
Thursday, October 20, 2016

Alone, or Not--Aliyah

Have you ever felt alone? And no I’m not talking about you staying home for the day and feeling lonely because you miss your friends. I’m talking about being completely and utterly alone to the point where you think you don’t even exist. Well, do you? Of course you don’t. You’re the most popular person in the school. You don’t care about loners like me. You walk around the school with your group of friends hovering around you like a cloud, and your girlfriend sticking to your side like a piece of gum stuck to the bottom of your shoe. I was so envious of you, that I came to the conclusion that I wanted to be you. So, for the first three years, I studied and copied everything you did. I think it was safe to say that I knew you better than you knew yourself. I even went to the same college you went to, and came up with a plan to finally get what I want. Tonight is the night I go through with my perfect plan. I know you went to hang with your friends tonight, and should be back any minute now.
I taught myself so many things after being alone for so many years. I’m gonna use some of my special techniques on you. I even brought my favorite gadgets to do them with!
I hear your footsteps outside your one-person dorm and can’t stop the excitement from bubbling inside of me. But I had to control myself because I wanted to surprise you. You entered your room, completely exhausted from your previous activities and started to get ready for a shower. Oh my gosh! I was just thinking that your clothes would get in the way, and you started undressing. We think so much alike! I slowly and silently exited your closet and crept up behind you. You didn’t even know I was there. I swiftly pulled a rag out of my back pocket and wrapped it around your mouth, then pulled the zip ties from my other pocket and tied your hands and legs, all in a span of 15 seconds. I taught myself to do this a long time ago and practiced religiously on various items and people until it became a second nature to me. And now I’m able to do it to you! Isn’t that great! As I picked you up off the floor and turned you to face me, I saw the fear in your eyes. “You don’t have to be afraid. I’m going to take great care of you.” I said as I picked you up and gently laid you on your bed. As I got onto the bed, you started squirming away from me. “Why are you squirming away from me? It’s not like I’m gonna rape you. That’s mental.” I told you and sat on your naked thighs to stop you. “Now if you stay still, it won’t hurt as much.” I brought out my favorite carving knife and brought it to your face. When you saw the knife, you started struggling harshly with absolute terror in your eyes.
It made me very mad.
“I thought I told you not to be afraid, and that I was going to take care of you. I was going to go slow for you, but now I changed my mind.” As I brought the carving knife back to your face and started cutting into it, you let out the most ferocious yell, but it was muted by the rag around your mouth. Blood was pouring out by the gallons, soaking your sheets. Your screams were slowly weakening and by the time I was done, you were barely holding on to your consciousness.
Now, my turn.
I’ve mentally and physically prepared myself for this, so besides the slight pain it was pretty easy. I finished carving my face, peeled both of our faces off, switched them, and sewed them in place. You were already dead when I started sewing my old face to you. Such a shame. I wanted you to live through my boring life and see what it feels like to be nothing.
Well, it’s whatever, because I’ve finally accomplished my life long dream of becoming you. I’m finally popular. I finally have friends. I’m finally not alone.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. This is crazy! I loved reading it and I felt like I was literally sitting right there watching this happen. The message the story gives off is something people in high school really should pay attention to. Great job.

    1. Thank you! And honestly I didn't see the message you guys were talking about until I reread it. I didn't even know I put such a message in it. Thank you for pointing it out to me, even though I should've known what the heck I wrote haha.

  3. This story was absolutely amazing and chilling. It was written so well. Thank you so much for sharing this. What a message! -Keala

  4. Oh man.. I really enjoyed this. It has a great message to it that people in school should really listen to. Thank you for this!

  5. This is soo amazing the perfect piece for this month! I love how it had many twists to it and i never expected the end to be like that it literally had me at the edge of my seat. It was beyond spooky with all the details how if you were there witnessing it, it just really made e rethink how in the world you thought of this.

    1. Thank you so much! I don't know how I thought of this either. At first was writing about the pain someone feels of being alone, then it escalated to this. So there you go, but don't worry I don't feel that way about you haha.

  6. I enjoyed the way this was put together and I agree with comments above, the message that is being displayed is a great message for people in school. Good job!
    -Justin Huggins P.5 Solano

  7. Oh my gosh this is amazing. I got the biggest chills ever reading this. I love it so much because it ties together issues in our society today to the fictional aspects to it. Great job!!!
    -Lisa Ryu

    1. Thank you! It was my intention to send chills and make everyone's minds be blown and rethink everything. People have asked me if they should be concerned of me and they shouldn't. It's just a story; not entirely my true feelings...jk!

  8. Whoa just in time for Halloween. i enjoyed the psycho thoughts behind the main character this passage made me cringe but i count that as a good thing. -Rachel Smith

  9. Wow this was amazing! I myself got chills reading this. The message was easily identified and very well written. Nice job (:

  10. Like Celeste said, this was a very spooky story and I love how detailed you were with the choice of words. Great Job !
    - Lyndsey Ortega

  11. That was so grotesque and twisted yet pitiful and sad. I Loved It!!! It was amazing and great, it gave me chills and made me hold onto my face. How did you think of that? Amazing job.

  12. This was a crazy story that couldn't get me to take my eyes off my computer. I could see everything play out in my head. Good job on keeping the excitement going throughout the whole story

  13. The message in this rings out but, is the extrovert at fault for the introverts distress? Anyways, from the beginning to the end this piece had me captivated and I definitely did not expect where it was going to end up.

  14. That was such a surprise ending!! I started reading thinking "Okay, someone who's lonely, this could be good", to having my mouth literally hanging open by the end. It was so creepy but so engaging! I love how it just seamlessly transitions from normal to just shocking "oh they're actually kind of scar--wait they're cutting off their face??" Great job!!

  15. Your story was great! It felt like came right out of a crime drama episode.

  16. Absolutely love this piece! I can visually see this in my head as if I'm watching a movie. Your use of gore diction is very realistic. I love the fact that the main character was so oblivious to the situation as to why the girl was acting the way she was. Good Job!

  17. Wow.. just wow. This piece goes to show how greed and envy can consume a person. I feel bad for the speaker though, because if he was properly loved and appreciated by the people around him, he wouldn't have resorted to such.. grotesque plans. I really, really really reaaalllyy love this piece! I felt so many emotions for the speaker going to empathy, to confusion, to surprise, to anger, to horror, then to empathy again. He just needs a hug.

  18. Woah this gave me chills...I love your intense use of spooky imagery in your story, it made me cling onto my seat, good job!

  19. The message behind this piece is something everyone in school should go by. The twists and turns really made for a chilling read. Great job!
    - Jade B.

  20. This is my second time reading this and the first time I just thought of it as disturbing and creepy, and I couldn't get past that. But with the second time I can finally see the message I had missed through the grotesque imagery. Awesome job Aliyah!

  21. Being a fan of horror movies/stories, I absolutely loved this piece. The concept you laid out was intriguing and twisted, making for an experience that made me uncomfortable, but in a way that kept the stray interesting and didn't make me want to stop reading! amazing job.
    -Austin Gomez

  22. I love how much you sticked to the concept of not being a loner. I like how it went over board when it got to the end because there are people who would do such thing to feel different or better than others.

  23. This story is really great, interesting, and thrilling! I love these type of horrific stories that also contain a message within them. You did a great job in portraying the message.

  24. This is so creepy! I cringed while reading this! The imagery was too real for me!

  25. This was one of those stories that you could not stop reading. I got the chills reading this! It was amazing. It was very detailed as well.

  26. This is such a good piece that connect to problems we have in society today. This piece was twistful with many spooky details to it, loved it! -Alexis Chiong

  27. Oh my gosh. This is completely insane and I loved it so much. I sat there rereading it 3 times because it had me in so much shock! You really had to get into a twisted state of mind to write from this perspective and I think that is so creative and completely amazing! I was intrigued the whole time and the ending honestly threw me off guard. It was so unexpected and I think that's what made this story so solid! WOW GOOD JOB. I'd love to read more.

  28. Wow, wow, wow. Amazing storyline/message. I love how different it is! Great job! -Jessica B.

  29. The play by play in this piece is crazy ! I literally felt like I was right there! The twist is crazy and your creativity is beyond measure. Great job girl !

  30. That was not what I was expecting. I thought I was going to read a story about loneliness, and trying to fit in high school, but it was so much better, I really enjoyed your story I'm also slightly disturbed.

  31. That was not what I was expecting. I thought I was going to read a story about loneliness, and trying to fit in high school, but it was so much better, I really enjoyed your story I'm also slightly disturbed.

  32. I really appreciate the way you made the speaker sound normal, near relatable, and so quickly shifted their tone in a drastic yet completely believable way. Also, kudos on being able to realistically recreate that terrifying tone of a convicted, unhinged individual with murderous intent. Perfect for the season.

  33. This was really spooky and not what I was expecting. I really ending the twisty ending.

  34. I loved the spookiness and twist of this story. -Leezeth De Los Reyes

  35. Wow Aliyah GREAT story it was so creepy! Right up my alley of reading interests, it reminded me of the show called Dexter that I'm watching. It really caught my attention! I even had my mom read it LOL. She loved it too by the way :)

  36. wow wow wow ! what a thrilling and exciting story , i loved every word :-) great job

  37. This story really made me think about how others feel. Overall it was a great story with alot of details. Good job!

  38. this gave me goosebumps, wow! i love how this is written you did an absolutely wonderful job :)

  39. Whoa.. I was not expecting that at all!! It was like a scene from a scary movie, you know the ones with the crazy girl who want to be the guy at any cost. Then again, it's Halloween and everything is suppose to scary and mysterious and I sort of liked it.

  40. My absolute favorite parts of this story were the first-person point of view and the imagery. You never really see stories told from the "villain's" point of view so to see what they were thinking and feeling was both very disturbing and really cool. Great job!

  41. I'm am at a loss for words, my mouth stayed agape while I read the entire story. People love to be popular and desire to be something they are not and it makes them crazy and I think you portrayed the want for this so deeply. It was very amazing!

  42. The plot of your story was so unexpected and twisted that I had to reread it a few times to really appreciate all its creepiness. It's a really disturbing take on popularity. Good job :)

  43. This piece had a dark tone. It does not straight forward convey to the readers all of information. It made me think a lot to catch up to the story's paste.

  44. This piece is very fitting of October! The dark, sarcastic and intimidating tone truly highlighted the intensity of the last part of the piece. This poem reminds me of Speak. Well done!
    -Nwojo Abba

  45. Your piece is so detailed and encompasses what a scary story should be. Leaving me on the edge of my the seat, that was a bit of an unexpected turn, but it was very well written and I love it, even as someone who does not like the horror genre.

  46. This piece was really good... good diction made me feel like I was actually there!
