
Thursday, October 20, 2016

How to Shoot a Basketball--Ruben

Basketball is a straight forward game. You need to put the ball in the in the hoop. There are several ways of doing this. You can shoot a three-pointer, a mid-range jumper, a lay-up, or a free throw. If you never liked basketball or thought you weren’t good at it, developing a shot might change the way you think about basketball. I will show you how to shoot the basketball from a catch and shoot position. Step 1: Focus on the target. This may seem obvious but this step is very important because if you don’t look at the hoop before you shoot you have a higher chance of missing it. Step 2: Your feet should be no more than shoulder width apart and they should be angled off to the side of the basket. Your feet should be turned about 15 degrees towards your non-shooting foot so that your arm can be aligned straight to the basket. Also, your shooting foot should be in front of your non-shooting foot. For example, I am a right-handed shooter and my right foot is always slightly in front of my left foot. Your knees are also slightly bent at this point too. Don’t stand with your legs locked straight because it reduces your balance. Step 3: When you catch the ball your lower body should be positioned already. As you catch the ball you should dip it to about your waist level before bringing it up and shooting. This helps you develop rhythm and momentum in your shot. Step 4: Holding the ball. Your shooting hand should be more towards the middle of the ball while your off hand should be on the side of the ball. Step 5: Releasing the ball. As you bring the ball from up from the dipping motion in Step 3, it needs to come up to above your shooting eye. Once you bring the ball up you need to extend the shooting arm. Keep in mind that the offhand is only there to guide the ball and your shooting hand is the one pushing it off. As you are bringing the ball up to release it, your legs should also be ready to jump forward. Releasing the ball and jumping are performed almost at the same time. When you jump you should land in front of where you jumped and your shoulders should also lean back a little. Jumping forward and leaning back help relieve tension on your shoulders and it gives you more power in your shot. Step 6: Follow Through. Your arms should be extended and by now you should have landed on your feet. Hold your follow through until the ball has been released. These are all the steps that I think should help you develop and improve your shot. Remember that there is no perfect shooting technique; you have to find a shot that feels comfortable and effortless. Trust the process and never doubt yourself. And don’t forget to have fun!


  1. I loved this How To. I'm pretty sure I needed it. I missed fifty shots in a row at one point last year...but I am actually glad someone explained how to shoot a basketball into a hoop in great detail. I hope now, I'll have a greater chance of making a basket. :D

  2. After reading this, I am going to try and shoot a ball into the basket. There is so much to throwing a basketball into the hoop but reading this makes me feel confident that some day I can master it. Thank You! :)

  3. This is cool. I've always just tried to shoot the ball and never thought to have an actual technique to it. I'm sure that this will actually help me. Thanks for the How To. -Deric Stephens

  4. I love this. Your instructions are pretty detailed and I honestly believe that you can help a few NBA players with their form because some have surprisingly inefficient and ugly techniques. Search up "Chuck Hayes Freethrow" on Youtube and you will understand what I mean. I really need to work on my shot because I often use too much of my non-shooting hand in releasing the ball. Anyways, nice job!

  5. I am definitely going to go pro after reading this how to! But seriously, I am terrible at basketball and now I at least know how to shoot! Hopefully one day I can actually get the ball into the net...

  6. This piece inspired me to go out and shoot some hoops now because I LOVE to play basketball as well! I have confidence that I can master this technique for future times that I play.

  7. I think everyone has tried to shoot a basket at one point in our lives... and like me most of us have missed. I never knew of the correct technique that is required to shoot correctly. thank you this piece really made me think of all the times that i was shooting wrong and how i need to fix my technique to actually make the basket

  8. This makes me want to go outside to try and perfect a shot. I love how you thoroughly explain how to shoot a ball into a hoop. This reminds me of the times I used to play as child. I wish I had known about this when I actually played!!

  9. I love how this was too good to be true. But really though, I love how your teaching us how to shoot a basketball because I'm terrible at sports so this was actually pretty helpful. So thank you for sharing your knowledge.

  10. I love how technical and straight forward your "how to" is. I would have never thought that there was so much involved in trying to get the ball into the basket. I have always just sort of imitated others and never really practiced a technique. Hopefully with this I can beat my brother at a game of basketball. Thank you and great job!

  11. Gotta love a great tutorial, shows how to do the basic shot and gives an depth look on how to correctly set up a shot, even though you may not make it the first or second time but you keep trying until you do make it.

  12. I think that maybe one day there will be a chance that I can say "ball is life," but for now reflecting on this how to will, hopefully, help me finally make more than one fourth of my shots when playing with friends. Thank you for this how to!

  13. Wow after reading his I feel as if I could go right now follow these steps and actually make a basket instead of always missing . Thanks

  14. With this "how to", I can finally destroy my friends in Knockout and general 3v3s. At least that's how it should go after all the details you gave. Thanks.

  15. As an athlete, i am always interested to understand how other sports focus on technique, because it is the most important process in any aspect. There are techniques that interchange throughout sports, and regarding shooting a basketball as explained in this article, bending the knees are universally important. This is true because in most sports, more than half the power comes from the lower body.

  16. This was actually very needed, as I have been the butt of many jokes for being a tall guy with no basketball skill. Hopefully I can follow these steps and increase my consistency before I play next!

  17. I'm not going to lie, but after reading this, I felt like going outside and challenge people to a game of basketball. These instructions were very clear!! Thanks for teaching me how to shoot a basketball, Ruben!

    -Marlene Gonzalez
