing stages from a females perspective, and most importantly the struggle of every stage. The emotions that increase at every stage made me sympathize more and more as the girl stepped into the next stage of her life. What made me think the most was the potential that the girl maintained even though she realized that throughout these developing stages she had "lost the meaning of life." Through this blog you were able to convey the struggles of a girl and generally females, but particularly you really touched each and everyone of us in a different way, because some of us may have experienced some of these moments in our developing stages of life. Thank you for this blog I was pleased by your message to all girls of every age, in mainly defining the true meaning of life.

  12. i think this was a great piece! I like how you captured the evolution of the mindset of a person growing older and how a pure mind of a baby can be corrupted by the artificial meaning of life when all she had to do was be true to herself and surround herself with love from those the truly loved her.

  13. This made me think a lot. Ponder about all the meanings of life.I got that through the way you illustrated the different parts of the years in the girl. Nicely done!


  14. Wow this made me so sad!! but It really made me think to appreciate my life and to think through my decisions before making them. Great work!!

  15. Wow this piece made me feel so many emotions. You depicted every stage of growing up in a way that created a clear image of myself growing, reminiscing on my memories and goals as I grow older. I love how you showed how the meaning of life is always changing and it seems like forever, and then showed how you can loose the meaning of life in an instant.

  16. This piece really made me reevaluate my life and all the decisions I have made in a different light. I love how you used such strong imagery words!

    1. Thank you so much my goal was for people to connect and think !

      -Melanie Salazar

  17. This was so great! Destroyed my heart! I love the repetition, reminding the reader that she seeks the meaning of life. The process of her growing up and having the meaning of life change is definitely relatable. This gave me so many emotions! It made me think back to my own childhood but then the ending was so shocking and unexpected! Great job!
