
Thursday, October 20, 2016


No balloons. No stuffed cats, dogs, or bears. No comically large cards. No cakes,
cookies, or candy. No flowers. Especially not flowers. Never. Any. Flowers.

I find myself explaining this to the nurse as she empties my tray and glances
around the room.

“I just think it’s bad karma to have something so beautiful killed and displayed.
Like ‘oh how pretty and dead.’ Especially in a hospital. W ho invites dead things into a
hospital, right?”I ask. She smiles warily and nods her head.

“I never let people bring them. I mean, Adam tries of course. And my mom. But
it’s a personal choice for me. I feel like...when you get those ‘feel better’ or ‘get well
soon’ introduce the possibility of another o utcome besides those things.
Like, of course I’m going to get better, no need to jinx it, you know? I mean, I’m in a
hospital, I’m obviously being cared for…” I continue, in a hurried sort of voice that must
seem frantic to the nurse, as she’s begun to back away from my bed, nodding along
with a scared smile tight on her lips.

“I’ll have your dinner brought in at six.” I hear as she practically sprints out the
door, leaving me to my admittedly lonely, bare room.

I wonder where Adam is. This is the third time we’ve been to the hospital in the
last year, so i know he can’t have gotten lost on his way to get coffee. He left over an
hour ago.

Time goes by quicker than I thought it would being alone in bed. I get a call from
my mom, give her the same speech about being fine and in good hands and these
people are professionals and it’s not even as bad as Adam is making it out to be. She
says she loves me and tells me to feel be-. But I hang up before she can finish. Jinxes
and all that.

Dinner comes and goes. As I’m texting Adam for the fiftieth time, my door swings
open. An doctor walks in first, wearing his lab coat and a look of apathy. Then comes
Adam. His hair is rumpled, eyes puffy, shirt wrinkled. And he’s carrying a vase of
pristine white roses. My heart swells for a second My favorite. Then it plummets. Adam
knows the rules.
“Roses?” I whisper, my throat dry. He can’t meet my eyes as he places them at
my bedside table.

Dr. Apathy talks for a while. Adam leaves the room when I start to cry. Ugly
crying. Snot-smearing, chest-rattling sobs.

Night falls, and my gaze hasn't left the roses for hours. Moonlight slices through
the blinds and illuminates them. They are pearly and ethereal and taunting. They won’t
last more than a few days, yet they stand unafraid and elegant.

I whisper to them, “This is your fault.”

There is a magnificent explosion of water, glass, and petals. I fall asleep despite
the stinging cut in my hand.


  1. This is beautiful. The irony is amazing and the tone and detail in the story pulls it all together so well. I loved it.

  2. This really made me think about the idea of how we tend to think of flowers as life because they're so pretty and bright but in reality they're dead from the moment they're cut. Great use of imagery, but... who is Adam?

    1. Adam was originally her boyfriend/husband/significant other when I wrote it, but he doesn't have to be only classified as that. Adam is simply someone who is by her side and cares for her enough to take her to the hospital repeatedly.

  3. wow. This story gripped my heart. I love the way it was written. I just want to clarify, what happened when Adam brought the flowers? Was she already dead or did she not die until the ending scene? -Keala

    1. she has yet to die when the story ends, but she knows it is coming. That's why she lashes out on the flowers they both have so little time to keep living, but they still stand "tall" and beautiful whereas she feels small and insignificant.

  4. I love this piece! At first I was drawn to it simply by reading the title, but then when I began to read it, I really had to think. I actually had to reread the last part because I was wondering what had just happened. But then once I reread it, I realized the fate of the girl and the sadness and anger she felt when realizing that that is why Adam brought her roses even though she hates flowers. Wonderful piece, and great word choice!
    -Gabbie Boo

    1. Thanks! I'm glad you re-read it, I really wanted this to be a piece that made people think or that caused you to go back. I think the best written works are the ones that need to be re-read to find more within them :)

  5. Absolutely beautiful.. all of the imagery and detail in this piece made me want more! This is awesome. Thank you :)

  6. I had thought at first that this was going to be about something completely different but this was a pleasant surprise. I only wish there was more to read! I loved the organization because at first I was confused but I liked how everything began to fall together. Loved the tone as well!
    -Alison Bohorquez

  7. At first it made me think why she was in the hospital, but at the same time it makes me think if she had passed away as well as the flowers and even though she hates jinxes she should not be rude towards her family members. Is the flowers her emotions as each petal falls off?

  8. This piece is great!! I actually had to think throughout the piece of why you compared roses and people... the irony, and imagery is wonderful! Great piece!! -Lauren J.

  9. I really liked this piece. The twist by using flowers as a deliverance for bad news was very refreshing compared to their normal message.

  10. Wow! I really love the irony in this and how she's basically in denial the whole time. No one really thinks that they won't get better until they actually do. I've never thought about flowers that way before, so that made this even more interesting to me. I love it. - Deric Stephens

  11. Wow, great job! i love the way your use of words because it makes me feel like i am actually there, and i love that
    - Lyndsey Ortega

  12. I really love this piece, the irony of how we typically think that roses are for happy occasions. and the details from the nurses reaction to "Adam" when he walks in the room. Good Job!

  13. I really love how the roses are used as like a bad omen when they're typically associated with beauty and health and happiness. I actually had to re-read it a couple times just to understand the ending. The way she reacted not only to Adam bringing the roses, but also to the talking to the doctor, it was so realistic and heartbreaking. Good job!!

  14. Absolutely love this piece, great use of imagery to interpret the irony presented!

  15. I really liked this piece because it made me think about death from a different perspective. It portrayed flowers as being symbolic for something other than happiness and a gesture of well being. I also liked how you incorporated a sense of supernatural with fearing jinxes and such. Good job.

  16. The beginning of your piece reminded me of how happy my grandma was whenever we brought her roses. This piece made me realize the brutality of preparing a rose to give to a loved one, although it was a pleasant twist. Good job!

  17. You really made me think about how we wish others well because something else could happen. And it is weird to think about giving flowers to people when we know they won't last. Your writing was excellent.

  18. This piece really got me to second guess those little "get well!" gifts. The speaker brings up a really valid point that those gifts are jinxing the patient's well being. I really appreciate the use of irony since flowers are so beautiful for such a short period of time, yet they wilt and die

  19. Oh.My.God. This piece had me on the edge of the seat as I continued reading. The whole time I was just curious as to why she was hospitalized. whether she was physically or mentally sick. I was shocked by how the piece ended. Overall Amazing job!!

  20. Wow! I really love the irony and imagery throughout the piece, it really made the piece. Great job!
    - Jade B.

  21. I love this. Its saddening, however the message and symbolism of the flowers really make you wonder why a dead organism is associated with happiness. The main character is so strong and you get attached to them so easily that when the end of the story arrives your heart breaks for the person you barely know.

  22. what a great story! The concept made me think what other people might think about all the gifts that they receive when they are in the hospital. Also, the irony of the live flowers accompanying the tragic news of unhealthiness was an amazing contrasting device that enhanced the overall meaning of the story.
    -Austin Gomez

  23. It really made me curious why the girl is in the hospital and wonder what made her so pessimistic. It was overall really interesting and it made me want to read more!

  24. I love the way this piece was written! It was beautiful. The tone and the irony is amazing.

  25. Such an interesting story. Your use of detail really made me feel like i was there and kept me reading. Thank you for this!

  26. The whole concept behind roses and how we automatically assume that they're for a good thing but here they represented more-life. Great story !

  27. You can tell how thought out and elaborate the story is despite its limitations in length. I liked how the doctor's name was Apathy haha. I think starting with a unique idea which frames the whole story, in this case the perspective on roses, makes your piece strong, creative, and captivating. -Vanessa Lai

  28. I love this story so much, particularly for the fact that seemingly nothing is really said, but implied. The ideas and messages are all conveyed through indirect characterization, setting, symbolism-- it lends itself to a certain interpretation about the relationships in the story. The nuances of human interaction and emotion you've managed to describe in the short story is incredible.

  29. I loved the concept of this and the irony of the balloons of roses. Though the ending wasnt necessary happy but I honestly loved it. -Leezeth De Los Reyes

  30. It's hard to think how realistic a situation like this could be. The world works in mysterious ways and the irony incorporated made this very satisfying.

  31. This piece was so awesome to read! All the imagery was just wow! And the irony just made me want to read more , loved this so much. -Alexis Chiong

  32. Great story Kenz. Totally sounds like a story you would think of, after shooting story ideas to each other in film class several times. I love how you didn't have to say what the roses symbolize, but the entire beginning of the story and the climax at the end makes why the girl is mad inferred. Great story!!!

  33. this piece really touched my heart :-) i enjoyed every word and the irony that you used with the flowers! well done

  34. This piece is great! the way that you used the roses to describe life got me thinking while I read this and even made me reread it a couple of times.

  35. I LOVE THIS PIECE!!! This was truly amazing the whole story was written so differently, and the irony just had me captured. My favorite was Mr. Apathy. Truly loved this piece it was amazing from the beginning to end; the description was intense.

  36. I LOVE THIS PIECE!!! This was truly amazing the whole story was written so differently, and the irony just had me captured. My favorite was Mr. Apathy. Truly loved this piece it was amazing from the beginning to end; the description was intense.

  37. I love the way you turn something that usually describes life into a more sinister term through the way you describe it with the characters past experiences

  38. This is truly a fantastic work! Your use of the many devices present creates an absolutely incredible piece! I especially loved your irony and foreshadowing by using the white roses. This story has so much depth to it and really makes you think and feel, and I love that. Speaking of feel, your piece is not just complex with devices and ideas that make you think, but also ones that make you feel. The ending with the flowers and their imminent demise hinting at the speaker's own, is really saddening. This is a work of art! Thank You! -Christopher Kerwin

  39. I absolutely love the irony in this piece and how it personified the rose so well. Probsbly one of my favorite pieces so far!

  40. The last few lines gave me chills upon reading them. I was sitting in suspense eiauting to see what would play out whether it be with Adam or herself. The story led up to such a dramatic and impactful ending.

  41. I enjoyed your twist on the traditional convention of flowers as a "Get Well" gift. I had never considered that yeah, you're essentially bringing something dead as a reminder to a patient to get better. On top of being based on an intriguing idea, this was so well written. I could see the story play out in my mind. Great job

  42. Wow this was a great story. I've actually never thought of flower like that. Really interesting point of view.
    -Andy Burgos

  43. I love the piece for the use of symbolism to get its ideas across. The tone of the piece was cold, it conveys a non organic feeling to the readers.

  44. I really enjoyed reading this piece! The sarcastic and conversational tone highlights the contrast between the severity of the speaker's situation and the speaker's lightheartedness. This poem really made wonder why people who don't like the supportive gifts they receive! Well done!
    -Nwojo Abba

  45. I love that you created a connotation for a flower, for it being usually literal in it's meaning of beauty and life whereas you created dark imagery, such as death.
    Somijah R.
